ERUVIN 15 (4 Elul) - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Chaim Yisachar (ben Yaakov) Smulewitz of Cleveland on his Yahrzeit, by his son in law, Eli Turkel of Raanana, Israel.

[15a - 47 lines; 15b - 48 lines]

1)[line 1]לחי העומד מאליוLECHI HA'OMED ME'ELAV- a board which was not put in place for the purpose of being used as a Lechi

2)[line 14]חיצת הקניםCHITZAS HA'KANIM- planted reeds that form a partition

3)[line 15]דיומדDEYOMAD- a corner piece (made of two planks one Amah wide and ten Tefachim tall, set perpendicular to each other; see Pasei Bira'os, Background to Eruvin 10:2)

4)[line 19]המסיך על הארץHA'MESICH AL HA'ARETZ- that hangs over the ground

5)[line 19]נופוNOFO- the end of its branches

6)[line 23]בית סאתיםBEIS SE'ASAYIM- a parcel of land in which two Se'ah of grain is normally planted, which is the area of the Azarah of the Mishkan, 50 by 100 Amos, approx. 1,152 square meters (12,400 square feet) or 1,659 square meters (17,856 square feet), depending upon the differing Halachic opinions

7)[line 24]דירה שתשמישה לאוירDIRAH SHE'TASHMISHAH L'AVIR- a residence the purpose of which is to service the open area surrounding it; i.e., for watchmen

8)[line 27]נקעNEKA- (a) a crevice of a rock (RASHI); (b) a ditch (ARUCH)

9)[line 28]קמה קצורה ושיבולות מקיפות אותהKAMAH KETZURAH V'SHIBOLOS MAKIFOS OSAH- stalks of grain that were cut leaving a clearing with stalks that were ten Tefachim high left standing (uncut) at the perimeter

10)[line 35]למיסר בניינאL'MEISAR BINYANA- to attach future construction

11)[line 40]כוזא דמיאKUZA D'MAYA- a small cup of water

12)[line 41]נפל לחיאNAFAL LECHYA- the Lechi fell down

13a)[line 41]אחוי ליה בידיהACHVEI B'YADEI- he motioned with his hand

b)[line 41]קם אדוכתיהKAM A'DUCHTEI- (a) he stood in his place; (b) according to the Girsa of Dikdukei Sofrim #50: KUM A'DUCHTEICH - [as if to say] "Stand in your place!"

14)[line 42]לסמוך אדיקלאLI'SMOCH A'DIKLA- it is permissible to use the palm tree standing at the entrance of the Mavoy as a Lechi

15)[line 42]דמי האי מרבנן כמאן דלא פרשי אינשי שמעתאDAMI HAI ME'RABANAN K'MAN D'LO PARSHEI INSHEI SHEMAITA- (a) this Chacham [is speaking] like people who have never understood what they have learned; (b) ... D'LO GAMREI INSHEI SHEMA'ATA - this Chacham [is speaking] like people who have never learned before (Soncino edition of the Shas, cited in Dikdukei Sofrim #60)

16)[line 44]ברקאBARKA- extension of a building

17)[line 45]כולי שנייהוKULEI SHENAIHU- all the years of their life

18)[last line]גוללGOLEL- (a) the top of a coffin (RASHI); (b) the tombstone (TOSFOS Shabbos 152b)


19)[line 1]גיטי נשיםGITEI NASHIM

In order for a man to divorce his wife, he must write her a Get (bill of divorce), as it states in Devarim 24:1 (see above, Background to Eruvin 13:14). A Get may be written on any surface, including paper, parchment, potsherds, leaves that do not wither, the hand of a slave, and the horn of a cow (RAMBAM Hilchos Gerushin 4:3).

20)[line 8]אין לי אלא ספרEIN LI ELA SEFER- I only know that it is permissible to write on a parchment scroll

21)[line 11]אינו אוכלEINO OCHEL- it is not a food

22)[line 13]ספירות דברים בעלמאSEFIRUS DEVARIM B'ALMA- a mere recounting of the details of the divorce

23)[line 16]איתקש יציאה להויהISKASH YETZI'AH L'HAVAYAH- and divorce is compared to betrothal (Kidushin) in the verse in Devarim (24:2)

24)[line 27]שיירא שחנתה בבקעהSHEYARA SHE'CHANSAH B'BIK'AH- a caravan that encamped on a plain

25)[line 28]כלי בהמהKLEI BEHEMAH- equipment used for animals

26)[line 32]פרוץ כעומדPARUTZ K'OMED- if the open spaces of the enclosure exactly equal the size of the closed spaces

27)[line 42]המקרה סוכתו בשפודיןHA'MEKAREH SUKASO B'SHEPUDIN- one who covers his Sukah with iron spits (which are invalid as Sechach), [leaving space between them for Kosher Sechach]

28)[line 43]ארוכות המטהARUCHOS HA'MITAH- (O.F. espondes) the lengthwise sides of a bed-frame

29)[line 46]במעדיףB'MA'ADIF- the Mishnah is talking about a case where he left a space between the iron spits that is slightly greater than the area of the spits themselves

30a)[line 46]ערבEREV- widthwise

b)[line 47]שתיSHESI- lengthwise

31)[last line]אוכפותUKAFOS- in saddles