
ASKING AND GIVING FORGIVENESS (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 7 Daf 36b)

îúðé' àó òì ôé ùäåà ðåúï ìå àéðå ðîçì ìå òã ùéá÷ù îîðå ùðàîø [áøàùéú ë æ] åòúä äùá àùú äàéù ëé ðáéà äåà


(Mishnah): Even though the damager pays the victim, he must ask the victim for forgiveness - "return his (Avraham's) wife to him (and he will pray for you), for he is a Navi.''

åîðééï ùìà éäà äîåçì àëæøé ùðàîø [ùí éæ] åéúôìì àáøäí àì äàìäéí åâå':


If he does not forgive, he is cruel - "Avraham prayed to Hash-m... [and He cured Avimelech].''

âî' úðé ø' éåãä àåîø îùåí øáï âîìéàì äøé äåà àåîø [ãáøéí éâ éç] åðúï ìê øçîéí åâå'. ñéîï æä éäà áéãê ëì æîï ùàú øçîï äî÷åí îøçí òìéê àéðê îøçí àéï äî÷åí îøçí ìê.


(Gemara - Beraisa - R. Yehudah citing R. Gamliel): It says "v'Nasan Lecha Rachamim...'' - you have this Siman. As long as you are merciful, Hash-m has mercy on you. If you are not merciful, Hash-m does not have mercy on you.

øá àîø àãí ùñøç ìçáéøå åáé÷ù îîðå åìà ÷éáìå éòùä ùåøú áðé àãí åéôééñðå ãëúéá [àéåá ìâ ëæ] éùåø òì àðùéí åâå'.


(Rav): If a person sinned against his friend, and asked [forgiveness] from him, and he did not accept him (consent), he should make a Shurah (row) of people to appease him - "Yashor Al Anashim...''

åàí òùä ëï îä ëúéá úîï [ùí ëç] ôãä ðôùå îòáåø áùçú åâå'.


If he does so, what does it say there? "Padah Nafsho me'Avor ba'Shachas...'' (he redeemed himself from Gehinom).

à''ø ééñä äãà ãúéîø ùìà äåöéà ìå ùí øò àáì äåöéà ìå ùí øò àéï ìå îçéìä òåìîéú:


(R. Yosah): [Our Mishnah teaches that one must forgive] when he did not give to him a bad reputation, but if he gave to him a bad reputation, he never [needs to] forgive him.


ONE WHO STIPULATED TO BE EXEMPT FOR DAMAGE (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 8 Daf 37a)

[ãó ìæ òîåã à] îúðé' äàåîø ñîà àú òéðé ÷èò àú éãé ùáø àú øâìé çééá òì îðú ìôèåø çééá


(Mishnah): If one said 'blind my eye', 'cut off my hand', (or) 'break my foot' [and he did so], he is liable. [Even if he said] 'on condition to be exempt', he is liable.

÷øò àú ëñåúé ùáø àú ëãé çééá òì îðú ìôèåø ôèåø


If he said 'tear my garment' or 'break my jug', and he did so, he is liable. If he said 'on condition to be exempt', he is exempt.

òùä ëï ìàéù ôìåðé òì îðú ìôèåø çééá áéï áâåôå áéï áîîåðå:


If he told him 'do so to Ploni', [even if he said] 'on condition to be exempt', whether [he said to damage] his body or property, he is liable.

âî' äàåîø ñîà òéðé ùîæé÷úðé ÷èò éãé ùîæé÷úðé çééá òì îðú ìôèåø çééá.


(Gemara - Tosefta): If one said 'blind my eye, for it hurts me', or 'cut off my hand, for it hurts me', he is liable. [Even if he said] 'on condition to be exempt', he is liable.

àîø øáé ìòæø áäï ùäåà ëìàå îúðéúà àáì áäï ùäåà ëäéï ôèåø.


(R. Lazar): [Our Mishnah discusses] a 'Hen' (yes) that [can mean] 'no'. (The damager said 'on condition that I will be exempt?', and the one who asked him to damage said 'Hen'. Regarding bodily damage, we assume that he meant 'no'. For property damage, we assume that he meant 'yes.') However, if 'Hen' clearly meant 'yes', [in both cases] he is exempt.

[ãó ìâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îéìúéä ãø' ìòæø îùåí ôâí îùôçä.


R. Lazar's teaching is due to blemish to the family. (It is embarrassing for them if one of the family is mutilated, so if we can explain that he meant 'no', we assume so.)

øéù ì÷éù àîø áäéï ùäåà ëäéï äåà îúðéúà àáì áäï ùäåà ëìàå çééá.


(Reish Lakish): [Our Mishnah discusses] a 'Hen' (yes) that clearly means 'yes'. However, if 'Hen' [can mean] 'no', he is liable [even for property damage].

îéìúéä ãøéù ì÷éù àîø ùùîéï ì÷øåáéï áåùú.


Inference: Reish Lakish's teaching shows that we estimate Boshes for relatives. (Even when he sincerely pardons bodily damage, his pardon is invalid, for it embarrasses his family. We explained this like RIDVAZ.)

úðé éùøàì ùàðñåäå òëå''í åðèìå îîðå îîåï çáéøå áôðéå ôèåø ðèì åðúï ìäí çééá


(Tosefta): If Nochrim forced a Yisrael, and took another's money [deposited with him] in front of him, he is exempt. If he took it and gave it to them, he is liable.

àîø ø' éåñé äãà ãúéîø áùàîø ìå îîåï ñúí àáì îîåï ôìåðé àôéìå ðèì åðúï áéã ôèåø:


(R. Yosi): This is when [the Nochri] told him 'give to me money' Stam, but if he said 'Ploni's money', even if [the Shomer] took it and gave it to him, he is exempt.

äãøï òìê ôø÷ äçåáì