The reference numbers below that appear in parentheses (e.g., TY #43) represent vessels or parts of the structure of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The labeling follows that of the diagram of the Tiferes Yisrael. This diagram, which has been included in a separate mailing and can also be found on our site (at, is printed both in the Tiferes Yisrael Mishnayos (Midos Chapter 2 or following Midos) and in Rav P. Kahati's Mishnayos (page 290, at the beginning of Midos).

[35a - 39 lines; 35b - 45 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Mishnah, Gemara and Rosh.

[1] Rosh 35a DH Lifnim Mimenu ha'Cheil ã"ä ìôðéí îîðå äçéì:

The words "Lemailah mi'Kedushas ha'Bayis" ìîòìä î÷ãåùú äáéú

should be "Lemailah mi'Kedushas Har ha'Bayis" ìîòìä î÷ãåùú äø äáéú (Ezras Kohanim, quoting the Rosh)

[2] Rosh ibid.:

The words "Eser Amos Im Kosel Ezras Nashim" òùø àîåú òí ëåúì òæøú ðùéí

should be "Eser Amos Ad Kosel Ezras Nashim" òùø àîåú òã ëåúì òæøú ðùéí (Ezras Kohanim)

[3] Rosh DH Chutz mi'Kosel ha'Mizrachi ã"ä çåõ îëåúì äîæøçé:

The words "Sha'ar Kohanim v'Ezras Nashim" ùòø ëäðéí åòæøú ðùéí

should be "Sha'ar "Har ha'Bayis* v'Ezras Nashim" ùòø äø äáéú åòæøú ðùéí (as is found in the Bartenura)


1)[line 1]ñåøâSOREG- VS #7 (the number is missing in the diagram; it should be somewhere along the black fence with crisscrossed white lines), TY #7. The ten-Tefach high, wooden railing around the entire Mikdash; only Jews who were Tahor (from Tum'as Mes) could go beyond this point

2)[line 4]äçéìHA'CHEIL- VS #8, TY #8. (a) The ten-Amah wide corridor around the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash. Twelve steps covered by an awning extended the entire length of the corridor and were used for seating (ROSH and most Rishonim). (b) According to the RAMBAM, the Cheil was a wall that was ten Amos tall.

3)[line 5]øåí îòìäRUM MAILAH- the height of each step

4)[line 6]ùìçäSHILCHAH- and the depth or extension of each step, i.e. the stepping space of each step

5)[line 12]ù÷åôåúSHEKUFOS- they had cross-pieces, lintels

6)[line 12]çåõ îùì èãé, ùäéå ùí ùúé àáðéí îåèåú æå òì âáé æåCHUTZ MI'SHEL TADI, SHE'HAYU SHAM SHTEI AVANIM MOTOS ZO AL GABEI ZO- except for the gate of Tadi, in which there were two [immense] stones, leaning one on the other (forming a triangle — RAMBAM and most Rishonim)

7)[line 16]îôðé ùðçùúï îöäéáMIPNEI SHE'NECHASHTAN MATZHIV- since their copper was a golden color

8)[line 18]òåîã áøàù äø äîùçä åîúëåéï åøåàä áôúçå ùì äéëìOMED B'ROSH HAR HA'MISHCHAH U'MISKAVEIN V'RO'EH B'FISCHO SHEL HEICHAL- [the Kohen Gadol] stands on the top of Har ha'Zeisim and gazes at and sees the doorway to the Heichal at the time that he sprinkles the blood (see Background to Midos 34:12, Parah Adumah)

9)[line 20]òæøú äðùéíEZRAS HA'NASHIM- VS #10, TY #10. The Women's Court, 135 square Amos. A gallery was reserved here for women who came to view the Simchas Beis ha'Sho'evah. Each of the four rooms at the four corners measured 40 Amos by 40 Amos.

10)[line 23]ìà äéå î÷åøåúLO HAYU MEKUROS- and they did not have roofs

11)[line 24]"åéåöéàðé àì äçöø äçéöåðä åéòáéøðé àì àøáòú î÷öåòé ääçöø åäðä çöø áî÷öò äçöø áî÷öò äçöø ... áàøáòú î÷öòåú ääçöø çöøåú ÷èøåú ...""VA'YOTZI'ENI EL HE'CHATZER HA'CHITZONAH VA'AVIRENI EL ARBA'AS MIKTZO'EI HE'CHATZER V'HINEI CHATZER B'MIKTZO'A HE'CHATZER ... B'ARBA'AS MIKTZO'OS HE'CHATZER, CHATZEROS KETUROS …"- "Then he brought me out to the outer court, and caused me to pass by the four corners of the court, and, behold, in every corner of the court there was a court. In the four corners of the court there were open-air courts." (Yechezkel 46:21-22)

12)[line 28]àéï ÷èåøåú àìà ùàéðï î÷åøåúEIN KETUROS ELA SHE'EINAN MEKUROS- and "Keturos" means that they do not have roofs (similar to the word "Ketores," since a courtyard without a roof allows smoke to rise to the sky)

13)[line 30]ìùëú äðæéøéíLISHKAS HA'NEZIRIM- VS #12, TY #11. The room where the Shelamim of Nezirim were cooked and their newly shorn hair was burned (Bamidbar 6:18; see next entry)

14)[line 30]äðæéøéíHA'NEZIRIM (NAZIR)

When a Nazir (see Background to Kerisus 27:14) completes his period of Nezirus, he must offer three sacrifices: a male sheep as an Olah, a female sheep as a Chatas, and a ram as a Shelamim. Together with the Shelamim he brings 6 and 2/3 Esronos of Soles (fine flour), which are made into 20 loaves of Matzah, 10 Chalos (unleavened loaves of Matzah) and 10 Rekikin (flat Matzos). He then shaves off the hair of his head and burns it under the pot in which the Zero'a (the two upper sections of the right foreleg, until the shoulder blade) of the Shelamim is cooked (Bamidbar 6:18). His hair is Asur b'Hana'ah.

15)[line 31]îùìçéí úçú äãåãMESHALCHIM TACHAS HA'DUD- and they throw them underneath the pot.

16)[line 32]ìùëú äòöéíLISHKAS HA'ETZIM- VS #11, TY #12. The storage chamber where wood for the Mizbe'ach and fireplace was stored.

17)[line 34]ìùëú äîöåøòéíLISHKAS HA'METZORA'IM- VS #13, TY #13 -. The chamber with a Mikvah for the final immersion of the Metzora (Vayikra 14:11). It is also the chamber in which the Metzora perform his final shaving (see Background to Erchin 3:4b, Metzora).

18)[line 36]ìùëú áéú ùîðéàLISHKAS BEIS SHEMANAYA- VS #14, TY #14. The Oil Chamber, where oil for the Menorah and Menachos, as well as wine for Nesachim, were stored.

19)[line 36]çì÷ä äéúä (áøàùä) [áøàùðä]CHALAKAH HAYESAH (B'ROSHAH) [BA'RISHONAH]- and it was originally built without any ceilings or balconies that stuck out of its walls (lit. smooth)

20)[line 36]ëöåöøä / âæåæúøàKETZUTZERAH / GEZUZTERA- a balcony

21)[last line]ìà äéå èøåèåúLO HAYU TERUTOS- they were not made up of three sets of steps from three directions (as in the VS diagram in front of the gate to Ezras Nashim (VS #9) from the Cheil), one set in the front and two sets at either side at right angles to the front set (this word is related to the word "tertiary") (EZRAS KOHANIM)

22)[last line]ëçöé âåøï òâåìäK'CHATZI GOREN AGULAH- like the form of half of a round threshing floor; i.e. a semi-circle (a threshing floor was a circular area surrounded by a low stone wall) (As to the question of whether these steps were convex (like most of the diagrams) or concave, see Introduction to the Beis ha'Mikdash (Maseches Tamid, Midos) 5:6.)


23)[line 2]ëðåøåúKINOROS- harps or lutes

24)[line 3]ðáìéíNEVALIM- and lyres

25)[line 3]îöìúéíMETZILTAYIM- cymbals

26)[line 9]ãåëïDUCHAN- VS #20, TY #25. A stage with three steps on which the Leviyim stood facing the Sanctuary (their backs to the people) while singing. From the Duchan to the Mizbe'ach for a length of eleven Amos and a width of 135 Amos (the width of the entire Azarah), was the Ezras Kohanim.

27)[line 15]ãøåîééí ñîåëéï ìîòøáDEROMIYIM SEMUCHIM L'MA'ARAV- those gates on the southern side, closest to west were as follows: (as the Gemara proceeds to list)

28)[line 21]ìòåîú áöôåïL'UMASAN BA'TZAFON- opposite them on the northern side


29)[line 28]äîæáçHA'MIZBE'ACH

(a)The Mizbach ha'Olah of the Beis ha'Mikdash consisted of three concrete and stone platforms poured one on top of the other. The Yesod (bottom platform) was thirty-two Amos long, thirty-two Amos wide and one Amah high. (Part of this square was missing on the south and eastern sides of the Mizbe'ach, as the Mishnah will discuss — see below, (b).) The second platform was thirty Amos long, thirty Amos wide and five Amos high. The third platform (which the Rambam calls "Mekom ha'Ma'arachah"), upon which the sacrifices were burned, was twenty-eight Amos long, twenty-eight Amos wide, and three Amos high. A Keren (horn), which was a one-Amah cube, was poured on each corner of the upper platform (RAMBAM Hilchos Beis ha'Bechirah 2:5-8). The Amos of the Yesod, the Sovev and the Keranos were Amos of five Tefachim (Menachos 97a).

(b)The Yesod protruded outward one Amah further than the middle section on two complete sides, the northern and the western. It protruded on the eastern and southern sides only for the length of one Amah from the northern and western corners. As such, there was no Yesod on the southeastern corner. The blood of many of the Korbanos was cast on the sides of the Mizbe'ach above the Yesod, and it ran down to the Yesod (Midos 36a, Mishnah 2; Zevachim 37a, based upon Vayikra 5:9). The remainder of the blood of animal Korbanos was poured directly onto the Yesod, as it states in the Torah (Shemos 29:12; Vayikra 4:7; etc.).

(c)The Kohanim walked upon the part of the middle platform that jutted out one Amah on each side past the upper platform. This was called the "Sovev", because it encircled the Mizbe'ach.

(d)The Keranos were hollow. (RAMBAM ibid. 2:8)

(e)The ramp was thirty-two Amos long and sixteen Amos wide, and was separated from the south side of the Mizbe'ach by a hair's breadth (Pesachim 77a, Zevachim 62b). It was indented on the bottom, at the face of the Mizbe'ach, such that it covered the Sovev.

30)[line 29]òìä àîä åëðñ àîäALAH AMAH V'KANAS AMAH- [the shape of the Mizbe'ach] went up for an Amah (six Tefachim) and went in for an Amah (five Teafachim — see previous entry) (this is the Mishnah's description of the Yesod)

31)[line 40]"åäàøéàì ùúéí òùøä àøê áùúéí òùøä øåçá øáåò àì àøáòú øáòéå""VEHA'ARI'EL SHTEIM ESREI ORECH BI'SHTEIM ESREI ROCHAV RAVU'A, EL ARBA'AS REVA'AV."- "And the altar hearth shall be a square, twelve Amos long by twelve wide, to its four quarters." (Yechezkel 43:16) - The Mishnah explains that the words "El Arba'as Reva'av" mean that the twelve Amos were measured in four directions from the midpoint of the Mizbe'ach, resulting in a twenty-four Amah square.

32)[line 43]çåè ùì ñ÷øàCHUT SHEL SIKRA- the red line that is located halfway up the Mizbe'ach