More Discussions for this daf
1. Washing hands without Kavanah (Insights to Daf 19) 2. The Me'iri on Netilas Yadayim/Tum'ah 3. Gud Asik
4. Gal she'Nitlash 5. Chullin b'Taharas ha'Kodesh 6. רשד"ה ואם בשביל שידחו ידיו
7. אי תניא

Joseph Kayeri asks:


Id like to ask the following: Rav Mari says that the one who eats chilin betahart hakodesh kekodesh damu.

I ask; lemai nafka mina? Rashi says that the person eats Kodesh AND Chullin betaharat hakodesh. If so, his clothes are already midras lechatat because he eats kodesh.

If you say that Rashi is not bedavka, I can fully understand. The case of Rav Mari is that a person who only eats chullin betaharat hakodesh , but not eat kodesh, he is considered as kodesh, and his clothes are considered midras only lechatat and not for kodesh or terumah (as the machloket in taharot). But is there any mefaresh that Rashi is not bedavka?

Joseph Kayeri, Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Kollel replies:

Dear Joseph,

I understand your question. It seems that Rashi learns as follows:

The Rashin case is for a person on the ground. The water purifying him includes the water actually on the ground and its continuation higher- and that can be considered grounded. The case of Kipin is a Keli in the air immersed only in water in the air which is forbidden.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner