

úåñôåú ã"ä ñðãì

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when a Sandal and Nefel are considered to be born.)

ãìéú ìéä çéåúà òã ùéöà øåáå àáì øàùå ìà


Explanation: It has no life, [so it is not considered born] until its majority leaves. The head does not suffice.

àó òì âá ãùîåàì ãàîø àéï äøàù ôåèø áðôìéí àéúåúá áô' éù áëåø (áëåøåú ãó îå:)


Implied question: Shmuel, who said the head does not exempt (make it considered born) Nefalim, was refuted in Bechoros (46b)!

ðôì ãàéú ìéä öåøú ôðéí òãéó îñðãì


Answer: A Nefel, which has the form of a face, is better than a Sandal. (The head exempts a Nefel, but not a Sandal.)

åäà ã÷àîø åìã ãàéú ìéä çéåúà îãðôé÷ øéùéä


Implied question: We said that a child, which has life, once its head comes out [it is considered born. We hold that this applies even to a Nefel, which has no life!]

ìàå ãå÷à ãàéú áéä çéåúà ãäà àôé' ìéú áéä çéåúà ëéåï ãàéúåúá ùîåàì


Answer: This is not precise what we said there, that it has life. It is even if it has no life, for Shmuel was refuted.

åòåã ãîùîò áéøåùìîé ãåìã ùòí äñðãì àéðå îú÷ééí


Implied question: The Yerushalmi connotes that the child with a Sandal does not survive! (Here we say that she is a Yoledes due to the child with the Sandal.)

àìà ëìåîø ùøàåé ìçéåú ãäééðå ùðâîø áöåøú ôðéí


Answer: Rather, [our Gemara means that the child with] it is proper to live, i.e. it was finished with the form of a face.

åø"ç âøéñ åìã ãàéú áéä çéåúà îãðôé÷ øåáé' ñðãì ãìéú áéä çéåúà îãðôé÷ ëåìéä


Alternate text: R. Chananel's text says "a child, which has life, once its majority comes out [it is considered born]. A Sandal, which has no life, [is considered born] once all of it comes out."

ôé' øåáéä øåá äøàù ëåìéä ëì äøàù


Explanation: "Its majority" means the majority of the head. "All of it" means the entire head;

àáì ëì äâåó ôùéèà ãìà öøéê ãøåáå ëëåìå.


It is obvious that we do not require the entire body, for the majority is like all of it.


TOSFOS DH Shidrah Tefach

úåñôåú ã"ä ùãøä èôç

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses an opinion unlike this Beraisa.)

åà"ú ú÷ùé äê áøééúà ìøá éäåãä àîø ùîåàì ãàîø öøéê ùéöà ìåìá îï ääãñ èôç åìà îöøéê ùãøä åôìéâ òì ø' ôøðê


Question: From this Beraisa, we should challenge what Rav Yehudah taught in the name of Shmuel (Sukah 32b), that the Lulav must extend a Tefach past the myrtle. He did not require the spine of the Lulav [to stick out a Tefach]. He argues with R. Parnach!

åé"ì ãìà îúðéà áé ø' çééà åáé ø' àåùòéà


Answer #1: This Beraisa was not taught in the academy of R. Chiya and R. Oshaya. (Perhaps it is mistaken. Therefore, we do not challenge teachings from it.)

àé ðîé ááøééúà ìà úðé ùãøä àìà ùäù"ñ ÷áò ááøééúà ùãøä îùåí ã÷éí ìï äëé


Answer #2: The Beraisa did not say "spine". The Gemara fixed the word "spine" into the Beraisa, for we hold like this.

åàí úàîø ãèôç æä ÷èï ãîôøù äúí àîä áú ä' èôçéí òùä àåúä áú å' öà îäí â' ìäãñ åàçã ììåìá


Question: This Tefach is small, for it explains there (32b) that an Amah, which is five Tefachim, we consider it to be six [small] Tefachim. (Each is five sixths of a real Tefach.) Three [of these small] Tefachim are the Shi'ur for myrtle, and one [small Tefach] is for the Lulav [how much it must stick out. Why was Lulav taught with matters that require a full Tefach?]

åéù ìåîø ãîëì î÷åí ëéåï ãàéëà ùí èôç òìéä çùéá ìéä äëà òí ùàø èôçéí


Answer #1: In any case, since it is called Tefach, it is listed here with other Tefachim (matters with the Shi'ur of a Tefach).

àé ðîé èôç ãìåìá ìà ÷àé àèôçéí ÷èðéí åìà ÷àé ÷èðéí ë"à àèôçéí ùì äãñ.


Answer #2: The Tefach of a Lulav does not refer to the small Tefachim. Small Tefachim are only regarding the myrtle.


TOSFOS DH v'Su Leika

úåñôåú ã"ä åúå ìéëà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why other matters were not listed.)

åàí úàîø åäà àéúà áäîåëø àú äñôéðä (á"á ãó ôè.) ÷ðä ùì îàæðéí èôç åáäòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ãó ÷ëâ.) áëãé àçéæä èôç


Questions: In Bava Basra (89a), it says that the rod of a balance scale is a Tefach. In Chulin (123a), it says that [hide being flayed from an animal], the amount to hold, i.e. a Tefach [is considered connected regarding Tum'ah]!

âí áèøôåú éù ãùéòåøå èôç


Also regarding Trefos, the Shi'ur for some matters is a Tefach!

åìôé äîñ÷ðà ãìà àééøé áãøáðï àìà áãëúéá åìà îôåøù ùéòåøééäå àúé ùôéø.


Answer: In the conclusion, that we do not discuss mid'Rabanan laws, only matters written [in the Torah], but the Shi'ur is not explicit, this is fine. (The matters Tosfos asked from are not written.)


TOSFOS DH Min ha'Tanur Tefach

úåñôåú ã"ä îï äúðåø èôç

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the oven does not receive Tum'ah from the handle, but it transmits Tum'ah through the handle.)

äééðå ìäåöéà äèåîàä ùàí ðèîà äúðåø îúåëå ðèîà äéã ãçùéá ëâåó äúðåø


Explanation: This is to bring Tum'ah outside. If the oven became Tamei internally, the handle becomes Tamei, for it is considered like the oven itself.

ãàó òì âá ãàéï äúðåø î÷áì èåîàä îâáå


Implied question: An [earthenware] oven does not receive Tum'ah from its outside!

àí ðèîà úåëå âáå ðîé èîà ëãàîø ô' àìå ãáøéí (áøëåú ãó ðá:) ãðèîà úåëå ëåìï èîàéï


Answer: [Even so,] if the inside became Tamei, also the outside becomes Tamei, like it says in Berachos (52b) "if the inside became Tamei, all of them (the inside, outside, brim, and handles) are Tamei." (Rashash points out that the Gemara there discusses Klei Shetef (those that can be immersed)! Indeed, Bechoros 38a, says that for this law, Rabanan made Klei Shetef like Klei Cheres. Rashash asks why Tosfos did not cite Bechoros 38a.)

åáú"ë ðîé àîø îøåáä îãú ìèîà îîãú ìéèîà ùîèîà àçøéí îâáå åàéðå îéèîà îâáå


Also in Toras Kohanim, it says that [a Kli Cheres] is Metamei more than it becomes Tamei. It is Metamei others through its back, but it does not become Tamei through its back.

åéã ãéï âá éù ìä åàí ðâò äùøõ ìéã ìà ðèîà äúðåø ëãàîøéðï áúåñôúà (á"÷ ãëìéí ô"å)


A handle has the law of the back. If a Sheretz touched the handle, the oven did not become Tamei, like it says in the Tosefta (Kelim Perek 6);

àéï èåîàä ìëìé çøñ àìà îúåëå åäéñèå áìáã åìà ÷úðé òì éãå


Tum'ah of Klei Cheres is only through the inside or moving it. It does not say [that it becomes Tamei] through the handle.

åáäòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ãó ÷éç.) ãáòé ìîéîø éã ìäëðéñ éòîéã äúåñôúà áúðåø ùàéï ìå éã.


In Chulin (118a, the Gemara) wanted to say that a handle brings Tum'ah [to the oven]. It would have to establish the Tosefta to discuss an oven without a handle.



TOSFOS DH Aval b'Katan Techilaso Kol she'Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä àáì á÷èï úçìúå ëì ùäåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why a big oven must be four Tefachim.)

åà"ú åâãåì ùàéï ìå ã' èôçéí àîàé èäåø åäìà àó á÷èï èôé èîà


Question: Why is a big oven less than four Tefachim Tahor? Even a smaller oven is Tamei!

åé"ì ãâãåì å÷èï äééðå áøåçá åäøåçá äøáä öøéê âåáä ã' ìäçæé÷ çåîå


Answer: Big and small refer to the width. When it is very wide, it needs a height of four Tefachim to hold the heat;

àáì ÷èï ùäåà öø ãé áâåáä èôç.


However, a small oven, which is narrow, a height of a Tefach suffices.


TOSFOS DH Techilaso Kol she'Hu

úåñôåú ã"ä úçìúå ëì ùäåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations of the remnant required for a big oven.)

îùúâîø îìàëúå ùéøéå áøåáå


Explanation: Once [the oven] was finished, its remnants (if it broke, are Mekabel Tum'ah if they) are the majority [of its initial size].

áîùðéåú âøñéðï úçìúå ëì ùäåà ùéøéå áøåáå îùúâîø îìàëúå åàéæäå âîø îìàëúå åëå'


The text in Mishnayos says "initially, any size [receives Tum'ah]. The majority [must remain in order to receive Tum'ah] from when it was finished. When is it finished?...

åãøê äù"ñ ùîäôê ôòîéí îñãø äîùðä ìôé äöåøê îùåí ãáô' äòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ãó ÷ëã.) áòé øåáå ãèôç ìîàé çæé åîùðé àâãåì úðé ìéä áñåó


The Gemara often reverses the order of the Mishnah, according to the need, for in Chulin (124a) we asked "what is the majority of a Tefach useful for?", and it answers that it was taught about a big oven at the end. (Maharam - the Mishnah connotes that "the majority must remain" refers to a small oven, which was taught just before these words. Therefore, it asked that the majority of a Tefach is not useful. It answered that really, "the majority..." refers to a big oven. Our Gemara cited the Mishnah out of order, lest we err like the Gemara in Chulin initially did. This is not in our text in Chulin (PF).)

åôøéê åäà ùéøéå ã' ÷àîø åîùðé ìà ÷ùéà äà áúðåø áø è' äà áúðåø áø æ'


The Gemara asked "we said that the remnant [of a big oven] is four [Tefachim]!", and answered that this is for an oven that was [initially] nine, and this is for an oven that was seven.

åîôøù äúí øù"é ãáúðåø è' ñâé áàøáòä àó òì âá ãìà äåé øåáà åúðåø æ' àó òì âá ãìà äåé ã' ñâé áøåáà


Explanation #1: Rashi explained there that an oven that was nine, it suffices for four to remain, even though it is not the majority. For an oven that was seven, the majority suffices, even though it is not four.

å÷ùä ìø"ú ìà éäéä ñåôå çîåø îúçìúå ãäà úçìúå ã'


Objection (R. Tam): The end should not be more stringent than the beginning! Initially, we require four. (All the more so a remnant must be at least four!)

åðøàä ëôéøù"é ùôéøù ëàï ãúðåø áø æ' ã'(äâäú äá"ç) äåé øåáà åúðåø áø úùòä áøåáà


Explanation #2: Rather, it seems like Rashi explained here. An oven that was seven, four is the majority. An oven that was nine, the majority [must remain].

å÷ùä ãìîä ìéä ìîð÷è áø è' äåä ìéä ìîð÷è áø ç' åùéøéå áøåáå


Question: Why did it mention an oven that was nine? It should have said that if it was eight, and the majority must remain [and the same applies to any amount above eight]! (Aruch l'Ner - it is a leniency to be Metaher when four remains, and this is not the majority. We do not learn this leniency when it is eight.)

åìôøù"é ãäúí ðéçà ãð÷è è' àó òì âá ãäåé ã' îéòåèà


Answer: According to Rashi there, this is fine. It mentioned nine, even though four is its minority [it is still Mekabel Tum'ah].

åîä ùä÷ùä ø"ú ìà ÷ùä îéãé ãäòåùä ëìé çøñ àéðå òåùä àìà ãáø çùåá


Answer (to Objection (c)): R. Tam's question is not difficult at all. One who makes a Kli Cheres makes only something important;

àáì ëìé ùðúîòè ëì æîï ùøàåé àéðå îúáèì ëîå âøãåîé öéöéú ãëùøéí (äâäú îäø"í)


However, a Kli that diminished, as long as it is proper [for use], it is not Batel, just like remnants of Tzitzis are Kosher.

åëï îùîò îãôøéê ùéøéå èôç ìîàé çæé îùîò ãàé äåä çæé äåä ðéçà ìéä àó òì âá ãáöéø îúçìúå.


Support: We asked "remnants of a Tefach - what are they useful for?" This connotes that if they were useful, it would be fine, even though it is less than the initial [Shi'ur].


TOSFOS DH Kol she'Hu Tefach

úåñôåú ã"ä ëì ùäåà èôç

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that sometimes "any amount" is more than a Tefach, and sometimes it is less.)

ôø"ú áìà éçôåø (á"á ãó ëæ. (äâäú äøù"ù)) ãôòîéí ëì ùäåà áöéø îèôç åôòîéí èôé îèôç.


Explanation: In Bava Basra (19a), R. Tam explained that sometimes "any amount" is less than a Tefach, and sometimes it is more than a Tefach. (Rashash - there, it is truly any amount [of land]. Here, we can say that a Tefach is called "any amount" in contrast to four Tefachim.)


TOSFOS DH bi'Plugta Lo ka'Mairi

úåñôåú ã"ä áôìåâúà ìà ÷îééøé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains what kind of argument the Tana does not discuss.)

åàó òì âá ãôìéâé áãåôï ñåëä ãø"ù àåîø ãøáéòéú èôç


Implied question: They argue about the wall of a Sukah! R. Shimon says that the fourth wall must be a Tefach.

î"î èôç ìãåôï àçã öøéê ìë"ò


Answer: In any case, all agree that one wall must be a Tefach;

àáì ìúðåø àó òì âá ãáéï äúðåø åìëåúì ìë"ò èôç î"î áñúí úðåø ôìéâé


However, regarding an oven, even though all agree that between the oven and the wall [the handle receives Tum'ah only up to] a Tefach, they argue about a Stam oven [handle, i.e. not near a wall].

åäà ãôøù"é ãëéøä î÷åí ùôéúú ÷ãøä àçú


Explanation: Rashi explained that a Kirah [is an oven that] has room to rest one pot on it.

ìà ã÷ ãáô' ëéøä (ùáú ãó ìç:) àîø ãëéøä æäå î÷åí ùôéúú á' ÷ãøåú.


Rejection: This is wrong. In Shabbos (38b), it says that a Kirah has room to rest two pots on it!


TOSFOS DH At Amrat Shemaitsei d'Rav

úåñôåú ã"ä àú àîøú ùîòúúéä ãøá

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations why initially he was silent.)

ëìåîø ëååðú îòöîê åîúçìä ùëçú åìëê ùú÷


Explanation #1: You resolved [his teaching] by yourself. Initially, you forgot it. This is why [initially] he was silent.

åìô"ä ùôé' áúîéä öøéê ìåîø ãîúçìä ìà çù ìäùéáå.


Explanation #2: According to Rashi, who says that he said this in astonishment, we must say that initially, he was not concerned to answer him.


TOSFOS DH Yaldah v'Achar Kach Hepilah Shilya...

úåñôåú ã"ä éìãä åàç"ë äôéìä ùìéà...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that it can delay even three months.)

àó òì âá ãàîø ì÷îï ãðùúäà äåìã ùìùä çãùéí


Implied question: It says below (27a) that the child [of R. Chiya's wife] delayed three months [after his twin, before coming out. Likewise, a Shilya can delay this long!]

î"î ìà ùëéç åëì ëîä ãìà çæéðï ìà çééùéðï.


Answer: In any case, it is not common. As long as we do not see so, we are not concerned for it.


TOSFOS DH ha'Mapeles Chayah v'Of v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä äîôìú çéä åòåó ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why we discuss a non-human fetus.)

ãå÷à ð÷è çéä åòåó ãàé áúçìä åìã åàç"ë ùìéà òã â' éîéí úåìéï åàéï çåùùéï ìåìã àçø


Explanation: It mentioned specifically a Chayah or bird. [Then,] if the fetus came out first, and afterwards the Shilya, until three days we attribute (the Shilya to the fetus), and we are not concerned for another fetus.

åìëê àéëà ìñôå÷é ùäùìéà àéðä îäí åìëàåøä ðøàä äèòí ãçéä åòåó àéï ãøëï ùì ðùéí ìäôéì


Assertion: Seemingly, this is because women do not normally miscarry a Chayah or bird. Therefore, we have a Safek that the Shilya is not from them.

å÷ùä ãáôø÷ áäîä äî÷ùä (çåìéï ãó òæ:) àäà ãúðï ùìéà ùéöúä î÷öúä àñåøä áàëéìä åîñé÷ àø"à ìà ùðå àìà ùàéðä ÷ùåøä áåìã


Question: In Chulin (77b), regarding the Mishnah "if part of a Shilya left the womb [and its mother was slaughtered], one may not eat it", R. Elazar taught that this is only if it is not tied to the fetus;

ôé' ùéù ìä åìã àçø åëéåï ãàéðä ÷ùåøä áå çåùùéï ìåìã àçø áùìéà åìëê àñåøä


Explanation: There is another fetus. Since it is not tied to it, we are concerned for another fetus in the Shilya. Therefore, it is forbidden.

åîééúé úðéà ðîé äëé îäê ãäîôìú çéä åòåó


We bring to support him this Beraisa of one who miscarried a Chayah or bird.

åäéëé îééúé äà àãøáä îùîò äëà ãå÷à çéä åòåó ãìàå àåøçéä àáì ðôì ãàåøçéä úåìéï ëì ùìùä éîéí åááï ÷ééîà àôé' ëîä éîéí


Summation of question: What support is this? Just the contrary, here it connotes only a Chayah or bird, which is not normal, but if a [regular] Nefel [was with it], we attribute [the Shilya to the Nefel] for all three days, and if a viable baby [was with it, we attribute the Shilya to the baby] for even several days!

åé"ì ãàéï äãáø úìåé áàåøçéä åìà àåøçéä


Answer (and retraction from assertion): It does not depend on what is normal or not normal;

àìà ÷éí ìéä ìäù"ñ ãàçø (äâäú îäøá øðùáåøâ) öåøú àãí øâéìä äùìéà ìäúòëá àáì ìàçø áäîä çéä åòåó àéðä øâéìä ìäôøã äùìéà îï äåìã àôé' áîòé äáäîä ëîå áîòé äàùä


Rather, the Gemara knew that after a human form a Shilya often delays, but after a Behemah, Chayah or bird, the Shilya does not normally separate from the fetus, even in an animal's womb, just like in a woman's womb.

åà"ú åëé àéðä ÷ùåøä áåìã àîàé ÷àîø ø"à ãàñåøä áàëéìä


Question: When it is not tied to the fetus, why does R. Elazar forbid eating it?

äà àîøéðï äëà ãìà äåé àìà ñô÷ åìà åãàé åìã àçø îã÷úðé äøéðé îèéì òìéä çåîø ùðé åìãåú ùîà ðéîåç ùôéø ùì ùìéà æå


We say here that it is only a Safek (that there is another fetus in the Shilya), and not Vadai that there is another fetus, since it says "I put on it the stringency of two children, lest the Shefir of the Shilya dissolved;

åà"ë äåé ñô÷ ñô÷à ãìîà àéï ëàï åìã àçø åàôé' àéëà ùîà ìà éöà ìà øàùå åìà øåáå


If so, it is a Sefek-Sefeka [regarding eating]. Perhaps there is no other fetus. And even if there is, perhaps neither the head or majority came out [before Shechitah]!

åáô"÷ ãá"÷ (ãó éà.) âáé ùìéà ùéöúä î÷öúä áéåí øàùåï îùîò ãñô÷ ñô÷à ùøé


Strengthening of question: In Bava Kama (11a) regarding a Shilya that left partially on Sunday [and finished coming out on Monday], it connotes that a Sefek-Sefeka is permitted;

ãôøéê îàé ÷î"ì ãàéï î÷öú ùìéà áìà åìã úðéðà ùìéà ùéöúä î÷öúä àñåøä


It asks "what does this teach - that you cannot have part of a Shilya without a fetus? A Mishnah already taught this! An [animal] Shilya that left partially [and its mother was slaughtered], it is forbidden.

ôé' åàí éù î÷öú ùìéà áìà åìã äåä ìéä ñô÷ ñô÷à åùøé


Explanation: If there could be part of a Shilya without a fetus, this would be a Sefek-Sefeka, and it would be permitted!

åé"ì ãáøééúà ã÷úðé ùîà àééøé áùìéà ùàçø äåìã åø"à àééøé áùìéà ùéöúä ÷åãí äåìã


Answer #1: The Beraisa, which says "perhaps" discusses a Shilya after the fetus. R. Elazar discusses a Shilya that came out before the fetus;

ãåãàé éù ùí åìã àçø ëùàéðä ÷ùåøä áå ëãàîøéðï áùîòúéï ìà àîøå úåìéï äùìéà áåìã àìà áùìéà ùáàä àçø äåìã


Surely there is there another fetus when it is not tied to it, like we say in our Sugya "we attribute a Shilya to the fetus only when the Shilya comes [out] after the fetus."

åäúí îééúé øàéä ãáàéðä ÷ùåøä çåùùéï ìåìã àçø ìàôå÷é îãø' éåçðï ãäúí


There we bring a proof that when it is not tied, we are concerned for another fetus, to teach unlike R. Yochanan there.

àé ðîé àôéìå áñô÷ ñô÷à àñøä ø"à ãâæøéðï î÷öúä àèå øåáä


Answer #2: Even regarding a Sefek-Sefeka, R. Elazar forbids. We decree the minority due to the majority;

àå àèå àéï òîä åìã àçø ãéèòå äòåìí


Alternatively, [we decree] due to when there is not another fetus with it, lest people err;

åéñáøå äà ãùøéðï îä ùáôðéí ìàå îùåí ñô÷ ñô÷à àìà îùåí ëì ááäîä åâæøú äëúåá äåà ãàôé' éöà øåáå ùøé îéòåèå ùáôðéí


They will think that we permit what is inside, not due to Sefek-Sefeka, rather, because "Kol b'Behemah" is a Gezeras ha'Kasuv, that even if the majority left, we permit the minority inside;

ëéåï ãçæå ãùøéðï áéöúä î÷öúä åàôùø ãéöà äøàù áàåúå î÷öú åäåé ëéöà øåáå åìà éòìå òì ìáí ãîùåí ñô÷ ñô÷à ùøé.


[They will err] since they see that we permit when the minority left, and it is possible that the head left in that minority, and it is as if the majority left. It will not cross their minds that it is permitted due to Sefek-Sefeka.