[107a - 37 lines; 107b - 49 lines]

***************GIRSA SECTION******************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos

[1] Gemara 107b [line 19]:

The words "Amar Rav Papa bi'Shelama d'Rav v'Rebbi Yochanan Lo Kashya Ha d'Ika..." àîø øá ôôà áùìîà ãøá åøáé éåçðï ìà ÷ùéà äà ãàéëà are very unclear; the Maharam writes that there are those who replace the entire phrase with the words "v'Lo Peligi Ha d'Ika..." åìà ôìéâé äà ãàéëà (which is a proper Girsa that appears in the Rosh and Ra'ah - see Maharsha)

[2] Rashi 107b DH Balam. b'Mem Setumah áìí. áî'' í ñúåîä:

This Rashi is a continuation of the previous Rashi


1)[line 1]ô÷úà ãòøáåúPIKSA D'ARAVOS- the Valley of Aravos in Bavel, where the water supply was extremely limited

2)[line 3]áùòú äãç÷B'SHE'AS HA'DECHAK- in extenuating circumstances

3)[line 6]àøéúà ããìàéARISA D'DALA'EI- an irrigation pipe, into which buckets of river water are poured

4)[line 8]ãåìàDAVLA- bucket

5)[line 9]áæéò ãåìàBEZI'A DAVLA- split, perforated

6)[line 10]áëåðñ îù÷äB'CHONES MASHKEH- perforated by a hole large enough to let water into the bucket when the bucket is placed on top of water

7)[line 10]îéìó ìééôéMEILAF LAIFEI- they are attached

8)[line 18]÷ôãéúåKAPDISU- are you particular?

9)[line 19]àçæåúàA'CHAZUSA- on the appearance

10)[line 25]ðèìàNATLA- a glass cup

11)[line 26]ëåæàKUZA- a cup made of pottery

12)[line 26]îâåôú çáéúMEGUFAS CHAVIS- the cover of a barrel

13)[line 29]çîúCHEMES- (O.F. bolzole) a leather shepherd's purse, made by sewing up the hide of an animal, used to hold liquids

14)[line 29]ëôéùäKEFISHAH- a type of leather bag

15)[line 30]ù÷SAK- a sack (made from goat hair)

16)[line 30]÷åôäKUPAH- a basket

17)[line 31]ìàëåì áîôäLE'ECHOL B'MAPAH- to eat with a napkin or towel


18)[line 1]òáãéï ëãéï?AVDIN K'DEIN?- Is it proper to act like that (to eat without Netilas Yadayim)?

19)[line 1]ãòúé ÷öøä òìéDAITI KETZARAH ALAI- I am overly sensitive (i.e. I become disgusted easily)

20)[line 3]ááìàé çîúåúB'VELA'EI CHAMASOS- with worn out leather shepherd's purses

21)[line 5]àùúîéèúéäISHTEMITSEI- it escaped him (he forgot)

22)[line 9]àåëì îçîú îàëéìOCHEL MACHMAS MA'ACHIL- one who eats from [the hand of] another who is feeding him

23)[line 11]áìíBALAM- (a) he sliced [a slice of meat] (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) [he roasted meat by] covering it with coals (RASHI, 2nd explanation)

24)[line 12]àåîöàUMTZA- meat that is raw or nearly raw

25)[line 16]ùîùSHAMASH- waiter, attendant

26)[line 32]ùéáúàSHIBSA- name of an evil spirit that endangers the health of those who eat food touched with unwashed hands

27)[line 33]ãîçééï øáàéD'MACHYAN RABA'I- since my teacher hit me

28)[line 34]àîàé?AMAI?- Why [did he hit you]?

29)[line 34]ãàîø ìé, "÷à ñôéú ìáøàé åìà îùéú (éãéä) [éãéê]!?"D'AMAR LI, "KA'SAFIS LI'VERA'I V'LO MASHIS (YADEI) [YADEICH]!?"- Because he said to me, "You fed my son and you did not wash your hands!?"

30a)[line 35]à''ì, "ìà îéñúééä ãìà âîéø"AMAR LEI, LO MISTAYEI D'LO GAMIR- he (Shmuel's father) said to him (Shmuel), "It is not enough that he (your teacher) does not know the Halachah [that when someone feeds another person, he need not wash his hands]...

b)[line 35]îéîçà ðîé îçé?MIMCHA NAMI MACHEI?- ... but he even hit you?!

31)[line 39]öåðï áöåðï äåàTZONEN B'TZONEN HU- it is a case where a cold food is touching another cold food (and there is no mixing of milk an meat in such a case)

32a)[line 40]ðäé ã÷ìéôä ìà áòéNEHI D'KELIFAH LO BA'I- Granted that the meat and the cheese do not have to be peeled at the point that they touched

b)[line 40]äãçä îé ìà áòéHADACHAH MI LO BA'I- however, they do need to be rinsed

33)[line 43]ìôåðã÷ àçãL'FUNDAK ECHAD- to an inn

34)[line 45]áúôéñä àçúB'TEFISAH ACHAS- when they are in one bunch (see Insights, #4)

35)[line 46]ëòéï úôéñä àçúK'EIN TEFISAH ACHAS- with the appearance of being bunched together

36)[line 46]ñøé÷éïSARIKIN- cakes that had figures etched into them

37)[line 47]ñøé÷é áééúåñSARIKEI BAISUS- the cakes of the baker Baisus (who made the figures by baking the cakes in a mold)

38)[last line]îé ùàéï ìå àìà çìå÷ àçã îåúø ìëáñå áçåìå ùì îåòãMI SHE'EIN LO ELA CHALUK ECHAD MUTAR L'CHABSO B'CHOLO SHEL MO'ED- a person who only has one shirt is permitted to wash it on Chol ha'Mo'ed