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1. R' Meir and Bruria 2. R. Yosi Ben Kisma 3. Maa'seh with Rebbi Meir's wife
4. Sugya of "Rebbi Meir Baal Haness" 5. Moshav Letzim

Natanek Shalamov asks:

Is moshav letzim considered another form of avoda zara? Or is it just a definition of those who waste time instead of learning torah?

Natanek Shalamov, flushing, ny

The Kollel replies:

Dear Natanek,

I believe you're talking about Avoda Zara 18b which discusses circuses, stadiums, etc. There you see that Moshav Letzim is not Avoda Zara, but it is nevertheless forbidden because of the Bitul Torah involved.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner