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Sammy Lewin asks:


On Pesachim 103A, the gemarah is discussing making a second borie pri hagefen on the birchos hamazon cup. What is the hava amina to say that you shouldn't? Once you say birchos hamazon the meal is over you should ALWAYS have to make a new hagfen after the meal. what is the thought to ever say that before you drink the brichas hamazon cup you dont need a bracaha?

and if you wanna say that the first hagefen covers it, and birchos hamazon didnt end the meal, how long does it go? can you drink wine the rest of the day without making a bracha because you made it once EVEN though you bentched?


Sammy Lewin, United States

The Kollel replies:

1) We see from what Rav Yaakov bar Abba said to Rava (3 lines from the bottom of 103a); "that the first cup is in front of us and we have "Da'as" on it"; that according to Rav Yaakov bar Abba it all depends on the "Da'as",

the intention of the person. If one had Da'as, when making the berocho on the first cup, that this should cover the cup of Birkas Hamazon, this is enough. One has to say that Rav Yaakov does not agree with what Rav said (top 103b) that once one says "let us bentsch" this automatically means that one's intention has been distracted from the first berocho. It seems that Rav Yaakov looks upon all the drinking of wine as one unit. Even though certainly birkos hamazon does end the meal, but it does not end the drinking of the wine.

2) I found in Teshuvas Tzitz Eliezer 12:1, by Rav Waldenberg zt'l, that he discusses a patient in hospital on Yom Kippur, who could be in danger and was ordered by the doctors to drink a small amount of water every 10-11 minutes or so. The question is does he have to make a Shehacol every time before he drinks? Rav Waldenberg writes that one learns from our sugya that it all depends on a person's intention. He also cites the Rambam Hilchos Berachos 4:7 that if a person still intends to eat or drink, even if he broke off for the whole day, he does not have to make another berocho. The Tzitz Eliezer writes that it seems from the Rambam that it does not depend on whether the food or drink has digested already; it only depends on whether the person intends to continue drinking or not.

I only saw the beginning of the Tzitz Eliezer. I did not read to the end to see how he paskened. However it gives us a start at understanding this inyan.

Kayitz Bari,

Dovid Bloom