More Discussions for this daf
1. A Kohen Patzu'a Dakah losing his Kedushah 2. A question on Rebbi Shimon's Kal v'Chomer 3. R. Shimon
4. Moavi v'Lo Moaviah 5. Mo'avi v'Lo Mo'aviyah 6. מצרית
7. תוד"ה מנימין 8. נשים המסוללות זו בזו

Simcha Blatter asked:

I have difficulty with the Kal V'Chomer in the Mishnah and Subsequently

explained in the Gemorah regarding a Mitzri woman being permitted to marry into Klal Yisroel just like a woman from Amon or Moav.

The Gemorah on 76b clearly states that the Torah itself in the Posuk gives

us the reason why it is permitted to marry a woman from Amon or Moav. In addition the Gemorah on 77a says that the exact reason is a machlokas Tanoim.

If this is so, then this reason does not apply to a Mitzri Women and

therefore the Kal V'Chomer cannot be applied. !!!!

How do we explain the reason of the Torah not being an obstacle to the Kal

V'Chomar ?

The Kollel replies:

Good question. Your question is strengthened by the fact that in the Machlokes Tana'im on 77a, it is Rebbi Shimon who gives the reason why the Amoni and Moavi women are not included in the Isur ("it is not the Derech of women to go out to greet") -- and it is Rebbi Shimon in the Mishnah (76b) who learns the Kal v'Chomer from Amoni and Moavi women to Mitzri women!

It seems that the answer is as follows. The Torah gives the reason why converts from Amon and Moav are not accepted (since they did not greet the Jews and give them food). This reason does not apply to Mitzrayim. Hence, when the Torah excludes Amoni and Moavi women from that reason to prohibit converts, it cannot be considered a Kula which exists by Amoni and Moavi women and not Mitzri women (and thus be a Pircha on the Kal v'Chomer) -- for Mitzri women do not need that Kula because the reason that the nation did not go out to greet the Jews does not apply to converts from Mitzrayim to prohibit them in the first place! (Indeed, the Torah does not explicitly give a reason for the Isur of accepting a Mitzri within the first three generations.)

Y. Shaw
