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Jeno Gal asks:

Hello again

R" Elazar holds that not only Beis Din but even a Jew may sell himself as an Eved Ivri.

If so, why did Beis Shamai say (and Beis Hillel agreed) that a Chatzi Eved and Chatzi Ben Chorin has no Takanah to marry. Let him sell himself as an Eved Ivri, and then both halves of himself will be Mutar in a Shifcha Kana'anis.

Thank You

Nasson Tzi Gal

The Kollel replies:

Dear Noson Tzi,

Tosfos (Gitin 41a DH Lisa Shifcha) asks your question and answers that a freed Eved Canaani is not allowed to sell himself as an Eved Ivri since it says by Eved Ivri "he will return to his family" and this doesn't exist by him. So this option doesn't exist.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner