[62a - 57 lines; 62b - 35 lines]

1)[line 3]תורא מדישיה קאכילTORA MI'DISHEI KA'ACHIL- an ox may eat from what it threshes (likewise, the wife of the Am ha'Aretz reasons that her friend is entitled to eat from the food that she is helping to prepare)

2a)[line 8]בכפישאKEFISHA- a flat vessel without a rim, which cannot become Tamei

b)[line 8]באנחותאANCHUSA- a board-like vessel, which cannot become Tamei

3)[line 14]משום כדי חייו דגבלMISHUM KEDEI CHAYAV D'GABAL- because of the sustenance of the kneader

4)[line 15]דבדדBADAD- olive-presser

5)[line 22]הדרא לטיבלאHADRA L'TIVLA- it will go back to being Tevel

6a)[line 30]בכלי גלליםKLEI GALALIM- utensils made of dung

b)[line 30]בכלי אבניםKLEI AVANIM- utensils made of stone

c)[line 30]בכלי אדמהKLEI ADAMAH- utensils made of unbaked earth; none of these three utensils can become Tamei

7)[line 35]עודריןODRIN- digging, hoeing

8)[line 36]כופלין שלוםKOFLIN SHALOM- give a double-greeting of "Shalom"

9)[line 37]אחזוקוACHZUKU- "Be strong!"

10)[line 39]אשרתאASHARTA- "Have strength!"

11)[line 47]חליף ואזיל גניבאCHALIF V'AZIL GENEIVA- Geneiva was passing [before them]

12)[line 48]דבר אורייןD'BAR ORYAN- a Torah scholar

13)[line 49]ומקמי פלגאה ניקום?U'MEKAMEI PALGA'AH NEIKUM?- Should we stand for a divisive person? (See earlier, Daf 7a.)

14)[line 49]אדהכיAD'HACHI- meanwhile

15)[line 52]"בי מלכים ימלכו ורזנים יחוקקו צדק""BI MELACHIM YIMLOCHU; V'ROZNIM YECHOKEKU TZEDEK"- "Through me, kings will reign; and princes will decree justice." (Mishlei 8:15)

16)[line 54]"ורוח לבשה את עמשי ראש השלישים לך דויד ועמך בן ישי שלום שלום לך ושלום לעזרך""V'RU'ACH LAVSHAH ES AMASAI ROSH HA'SHALISHIM, 'LECHA DAVID V'IMCHA VEN YISHAI SHALOM SHALOM LECHA V'SHALOM L'OZRECHA.'"- "A spirit cloaked Amasai, the head of the officers: 'For you, David, and to be with you, the son of Yishai, Shalom Shalom to you, and Shalom to those who help you.'" (Divrei ha'Yamim I 12:19)



17)[line 1]התקבלHISKABEL- Accept

18)[line 1]הולךHOLECH- take

19)[line 5]אי איפשיIY EFSHI- I do not want

20)[line 9]שליח לקבלה/שליח להולכהSHALI'ACH L'KABALAH / SHALI'ACH L'HOLACHAH

The Torah requires that the Get be given directly into the hands of the woman (Devarim 24:1). However, a husband who wants to divorce his wife does not need to give the Get to the woman himself; he may appoint a Shali'ach to bring the Get and hand it to her. When the man appoints a Shali'ach to bring the Get to his wife, this is called a "Shali'ach l'Holachah." A woman, too, may appoint a "Shali'ach l'Kabalah" to receive the Get from her husband on her behalf, or to receive the Get from her husband's Shali'ach. When her Shali'ach l'Kabalah receives the Get, the woman becomes divorced as if she had received it herself. The woman may also appoint a "Shali'ach l'Hava'ah" to receive the Get from the man and to bring it to her (in which case, she is not divorced until the Shali'ach l'Hava'ah gives her the Get).

21)[line 11]הולך כזבי דמיHOLECH K'ZECHI DAMI

(a)When a person sends an object to another person who is not present by way of a Shali'ach (agent) there are two ways that the recipient may acquire (i.e. take Halachic title of) the object. The recipient may acquire the object when the Shali'ach delivers it and the recipient personally receives it and makes a Kinyan (a formal act of acquisition) on the object. Alternatively, the recipient may acquire the object at the moment that the original owner gives it to the Shali'ach by having the Shali'ach act on the recipient's behalf and make a Kinyan on the object for him.

(b)Normally, in order for the recipient to acquire the object at the moment that the Shali'ach receives it, two conditions must be fulfilled. If either of these two conditions is not fulfilled, the recipient must wait until he actually receives the object from the Shali'ach in order to be considered the Halachic owner of the object. The two conditions are:

1.The recipient must either have appointed the Shali'ach to acquire it on his behalf, or it must be obvious to all that the recipient would have wanted to appoint the Shali'ach to acquire it on his behalf. (The latter is known as "Zechiyah," or "Zachin l'Adam she'Lo b'Fanav"; see Background to Gitin 11:17)

2.The person giving the object must also be interested in having the Shali'ach transfer ownership of the object immediately. This condition is fulfilled when the original owner of the object clearly expresses his intent for the recipient to immediately acquire the object, for example, by saying "Acquire (Zechi) this object for so-and-so."

(c)The Gemara discusses whether various expressions fulfill the second condition listed above. Some say that when the owner says "Give (Ten) this object to so-and-so," he means that he wants the Shali'ach to acquire it for the recipient immediately. This is known as "Ten k'Zechi." Some say that even when the owner says "Take (Holech) this object to so-and-so," he means that he wants the Shali'ach to acquire it for the recipient immediately. This is known as "Holech k'Zechi."

(d)The Rishonim explain that even those who maintain "Ten k'Zechi" and "Holech k'Zechi" only do so under limited circumstances. For instance, "Ten" will only be like "Zechi" if the giver of the object hands it over to the Shali'ach at the time that he says to the Shali'ach "Give (Ten) this to so-and-so." In addition, "Ten k'Zechi" might be limited to an object (or money) that the giver is obligated to deliver to the recipient, but not to a gift. (See TOSFOS Gitin 11b DH Kol ha'Omer, Bava Basra 85a DH Hachi Garsinan.)

22)[line 20]שליח להולכהSHALI'ACH L'HOLACHAH- see above, entry #20

23)[line 27]פשוט מינהPESHOT MINAH- answer from here

24)[line 28]אף הנשים שאין נאמנות לומר מת בעלה נאמנות להביא את גיטהAF HA'NASHIM SHE'EIN NE'EMANOS LOMAR MES BA'ALAH, NE'EMANOS L'HAVI ES GITAH- even those women — who [hate her so much that they] are not believed to testify that a woman's husband has died (permitting her to remarry — Yevamos 117b) — are trusted to bring her Get

25)[line 32]הילך כמה שאמרהHEILACH K'MAH SHE'AMRAH- this [Get] is for you, as she said

26)[line 34]אדיבורא דידיה קא סמיךA'DIBURA DIDEI KA SAMICH- on his (the Shali'ach's) word he (the husband) relies