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1. Tum'ah of an idol 2. Running past an Asheira Tree 3. tosfos

elliot hirsch asked:

i cannot understand the tosafos on page 48a. top left corner, his yesh lomar answer is impsossibly to undertsand. is he gonna argue with rashi on how to learn the mishna that its according to the rabbis?? do they argue? also the toras chaim has his own pshat on how to learn the gemara on daf before with the question on rav from our mishan... would he say the same exact question here too when we ask on shmuel from the mishna on daf 48a

elliot hirsch, brooklyn,ny

The Kollel replies:

Tosfos is not coming to argue on Rashi, but rather to answer why the Gemara did not give a simple answer to its questions as it did earlier regarding a house (47b), instead of establishing an argument among the Tanaim involving Shmuel holding like Rebbi Yosi. Tosfos' answer is merely that while this answer was good for a house, which is not an integral part of the ground, it is not so logical to say it applies to a tree, which is an integral part of the ground (see Tosfos as length). Tosfos is not touching the Gemara's answer, which is that Shmuel holds like Rebbi Yosi while the Mishnah is according to the Rabbanan.

The Toras Chaim also requires this Tosfos, as Tosfos' question is quite basic: Why not include both laws separately instead of making an argument? Even though the Torah Chaim touched upon this in his explanation of the answer on 47b, he would seemingly still require saying Tosfos' answer explaining the difference between a tree and a house.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose