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1. Name of Tractate 2. Cats and Avodah Zarah

Sharona Silva asked:


Someone told me, that supposedly having cats in your home is considered as if worshiping Avoda Zarah, is there anywhere in the Avodah Zara section of Daf Yomi, that I can find if this is accurate?



The Kollel replies:

I do not know of any connection in the words of the Sages between cats and Avodah Zarah. There is, however, an interesting reference to cats in the Talmud which runs counter to the superstition that black cats are bad luck. In Bava Kama (80b) Rav says that a cat should be killed and that it is forbidden to keep it around. However, the Gemara there quotes a Beraisa which says that one is permitted to keep cats around in order to keep the mice away. The Gemara answers the apparent contradiction between these two sources by saying that a white cat is forbidden to have as a pet -- because it is likely to cause trouble to humans -- and a black cat is permitted (as long as it is not descended from a line of white cats).

The only other source I found regarding cats was from the Sefer ha'Kaneh (see Shemiras ha'Guf veha'Nefesh, p. 719) that says that it is forbidden, for personal safety reasons, to kill a black cat.

Kol Tuv,

Yonasan Sigler

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