

úåñ' ã"ä ëâåï ãáã÷ ÷øåîéú ùì ÷ðä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether the Shechitah of Kodshim requires a K'li or not, notwithstanding the fact that Kodshim generally require a K'li Shares.)

åàí úàîø, åäéàê éùçåè á÷øåîéú ùì ÷ðä; åäà áòéðï ëìé ...


Question: How can one Shecht using a shard of cane, seeing as Shechitah (of Kodshim) requires a 'K'li' ...

ëãîåëç áñåó äúåãä (îðçåú ãó ôá:) åáñåó ãí çèàú (æáçéí ãó öæ:) - ããøéù îãëúéá "åé÷ç àú äîàëìú ìùçåè àú áðå", ãòåìä èòåðä ëìé, åéìôéðï ëåìäå îòåìä?


Source: ... as is evident at the end of Perek ha'Todah (Menachos 82:), and at the end of Perek Dam Chatas (Zevachim 97:), where the Gemara Darshens from the Pasuk "Vayikach es ha'Ma'acheles Lish'chot es B'no", that an Olah requires a K'li, and we learn all (Kodshim) from Olah?

åé"ì, ëâåï ãúé÷ðä ì÷øåîéú, åòùàä ëòéï ëìé.


Answer: It speaks where the Shochet fashioned the shard of cane into a sort of K'li.

åàò"â ã÷ééîà ìï ëøáé ãàîø ô' äçìéì (ñåëä ãó ð:) 'àéï òåùéï ëìé ùøú ùì òõ', åôìéâ àø' éåñé áø øáé éäåãä ãàîø áôø÷ äçìéì 'òåùéï ëìé ùøú ùì òõ'?


Implied Question: Even though we rule like Rebbi, who says in Perek ha'Chalil (Succah 50:) that 'One cannot make a K'li Shareis out of wood (disagreeing with Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Yehudah, who permits it [so how one permit even a K'li made of bamboo)?

ìùçéèú ÷ãùéí ìà áòéðï ëìé ùøú.


Answer: The Shechitah of Kodshim does not require a K'li Shareis ...

ãáôø÷ äúåãä (îðçåú ãó òç:) àîøé' ã'ñëéï î÷ãùä ëëìé ùøú' ...


Source #1: ... since in Perek ha'Todah (Menachos 78:), the Gemara states that a knife (of Chulin) sanctifies (a Korban) just like a K'li Shareis.

åëï îùîò áúåñôúà, ã÷úðé 'çåîø á÷îéöä îáùçéèä - ùä÷îéöä èòåðä ëìé åäùçéèä àéðä èòåðä ëìé, àìà àôéìå ÷øåîéú ùì ÷ðä.


Source #2 (Part 1): And so it is implied in the Tosefta, which states 'Kemitzah has a Chumra over Shechitah in that Kemitzah requires a K'li whereas Shechitah does not' - and even a shard of cane will do.

åòì ëøçê ìà áòé ìîéîø ãàéðä èòåðä ëìé ëìì ...


Source #2 (Part 2): The Gemara cannot possibly mean that it does not require a K'li at all ...

ãäà éìôéðï îòåìä ãèòåðä ëìé. àìà ãàéðä èòåðä ëìé ùøú ÷àîø.


Proof #1: ... seeing as we learn from Olah that it does (as we explained earlier). So it can only mean that it does not require a K'li Shareis.

îéäå éù ìãçåú, ãìà áòéðï ëìé éôä ÷àîø, åìà ôñìéðï ÷øåîéú ùì ÷ðä îùåí "ä÷øéáäå ðà ìôçúê", (îìàëé à) ...


Refutation (of proof) Part 1: It is possible however, to refute this proof, and what the Gemara means is that it does not even require a proper K'li, that we not disqualify a shard of cane because of the Pasuk in Mal'achi "Bring it to your prince ... !"

ëãôøéê âîøà áñåèä (ãó éã:) âáé ëôéôä îöøéú ...


Precedent: ... as the Gemara asks in Sotah (14:) with regard to using a wickerwork basket ...

ãäúí ãåøåï äåà, ããøê ìäáéàå áëìé ðàä; àáì áùçéèä ìà çééùéðï.


Reason #1: ... because there it is talking about a gift (the Kometz of a Korban Minchah), which is normally brought in a nice vessel, but regarding Shechitah, this does not bother us.

àé ðîé, ëôéôä îöøéú îëåòøú éåúø î÷øåîéú ùì ÷ðä.


Reason #2: Alternatively, because a wickerwork basket is more ugly than the shard of a cane,

åøáéðå àôøéí äéä îáéà øàéä îãúðï áôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (æáçéí ãó îæ.) 'ùçéèúï áöôåï, å÷áåì ãîï áëìé ùøú áöôåï', åàéìå 'ùçéèúï áëìé ùøú' ìà ÷úðé, ëã÷úðé âáé ÷áìä.


Proof #2: Rabeinu Efrayim proves (that Shechitah does not require a K'li Shareis) from the Mishnah in 'Eizehu Mekoman' (Zevachim 47a) - 'Their Shechitah takes place in the north, and their blood is received in a K'li Shareis in the north' - and the Tana does not mention K'li Shareis regarding the Shechitah as it does by Kabalas ha'Dam.

åàéï æä øàéä, ãâáé ÷áìä ðîé ìà äæëéø àìà ìàùîåòéðï ãáòé ùéäà âí äëìé áöôåï, ìàôå÷é àí äëìé áãøåí, åäáäîä áöôåï, åäãí î÷ìç áúåëå.


Refutation: This is no proof however, since by Kabalah too, the Tana only mentions it to teach us that the K'li (like the animal) must be on the north side of the Mizbe'ach; to preclude there where the K'li, into which the blood flows, is in the south.

úãò, ãá÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ãìà áòé öôåï, ìà çù ìäæëéø ÷áìä áëìé ùøú.


Proof (Part 1): Proof for this lies in the fact that with regard to Kodshim Kalim, which do not require Tzafon, the Tana does not bother to mention that the Kabalah requires a K'li Shareis.

åáô' ëì äæáçéí ù÷áì ãîï (ùí ëå.) ãúðï '÷ãùéí ÷ìéí ùçéèúï áôðéí å÷áåì ãîï áëìé ùøú áôðéí' ...


Implied Question: In that case, why does the Mishnah in Perek Kol ha'Zevachim (Ibid. 26.) 'Kodshim Kalim Shechitasan bi'Fenim ve'Kibul Daman bi'Cheli Shareis bi'Fenim mention 'K'li Shareis; even though it is talking about Kodshim Kalim?

äúí ðîé àúà ìàùîåòéðï ãöøéê ùéäà äëìé áôðéí, ìàôå÷é àí øåá äëìé áçåõ åîéòåèå áôðéí åî÷áì äãí áîéòåè ùáôðéí, àò"â ùàéï ðôñì áéåöà.


Answer: Because there too, the Tana is coming to teach us that the vessel needs to be inside; to preclude where the majority of it is outside and only the minority inside, and where the Kohen receives the blood into the minority which is inside, even though it is not Pasul because of 'Yotzei'.



úåñ' ã"ä äîðéç ÷úðé ãéòáã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains to whom this question is directed.)

ìàå ìùðåéé àìéáà ãàáéé ÷àúé, ãäà àáéé ðîé ìà ùøé áãéòáã áìà çåúê ëæéú áùø.


Explanation #1 (Part 1): This is not coming to answer according to Abaye, since also Abaye does not permit Bedi'eved without cutting a k'Zayis of meat (and giving it to him).

àìà áà ìä÷ùåú òì ãáøé øáà, ùîã÷ã÷ îëàï ãùøé àó ìëúçìä.


Explanation #1 (Part 2): In fact, it comes to query Rava, who extrapolates from here that it is permitted even Lechatchilah.

àé ðîé, ëì æîï ùéëåì ìú÷ï òì éãé çåúê ëæéú áùø, éù ìå ìú÷ï; àáì àé ìéúà ìëåúé ÷îï, ùøé.


Explanation #2: Alternatively (according to Abaye) as long as one can clarify the issue by cutting a k'Zayis of meat and giving it to the Kuti, one does; but if he is not there, then it is permitted anyway.



úåñ' ã"ä äîðéç ÷úðé ãéòáã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos raises reservations regarding the contention that the prefix 'ha' means Bedi'eved.)

ìà áòé ìîéîø ãîùîò ãéòáã åìà ìëúçìä ...


Clarification (Part 1): The Gemara is not trying to say that it means Di'eved and not Lechatchilah ...

ãäà îñé÷ ãùøé ìëúçìä.


Proof: ... since we conclude that it is permitted Lechatchilah.

àìà ÷àîø ãàó ãéòáã îùîò.


Clarification (Part 2): What it means is that it also implies Di'eved.

åà"ú, ãì÷îï (ãó èå:) âáé 'äùåçè áîâì éã', åâáé 'äùåçè àçã áòåó' (ì÷îï ãó ëæ.) ãéé÷ 'äùåçè' - ãéòáã àéï ... ?


Question: But later on Daf 27a [in connection with someone who Shechts with a hand-scythe, and someone who Shechts one Siman of a bird]), the Gemara extrapolates 'Di'eved, In!'?

åé"ì, ãà'ùçéèúï ëùøä' ñîéê äúí, ãîùîò ãéòáã.


Answer: The Gemara Kashya there is really based on 'Shechitasan Kesheirah' that is mentioned there, and that implies Bedi'eved.

àáì ÷ùä îîúðéúéï ãäî÷ðà ìàùúå (ñåèä ãó á.) åô' çáéú (ùáú ãó ÷îæ.) âáé 'äøåçõ áîé îòøä', ãéé÷ áâîøà 'ãéòáã àéï, ìëúçìä ìà!' [åòééï úåñ' ñåèä á. ã"ä äî÷ðà ãéòáã.


Question: There is however, a Kashya from the Mishnah in Perek ha'Mekane le'Ishto (Sotah 2a) and in Perek Chavis (Shabbos 147a [in connection with someone who bathes [ha'Rochetz] in the water of a cave]), where the Gemara asks "ha'Rochetz", 'Di'eved In, Lechatchilah, Lo?' (See Tosfos Sotah 2. DH 'ha'Mekane Di'eved')



úåñ' ã"ä àìà îäëà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos clarifies that the two cases cited in our Gemara appear in different Masechtos ).

âøñ, åìà âøñ 'îñéôà' ...


Clarificaction: This is the correct text, not 'mi'Seifa ...

ãäê ãäîðéç áô' áúøà ãîñëú ò"æ (ãó ñè.), åääéà ãàéï äùåîø äéà áô' ø' éùîòàì (ùí ñà.).


Reason: Since 'ha'Meni'ach' is in the last (fifth) Perek of 'Avodah-Zarah (69a), whereas the case of 'ha'Shomer' is in Perek Rebbi Yishmael (the fourth Perek [Ibid. 61a]).



úåñ' ã"ä àéï äùåîø öøéê

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles this Gemara with various Mishnayos which imply that 'Tzarich' means Bedi'eved.)

îùîò äëà ã'àéï öøéê' îùîò ìëúçìä.


Explanation #1: This implies that 'Ein Tzarich means Lechatchilah.

å÷ùä, ãáøéù âéèéï (ãó ã:) âáé äà ãàîø øáä 'ìôé ùàéï á÷éàéï ìùîä' ôøéê òìä îäà ãúðï 'äîáéà âè îîãéðä ìîãéðä áîãéðú äéí, öøéê ùéàîø "áôðé ðëúá åáôðé ðçúí" - äà áàåúä îãéðä ìà öøéê?'


Question (Part 1): At the beginning of Gitin (4b) however, after querying Rabah, who says 'Because they are not experts in (writing a Get) li'Shemah', from the Mishnah which rules that someone who brings a Get from one province to another overseas needs (Tzarich) to declare 'be'Famai Nichtav u'be'Fanei Nechtam!', implying that in the same province it is not necessary?

åîùðé, ìà úéîà äà áàåúä îãéðä ìà öøéê, àìà "äà îîãéðä ìîãéðä áà"é ìà öøéê" '.åôøéê 'äà áäãéà ÷úðé ìä "äîáéà âè áà"é àéï öøéê ... "?' åîùðé, ' "àé îääéà, ä"à ä"î ãéòáã ... " '.


Question (Part 2): The Gemara answers 'Do not extrapolate - "But in the same province it is not necessary', but "from one province to another in Eretz Yisrael, it is not necessary" '. The Gemara then asks that the Tana has already learned this case 'ha'Meivi Get be'Eretz Yisrael Ein Tzarich ... ?, and it answers that from there alone, we would have thought that only Bedi'eved is it permitted.

åäéëé ä"à ãéòáã, äà 'àéï öøéê' îùîò ìëúçìä, ëãîùîò äëà?


Question (Part 3): But how can the Gemara say that, seeing as 'Ein Tzarich' means Lechatchilah, as is implied here?

åá÷åðèøñ ôé' ùí, ãäëé ôøéê 'äà áäãéà ÷úðé ìä', åëéåï ãàùîåòéðï ìä îãéå÷à ãøéùà, ñéôà ìîàé àéöèøéê?' åîùðé, 'ãàé îøéùà ä"à ãå÷à ãéòáã, ìäëé àöèøéê ñéôà ìàùîåòéðï àôéìå ìëúçìä'.


Answer: Rashi therefore explains there that when the Gemara asks that 'the Tana has already learned this case 'ha'Meivi ... ', what it really means is - since we have already extrapolated that from the Reisha, why does it need to state it again in the Seifa? And on that it answers that, from the Reisha, we would have thought that Davka Bedi'eved ... ` that is why we need the Seifa, to teach us that it is even permitted Lechatchilah.

àáì ìùåï 'àé îääéà', ìà îùîò äëé?


Refutation: However, the Lashon 'If from there', does not seem to mean that?

åé"ì, ãäúí ëéåï ùéëåì ìú÷ï áãéòáã, ëã÷àîø áääåà ôø÷à (ùí ä:) 'ùéèìðå äéîðä åéçæåø åéúððå ìä áôðé ùðéí, åéàîø "áôðé ðëúá åáôðé ðçúí" ', ùééê ìîéúðé 'àéï öøéê' - ëìåîø 'àéï öøéê ìçæåø åìéèåì àåúå äéîðä'.


Answer #1: Since there it is possible to rectify the matter Bedi'eved, as the Gemara explains there in the same Perek (5b) 'to take the Get back from the woman and give it to her again in front of two witnesses, and to declare "be'Fanai Nichtav ... ", it is appropriate to state 'Ein Tzarich', meaning that it is not necessary to take it back from her.

à"ð, äúí ä"à ä"î ãéòáã, ãìëúçìä öøéê ùéøàä ëúéáú äâè åçúéîä, åàí ìà øàä, ä"à àéï öøéê ìçæåø åìëúåá, àìà éúï ìä, àò"ô ùìà øàä ...


Answer #2 (Part 1): Alternatively, specifically there we would have thought that it is Bedi'eved, since Lechatchilah the witness is obligated to see the Get being written and signed. And if he did not, we would have thought that it is not necessary to re-write the Get, but to give it to her as it is (despite the fact that he did not see it).

÷î"ì, ãìëúçìä ðîé àéï öøéê ìøàåú.


Answer #2 (Part 2): So it comes to teach us that even Lechatchilah, it is not necessary to witness the writing and the signing either.

åòé"ì, ãäëà ãéé÷, îùåí ã÷àé à'øéùà - ã÷úðé áô' ø' éùîòàì (ò"æ ãó ñà.) 'áòéø ùëåìä òåáãé ëåëáéí, àñåø òã ùéäà ùí ùåîø'; åäãø úðé 'àéï äùåîø öøéê ... '- îùîò ùáà ìôøù ãéåöà åðëðñ çùéá ëùåîø âîåø, åäééðå ëùåîø ãøéùà.


Answer #3: The reason that we extrapolate here is because it is referring to the Reisha of the Mishnah in Perek Rebbi Yishmael (Avodah-Zarah 61:) 'In a city most of whose inhabitants are Nochrim, it is forbidden (to leave Nochri wine that has been manufactured by a Yisrael) unless there is a Shomer', and then it says 'Ein ha'Shomer Tzarich ... ', implying that 'Yotzei ve'Nichnas' (popping in from time to time) is considered like a proper Shomer - which is like the Shomer of the Reisha.



úåñ' ã"ä àáì áà åîöàå ùùçè çåúê ëæéú áùø åðåúï ìå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it is necessary to give the Kuti a k'Zayis of meat.)

åàí úàîø, ëéåï ãøáà îãîä ùçéèä ìééï ðñê, 'áà åîöàå' ìéùúøé áìà çåúê ëæéú áùø åðåúï ìå ...


Question: Since Rava compares Shechitah to Yayin Nesech, why is 'Ba u'Matz'o' not permitted even without cutting off a k'Zayis and giving it to him (the Kuti) ...

ëîå áééï ðñê, ãùøé áîúðéúéï áô' ø' éùîòàì (ò"æ ãó ñ:) á'òåáã ëåëáéí ùðîöà áöã äáåø ëùàéï ìå îìåä òìéå'?


Precedent: Like it is by Yayin Nesech, which the Mishnah in Perek Rebbi Yishmael (Avodah-Zarah 60:) permits in the case of a Nochri whom one finds beside a wine-pit, assuming that he does not owe him (the Nochri) anything.

åé"ì, ëãôøéùéú ìòéì, ëéåï ùéëåì ìáøø òì éãé ëæéú áùø, éù ìå ìáøø.


Answer: Since it is easily possible to clarify the matter by giving him a k'Zayis of meat, that is what we do, as Tosfos already explained earlier.




úåñ' ã"ä áåã÷ ñëéï åðåúï ìå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains in detail the differences between a Mumar [le'Te'avon] and a Kuti with regard to checking the Shechitah-knife.)

åìà çééùéðï ùîà éùää åéãøåñ, ãìà ùáé÷ äéúéøà åàëéì àéñåøà; åàôéìå ìà éàëì îîðä, ãçééù à"ìôðé òåø ìà úúï îëùåì", àôé' àéï àçø òåîã òì âáéå, åìà éåöà åðëðñ.


Clarification (Part 1): We are not afraid that he may perform 'Shehiyah' or 'D'rasah', because he will not leave what is permitted and opt for what is forbidden' and even if he does not actually eat from it, since he is concerned about "Lifnei Iver Lo Sitein Michshol", even if nobody is watching him or even popping in.

àáì ëåúé éù ìå ãéï àçø, ãàé éùøàì éåöà åðëðñ, ìà áòé áãé÷ú ñëéï, ãîøúú, ãìà îöéðå áùåí î÷åí âáé ëåúé ùéäà öøéê áãé÷ú ñëéï.


Clarification (Part 1): A Kuti however, has a different Din. If a Yisrael is popping in from time to time, it is not necessary to examine his knife, since he is afraid (and we do not find anywhere that a Kuti needs to have his knife examined).

åàé àéï éùøàì éåöà åðëðñ, àôé' áã÷ ñëéï ìà îäðé, ãçééùéðï ùîà ùää åùîà ãøñ, ãìà çééù à"ìôðé òåø ìà úúï îëùåì".


Clarification (Part 2): Whereas if no Yisrael is popping in ... , then even examining his knife will not help, because we are afraid that he may have performed 'Shehiyah' or 'D'rasah', since the La'av of "Lifnei Iver ... " does not concern him.

åúéîä, ãàîàé ìà îäðé ðîé áîåîø éåöà åðëðñ, ëîå áëåúé, ã÷àîø áñîåê 'àé ãìéúà ìñëéï, ëé àçøéí øåàéï àåúå îàé äåé?'


Question: Why does a Yisrael 'popping in' not help by a Mumar like it does by a Kuti (for so the Gemara will say shortly - 'If the knife is not available, what does the fact that others watched him help?)

åé"ì, ãéùøàì îåîø ìà îéøúú, ãàéï ñáåø ùéáã÷å äñëéï àçøéå, ìôé ùäåà îçæé÷ òöîå ëéùøàì ìëì ãáøéå.


Answer: A Yisrael Mumar is not afraid, since he assumes that they will not examine the knife after him. This is because he considers himself to be a fully-fledged Yisrael in all regards.

åàéï ìä÷ùåú, ãàîàé öøéê ìëúçìä ìáãå÷ äñëéï áîåîø åìäéåú éåöà åðëðñ âáé ëåúé; éðéçðå ìùçåè ìëúçìä åàçøé ëï éáãå÷ äñëéï, àå ìëåúé éúï ëæéú áùø?


Refuted Question: One cannot ask why it is necessary to examine a Mumar's knife before he Shechts and to pop in by a Kuti; why will it not suffice to let them Shecht first and then to examine the formers knife and to give the latter a k'Zayis of meat ...

åé"ì, ãçééùéðï ãìîà îùúìé åàëéì ...


Refutation: Because we are afraid that one might forget and eat from the meat without checking them out first ...

ëîå ùôéøù ø"ú âáé çøù ùåèä å÷èï, ãàéï îåñøéí ìäï çåìéï ìëúçìä.


Precedent: ... like Rabeinu Tam explained with regard to a Chashu, to whom one does not initially hand Chulin to Shecht.



úåñ' ã"ä åàí ùçè áåã÷éï àåúå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos cites a later Gemara that challenges our Gemara's assumption.)

åàò"â ãàéëà áøééúà ì÷îï (ãó éá.) ãñáø ã'øåá îöåééï àöì ùçéèä îåîçéï äï', âáé 'îöà úøðâåìú ùçåèä'?


Implied Question: Even though there is a Beraisa later (on 12a [in connection with someone who finds a Shechted chicken]) which holds that most people who Shecht are experts (why does one then need to examine the person whose expertise we do not know)?

äà îééúé úðàé áúø äëé, àò"â ãäúí ãçé ìä.


Answer: The Gemara does cite a Machlokes Tana'im after making that statement, even though it then refutes it.



úåñ' ã"ä ãìéúéä ÷îï ãìáã÷éä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos cites a later Gemara that contradicts what we can extrapolate from our Gemara.)

úéîä, ãîùîò äà àéúà ÷îï åìà éãò, àéï ùçéèúå ëùøä, àò"â ãàçøéí øåàéï àåúå ãùçè ùôéø.


Question (Part 1): This implies that if he would be in our presence and didn't know, that his Shechitah would not be Kasher, even thought others saw that he Shechted correctly.

åì÷îï áôéø÷éï (ãó éá.) âáé äà ãàîø øá ðçîï 'øàä àçã ùùçè, àí øàäå îúçìä åòã ñåó, îåúø ìàëåì îùçéèúå, åàí ìàå, àñåø' ôøéê - 'àé ãéãò ãìà âîéø, ôùéèà?'


Question (Part 2): ... whilst later in the Perek (12.) in connection with Rav Nachman's statement that one is permitted to eat from somebody's Shechitah provided he observed his Shechitah from beginning to end; otherwise not, the Gemara asks 'If one knows that he is not an expert, then this is obvious?'



úåñ' ã"ä àò"ô ùàéï îåîçéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains when we may assume that a person is an expert in the Dinim of Shechitah.)

ôéøåù, ãìà éãòéðï àé âîéø àé ìà âîéø.


Clarification: This means that we do not know whether he is an expert or not ...

ãàé éãòéðï áéä ãìà âîéø, àôé' áãéòáã ùçéèúå ôñåìä, ëãàîø øá éäåãä ì÷îï (ãó è.) 'ëì èáç ùàéðå éåãò äìëåú ùçéèä ... '.


Proof: Because, if we knew that he is not an expert, then even Bedi'eved his Shechitah would be Pasul, as Rav Yehudah will state later (in 9a) 'It is forbidden to eat from the Shechitah of any butcher who is not conversant with the Dinim of Shechitah'.



úåñ' ã"ä çåìéï ùðòùå òì èäøú ÷ãù ìàå ë÷ãù ãîå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this argument is equally applicable in the first Lashon.)

äàé èòîà äåä îöé ìîéîø ðîé ììéùðà ÷îà.


Observation: The Gemara could have given this reason to explain the first Lashon, too.



úåñ' ã"ä øåá îöåééï àöì ùçéèä îåîçéï äï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that this Gemara's principle is even Lechatchilah.)

åùåçèéï àó ìëúçìä.


Clarification: And they are therefore permitted to Shecht even Lechatchilah.

àáì àéï ìôøù ããéòáã äåà ãäåéà ùçéèúå ëùøä, àò"ô ùàéï àçøéí øåàéï àåúå ...


Rejection of Alternative (Part 1): But one cannot explain that it is only Bedi'eved that his Shechitah is Kasher, even though others did not observe him Shechting ...

åìà îöé ìàå÷åîé îúðéúéï áäëé, îùåí ã÷ùéà ìäå 'åëåìï'.


Rejection of Alternative (Part 2): ... and one cannot establish our Mishnah like that due to the Kashya from 've'Chulan' (See Maharam) ...

ãäà ìàáéé åøáà åøá àùé ìà îéúå÷í ðîé 'åëåìï' àìà à'çøù ùåèä å÷èï.


Rejection of Alternative (Part 3): ... because according to Abaye and Rava and Rav Ashi too, 've'Chulan' can only refer to a Chashu (See Maharam).



úåñ' ã"ä ÷ñáø ëåúéí âøé àøéåú äï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos clarifies whether the Kutim performed a legitimate conversion to Judaism..)

åùçéèúï ôñåìä, ëîå ùì òåáãé ëåëáéí - î"åæáçú", 'îä ùàúä æåáç àúä àåëì' - ëìåîø àåúå ùäåà áø æáéçä, ìàôå÷é òåáã ëåëáéí åàåëì ðáìåú ìäëòéñ.


Clarification: And their Shechitah is Pasul, just like that of a Nochi, from the Pasuk "ve'Zevachta", 'Whatever you Shecht you may eat' - meaning that someone who is eligible to Shecht, to preclude a Nochri and a Yisrael who eats Neveilos to anger Hash-m.

åàò"â ãàîø áñåó ô"á ãéáîåú (ãó ëã:) 'àçã âøé àøéåú åàçã âøé çìåîåú ëåìí âøéí âîåøéí'?


Implied Question: Even though the Gemara states at the end of the second Perek of Yevamos (24b) that both Geirei Arayos and Geirei Chalomos (who converted on account of dreams that they had, are proper Geirim ...

äééðå ëùîúâééø ìâîøé îôçã àøéåú, àáì ëåúééí ìà ðúâééøå ìâîøé, ëãëúéá áîìëéí (á éæ) "àú ä' äéå éøàéí, åàú àìäéäí äéå òåáãéí".


Answer (Part 1): ... that speaks specifically where they fully converted due to the fear of lions, though the Kutim did not do so, as we see in the Pasuk in Melachim (2:17) "They were afraid of Hash-m, but they worshipped their gods".

åîàï ãàîø 'âøé àîú äï' ...


Implied Question: And those that hold that they are genuine Geirim ...

, ÷ñáø ãùåá ðúâééøå ìâîøé.


Answer: ... that is because they subsequently converted.



úåñ' ã"ä îàé èòîà ìà àîø ëùîòúéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos clarifies the question of the Gemara in light of the fact that, later in the Gemara, Rava indeed establishes that one part of the Mishnah conforms to his opinion.)

úéîä, ãäà ÷úðé áîúðéúéï úøé "äëì ùåçèéï", åîôøù øáà ì÷îï (ãó éæ.) 'çãà ìàúåéé ëåúé åçãà ìàúåéé éùøàì îåîø', àìîà îå÷é çãà ëùîòúé?


Question: But our Mishnah mentions twice 'ha'Kol Shochtin', and Rava will explain later (in 17a) that one comes to include a Kuti, and the other, a Yisrael Mumar, so we see that Rava does indeed establish one of them to conform to his opinion?

åé"ì, ãäëé ôøéê ã÷îééúà àéáòé ìéä ìàå÷åîé ëùîòúéä.


Answer: What the Gemara means to ask is that he ought to establish the first case to conform to his opinion.