More Discussions for this daf
1. Comparing Kidushin to Gitin 2. Through a Shtar 3. Three ways
4. Tosfos DH Hacha 5. Kesef 6. Kidushin Against A Woman's Wishes
7. Darko Shel Ish la'Chazor 8. Misas ha'Ba'al 9. Kicha Ikrei Kinyan
10. Use of Derech in Masculine and Feminine Terms 11. Kesef as Kidushin 12. Kicha Ikrei Kinyan
13. Tosfos DH I Nami 14. First Tosfos here and in Kesuvos 15. Tosfos DH I Nami
16. Parallels to Yibum and the 3 Methods 17. Who Owns the Ring 18. Kidushin 002: Tosfos DH b'Perutah
19. Derech-Davar 20. Conjunction of multiple acquisitions 21. Kidushin against a woman's will
22. Comparing the term "ha'Ishah Niknis" to "ha'Ish Mekadesh" 23. Get for Yibum 24. Eirusin
25. ha'Isha Niknes 26. Erusin vs. Nisu'in 27. Hiskadshi Li in Rashi

Gavriel Azra asks:

Why does tosfos need to ask the same question multiple times in different masechtos? the same question asked in the first tosfos here is also asked in the first tosfos of kidushin?

Gavriel Azra, brooklyn ny

The Kollel replies:

Gavriel, I think that you must have a good memory, so that is why you are asking this question, but for people like me -- by the time I start learning Kidushin I cannot guarantee that I still remember what the first Tosfos in Kesuvos said, so I need Tosfos to do a bit of Chazarah for me.

Somebody once asked me how many Tosfosim are there in the whole of Shas? I still do not know the answer to that question but what I answered is that if somebody will sometime tell us what the number is, you could argue that the number is actually less than we think because there are a lot of comments of Tosfos that are repeated a few times (with slight variations) in different places in Shas.

Tosfos must be teaching us that we always have to review what we have learned!

Kayitz Bari,

Dovid Bloom