MENACHOS 84 (24 Cheshvan) - dedicated by Dr. Moshe and Rivkie Snow in memory of Rivkie's father, the Manostrishtcher Rebbe, Hagaon Rav Yitzchak Yoel ben Harav Gedaliah Aharon Rabinowitz Ztz"l, Rav of Kehilas Nachalas Yehoshua in Canarsie, NY. A personification of the Torah scholar of old, the Ukranian-born Rebbe lived most of his life in the United States where his warm ways changed many lives.


THE PROHIBITIONS OF KILAYIM (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 8 Halachah 1 Daf 35b)

îùðä ëìàé äëøí àñåøéï îìæøåò åîì÷ééí åàñåøéï áäðàä.


(Mishnah): Kilayim of a vineyard may not be planted or allowed to remain and one may not gain benefit from them.

ëìàé æøòéí àñåøéï [ãó ñæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îìæøåò åîì÷ééí åîåúøéï áàëéìä åëì ùëï áäðàä.


Kilayim of seeds may not be planted or allowed to remain but one may eat them and certainly one may gain benefit from them.

ëìàé áâãéí îåúøéï áëì ãáø åàéðï àñåøéï àìà îììáåù.


Kilayim in clothing (Shaatnez) are permitted in all ways except in wearing them.

ëìàé áäîä îåúøéï ìâãì åì÷ééí åàéðï àñåøéï àìà îìäøáéò.


Kilayim of animals may be bred and allowed to remain and it's only prohibited to mate them.

ëìàé áäîä àñåøéï æä òí æä:


Kilayim of animals are prohibited to each other.

âîøà ëìàé äëøí àñåøéï ëå'. ëúéá (ãáøéí ëá) ìà úæøò ëøîê ëìàéí. àéï ìé àìà äæåøò. î÷ééí îðééï ú"ì åëøí åìà ëìàéí îä ëøáé ò÷éáä ãø"ò àåîø äî÷ééí òåáø áìà úòùä.


(Gemara): Kilayim of a vineyard may not be... etc. The pasuk states (Devarim 22:9), "You shall not sow your vineyard with Kilayim". And the prohibition to allow it to remain is learned from the pasuk interrupting the phrase, "Don't sow - Kilayim" with the words "your vineyard" (which could have been written afterwards). This teaches that Kilayim are prohibited in your vineyard even without planting them, i.e. by allowing them to remain. Does this specifically follow R. Akiva who says that one transgresses a negative commandment (and incurs lashes) when he allows Kilayim to remain?

àîø øáé éåñä ãáøé äëì äéà äëì îåãéí áàñåø ùäåà àñåø áùìà ÷ééí ò"é îòùä. àáì àí ÷ééí ò"é îòùä ìå÷ä.


Answer (R. Yosa): This follows all opinions - all agree that it is prohibited (but the Chachamim hold that one would only receive lashes if he actually acted to allow the Kilayim to remain).

ëäãà ãúðé äîçôä áëìàéí ìå÷ä.


This is like the Baraisa that taught that one who covers seeds of Kilayim receives lashes (since an action was done to allow them to grow).

[ãó ñç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îðééï ùäåà àñåø áäðééä ðàîø ëàï ôï ú÷ãù. åðàîø ìäìï ôï (úå÷ãù)[úå÷ù] áå. îä ôï äàîåø ìäìï àñåø áäðééä àó ôï ùðàîø ëàï àñåø áäðééä.


What is the source that one may not gain benefit from Kilayim? The pasuk here continues (Devarim 22:9), "lest it become prohibited" and it says earlier about idols (Devarim 7:25), "lest you be ensnared ('Tivakesh') by it" - just as with the 'lest' of 'lest you be ensnared' one may not gain benefit, so too here.

åàéú ãáòé îéîø ðàîø ëàï ôï ú÷ãù åðàîø ìäìï (ãáøéí ëâ) åìà éäéä ÷ãù îáðé éùøàì. îä ÷ãù ùðàîø [ãó ìå òîåã à] ìäìï àñåø áäðééä àó ëàï àñåø áäðééä


Source #2: It says here, "lest it become prohibited" and it says further on (Devarim 23:18), "there shall not be a promiscuous man from amongst the children of Israel" - which prohibits a man having relations with a slave woman or slave. Just as over there, it is prohibited to gain benefit, so too here.

[å÷ãù àñåø áäðàä]


Question: May one not gain benefit from a promiscuous man?

àîø øáé çåðà áéàúå àñåøä áäðééä


Answer (R. Chuna): Benefitting from relations with him is prohibited.

àéú ãáòé ðéùîòéðä îï äãà ãàîø øáé çðéðà ôï ú÷ãù ôï úå÷ã áàù:


Source #3 (R. Chanina): The pasuk states "Pen Tikdash (lest it become prohibited)" - which is expanded to be read as Pen Tukad B'Eish - lest it need to be burned. (This shows that if you grow or allow Kilayim to grow, it will become prohibited to gain benefit from it.)