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7. Isur to Leave Eretz Yisrael 8. Chutz l'Aretz 9. How can the Chachamim argue with Admon in this case
10. כי גרשוני היום מהסתפח

Bernard Kahan asked:

The last few questions I have had on Mas. Kesuvos.

We are now coming to the end of the Masechtoh in the Shiur I attend and about to start the famous Sugya on Yishuv Eretz Yisroel from Daf 110b till the end of the Masechtoh.

My question is the following. This last Perek starts on Daf 104b and tells us about 2 specific cases with Chonon and 7 cases with Admon and the Perek starts to list them and for the next few Mishnayos up to and including Daf 110a they are all mentioned and learnt through.

What on earth is the Shychus of the last 2 Mishnayos of "Sholosh Arotzos" on 110a and "Hakol Maalin" on 110b to do with the Perek. They are totally disconnected to Admon and Chanan and the general subject matter of THIS PEREK.

They are certainly important Inyonim for Mas. Kesuvos and who am I to make any better decisions but in the 1st Perek just as an example on Daf 12a the Mishna of "Ha-Oichel Etzel Vechulu" there the Gemoro discusses the Minhogim of Yehuda and Golil so there in the next Mishna mention "Sholosh Arotzos" at least there is some Shychus to that Mishna there.

Any ideas?

Boruch Kahan

The Kollel replies:

I think the subject matter follows the rest of the Perek.

There were cases discussed both by Chanan and Admon of people going overseas; one was directly related to his being married. In addition, there is a dispute with a son-in-law regarding conditions of the wedding. This all ties in directly to the Mishnah of "Shalosh Aratzos."

Ha'Kol Ma'alin is clearly a continuation of that Mishnah.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose