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4. Rebbi Yochanan in Revach La'Daf

Larry Roitman asks:

>>Brief Insight


If a woman makes a Neder forbidding two breads and one of the breads is difficult for her not to eat and the other one is not, Rebbi Yochanan says that he may annul the Neder for both of them. The Nimukei Yosef asks that the Tosefta says that a woman who makes a Neder forbidding a Kikar that is bad, it is regarded as Inuy Nefesh and the husband may annul the Neder. The Nimukei Yosef answers that the Kikar of the Tosefta is regarded as bad by others but not by her and therefore it is considered Inuy Nefesh. The Taz answers that the Kikar of the Tosefta is bad for her health however she enjoys eating it and that is why it is regarded as Inuy Nefesh.<<

I don't really understand the special insight because I thought Rav Yochanan whom you quoted holds that the husband would be able to annul only the one where it's inui Nefesh



The Kollel replies:

Hi Larry,

You are right. in the 'Brief Insights' a mistake has fallen, and it should not say Rebbi Yochanan, but rather Shmuel. I will just add, that the content of the insight is relevant in any case. The fact that the Gemara is calling a Neder that refrains the woman from eating bread as a Neder sh'Ein Bo Inuy Nefesh, because it is a high-quality loaf, seems to contradict the Tosefta, and this is what the insight is bringing up, regardless of the Machlokes is a husband is capable of annulling the whole Neder or only half. The fact that the 'bad' bread is considered Ein Bo Inuy Nefesh, is not part of the dispute between Rebbi Yochanan and Shmuel. They only are arguing as far as the annulling is concerned.

Thank You for your comment,

Aharon Steiner