BECHOROS 58 (11 Sivan) - Dedicated to commemorate the Yahrzeit of Chaim Yoseph ben Ephraim Henach ha'Levi z'l.


TOSFOS DH Nicha Lei l'Inish d'Lei'aved Mitzvah b'Mamonei

úåñôåú ã"ä ðéçà ìéä ìàéðéù ãìéòáéã îöåä áîîåðéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that even so, he need not wait for the Goren.)

àò''â ãìôðé äæîï éëåì ìòùø åìùçåè åìîëåø


Implied question: Before the time he can tithe and slaughter and sell! (Perhaps people will not wait, and there will not be animals available for the festival!)

ëéåï ù÷áòå çëîéí æîï ãøê äåà ìäîúéï òåã åìòùø äëì áéçã


Answer: Since Chachamim fixed a time, it is normal to wait more and tithe everything together.


TOSFOS DH v'Iy Efshar La'aser b'Yom Tov Mishum Sikreta

úåñôåú ã"ä åàé àôùø ìòùø áéå''è îùåí ñ÷øúà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we needed this reason.)

[åà''ú] úéôå÷ ìéä îùåí ãàéï î÷ãéùéï áé''è


Question: We should already know [that one may not tithe on Yom Tov] because one may not be Makdish on Yom Tov!

é''ì ìà äééúé àåñø ìä÷øéáå ùîà éáà ìä÷ãéùå ãäééðå âæéøä ìâæéøä ãäéà âåôä ìà àñåø ìä÷ãéù áé''è àìà îãøáðï


Answer #1: [If the Isur were only due to this,] I would not forbid to offer it lest he come to be Makdish it, for this is a decree for a decree, for the Isur to be Makdish is only mid'Rabanan;

ëãàîøéðï äúí (áéöä ãó ìå:) ãàéï øåëáéï ò''â áäîä åîôøù èòîà ùîà éöà çåõ ìúçåí å÷àîø ù''î úçåîéï ãàåøééúà ìà âæéøä ùîà éçúåê æîåøä


Source: We say there (Beitzah 36b) that one may not ride on an animal [on Shabbos], and it explains the reason lest it go outside the Techum, and it says that this shows that Techumim is mid'Oraisa (for if it were mid'Rabanan, we would not decree due to it. The Gemara rejects) no, it is a decree lest one detach a branch [to hit the animal].

åòåã îöé ìîéîø ãàôéìå ìä÷ãéùå äéä éëåì áé''è (îùåí ùìîé ùîçä ëãàîø) [ö"ì ìöåøê ùìîé ùîçä ëé ääéà ãàîø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùìîé ùîçä ëãàîø ô' ùåàì (ùáú ãó ÷îç:) î÷ãéù àãí ôñçå áùáú åçâéâúå áøâì


Answer #2: He could be Makdish it even on Yom Tov [if not for dyeing] for the need of Shelamim for Simchah, like it says in Shabbos (148b) that one may be Makdish his Pesach on Shabbos and his Chagigah on [Yom Tov of] the festival.

åîéäå äà (ãàîø) [ö"ì àîøé' - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äúí åáøéù (úîéã ðùçè (ôñçéí ñå:) äééðå ãå÷à çåáåú ä÷áåò ìäí æîï àáì àéï ÷áåò ìäí æîï àéï î÷ãéùéï


Implied question: It says there and in Pesachim (66b) that this is only for obligations with a fixed time (like Pesach and Chagigah), but if there is no fixed time (e.g. Ma'aser), one may not be Makdish it [on Yom Tov]!

åìà îñúáø ùéäà îòùø ëúåáåú ä÷áåò ìäï æîï ëùéöøéê ìäå ìùìîé ùîçä


Implied suggestion: Perhaps Ma'aser is like an obligation with a fixed time when he needs it for Shalmei Simchah (to eat Kodesh meat during the festival).

ãà''ë ðãøéí åðãáåú ðîé ùäøé éåöàéï áðãøéí åðãáåú îùåí ùìîé ùîçä ëãàîø áîñ' çâéâä (ã' æ:)


Rejection #1: If so, also Nedarim and Nedavos should be permitted [to be Makdish on Yom Tov], for one fulfills Shalmei Simchah through Nedarim and Nedavos, like it says in Chagigah (7b)!

åî''î (ëàï îùîò ãìà) [ö"ì áäê ãùîòúéï ìà - áðéï ùìîä] ùééëé äðê ùéðåéé ãáéå''è ùì ø''ä ÷ééîé


Rejection #2: In our Sugya, these answers do not apply, for we discuss Yom Tov of Rosh Hashanah! (The Mitzvah of Simchah is only during the festivals.)

åé''ì ëéåï ãòùéøé îàéìéå ÷ãåù àôéìå ìà ÷øà òùéøé åìà ùééê ìàéñåø ä÷ãù ëæä áéå''è


Answer: Since the 10th [to leave] is Kadosh automatically, even if he did not call it Asiri, it is not applicable to forbid being Makdish in a case like this on Yom Tov.


TOSFOS DH Chutz Min ha'Kare'ach ha'Zeh

úåñôåú ã"ä çåõ îï ä÷øç äæä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this was not R. Akiva.)

ô''ä äééðå ø''ò åø' éäåùò áï ÷øçä äåà ø' éäåùò áðå ùì ø''ò


Explanation #1 (Rashi): This refers to R. Akiva, and R. Yehoshua ben Korchah was R. Akiva's son.

å÷ùä îé ñðé ìéä ìäæëéø ø''ò áùîå ùîæëéøå áìùåï âðàé


Objection #1: Why didn't he mention R. Akiva by name, that [rather] he mentions him in a derogatory way?

ëãëúéá (î''á á) òìä ÷øç åáô' ùåàì (ùáú ã' ÷ðá.) àîø îäëà ì÷øçéðàä ëîä åìâðàé ðúëåéï


[This is derogatory,] like it says "Alei Kere'ach", and in Shabbos (152a, a Tzeduki asked R. Yehoshua ben Korchah) "how far is it from here to Karchina'ah?", and he intended for disgrace.

åáîñ' îâéìä (ãó ëç.) øáé ùàì àú øáé éäåùò áï ÷øçä áîä äàøëú éîéí [åëå'] åàîø ìå øáé áøëðé åàîø ìå éäé øöåï ùúâéò ìçöé ùðé


Objection #2: In Megilah (28a), Rebbi asked about R. Yehoshua ben Korchah "how did you merit to live so long?"... Rebbi requested a Brachah, and (R. Yehoshua) said "may it be His will that you reach half my years";

åàéìå ø''ò ëùðùà áú ëìáà ùáåò áï î' ùðä äéä å÷áì òìéå ìòñå÷ áúåøä åòñ÷ î' ùðéí åî' ùðä ôøðñ éùøàì åáñôøé (ôøùä áøëä) úðéà ã' çéå ÷''ë ùðä îùä åäìì åøáï éåçðï áï æëàé åø''ò


When R. Akiva married the daughter of Kalba Savu'a, he was 40 years old, and he accepted to learn Torah. He engaged in Torah for 40 year, and was the leader of Yisrael for 40 years, and in the Sifri (Parshas Zos ha'Brachah) it says that there are four who lived for 120 years - Moshe, Hillel, R. Yochanan ben Zakai and R. Akiva;

åáéåí ùîú ø''ò (÷ãåùéï ãó òá.) ðåìã øáé åàôéìå ðåìã ø' éäåùò áùðä øàùåðä ùðùà áú ëìáà ùáåò ìà äéä ëé àí ùîåðéí ëùðåìã øáé åìëì äôçåú äéä ø' éäåùò áï ÷''î ùðä ëùáéøê øáé


On the day that R. Akiva died, Rebbi was born. And even if R. Yehoshua was born in the first year that [R. Akiva] married Bas Kalba Savu'a, he would be only 80 when Rebbi was born, and R. Yehoshua was at least 140 years old when he blessed Rebbi;

ãáôçåú îò' ùðä ìà äéä îáøëå ùäï çéé ùðåú ñúí àãí ãëúéá (úäìéí ö) éîé ùðåúéðå ò'


Source: He would not bless him to live less than 70 years, which is the lifespan of a Stam person, for it says "Yemei Shenoseinu Shiv'im";

åàæ äéä øáé áï ñ' ùðä ðîöà ëùáøëå ìäâéò ìçöé éîéå ìà áøëå ø÷ é' ùðä åîä áøëä äéúä æå


Summation of Objection #2: Then Rebbi was 60. It turns out that when he blessed him to reach half of [R. Yehoshua's] years, he blessed him to live only 10 [more] years. What kind of Brachah is this?!

åòåã ìëàåøä îñúáø ùìà ðåìã òã ùòùä áé øá úøúé ñøé åúøúé ñøé ùðéï ðîöà ëùäéä ø' éäåùò áï ÷''î ùðä äéä øáé éåúø îçöé ùðéå


Objection #3: It seems that presumably, [R. Yehoshua] was not born until R. Akiva learned for 12 and another 12 years. It turns out when R. Yehoshua ben Korchah was 140, Rebbi was more than half the age [of R. Yehoshua. If so, he did not bless him at all!]

åøáéðå ðñéí ôé' (÷øçä) øáé àìòæø áï òæøéä ãàîø áéøåùìîé ùäéä ÷øç (åà''ø éäåùò îäëà ì÷øçéðà) [ö"ì åàîø ìøàá"ò îäëà ì÷øçéðà - öàï ÷ãùéí]


Explanation #2 (Rabbeinu Nisim): "Korchah" refers to R. Elazar ben Azaryah. It says in the Yerushalmi that he was bald. (Tzon Kodashim - it is praiseworthy to be such a Chacham while still bald, i.e. beardless, before he became Nasi at the age of 18. In Shabbos, the Tzeduki asked R. Elazar ben Azaryah "how far is it) from here to Karchina'ah?"

åø''ú îôøù ùí àãí


Explanation #3 (R. Tam): [Korchah] is a person's name [like Korach].


TOSFOS DH mi'Pi Chagai, Zecharyah u'Malachi

úåñôåú ã"ä îôé çâé æëøéä åîìàëé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it was a tradition.)

ô''ä åëéåï ãðáåàä äéà ëäéìëúà áìà èòîà äéà åìéëà ìîé÷í òìä ò''é èòí àéæä îäí òé÷ø


Explanation #1 (Rashi): Since it was prophecy, it is like a Halachah without a reason. One cannot understand it through reasoning, which is primary.

åìà äéä ìå ìäæëéø ðáåàä ãàéï ðáéà øùàé ìçãù ãáø îòúä àìà äéä ìå ìåîø äìëúà âîéøé ìä


Objection (and Explanation #2): He should not have mentioned prophecy, for a Navi may not teach a new law from now [after Moshe]. Rather, he should have said that it is a tradition [from Moshe from Sinai].

åôø÷ ëäï âãåì (ðæéø ãó ðâ.) âáé øåáò ä÷á òöîåú åçöé ìåâ ãí ðîé àîø îôé äùîåòä àîøä îôé çâé æëøéä åîìàëé


Observation: In Nazir (53a), regarding [Tum'as Ohel of] a quarter Kav of bones and a half-Log of blood, also [the Gemara] said that he said through tradition, from Chagai, Zecharyah and Malachi.

åîéäå (÷ùä îäà ããøéù áô''÷ ãø''ä (ãó ç.) î÷øà) [ö"ì î"î ÷ùä ëàï ãáô''÷ ãø''ä ããøéù ì÷øà ãëúéá - ùéèä î÷åáöú] òùø úòùø î÷éù îòùø áäîä ìîòùø ãâï ø''î ñáø áà' áàìåì îä îòùø ãâï ñîåê ìâîøå òùåøå ëå'


Question: Still it is difficult here, for in Rosh Hashanah (8a) we expound that "Aser Ta'aser" equates Ma'aser Behemah to Ma'aser of grain. R. Meir holds that it is on Elul 1. Just like Ma'aser of grain, one tithes it close to when it is finished...

ø''à åø''ù ñáøé îä îòùø ãâï ø''ä ùìå úùøé ëå'


R. Elazar and R. Shimon hold that just like Ma'aser of grain, its Rosh Hashanah is Tishrei... (They argue about how to expound. Ben Azai should have decided which is correct!)

åé''ì ãàô''ä ëéåï ãäðê ãøùåú îôé äùîåòä çâé åæëøéä åîìàëé ìà äéä éëåì ìáøø àéæä òé÷ø:


Answer: Even so, since these Drashos were a tradition from Chagai, Zecharyah and Malachi, [Ben Azai] could not clarify which is primary.



TOSFOS DH v'Notel Echad Min ha'Elulin

úåñôåú ã"ä åðåèì àçã îï äàìåìéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is unlike making a Ba'al Mum leave 10th.)

åàéï ùééê ìàñåø ëàï îùåí ìà éá÷ø ëãàñø àôå÷é áòì îåí áøéù òùøä áøéù ôéø÷éï (ãó ðâ:)


Assertion: It is not applicable to forbid here due to "Lo Yevaker", like we forbid to cause a Ba'al Mum to leave 10th, above (53b, for here he is not concerned for whether or not it has a Mum, only that it is Vadai obligated to be tithed).


TOSFOS DH k'Shem sheha'Terumah Gedolah Niteles Me'umad

úåñôåú ã"ä ëùí ùäúøåîä âãåìä ðéèìú îàåîã

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the argument of Aba Elazar ben Gomel and Rabanan.)

îï äúåøä àéï ùééê áä àåîã ãçèä àçú ôåèøú àú äëøé åìà ðúðä áä úåøä ùéòåø ãøàùéú ãâðê ëúéá (ãáøéí éç)


Implied question: Mid'Oraisa, estimation does not apply, for one wheat kernel exempts the entire stack. The Torah did not give a Shi'ur, for it says "Reishis Deganecha"!

àìà îùåí ãáúøåîú îòùø ùééê àåîã ùùéòåøä ëúåá (áîãáø éç) îòùø îï äîòùø


Answer: Estimation applies to Terumas Ma'aser. Its Shi'ur is written - "Ma'aser Min ha'Ma'aser";

åáúøåîä âãåìä ðîé ú÷ðå çëîéí ùéòåø ùééê áä àåîã


Also Terumah Gedolah, Chachamim enacted a Shi'ur for it, so estimation applies.

åîéäå áæä àéï ìä÷ùåú úøåîú îòùø ìúøåîä âãåìä ùéåòéì áîúëåéï çèä àçú [ö"ì ìôèåø äëøé - âîøà òåæ åäãø, ò"ô úåñ' áâéèéï]


Implied suggestion: We should equate Terumas Ma'aser to Terumah Gedolah, that it helps if he intends that one wheat kernel [exempts the entire stack]!

ãäà ëúéá îòùø îï äîòùø


Rejection: It is written "Ma'aser Min ha'Ma'aser."

åîéäå àí áîúëåéï îåñéó ìëàåøä îäðé ãìäëé î÷éù ìúøåîä âãåìä ãðèìú îàåîã ìîöåä ëãé ùéúøåí áòéï éôä ùîúåê ùéøà ùìà éèåì ôçåú ðåèì áòéï éôä


Distinction: However, if he intends to add [to the Shi'ur], seemingly it helps, since for this it is equated to Terumah Gedolah, that it is taken through estimation l'Chatchilah, in order that he will tithe b'Ayin Yafeh (generously). Since he fears lest he take too little, he takes generously;

ëãúðï ô''÷ ãúøåîåú (îùðä æ) àéï úåøîéï ìà áîãä åìà áîù÷ì åìà áîðéï


Source (Terumos 1:7): We do not separate Terumah through measuring, weighing or counting.

åáúåñôúà âøñ îä úøåîä âãåìä àéðä ðéèìú àìà áàåîã åáîçùáä åëï âøñ ø''ú


The text in the Tosefta is "just like Terumah Gedolah is separated only through estimation and intent [also Terumas Ma'aser]", and so is R. Tam's text.

åâøñ òìä áéøåùìîé áô''÷ ãúøåîåú úðé ø''à áï âåîì ìà áîãä ëå'


Regarding this, in the Yerushalmi, a Beraisa says "R. Elazar ben Gomel says, not through measure..."

åôø÷ ëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä (ãó ðä. åùí) îñééí ááøééúà ãùîòúéï åîä úøåîä âãåìä áòéï éôä ëå'


In Menachos (55a), it concludes with the Beraisa of our Sugya. Just like Terumah Gedolah is [taken] generously...

(åäúí à''ø) [ö"ì å÷àîø äúí ãìø' - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àìòæø áï âåîì úåøîéí úøåîú îòùø úàðéí òì âøåâøåú áîðéï åâøåâøåú òì úàðéí áîãä îùåí òéï éôä


And it says there that according to R. Elazar ben Gomel, we take [fresh] figs to be Terumas Ma'aser on dried figs according to number, and dried figs on figs according to volume, due to Ayin Yafeh;

åìà ð÷è àéðä ðéèìú (àìà áîçùáä åáàåîã àìà) [ö"ì îùåí îçùáä àìà îùåí àåîã - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ëãé ùéòùä áòéï éôä


He mentioned "it is taken only" not due to intent, rather, due to estimation, so it will be taken generously!

åà''ú ñåó ôø÷ ëì äâè (âéèéï ãó ì: åùí) ãîôøù (àáéé éùøàì ùàîø ìáï ìåé) [ö"ì øá àùé éùøàì ùàîø ììåé - öàï ÷ãùéí] ëê àîø ìé àáà îòùø éù ìê áéãé àå îòùø ìàáéê áéãé çåùùéï ìúøåîú îòùø ùáå ëéåï ãìà ÷ééõ ìà [äåé] îú÷éï ìéä [ö"ì áòì äáéú - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


Question: In Gitin (30b), Rav Ashi explains that a Yisrael who told a Levi "my father told me that he has Ma'aser for you, or Ma'aser for your father", we are concerned for Terumas Ma'aser in it. Since it is not quantified (how much there is), the Ba'al ha'Bayis (Yisrael) would not fix it (separate Terumas Ma'aser);

ëåø îòùø ìàáéê áéãé àå ëåø îòùø éù ìê áéãé àéï çåùùéï ìúøåîú îòùø ùáå ëéåï ã÷ééõ ú÷åðé ú÷ðéä


[If he said "my father told me that] he has a Kor (30 Sa'im) of Ma'aser for your father, or a Kor of Ma'aser for you", we are not concerned for Terumas Ma'aser in it. Since it is quantified, [the Yisrael's father] fixed it;

åîå÷é ìä ëàáà àìòæø áï âåîì ãî÷éù úøåîú îòùø ìúøåîä âãåìä åëùí ùéù ìå [øùåú] ìáòä''á ìúøåí úøåîä âãåìä ëê éù ìå [øùåú] ìúøåí úøåîú îòùø


We establish it like Aba Elazar ben Gomel, who equates Terumas Ma'aser to Terumah Gedolah. Just like a Ba'al ha'Bayis may separate Terumah Gedolah, he may separate Terumas Ma'aser.

åäùúà ëéåï ãàôùø áàåîã à''ë áìà ÷ééõ ðîé (ðéçåù) [ö"ì àöàé ðéçåù - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] ìúøåîú îòùø ãéìîà úé÷ï îàåîã


Summation of question: Since it is possible through estimation, even if it is not quantified, why are we concerned for Terumas Ma'aser (we assume that Vadai, it was not separated)? Perhaps he fixed it through estimation!

é''ì ðäé ãòì áï ìåé îöåä ìòùåú áòéï éôä î''î áòä''á àéï ìå ìòùåú òéï éôä áùì àçøéí


Answer: Granted, it is a Mitzvah for the Levi to make [Terumas Ma'aser], so he will do so b'Ayin Yafeh. However, the [Yisrael] should not be generous with others' property;

åàôéìå éù ìå øùåú àéï [ö"ì ãøëå - áðéï ùìîä] ìòùåú ìäåöéà òöîå îúøòåîúï ùì ëäï åìåé ùìà éúøòîå òìéå æä àå æä àí éèòä áàåîã ùìå


And even if he has permission to do so, he is not wont to do so, to avoid complaints of the Kohen and Levi, lest they complain about him, if he errs in his estimation.

åà''ú ô''ã ãúøåîåú (î''å) äà ãúðï äîåðä îùåáç åäîåãã îùåáç äéîðå åäùå÷ì îùåáç îùìùúï


Question: In Terumos (4:6), a Mishnah teaches that one who counts is praiseworthy, and one who measures is better, and one who weighs is best of all three!

åáéøåùìîé ô''÷ ãúøåîåú î÷ùä ìä åîùðé ëàï ìúøåîä âãåìä ëàï ìúøåîú îòùø


The Yerushalmi in Terumos asks this, and answers that this refers to Terumah Gedolah, and this refers to Terumas Ma'aser;

åúðé ø''à áï âåîì îðéï ùàéï úåøîéï ìà áîãä åìà áîðéï åìà áîù÷ì ú''ì åðçùá ìëí úøåîúëí åäøîåúí áîçùáä àúä úåøí åàéï àúä úåøí áîù÷ì áîãä åáîðéï+


R. Elazar ben Gomel taught, what is the source that we do not separate Terumah through measure, count or weight? It says "v'Nechshav Lachem Terumaschem." "Va'Hareimosem" - you tithe through intent. You do not tithe through weight, measure, or count.

ôéøåù ääéà ãàéï úåøîéï áúøåîä âãåìä ãìë''ò îöåúä îàåîã åääéà ãäîåðä îùåáç áúøåîú îòùø åëøáðï


Explanation: "We do not tithe [through measure...]" refers to Terumah Gedolah. All agree that the Mitzvah is through estimation. "One who counts is praiseworthy..." refers to Terumas Ma'aser, and like Rabanan;

åäà ãîééúé áøééúà ãàáà àìòæø áï âåîì ìàùîåòéðï ãôìéâé áúøåîú îòùø


It brings the Beraisa of Aba Elazar ben Gomel to teach that they argue about Terumas Ma'aser.

åà''ú ãáéøåùìîé àîø àääéà ãäîåðä îùåáç îîàé äåà îùåáç àîø øá äåðà îï äúåøí áàåîã îùîò ãîàåîã äåé úøåîä àìà ùäîåðä îùåáç


Question: The Yerushalmi says about [the Mishnah of] one who counts is praiseworthy, what is it better than? Rav Huna said, it is better than one who tithes through estimation. This implies that through estimation is Terumah, just one who counts is better;

åàîø ðîé äúí à''ø äìì îúðé' àîøä ëï åäùå÷ì îùåáç îùìùúï ôé' îëìì ãàéëà ùìùä áø îùå÷ì åà''ø çðéðà úôúø áùìùúï åìéú ù''î ëìåí


Also R. Hillel said there that our Mishnah says so! One who weighs is better than all three. This implies that there are three ways other than weighing! R. Chanina said, the text can say "of all three", and you cannot learn anything from it [about whether or not it is permitted through estimation].

åàé ìøáðï ìãéãäå àéï úøåîú îòùø îàåîã åàé ëàáà àìòæø áï âåîì äàîø ãîöåä ìòùåú îàåîã


If it is according to Rabanan, they hold that Terumas Ma'aser may not be through estimation. If it is like R. Elazar ben Gomel, he says that the Mitzvah is through estimation!

åðøàä ìôøù ãìø''à áï âåîì ðîé ìà éìôéðï àìà ãîåòéì îàåîã åìà ãùåéä îöåä îàåîã


Answer #1: It seems that also according to R. Elazar ben Gomel, we learn only that it works through estimation, but not that the Mitzvah is through estimation!

åäùúà äà ãîùðé ëàï áúøåîä âãåìä ëàï áúøåîú îòùø äééðå ëø''à áï âåîì


Consequence: The answer "this refers to Terumah Gedolah, and this refers to Terumas Ma'aser", this is like R. Elazar ben Gomel.

åðéçà äùúà äà ãîééúé òìä áøééúà ãàáà àìòæø áï âåîì


Support: Now it is fine that it brings on [this Mishnah] the Beraisa of R. Elazar ben Gomel.

à''ð îåãå øáðï ìàáà àìòæø áï âåîì ãîàåîã äåé úøåîä àáì àéï îöåä ìòùåú îàåîã


Answer #2: Rabanan agree to Aba Elazar ben Gomel that through estimation is Terumah, but it is not a Mitzvah to do through estimation.

åà''ú åäéëé ùøå øáðï ìòùåú îàåîã à''ë äå''ì îøáä îòùøåú


Question: How can Rabanan permit through estimation? If so, [perhaps] he takes extra Ma'aser! (If so, his Ma'aser is messed up (Eruvin 50a). I.e. not all is Ma'aser. Perhaps one will declare from the excess to be Terumas Ma'aser, and it will be invalid, and the Ma'aser is Tevel to Terumas Ma'aser!)

éù ìåîø äééðå áîøáä áîúëåéï àáì ëùîúëåéï ìàåîã éôä ìà çùéá îøáä


Answer: That is when he intentionally takes extra, but when he intends to estimate properly, this is not considered taking extra.

åîéäå áîéãé ãùøé îàåîã îùîò ô' ëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä (îðçåú ãó ðã: åùí) ãìà çééùéðï àé îøáä àó áîúëåéï


Question: However, something that is permitted through estimation, it connotes in Menachos (54b) that we are not concerned if he takes extra, even intentionally!

ãäà ÷úðé úåøîéï úàðéí òì âøåâøåú áîðéï åôøéê ãäå''ì îøáä òì äîòùøåú åáúøåîú îòùø àééøé ëãîåëç ñéôà


Source: It was taught that we tithe figs on dried figs according to number, and [the Gemara] asks that he takes extra Ma'aser, and it discusses Terumas Ma'aser, like the Seifa proves;

åîùðé àáà àìòæø áï âåîì äéà åîùåí òéï éôä åäúí áîúëåéï îøáä (åëì) [ö"ì îùîò ãëì - áàøåú äîéí] îä ùéøöä ìäøáåú çùåá òéï éôä


It answers that it is Aba Elazar ben Gomel, and due to Ayin Yafeh. There, he intends to take extra. It connotes that whatever he wants to increase is considered Ayin Yafeh!

åðøàä ãìéú ìéä (ëãàáà) [ö"ì ìàáà - öàï ÷ãùéí] àìòæø áï âåîì äîøáä áîòùøåú îòùøåúéå î÷åì÷ìéï ãáîòùø [ö"ì øàùåï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ðîé ùøé îàåîã


Answer: Aba Elazar ben Gomel does not hold that one who takes extra Ma'aser, his Ma'aser is messed up, for also Ma'aser Rishon he permits through estimation;

ëãîåëç áùîòúéï ëã÷àîø åîòùø ÷øéä øçîðà úøåîä ãëúéá (áå) [ö"ì ëé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àú îòùø áðé éùøàì àùø éøéîå ìä' úøåîä


This is proven in our Sugya, like it says 'the Torah called Ma'aser Terumah, for it says "Es Ma'aser Bnei Yisrael Asher Yarimu la'Shem Terumah";

åáîòùø øàùåï àééøé ãëúéá áñéôéä ã÷øà ðúúé ììåéí ìðçìä


It discusses Ma'aser Rishon, for the end of the verse says "Nasati la'Leviyim l'Nachalah."

å÷ùä àñåâéà ãùîòúéï ìîä ìé [ìàå÷îà] äëé ãø''à áï âåîì åøáé éåñé áøáé éäåãä àéú (îëàï îãó äáà) ìäå ãäããé


Question: In our Sugya, why do we establish so, that R. Elazar ben Gomel and R. Yosi b'Ribi Yehudah hold like each other?