More Discussions for this daf
1. Two opposite rulings of Rebbi 2. "b'Matnita Tana" 3. "Leima Mesayea Le"
4. Yosam being conceived while his father was a Metzora 5. Why a Metzora Muchlat would want to become Tahor; Uziah 6. Viewing a potential metzora
7. Divrei Rebbi Meir 8. Metzora Having Relations with his Wife 9. Ro'im Es ha'Nega'im
10. התם נמי לסתור ולא ליבני 11. התם נמי ליסתור ולא ליבני 12. Divrei Rebbi Meir

Moshe Segev asked:

What's the meaning of "Leima Mesayea Le"?

The Kollel replies:

"We may suggest a supportive proof for him" (that is, for a statement of an Amora stated above).