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1. Excommunication and relations 2. Overturned the Table 3. Source for Quote About Marital Conduct
4. Rambam's Source in Hilchos De'os

Josh Danziger asks:

Hello kolllel!

I was discussing with a friend, and had a question. Even though the rambam doesn't give sources, the choice of language will often hint to his source. In hilchot deot 4:10, the rambam ends with the language of "yifrosh meyad" in the context of normal relations. I am familiar with this phrasing in the situation where a woman becomes a niddah, and a similar idea in nedarim 20b with eim shalom, but not in the context of regular marital relations.

Are you aware of what the source for this concept in normal relations , and where in the gemara this specific wording in this context might be?

Thank you and Shabbat shalom!


The Kollel replies:

You must mean De'os 5:4.

His source is Nedarim 20b, Megaleh Tefach u'Mechaseh Tefachayim, as the Ra'avad understands it (cited as the second Perush of the Shulchan Aruch for this statement, in OC 240:8), as the Avodas ha'Melech writes.

As for Halachah l'Ma'aseh - one should refer to his LOR.

Best regards,

Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf