[7a - 53 lines; 7b - 29 lines]

1a)[line 1]למימרינהו בניחותאL'MEIMRINHU B'NICHUSA- to say them with softness, calm

b)[line 1]דליקבלו מיניהD'LIKABLU MINEI- that they should accept from him [and do what he says]

2)[line 7]בהמתן של צדיקים... מביא תקלה על ידםBEHEMTAN SHEL TZADIKIM, EIN... MEVI TAKALAH AL YADAM

(a)If HaSh-m does not bring a stumbling block (i.e. sin) to the animals of the righteous, then certainly He does not bring a stumbling block to the righteous themselves!

(b)This principle applies only to the inadvertent consumption of forbidden foods, but not to other types of inadvertent sins, nor to the inadvertent consumption of a permissible food at a time that it is prohibited to eat (TOSFOS).

(c)This phenomenon is learned from an incident recorded in Chulin 7a regarding the donkey of Rebbi Pinchas ben Ya'ir that refused to eat food that was not tithed properly.

3)[line 10]אבר מן החיEVER MIN HA'CHAI

(a)Ever Min ha'Chai refers to a limb that is detached from an animal when it is alive, whether the limb contains only flesh (such as the tongue or heart) or whether it contains bone, flesh and sinews (such as a hand or foot). Basar Min ha'Chai refers to flesh detached from an animal when it is alive. Both are forbidden to be eaten by the Torah (RAMBAM Hilchos Ma'achalos Asuros 5:1).

(b)The prohibition to eat Ever Min ha'Chai is learned from the verse, "v'Lo Sochal ha'Nefesh Im ha'Basar" - "You shall not eat the spirit together with the flesh" (Devarim 12:23). If the limb contains only flesh (e.g. the tongue or heart), one receive lashes for eating a k'Zayis of flesh. If the limb contains bones, sinews and flesh, then the bone and sinews may be combined with the flesh to make up a k'Zayis if the limb is eaten in its natural state (i.e. if the flesh was not detached from the limb prior to its consumption). One does not receive lashes for eating less than a k'Zayis, even if he ate an entire limb. (RAMBAM Hilchos Ma'achalos Asuros Ch. 5; SEFER HA'CHINUCH #452)

4)[line 12]"אמרתי אשמרה דרכי מחטוא בלשוני אשמרה לפי מחסום בעוד רשע לנגדי""AMARTI ESHMERAH DERACHAI ME'CHATO VI'LSHONI; ESHMERAH L'FI MACHSOM B'OD RASHA L'NEGDI."- "I said: I will guard my ways from sinning with by tongue; I will guard my mouth with a muzzle while the evil one is before me." (Tehilim 39:2)

5)[line 16]ולא מצינא דאיקום בהוV'LO MATZINA D'EIKUM B'HU- and I am unable to stand up against them

6)[line 17]"דום לה' והתחולל לו""DOM LA'SH-M V'HISCHOLEL LO"- "Be silent for HaSh-m and yearn for Him." (Tehilim 37:7)

7)[line 18]חלליםCHALALIM- corpses

8)[line 20]בקולרB'KOLAR- with (Roman) prisoner's band or chain around the neck

9)[line 23]"בשיר לא ישתו יין ימר שכר לשתיו""BA'SHIR LO YISHTU YAYIN; YEMAR SHECHAR L'SHOSAV."- "They shall not drink wine with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to those who drink it." (Yeshayah 24:9)

10a)[line 25]דמנאD'MANA- [accompanied] by an instrument

b)[line 25]דפומאD'FUMA- of the mouth (singing)

11)[line 26]"[ו]קנה ודמונה ועדעדה""[V']KINAH V'DIMONAH V'AD'ADAH" (Yehoshua 15:22)- names of places

12)[line 27]מתוותאMASVASA- cities

13)[line 30]שוכן עדי עדSHOCHEN ADEI AD- the One Who dwells forever (HaSh-m)

14)[line 31]"[ו]צקלג ומדמנה וסנסנה""[V']TZIKLAG U'MADMANAH V'SANSANAH" (Yehoshua 15:31)- names of places

15)[line 32]מבי חוזאהMI'BEI CHOZA'AH- from Mechoza, a district of Bavel on the caravan road, along the Tigris River and its canals

16)[line 33]צעקת לגימאTZA'AKAS LEGIMA- lit. a cry of livelihood (a complaint against one's fellow for taking away his source of sustenance)

17)[line 33]שוכן בסנהSHOCHEN BA'SENEH- the One Who dwells in the thorn bush (HaSh-m, based on Shemos 3:4)

18)[line 34]כלילאKELILA- tiara, a decorative half-crown worn by a bride

19)[line 34]בפולמוס של אספסיינוסB'FOLMOS SHEL ASPASYANUS- during Vespasian's war against Yerushalayim

20)[line 35]עטרות חתניםATROS CHASANIM- crowns worn by grooms

21)[line 35]האירוסHA'EIRUS- a bell or tambourine used at parties

22)[line 35]אדהכיADHACHI- meanwhile

23)[line 36]לאפנוייL'AFNUYEI- to relieve himself

24)[line 36]"המצנפת והרם העטרה זאת לא זאת השפלה הגבה והגבוה השפיל""HASIR HA'MITZNEFES V'HARIM HA'ATARAH; ZOS LO ZOS, HA'SHAFALAH HAGBE'AH VEHA'GAVO'AH HASHPIL."- "Remove the turban, lift off the crown; this will not remain as thus, the lowly will be exalted, and the exalted will be made low." (Yechezkel 21:31)

25)[line 40]האלהים! מדרבנן!HA'ELOKIM! MID'RABANAN!- Indeed! It is a Rabbinical decree! (The word "ha'Elokim," which is an oath, is used for emphasis.)

26)[line 41]וחסדאין מילךV'CHASDA'IM MILACH- and your words are very pleasing (with regard to the apparent inconsistency of the verse, i.e. your question "v'Chi Mah Inyan Mitznefes Etzel Atarah" is on the mark, even though your explanation of the word "Atarah" is mistaken - see MAHARSHA)

27)[line 41]דהוה גדיל כלילא לברתיהD'HAVAH GADIL KELILA LI'VERATEI- that he was braiding a bridal wreath for his daughter

28)[line 48]והעמידו צלם בהיכלV'HE'EMIDU TZELEM BA'HEICHAL- and they set up an idol in the Beis ha'Mikdash

29)[line 49]"כה אמר ה' אם שלמים וכן רבים וכן נגוזו ועבר וענתך לא אענך עוד""KOH AMAR HASH-M: IM SHELEMIM V'CHEN RABIM, V'CHEN NAGOZU V'AVAR; V'INISICH LO A'ANECH OD."- "Thus says HaSh-m: Though they (one's assets) are exact [for one's needs], or numerous, they should be cut down [for charity], and [as a result, one will merit to] pass on [to the World to Come]. Though I have afflicted you [with poverty, you shall nevertheless give charity. If you do so,] I will afflict you [with poverty] no more." (Nachum 1:12)

30)[line 51]הגוזזHA'GOZEZ- (lit. shears) takes off

31)[line 52]רחילותRECHEILOS- female sheep


32)[line 6]לכזיבKEZIV- Ecdippa, a coastal town in Eretz Yisrael

33)[line 7]ארץ העמיםERETZ HA'AMIM (TUM'AS ERETZ HA'AMIM)

The Rabanan decreed that the lands outside of Eretz Yisrael are to be considered Tamei because the Nochrim bury their dead fetuses in their houses. There is a Machlokes as to whether they decreed that only the land should be Tamei or also the airspace above it. The Halachic ramification between these two opinions is whether or not a Nazir would be permitted to enter Chutz la'Aretz by being carried in a Shidah (a sedan chair or chest) that is lifted off the ground.

34)[line 8]השביעיתSHEVI'IS

(a)The Torah requires that farmers desist from working the land every seventh year, as described in Vayikra 25:1-7. The fruits that grow during the seventh (Shevi'is) year are holy to the extent that 1. they must be considered ownerless; anyone may come into any field and pick the fruit that he intends to eat. 2. The fruits may not be bought and sold in a normal fashion (see Insights to Sukah 39:2). 3. The Torah requires that the fruits of Shevi'is be used only for eating or drinking (in the normal manner of eating for that type of fruit) or for burning to provide light (in the case of oil). They may not be wasted or used for medicinal purposes or animal fodder, etc.

(b)The Shemitah year is meant to teach the Jewish people to rely on HaSh-m for their sustenance, a fact that is not always clear to them during the six years in which they work their own fields.

35)[line 12]לבלבוLAVLAVO- a place between Ako and Keziv, possibly the mountain named Ras El-Abiad, north of Rosh ha'Nikrah, in modern-day Lebanon

36)[line 14]"ויאמרו הנה חג ה' בשלו מימים ימימה אשר מצפונה לבית-אל מזרחה השמש למסלה העלה מבית-אל שכמה ומנגב ללבונה""VA'YOMRU: HINEH CHAG HASH-M BE'SHILOH MI'YAMIM YAMIMAH, ASHER MI'TZEFONAH L'BEIS-EL, MIZRECHAH HA'SHAMESH LI'MESILAH HA'OLEH MI'BEIS-EL SHECHEMAH UMI'NEGEV LI'LEVONAH" - "And they (the elders of Yisrael) said: Behold the annual festival of HaSh-m is coming up, in the location which was on the north of Beis-El, on the east of the path that runs from Beis-El to Shechem, south of Levonah." (Shoftim 21:19) (SAVING THE TRIBE OF BINYAMIN FROM EXTINCTION).

See Background to Yevamos 60:13.

37)[line 16]למסלהL'MESILAH- on the path, road

38)[line 23]גוששתGOSHESHES- when a boat scrapes the sea bed

39)[line 26]עציץ נקובATZITZ NAKUV- a flowerpot with a drainage hole (which receives sustenance from the ground underneath)

40)[line 27]יתדותYESEDOS- pegs