[73a - 16 lines; 73b - 21 lines]

1)[line 8]וכל שאין ראוי לבילה בילה מעכבת בוV'CHOL SHE'EIN RA'UY L'VILAH, BILAH ME'AKEVES BO

(a)Regarding a Minchah that is a Nedavah (voluntary meal offering), the Torah states "v'Chol Minchah Velulah va'Shemen" (Vayikra 7:10), from which we learn that the oil that is poured onto the Minchah should be mixed throughout. Nevertheless, if the oil wasn't mixed throughout, the Minchah is still Kesherah.

(b)However, if someone brings so much flour that it is impossible for the oil to be mixed throughout, the Minchah is Pesulah. Therefore, the Mishnah (Menachos 103b) states that if someone brings a Minchah to be offered on the Mizbe'ach, it may not contain more than sixty Esronim of flour.

(c)Similarly, even if the husband who is not hearing impaired does not hear the Neder, he is able to annul it, since he is able to hear. The hearing impaired husband, however, may not annul Nedarim.

2)[line 14]שלבה גס בחבירתהSHE'LIBAH GAS B'CHAVERTAH- (lit. lest she take heart because of her friend) One Sotah (who is guilty) will take heart from the other one (who is innocent), and claim that she, too is innocent. Otherwise, she might have admitted that she was guilty, eliminating the need to erase HaSh-m's name in the Mei Sotah (RISHONIM). Alternatively, she may refuse to admit to her guilt because she saw that the other one did not die from drinking the Mei Sotah.


3)[line 6]לפרנס עצמהL'FARNES ATZMAH- to [work and] provide herself with her jewelry (Kesuvos 57a)

4)[line 19]כל הנודרת על דעת בעלה היא נודרתKOL HA'NODERES, AL DA'AS BA'ALAH HI NODERES

A married woman who makes a Neder, does so (implicitly) on the condition that her husband agrees to it afterwards.