

úåñ' ã"ä ùìà éäà çåèà ðùëø

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles Rava here and in 'Eilu Na'aros' with his opinion in the first Perek of Kesuvos.)

åäà ãîùîò áô"÷ ãëúåáåú (ãó éà. åùí) ãìéú ìéä ìøáà äàé èòîà - âáé 'âéåøú ùðúâééøä ôçåúä îáú â' ùðéí' ...


Implied Question: And as for the Gemara in the first Perek of Kesuvos (Daf 11a & 11b) which implies that Rava does not hold of that reason - in connection with 'A Giyores who converted before she turned three' ...

ãîùîò ìéä ìøáà ùàí äéúä éëåìä ìîçåú ëùäâãéìä, ìà äéä ìä ÷ðñ ...


Implied Question (cont.): ... where Rava understands that if she was able to object (to the conversion) from the time that she grew up, she would not be subject to a K'nas ...

ìà ãîé, ãäúí äåà ãîï äãéï àéï ìä ÷ðñ ëìì, åîùåí 'ùìà éäà çåèà ðùëø' ìà àîø ãðéúï ìä, äåàéì åîï äãéï àéï ìä.


Answer: That is not comparable to here, since there, strictly speaking, she should not be subject to a K'nas at all, and we do not say that she is, is in order that the sinner should not benefit.

àáì äëà ãîï äãéï éù ìä, àìà îùåí ãáòéðï ìî÷ðñä, ñáøà äåà ãîùåí 'ùìà éäà çåèà ðùëø', îå÷îéðï ìä à'ãéðà.


Answer (cont.): .. whereas here, where, min ha'Din, she ought to be subject to a K'nas, only we want to penalize her, it is logical to say that, on account of 'she'Lo Yehei Chotei Niskar', we give what she is entitled to min ha'Din.

åáôø÷ àìå ðòøåú (ëúåáåú ãó ìå:) àéú ìéä 'ùìà éäà çåèà ðùëø' ááú éùøàì ùáåéä ...


Implies Question: And in Perek Eilu Na'aros (Kesuvos, Daf 36b, too) he holds 'she'Lo Yehei Chotei Niskar' in the case of a bas Yisrael who was captured ...

îùåí ãîå÷îéðï ìä à'÷ãåùúä.


Answer: ... because we establish her on her initial Chazakah of Kedushah.



úåñ' ã"ä àéï îòîéãéï àôåèøåôåñ ìúí ìâáåú îâåôå

(Summary: Tosfos discusses in detail as to why Beis-Din do not appoint an Apotropus to claim from the Tam of a Chashu.)

úéîä, îàé èòí ãàéï îòîéãéï?


Question: Why do Beis-Din not appoint an Apotropus?

ãàéï ìåîø îùåí ã'àéï á"ã ðæ÷÷éï àìà ìðëñéí ùéù ìäï àçøéåú' ...


Refuted Answer #1: We cannot say that it is because 'Beis-Din only deal with property (of Yesomim) that has Achrayus (Karka) ...

ëãàéúà áô"÷ (ãó éã:) âáé 'ùåä ëñó', åàå÷îéðï áéúîé ...


Source: ... as the Gemara states in the first Perek (Daf 14:) in connection with 'Shaveh Kesef ' which the Gemara establishes by Yesomim ...

ãìà ãîé ëìì, ãäúí îééøé áäæé÷å áçéé äàá, åîùåí ã'îèìèìé ãéúîé ìà îùúòáãé ìá"ç'.


Refutation: ... since it is not comparable, seeing as it speaks there where they damaged in the lifetime of their father, and 'the Metalt'lin of Yesomim are not Meshubad to their creditor'.

åàéï ìåîø ðîé ãäééðå èòí îùåí ã'ôìâà ðæ÷à ÷ðñà', å'éúîé ìàå áðé ÷ðñà ðéðäå'.


Refuted Answer #2: Nor can we say that the reason is due to the principle 'Palga Nizka K'nasa' and 'Yesomim are not subject to K'nas'.

ãìî"ã 'ôìâà ðæ÷à îîåðà' îàé àéëà ìîéîø?


Refutation #1: ... because what will one then say according to the opinion that holds 'Palga Nizka Mamona' (Daf 15a)?

åòåã, àôéìå áîåòã ìî"ã öã úîåú áî÷åîä òåîãú àéðå âåáä ç"ð ùì öã úîåú?


Refutation #2: Moreover, according to the opinion that holds 'the Tzad Tamus bi'Mekomah Omedes' (on Amud Beis), the Nizak should not be able to claim the half-Nezek of the Tzad Tamus even in the case of a Mu'ad?

åàò"â ãäúí ìàå ÷ðñà àìà ãéðà.


Reservation: ... in spite of he fact that it is not a K'nas, only Mamon.

åâí àéï ìåîø îùåí ãàéäå âåôéä ëé îæé÷ ôèåø, ã'ôâéòúå øòä', îîåðå ìà ë"ù!, åáîåòã òáãé øáðï ú÷ðä îôðé úé÷åï äòåìí ...


Refuted Answer #3: Neither can the reason be because, 'if when he damages he is Patur, because 'contact with him is not financially viable' (as we learned in the Mishnah in 'ha'Chovel'), how much more so his property!' Only by Mu'ad the Rabanan made a Takanah for the benefit of the public ...

ãëùäìëå áòìéå ìîãéðú äéí, éäáéðï ìéä ãéï çøù, åàò"â ãìà ùééê äàé èòîà


Refutation: ... because where the owner traveled overseas, we apply to him the Din of a Cheresh (See Amud Beis), even though the current reason is not applicable.

åâí àéï ìåîø îùåí ãîùúìí îâåôå, çùå çëîéí ùìà éôñéã ùåøå ùäåà ãáø îñåééí, àáì áîåòã ãîùúìí îëì ãáø, ìà çùå ...


Refuted Answer #4: We also cannot say that because he pays from the body of the ox, the Chachamim were concerned that he (the Yasom) should not lose his ox, seeing as it is something specific, unlike a Mu'ad, where one pays from anything, which is why they were not concerned ...

ãäà ìø' éùîòàì á"ç äåà åéëåì ìñìå÷éä áæåæé


Refutation: ... since, according to Rebbi Yishmael, the Nizak is a debtor, and can push him off with money,

åé"ì, ãäèòí äåà ëéåï ãçñ øçîðà òì äúí ùìà éùìí ð"ù, äìëê ìâáé éúîé çùå òìééäå.


Answer: The reason is because, based on the fact that the Torah 'has pity' on the Tam - in that he does not pay full damage, the Chachamim likewise took pity on the Yesomim.

åëï îé ùäìëå áòìéå ìîãéðú äéí, ëéåï ùàéï ìäí áòìéí âîåøéí àìà ò"é ú÷ðú á"ã áäòîãú àôåèøåôåñ, à÷éìå áéä øáðï.


Answer (cont.): And the same applies to someone who traveled overseas, seeing as the ox has no real owner, only via a Takanas Beis-Din by appointing an Apotropus, the Rabanan were lenint.

åëï äîåòã ðîé áöã úîåú àéï îòîéãéï àôåèøåôåñ, ëéåï ãçñ øçîðà òìéä - ìî"ã 'öã úîåú áî÷åîä òåîãú' ...


Answer (cont.): And by the same token, according to the opinion that holds 'Tzad Tamus bi'Mekomah Omedes', Beis-Din will not appoint an Apotropus to claim the Tzad Tamus, since the Torah has pity on him.

ùàí àéï äùåø ùåä çöé ðæ÷å, àéï îùìí àìà îâåôå.


Answer (concl.): ... inasmuch as, in the event that the ox is worth less than half the damage, he will only have to pay from the body of the ox.



úåñ' ã"ä àìîà îòîéãéï àôåèøåôåñ

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara does not establish the Reisha where there was no Apotropus at the time of the goring.)

åà"ú, åðéîà ãøéùà ëâåï ùìà äéä àôåèøåôåñ áùòú ðâéçä?


Question: Why does the Gemara not answer that the Reisha speaks where there was no Apotropus at the time that the goring occurred?

åé"ì, ãäà îéìúà ãôùéèà äéà.


Answer: Because that would be obvious.



úåñ' ã"ä åàí äåçæ÷å ðâçðéï

(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the case.)

àéï ìôøù 'ùðâçå' - ùìù ôòîéí, å'îòîéãéï àôåèøåôåñ' - ùàí éâç øáéòéú éùìí ð"ù.


Refuted Explanation: One cannot explain that 'they gored' three times and that they appoint an Apotropus so that, should they gore a fourth time, the Yesomim will have to pay full damages ...

ãäðéçà àé ìéòåãé úåøà áòéðï, àìà àé ìéòåãé âáøà áòéðï ìà àééòã áàåúï ðâéçåú.


Refutation #1: ... because that would be fine if it would be the ox that must become a Mu'ad, but if it is the owner, he will not become a Mu'ad via those gorings.

åòåã, ãäàé úðà ñáø 'øùåú îùðä' ëã÷úðé ñéôà - 'çæø ìúîåúå',


Refutation #2: Furthermore, this Tana holds 'R'shus Meshaneh' (a new ownership reverts the ox to a Tam) as it says in the Seifa 'It reverts to its Tamus'?

åö"ì ãäåçæ÷å ðâçðéí øùòéí åîùúâòéí ìéâç ...


Authentic Explanation: What it therefore means is that the oxen adopted a Chazakah of being 'wicked' and to delight in goring.

ëé ääéà ãì÷îï ã'ùàìå áçæ÷ú úí', ãîå÷é ëâåï ùäëéø áå ùäåà ðâçï ...


Proof: ... like the case later (on Daf 40a) where 'He borrowed it be'Chezkas Tam', which the Gemara establishes that the borrower nevertheless recognized it as a goring ox.

åàôéìå äåçæ÷å ðâçðéí â' ôòîéí ìà éòùä îåòã òã ùéçæåø åéâç ùìù ôòîéí áøùåú àôåèøåôåñ.


Authentic Explanation (cont.): And even if it had a Chazakah of goring three times, it will not become a Mu'ad until it gores another three times under the jurisdiction of the Apotropus.



úåñ' ã"ä åøáé éåçðï àîø àå ìùèø ùéù áå øáéú

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles Rebbi Yochanan with the Gemaros in Bava Basra and in Erchin and resolves a contradiction between two rulings of Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina.)

åà"ú, åäà èòîà ã'àéï ðæ÷÷éï' îùåí ãçééùéðï ìöøøé ...


Question: The reason that Beis-Din do not deal with the property of Yesomim is because we suspect that their father set aside Tzor'ri (bundles of money) ...

ëãîôøù øá äåðà áøéä ãøá éäåùò áôø÷ âè ôùåè (á"á ãó ÷òã. åùí), åäúí ôñ÷éðï äìëúà ëååúéä - åäëà ìà ùééê èòîà ã'öøøé'


Source: ... as Rav Huna b'rei de'Rav Yehoshua explains in Perek Get Pashut (Bava Basra, Daf 174a & 174b), and there the Gemara rules like him - whereas the reason of ' Tzor'ri' does not apply here?

åøáà ãäëà ðîé îô' èòîà áô' ùåí äéúåîéí (òøëéï ãó ëá: åùí) îùåí ùåáø - åäëà ìà ùééê ëìì.


Question (cont.): ... and Rava in our Sugya too, ascribes the reason in Perek Shum ha'Yesomim (Erchin, Daf 22b & 23a) to 'Shover' (the fact that their father may have a receipt that he has already paid) - which does not apply here either.

åà"ë, àîàé äåé ãøáé éåñé áø çðéðà èåòä?


Question (concl.): Why does the Gemara then consider Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina as having erred?

åé"ì, ø' éåçðï ÷àîø áëì òðéï 'àéï ðæ÷÷éï' - áéï áîìåä äáàä îçîú òöîä ...


Answer: Rebbi Yochanan holds 'Ein Nizkakin ... ' under all circumstances - whether it is a loan that they (the Yesomim themselves) initiated ...

åîùåí ãàéï î÷áìéï òãåú ùìà áôðé áòì ãéï, åéúåîéí ëùìà áôðé áòì ãéï ãîé - ëãîåëç áäâåæì áúøà (ì÷îï ãó ÷éá.) âáé 'çîåä ãøáé éøîéä' ...


Answer (cont.): ... because one cannot accept testimony that is not in the presence of the litigant and Yesomim are always considered as being not present - as is evident in 'ha'Gozel Basra' (later, on af 112a) in connection with the case of 'father-in-law of Rebbi Yirmiyah' ...

åáéï áîìåä äáàä îçîú àáéäí, åàôéìå áùèø äî÷åééí àéï ðæ÷÷éï, îùåí 'ùåáø' å'öøøé'.


Answer (cont.): ... or whether it is a loan that their father made, where Beis-Din do not become involved, even if there is a substantiated Sh'tar, because of 'Shover' and 'Tzar'ri'.

åà"ú, à'ãôøéê 'îùåéú ìéä ìø' éåñé áø çðéðà èåòä', ú÷ùä îø' éåñé áø çðéðà à'ãøáé éåñé áø çðéðà ...


Question: Rather than asking about 'turning Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina into someone who erred', the Gemara should have asked from Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina on to Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina ...

ãàîø áäâåæì áúøà (ùí:) âáé äà ãàîø ø' éåçðï 'åëé î÷áìéï òãåú ùìà áôðé áòì ãéï'? '÷áìä îéðéä ø' éåñé áø çðéðà ëâåï ùäéä çåìä àå òãéí çåìéí àå ùäéå òãéå îá÷ùéí ììëú ìîãéðú äéí åùìçå ìå åìà áà' ...


Question (cont.): ... because in 'ha'Gozel Basra' (Ibid., Amud Beis) in connection with the statement of Rebbi Yochanan 'Does one accept witnesses when the litigant is not present?' the Gemara cites Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina had a tradition that it speaks where he (the litigant) or the witnesses were sick, or where the latter needed to go overseas and they sent for the litigant to come, but he failed to do so.

àáì áòðéï àçø, ìà?


Question (concl.): But (one may) not (accept witnesses when the litigants are not present) under any other circumstances?

åé"ì, ãùîà äåà îãîä ÷èðéí ìäà.


Answer: Maybe he compares Ketanim to those cases.



úåñ' ã"ä ãàé àîøú îòìééú àôåèøåôåñ îîðòé åìà òáãé

(Summary: Tosfos discusses whether an Apotropus who is negligent is Chayav to pay.)

îëàï îã÷ã÷ äø"ø çééí ãàôåèøåôñéï ìà îùìîé àôéìå ôùòå áùì éúîé ...


Explanation #1: From here Rebbi Chayim extrapolates that Apotropsin do not need to pay, even if they are negligent with regard to property belonging to the Yesomim ...

ãäà äëà ôùò áùåø äàôåèøåôåñ, åàô"ä îôèøé.


Proof: ... since here, the Apotropus was negligent with the ox, yet he is Patur from paying.

åîä ùäàôåèøåôåñ ðùáò ìéúîé, ëãîùîò áäðéæ÷éï (âéèéï ãó ðá. åùí:)?


Implied Question: And as for the Shevu'ah that he swears to the Yesomim, as is implied in 'ha'Nizakin' (Gitin, Daf 52a & 52b) ...

äééðå ùìà òëá ëìåí îùìäí, àáì àéï ðùáòéï ùìà ôùòå, ãàôéìå ôùòå ôèåøéí.


Answer: ... that speaks where he he did not retain anything of theirs, but not that he was not negligent, seeing as even if he was, he is Patur.

äø"ø ùîåàì áçåø á"ø éåñó ã÷ã÷ ãîùìîé áôùéòä ...


Explanation #2: Rebbi Shmuel Bachur b'Rebbi Yosef however, extrapolates that if they are negligent they must pay...

îääéà ãäîô÷éã (á"î ãó îá: åùí) ã'ääåà úåøà ãìà ä"ì ëëé åùéðé' å÷àîø "ðéîà ìàôåèøåôåñ æéì ùìéí"? àîø "àðà ìá÷øà îñøúéä" '.


Proof: ... from the Sugya in ha'Mafkid (Bava Metzi'a, Daf 42b DH 'Neima') in the case of an ox that had no molars and no teeth ... ', where, in reply to the Gemara's Kashya that the Apotropus should be obligated to pay, answered that he handed it to the cowhand ...

îùîò ãàí ôùò, îùìí.


Proof (cont.): ... implying that had he been negligent, he would have had to pay.

åäùúà ÷ùå àäããé?


Question: The above two Gemaros contradict one another?


åàåø"é, ãåãàé îçééá àôåèøåôåñ ìùìí áôùéòä, åìà îîðòé áéï îéðäå àáé éúåîéí áéï îéðäå áéú ãéï ëãîôøù èòîà áäðéæ÷éï (âéèéï ãó ðá: åùí) ...


Answer (cont. from Amud Alef): The Ri explains that the Apotropus is certainly Chayav to pay if he is negligent, yet people will not refrain (from volunteering) irrespective of whether it is the father or Beis-Din that appoints him (for one of the reasons given in 'ha'Nizakin' [Gitin, Daf 52b & 53a).

àáì ëàï ãùìà áùáéì äéúåîéí îîðéï àåúå, ãèåá äéä ìäí ùìà äéä ìäí àôåèøåôåñ, àìà áùáéì ú÷ðú äòåìí îîðéï àåúå, ëãé ùéùîåø äùåø ùìà éâç


Answer (cont.): ... whereas in the current case, where they do not appoint him for the benefit of the Yesomim, since it would have been better for them not to have an Apotropus, but rather for the benefit of the general public, in order that he should look after the ox to prevent it from goring ...

àé àîøú ãîùìí, îîðòé åìà òáãé.


Answer (concl.): ... should one obligate him to pay, he will refrain from volunteering.

åáéøåùìîé áäðæ÷éï àîø 'àúéà ãø' éåçðï ëøáðï' áúîéä?


Explanation: The Yerushalmi in 'ha'Nizakin' asks 'Does Rebbi Yochanan (who maintains 'me'Aliyas ha'Yesomim') hold like the Rabanan (who say that if Beis-Din appoint an Apotropus, he does not need to swear)?

àôéìå éñáåø ëàáà ùàåì ãàîø 'îéðåäå á"ã, éùáò'. áòé ääåà áø àéðù ìîéúá æåæé áâéï ãîú÷øé 'îäéîï'.


Explanation (cont.): And it answers that he can hold even like Aba Shaul who says that if Beis-Din appoint him, he does need to swear', because that man (the Apotropus) is willing to pay money in order to be called 'a reliable person'.

ëìåîø ìà éîðò áùáéì ëê àí éäéä æ÷å÷ ìôøåò àí éôùò, ãùîç äåà ùðçùá áëê ìðàîï ëùá"ã îîðéï àåúå


Explanation (cont.): In other words, he will not refrain from volunteering on account of the fact that he will have to pay if he is negligent, since he is content with the knowledge that this makes him important to the point that Beis-Din appoint him ...

àáì âáé ùåø, àéï ðçùá ìðàîï áùáéì îðåé æä, ùàéï æä áùáéì ú÷ðú éúåîéí àìà áùáéì ùìà éæé÷ ìòåìí, åàéï ðçùá àìà ëùåîø áòìîà, ùùåîø äùåø ùìà éæé÷.


Explanation (concl.): .. whereas in the case of an ox, the same appointment does not render him 'a reliable person', since it is not on behalf of the Yesomim, but rather that the ox should not damage others, in which case he is considered merely as a regular Shomer, since he guards the ox against goring.

åãøáé éåñé á"ç =áø çðéðà= ëàáà ùàåì?


Question: Then the Yerushalmi asks whether Rebbi Yossi b'Rebbi Chanina (who maintains 'me'Aliyas ha'Apotropus') holds like Aba Shaul (who says that if Beis-Din appoint an Apotropus, he is obligated to swear)?

àôéìå éñáåø ëøáðï; àãí îáøéç òöîå îï äùáåòä åàéï àãí îáøéç òöîå îï äúùìåîéï ...


Answer: And it answers that he can even hold like the Rabanan; because a person tends to run away from an oath, but not from paying ...

ëìåîø áùáéì äùáåòä éäéä ðîðò, ùìòåìí öøéê ìéùáò ùìà òéëá ëìåí îùìäí.


Answer (cont.): In other words, he will refrain from volunteering due to the oath that he will have to take that he did not retain anything belonging to them.

åðøàä ãàôéìå ðàáã ãáø îùì éúåîéí, ùìà éùáò ùìà ôùò, ùàí ëï éäéå ðîðòéí.


Answer (cont.): And presumably, even if something belonging to the Yesomim gets lost, that he does not swear that he was not negligent, because if he did, he would refrain from volunteering.

àáì áæä àéï çåùù àí éù òãéí àå àí éåãò äåà áòöîå ùôùò, ìà éîðò àí îæ÷é÷éï àåúå ìùìí.


Conclusion (concl.): ... but in our case, he is not concerned if there are witnesses, or if he himself knows that he was negligent, he will not refrain from volunteering, even though we will force him to pay.



úåñ' ã"ä àé áúí ôùéèà

(Summary: Tosfos explains why the Gemara does not answer that comes to teach us that Beis-Din appoint an Apotropus to claim from a Tam.)

åë"ú ãàùîåòé' ã'îòîéãéï àôåèøåôåñ ìúí' ...


Refuted Answer: And if one will ask that it teaches us 'Ma'amidin Apotropus le'Tam' ...

à"ë, ä"ì ìîúðé 'ø' éò÷á îçééá' åúå ìà.


Refutation: ... then it ought to have said simply 'Rebbi Ya'akov Mechayev' and no more.

åîãð÷è 'ç"ð' îùîò ãàéöèøéê ãìà ðéîà ðæ÷ ùìí.


Refutation (cont.): ... but since it adds 'Chatzi Nezek', it implies that he needs to teach us that he does not pay full damages.



úåñ' ã"ä åìà îùìí àìà ôìâà ãîåòã

(Summary: Tosfos explains why Rava does not hold of this answer.)

åøáà ìà áòé ìùðåéé äëé ...


Implied Question: Rava declines to give this answer ...

îãìà ÷úðé 'ø' éäåãä àåîø çééá ð"ù, åø' éò÷á àåîø ç"ð'.


Answer #1: ... since the Beraisa does not say 'Rebbi Yehudah Mechayav Nezek Shalem, ve'Rebbi Ya'akov Omer Chatzi Nezek'.

åòåã, ãîùîò ìéä ìøáà ãëéåï ãìà ðèøéä ëìì, ä"ì ìîúðé 'àéï îùìí àìà çöé ðæ÷' - ùæäå äçéãåù ...


Answer #2: Moreover, Rava understands that, since he did not guard it at all (as Abaye explains), Rebbi Ya'akov ought to have said 'Ein Meshalem ela Chatzi Nezek - since that is the Chidush ...

åîã÷àîø 'îùìí ç"ð', îùîò ã÷î"ì ãîùìí àôéìå ç"ð.


Answer #2 (cont.): So, since it said 'Meshalem Chatzi Nezek', it implies that the Chidush is that he only pays Chatzi Nezek (which makes no sense according to Abaye).

àáì äùúà ãðèøéä ùîéøä ôçåúä, çéãåù äåà ã÷î"ì ãîùìí àôéìå ç"ð.


Answer #2 (concl.): But now that he guarded it with an insufficient guarding, the Chidush is indeed that he only pays Chatzi Nezek.

åòåã, ãîùîò ìéä 'ç"ð' îâåôå ëñúí ç"ð ãáëì î÷åí.


Answer #3: Furthermore, he (Rava) understands 'Chatzi Nezek' to mean 'mi'Gufo' like 'Chatzi Nezek' everywhere else.



úåñ' ã"ä àãîå÷é ìä áîåòã ìå÷îéä áúí

(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this Sugya with the Gemara earlier, which refutes the suggestion that the Mishnah is talking about a Tam.)

úéîä, ãîòé÷øà äåä ôøéê 'àé áúí ôùéèà', åìà äåä áòé ìîéîø ãàúà ìàùîåòéðï ã'îòîéãéï àôåèøåôåñ ìúí' ëãôé' ìòéì


Question: Initially, the Gemara asked 'I be'Tam P'shita', and did not want to say that it is coming to teach us 'Ma'amidin Apotropus le'Tam', as Tosfos explained earlier (DH 'I be'Tam ... ')

ãàí ëï, ä"ì ìîéîø 'øáé éò÷á îçééá'.


Question (cont.) ... because he ought to have then said 'Rebbi Ya'akov Mechayav' ...

åäùúà ôøéê 'ìàå÷îéä áúí'?


Question (concl.): ... and now the Gemara asks why we do not establish it by a Tam?

åé"ì, ãäùúà ãàñé÷ àãòúéä ãàîø 'öã úîåú áî÷åîä òåîãú', ìà îöé ìîúðé 'øáé éò÷á îçééá' ...


Answer: Because now, following the Gemara's taking into account the principle 'Tzad Tamus bi'Mekomah Omedes', the Tana can no longer say 'Rebbi Ya'akov Mechayev' ...

ãàéöèøéê ìäæëéø ç"ð, ìàùîåòéðï ã'îòîéãéï àôåèøåôåñ ìúí', åàé äåä úðé 'îçééá', äåä îå÷îéðï ìä áîåòã, àáì úí ôèåø, ã'àéï îòîéãéï àôåèøåôåñ ìúí'.


Reason: He needs to mention Chatzi Nezek to teach us 'Ma'amidin Apotropus le'Tam', and if he would say simply 'Mechayev', we would establish it by a Mu'ad, but a Tam (we would extrapolate) is Patur, because 'Ein Ma'amidin Apotropus le'Tam'.

åàéöèøéê ìàùîåòéðï ãîåòã îùìí ð"ù, ìàôå÷é îî"ã 'öã úîåú áî÷åîä òåîãú'.


Answer (cont.): And he needs to teach us that a Mu'ad pays full damages, to preclude the opinion that 'Tzad Tamus bi'Mekomah Omedes' (part of the Tamus remains when it becomes a Mu'ad).

àáì îòé÷øà, ãìà äåä àñé÷ àãòúéä 'öã úîåú ... ', ôøéê ùôéø 'àé áúí ôùéèà' ...


Answer (concl.): Initially however, before the Gemara considered 'Tzad Tamus ... ', the Gemara was justified in asking 'I be'Tam P'shita?' ...

ãàé ìàùîåòéðï 'îòîéãéï àôåèøåôåñ ìúí' àúà, ìúðé 'îçééá', åäåä îå÷îéðï ìéä áúí, ãìîåòã ìà àéöèøéê


Conclusion: ... since had it been coming to teach us 'Ma'amidin Apotropus le'Tam', it ought to have said 'Mechayav', which we would automatically have established by a Tam, seeing as we do not need it for a Mu'ad.