


(Continuation of Beraisa) Suggestion: Perhaps he may not be Metamei for a spine, skull, or the majority of the stature or bones of other relatives!


Rejection: Just like he can be Metamei for these parts of his sister, also regarding other relatives he is commanded to bury.


Answer (to Question 3:h, 43b): Also this Beraisa is like R. Yehudah. Rav holds like the following Tana:


(Beraisa): It occurred that R. Yitzchak's father died in Ninzak. He did not hear until three years later. R. Yehoshua ben Elisha and four Chachamim expounded "for his father" - he may be Metamei only for a complete Mes.




(Mishnah): There are three Isurim of a Nazir: Tum'ah, shaving, and consuming what comes from the vine.


There is a stringency of Tum'ah and shaving that does not apply to eating of the vine. If a Nazir became Tamei or shaved, he (usually) must observe additional days of Nezirus, but not if he ate from the vine;


There is a stringency of eating of the vine that does not apply to Tum'ah and shaving. Eating from the vine is never permitted to a Nazir, but shaving and Tum'ah are permitted, for the Mitzvah (for a Metzora) to shave and for a Mes Mitzvah.


There is a stringency of Tum'ah that does not apply to shaving. Tum'ah totally nullifies all days observed until then, and obligates him to bring Korbanos, but shaving does not nullify more than 30 days, and does not obligate Korbanos.


(Gemara) Suggestion: A Kal v'Chomer should teach that Tum'ah is never permitted to a Nazir!


Drinking wine does not nullify days observed, and it is never permitted. Tum'ah nullifies, all the more so it should never be permitted!


Rejection: "For his father and mother he will not be Metamei", but he may be Metamei for a Mes Mitzvah.


Suggestion: A Kal v'Chomer should teach that wine is sometimes permitted to a Nazir!


Even though Tum'ah nullifies days observed, it is sometimes permitted. Drinking wine does not nullify, all the more so it should be permitted!


Rejection: "From wine and strong drink he will refrain" forbids wine for a Mitzvah just like wine that is not a Mitzvah.


Suggestion: A Kal v'Chomer should teach that drinking wine nullifies days observed!


Tum'ah is sometimes permitted, and it nullifies. Drinking wine is never permitted, all the more so it should nullify!


Rejection: "The first days will fall, because he became Tamei" - Tum'ah nullifies, but drinking wine does not.


Suggestion: A Kal v'Chomer should teach that shaving nullifies all days counted!


The Torah punishes only a Nazir who became Tamei, not one who was Metamei him. Still, Tum'ah nullifies all days observed. The Torah punishes one who shaves a Nazir just like a Nazir who is shaved. All the more so it should nullify all days observed!


Rejection: "The first days will fall, because he became Tamei" - Tum'ah nullifies all days, but shaving does not.


Suggestion: A Kal v'Chomer should teach that the Torah punishes one who is Metamei a Nazir!


Shaving nullifies only 30 days, yet the Torah punishes one who shaves a Nazir just like a Nazir who is shaved. Tum'ah nullifies all days counted, all the more so, one who is Metamei a Nazir should be punished!


Rejection: "He was Metamei his head " - the Torah punishes only one who was Metamei himself.


Suggestion: A Kal v'Chomer should teach that the Torah does not punish one who shaves a Nazir!


Tum'ah nullifies all days counted, yet the Torah does not punish one who is Metamei a Nazir. Shaving nullifies only 30 days, all the more so, one who shaves a Nazir should be exempt!


Rejection: "A razor will not be Ya'avor (pass) on his head" - we read this "Ya'avor (he (the Nazir) will not pass)" and "Ya'avir (another person will not pass)."


Suggestion: A Kal v'Chomer should teach that shaving is never permitted to a Nazir!


Drinking wine does not nullify days observed, yet it is never permitted. Shaving nullifies, all the more so it should never be permitted!


Rejection: It says "Rosho" and "Zekano", to teach that the Mitzvah of a Metzora to shave overrides the Isurim of (any man) shaving the beard and a Nazir shaving his head.


Suggestion: A Kal v'Chomer should teach that shaving does not nullify any days!


Drinking wine is never permitted, yet it does not nullify days observed. Shaving, is sometimes permitted, all the more so it should not nullify!


Rejection: The Nazir must shave at the end of Nezirus with grown hair. If he shaved within 30 days, he lacks this!


Suggestion: A Kal v'Chomer should teach that drinking wine nullifies 30 days!


Shaving is sometimes permitted, yet it nullifies 30 days. Drinking wine is never permitted, all the more so, it should nullify 30 days!


Rejection: Shaving nullifies 30 days only because the Nazir must shave with 30 days growth of hair. Even if he drank wine, his hair is intact!





(Mishnah): The Gilu'ach of a Tamei Nazir is as follows. He is sprinkled with water with ashes of the red heifer on days three and seven. He shaves on day seven, and brings Korbanos on day eight;


R. Akiva says, if he shaved on day eight, he may bring Korbanos that same day.


R. Tarfon: Why (Tosfos; Rashi - how) is this different than a Metzora?


R. Akiva: Taharah of a Nazir Tamei depends on days. Taharah of a Metzora depends on shaving, and he cannot bring Korbanos until the day after Taharah.


(Gemara) Question: Did R. Tarfon accept R. Akiva's answer?


Answer (Beraisa - Hillel): If (a Nazir) shaved on day eight, he brings Korbanos on day nine.


If R. Tarfon accepted the answer, all would agree that Korbanos are brought on day eight!


Rejection (Rava): We can say that he accepted the answer. In the Mishnah, the Nazir immersed on day seven; in the Beraisa, he did not (until day eight).


(Colleagues of R. Nasan bar Hoshaya): "(A Zav (a man who had emissions) will count seven clean days. On the eighth day he will take birds and) he will come in front of Hash-m to Pesach Ohel Mo'ed (the opening of the Mishkan) and give them to the Kohen" - he may come only after Tevilah (immersion) and ha'Arev Shemesh (nightfall).


Inference (Abaye): They hold that a Zav who is a Tvul Yom (one who immersed today, before ha'Arev Shemesh) is still like a Zav (therefore, he cannot bring his Korbanos).