More Discussions for this daf
1. Washing hands without Kavanah (Insights to Daf 19) 2. The Me'iri on Netilas Yadayim/Tum'ah 3. Gud Asik
4. Gal she'Nitlash 5. Chullin b'Taharas ha'Kodesh 6. רשד"ה ואם בשביל שידחו ידיו
7. אי תניא

Yitzchak Coffer asked:

The Me'iri says that even chulin can become tamei from a Sheni when he starts to eat bread of chulin. My question is can a Sheni make chulin tamei just because the person starts to eat it? I understand that the body, mouth, and saliva of the eater are not temeiim and it is only his hands that have become defiled??

The Kollel replies:

Your understanding of the Me'iri is correct; this is a Chidush in the Me'iri, that a Sheni can be make Chulin become Tamei just because one starts to eat it. However, it is the hands (with which one eats the bread) that make the Chulin Tamei, making them a Shelishi, according to the Me'iri, from the moment that one begins to eat it.