[62a - 34 lines; 62b - 44 lines]

1)[line 1]לא כלום הואLO KELUM HU- it is nothing (i.e., not at all related to Avodah Zarah, and he is Patur even according to Abayei)

2)[line 3]אומר מותר, היינו העלם דבר?OMER MUTAR, HAINU HE'ELEM DAVAR?- if he thinks that it is (completely) permitted (to worship Avodah Zarah), this is classified as "He'elem Davar," being unaware of the prohibition (for which even the Chachamim obligate him to bring a Korban Chatas) - see Background to 61:45-47

3)[line 4]קיום מקצת וביטול מקצתKIYUM MIKTZAS U'VITUL MIKTZAS- he ratifies some [aspect] of the prohibition, and negates some of it

4)[line 6]בהעלם אחדB'HE'ELEM ECHAD- in one [span of] forgetfulness

5)[line 7]פוק, תני לברא!PUK, TANI L'VARA!- Get out, and teach it outside (i.e., I do not agree with your version of this Beraisa)!

6)[line 9]הבערה ללאו יצאה / לחלק יצאהHAV'ARAH L'LAV YATZ'AH / L'CHALEK YATZ'AH

(a)All 39 of the Avos Melachos of Shabbos (major categories of creative acts; see entry #11 below) and Toldos (secondary categories) are included in one prohibition by the Torah with the words, "Shabbos Shabbason la'Sh-m, Kol ha'Oseh Vo Melachah Yumas" - "... it is a day of complete rest to HaSh-m, whoever does work on it will be put to death" (Shemos 35:2). The next verse states, "Lo Seva'aru Esh b'Chol Moshevoseichem, b'Yom ha'Shabbos" - "You shall not kindle a fire in any of your settlements on the day of Shabbos" (ibid. 35:3).

(b)Rebbi Yosi rules that Hav'arah l'Lav Yatz'ah, that the Melachah of kindling was singled out in the Torah to teach that transgressing it involves only a Lav (and is not punishable with Kares or Sekilah like the other Melachos, but with Malkus, lashes). Rebbi Nasan rules l'Chalek Yatz'ah, that the Melachah of kindling was singled out in the Torah to teach that transgressing it alone will require one to bring a Korban Chatas when the transgression was b'Shogeg. One does not have to transgress all of the Melachos in order to be obligated to bring one Korban. We then learn by application of the rule "Davar she'Hayah bi'Chlal v'Yatza Min ha'Klal l'Lamed" (see Background to Sanhedrin 60:40b) that the same applies to all other Melachos of Shabbos; transgressing any single Melachah obligates the person to bring a Korban Chatas.

7)[line 16]"[דַּבֵּר אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל לֵאמֹר, נֶפֶשׁ כִּי תֶחֱטָא בִשְׁגָגָה מִכֹּל מִצְוֹת ה' אֲשֶׁר לֹא תֵעָשֶׂינָה;] וְעָשָׂה מֵאַחַת מֵהֵנָּה""... NEFESH KI SECHETA BI'SHEGAGAH MI'KOL MITZVOS HASH-M ASHER LO SE'ASENAH;] V'ASAH ME'ACHAS ME'HENAH"- "[... If an individual sins inadvertently by violating any of the negative commandments of HaSh-m;] and he does any one (lit. from any one) of these (lit. from these)" (Vayikra 4:2).

8a)[line 18]"אחת", "מאחת"ACHAS, ME'ACHAS- the Torah could have written "Achas" ("one"), but instead wrote "me'Achas" ("from one")

b)[line 18]"הֵנָּה," "מֵהֵנָּה"HENAH, ME'HENAH- the Torah could have written "Henah" ("these"), but instead wrote "me'Henah" ("from these"). Rebbi Yosi teaches that we can derive certain laws from these additions.

c)[line 18]אחת שהיא הנהACHAS SHE'HI HENAH- one [action] can lead to numerous [Korbenos Chatas]

d)[line 18]והנה שהיא אחתV'HENAH SHEHI ACHAS- numerous [actions] can lead to one [Korban Chatas]. [We derive additional Halachos from the juxtaposition of both terms.]

9)[line 19]''שמעון''''SHIMON''- [he wrote the entire word] "Shimon" [as he had planned]

10)[line 19]''שם'' מ''שמעון''''SHEM'' MI'''SHIM'ON''- [he wrote only the word] "Shem," from the word "Shimon" [that he had planned to write]

11)[line 19]אבות / תולדותAVOS / TOLDOS

(a)There are thirty-nine Avos Melachos (categories of creative acts) that are forbidden mid'Oraisa on Shabbos. These creative acts were involved of the construction of the Mishkan (Bava Kama 2a). A list of the Avos Melachos is found in the Mishnah, Shabbos Daf 73a (see Background to Shabbos 73:5).

(b)Each Av Melachah has one or more Toldos (sub-categories) that are also forbidden mid'Oraisa. A Toldah is an activity related to an Av, with the same goal (see Rambam, Hilchos Shabbos 7:5-6). For example, cutting one's hair or nails is a Toldah of the Melachah of Gozez, shearing wool.

(c)The Beraisa teaches us that whether one transgresses one of the Avos or one of the Toldos of Shabbos, he needs to bring a Korban Chatas to atone for the sin.

12)[line 20]זדון שבת ושגגת מלאכותZEDON SHABBOS V'SHIGEGAS MELACHOS- One who knows that the day was Shabbos, but did not know that the actions that he performed were Melachos of Shabbos, and, as a result, did many Melachos, brings a Chatas for each Av Melachah that he transgressed.

13)[line 20]שגגת שבת וזדון מלאכותSHIGEGAS SHABBOS U'ZEDON MELACHOS- One who knows that the actions that he performed were Melachos of Shabbos, but did not know that the day was Shabbos, and, as a result, did many Melachos on one Shabbos, brings one Korban Chatas.

14)[line 22]חילוק מלאכות דעבודת כוכביםCHLUK MELACHOS D'AVODAS KOCHAVIM- separate Chata'os for each "Melachah" (i.e., type of service) to Avodah Zarah

15)[line 23]סימן אחדSIMAN ECHAD (SHECHITAH)

(a)There are two "Simanim," or parts of the animal, which must be sliced through when performing Shechitah: the Kaneh (trachea) and the Veshet (esophagus). In the Shechitah of birds, the slicing of one Siman is sufficient.

(b)The Gemara proposes a derivation from the word "me'Achas," that one who performs a Shechitah, involving even one Siman, to Avodah Zarah, must bring a Korban Chatas.

16)[line 24]שבר מקל לפניהSHIBER MAKEL L'FANEHA- he broke a stick in front of an idol [normally worshipped with a stick; this Toldah is related to the Shechitah of an animal - RASHI]

17a)[line 30]תפשוט דבעא רבא מרב נחמן...TIFSHOT D'BA'A RAVA ME'RAV NACHMAN- you would [then be able to] answer what Rava asked of Rav Nachman...

b)[line 31]העלם זה וזה בידו, מהו?HE'ELEM ZEH V'ZEH B'YADO, MAHU?- if he forgot that it was Shabbos and also that these Melachos are forbidden, what is the Halachah?

18)[line 32]דאילו הכא כתיב במשיח פר...ILU HACHA KESIV B'MASHIACH PAR...- whereas here (Vayikra, ch. 4), the verse writes of a bull for the Kohen Gadol...

19)[last line]ותו לא מידיTU LO MIDI- no further answer is possible [rather, we derive separate Chata'os for Avodah Zarah from Hishtachava'ah, and not from the verse, "me'Achas me'Henah" - RASHI]


20)[line 1]הכי תנא קמיהHACHI TANA KAMEI- this is what Rebbi Zakai taught before Rebbi Yochanan

21)[line 1]חומר בשבת משאר מצותCHOMER B'SHABBOS MI'SHE'AR MITZVOS- there is a stringency regarding Shabbos over other Mitzvos

22)[line 5]שגג בלא מתכויןSHAGAG B'LO MISKAVEN- he performed the action without intention, rather, he had intended to do another action (see entry #31 below)

23)[line 8]קצירה וטחינהKETZIRAH U'TECHINAH- harvesting and grinding (two of the thirty-nine Avos Melachos, see Background to Shabbos 73:65)

24)[line 9]דאכל חֵלֶב ודםACHAL CHELEV V'DAM- he ate both Chelev (forbidden fats) and blood (each of which is a separate prohibition)

25)[line 12]דאכל חלב וחלבACHAL CHELEV V'CHALAV- he ate Chelev, and again ate Chelev (in one span of forgetfulness)

26)[line 17]אתאן לעבודת כוכבים, כדרבי אמיASA'AN LA'AVODAS KOCHAVIM, KID'REBBI AMI- we come to [the topic of ] Avodah Zarah, according to Rebbi Ami's opinion

27)[line 29]"מה שאין כן בשבת"; דפטור לגמרי?!MAH SHE'EIN KEN B'SHABBOS;" D'FATUR L'GAMREI?!- [the Braisa then states,] "which would not be the case regarding Shabbos;" [do you mean to tell me] that he would be exempt from a Chatas completely?!

28)[line 35]דקסבר רוק הוא, ובולעוKA'SAVAR ROK HU, U'VOLE'O- he thought that it was saliva, and he swallowed it [which is not considered eating]

29)[line 36]שנתכוין להגביה את התלוש, וחתך את המחוברNISKAVEN L'HAGBI'AH ES HA'TALUSH, V'CHASACH ES HA'MECHUBAR- he intended to lift up produce already detached from the ground, but instead sliced produce that was still attached

30a)[line 38]המתעסק בחלבים ועריות, חייבHA'MIS'ASEK BA'CHALAVIM VA'ARAYOS, CHAYAV- one who was preoccupied with [another activity, and instead found himself violating] forbidden foods (such as Chelev) or Arayos (forbidden relations) is obligated to bring a Korban

b)[line 39]שֶׁכֵּן נהנהSHE'KEN NEHENEH- for he did enjoy physical benefit (and it is therefore considered as if he had intent - RASHI)

31)[line 40]מלאכת מחשבת אסרה תורהMELECHES MACHASHEVES ASRAH TORAH

"Meleches Machasheves,"lit. "calculated labor" is a phrase that the Torah uses to describe the activities involved in the construction of the Mishkan (Shemos 35:33); these same activities are prohibited on Shabbos. A person must bring a Korban Chatas for desecrating Shabbos only when he does a Melachah b'Shogeg, that is, mistakenly not knowing that the day is Shabbos or not knowing that the action that he did is a Melachah that is prohibited on Shabbos. However, a person who is Mis'asek, i.e., who does a completely different action from that which he intended to do, incurs no punishment whatsoever. (See Shabbos Chart #14, where the differences between Shogeg and Mis'asek are explained.)

32a)[line 43]מאן דמתרגם לי "חבית" אליבא דחד תנאMAN D'METARGEM LI "CHAVIS" ALIBA D'CHAD TANA- anyone who can interpret the Mishnah of "Chavis" (Bava Metzia 40b) to me, consistent with the opinion of one Tana...

b)[last line]מובילנא מניה בתריה לבי מסותא!MOVILNA MANEI BASREI L'VEI MASUSA!- ... I shall carry his clothing after him to the bathhouse!