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Aaron Pacanowski asked:

Someone sent this to me and I've got a question. 1 of the Girsos is that he even kept Eruv Chatzeirus. You don't need an Eruv Chatzeirus if you are just living amongst Goyim you've got to have at least 2 Jews.Avraham Avinu was the only Jew so how could he make an Eruv Chatzerus. If you say that it was with the Gerim which Avraham Avinu made then you could ask by the Girsa that it was Eruv Tavshilin why can't you say Hoyil that maybe one of the Gerim will come?

The Kollel replies:

That is a very interesting point!

Ho'il only permits mid'Oraisa. An Eruv Tavshilin is necessary to permit it l'Chatchila (Tosfos Beitzah 2b DH v'Hayah).

Besides, Yitzchak and Rivkah had their own tents while Avraham was alive.

Be well,

Mordecai Kornfeld