
TOSFOS DH Amar Rava Af Anan Nami Taninan Gadol v'Katan

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáà àó àðï ðîé úðéðà âãåì å÷èï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that in some texts this is a question.)

éù ñôøéí ãâøñé úðéðà å÷åùéà äéà æå:


Alternative text: Some texts say "a Mishnah taught this", and it is a difficulty.


TOSFOS DH v'Hilchesa b'Ragya

úåñôåú ã"ä åäìëúà áøâéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is for one who consults.)

ááà ìéîìê îå÷îé ìéä ùîåøéí ìôãåúå áùä ùåä ùìùä æåæéí øâéì äëà [ö"ì åøâéì äëà - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] àáì áòöîå àôéìå áôèøåæà áú ãð÷à


Explanation: We establish this regarding one who comes to ask. We instruct him to redeem for a Seh worth three Zuz, close to this (a Sela, i.e. four Zuz) and to this (a Shekel, i.e. two Zuz). However, [if he gave] by himself, even a lean Seh worth a Danka (a sixth of a Zuz, we do not tell him to give more).

åàí àéï ìå ùä ìôãåúå ôåãä áùåéå åàôé' áùì÷é


If he does not have a Seh to redeem it, he redeems it for its value, even with cooked vegetables.

åëã ôøé÷ ìéä îáøê òì ôãéåï ôèø çîåø åìà áùòú ðúéðä ìëäï ãîòéãðà ãàôøùéä áøùåúéä ãëäï ÷àé ëãàîø ì÷îï áùîòúéï


Pesak: When he redeems it, he blesses "Al Pidyon Peter Chamor", and not at the time he gives it to the Kohen, for from the time he separates [the Seh] it belongs to the Kohen, like it says below in our Sugya.

åùä áéï îëáùéí áéï îòæéí áéï æëø áéï ð÷áä áéï âãåì áéï ÷èï ëãúðï áîúðéúéï


The Seh can be a sheep or goat, male or female, big or small, like our Mishnah teaches.


TOSFOS DH ha'Podeh Peter Chamor Shel Chavero Pidyono Paduy

úåñôåú ã"ä äôåãä ôèø çîåø ùì çáéøå ôãéåðå ôãåé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos distinguishes this from tithing another's Peros.)

ìà ãîé ìúåøí îùìå òì çáéøå ãàéáòéà ìï ôø÷ àéï áéï äîåãø (ðãøéí ãó ìå:) àí öøéê ãòú


Implied question: This is like one who makes his own Peros Terumah on (to exempt) his friend's. We asked (Nedarim 36b) whether or not he needs [his friend's] consent!

ãäúí ëúéá âí àúí ìøáåú ùìåçëí åáòéðï îä àúí ìãòúëí àó ùìåçëí ìãòúëí


Answer: There [is different,] for it is written "Gam Atem" to include your Shali'ach [to tithe]. We require that just like you [tithe] with your consent, also your Shali'ach is with your consent;

àáì äëà ìà ëúéá áòìéí


However, here the owner is not written (it never says Peter Chamorcha. Cheshek Shlomo asks that regarding Pidyon ha'Ben it says Bechorcha, and we do not require the owner's consent! Har Tzvi answers that there it is through Shelichus, and it may not be done [at least l'Chatchilah] against the father's will. Here it is not Shelichus, and l'Chatchilah one may redeem against the owner's will.)


TOSFOS DH v'Gunav mi'Beis ha'Ish v'Lo mi'Beis Hekdesh

úåñôåú ã"ä åâåðá îáéú äàéù åìà îáéú ä÷ãù

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that really, we learn from Re'ehu.)

ôø÷ îøåáä (á''÷ ãó ñá:) àéúà äê ãøùà (ã÷àîø îøòäå) [ö"ì åìàå ãå÷à ãîøòäå - ç÷ ðúï] åìà îä÷ãù ðô÷à


Implied question: This Drashah is brought in Bava Kama (62b). It is not precise [what it expounds here from ha'Ish, for really,] we learn from "Re'ehu", and not Hekdesh!

(åôéøù àéù ìà îéåúø) [ö"ì åôéøùúé ãìàå îéúåøà ãàéù ÷ãøéù - öàï ÷ãùéí] ãâæáø ðîé î÷øé àéù åìà îùúîò ëìì îàéù ìîòåèé [ö"ì ä÷ãù - öàï ÷ãùéí]


I explained (63a DH Re'ehu) that [the Gemara] does not expound from the extra word "Ish", for also the Gizbar is called an Ish! We do not hear at all from Ish to exclude Hekdesh;

ãáëì ãáø ùäåà ìùåï æëø ùééê ìùåï àéù åàùä òì [ö"ì ìùåï - öàï ÷ãùéí] ð÷áä ëîå (ùîåú ëå) àùä àì àçåúä


The word "Ish" applies to everything masculine, and Ishah to everything feminine, e.g. "Ishah El Achosah" [regarding the curtains above the Mishkan].

åäà ãàîøéðï äëà îáéú äàéù åìà îáéú ä÷ãù (ëãðô÷à îøòäå) [ö"ì ä"ô îáéú äàéù ãùééê áéä øòäå - ç÷ ðúï] åîùåí ãäà ÷øà åâåðá îééøé áúùìåîéï îééúé ìä


Answer: It says here mi'Beis ha'Ish and not mi'Beis Hekdesh. It means "from the house of the man, to whom Re'ehu (his colleague) applies." Because this verse "v'Gunav" discusses payment, it is brought.


TOSFOS DH she'Hayu Lo Asarah Safek Pitrei Chamorim...

úåñôåú ã"ä ùäéå ìå òùøä ñô÷ [ôèøé] çîåøéí...

(SUMMARY: Tosfos defends R. Tam, who says that it suffices to separate one Seh.)

ìôø''ú ãîôøù ìòéì ôåãä åçåæø àôéìå ôòîéí äøáä àñôé÷åú ÷àé ÷ùä ìîä ìé òùøä ùééï áùä àçã ñâé


Question #1: According to R. Tam, who explains above "he redeems, and again [redeems with the same Seh]", even many times, refers to Sefekos, it is difficult. Why does he need 10 Seiyin? One Seh suffices!

àáì ìôéøåù ä÷åðèøñ ãàéðå çåæø åôåãä àìà àí ëï ðúðå ìëäï åçåæø (åì÷çï) [ðøàä ùö"ì åì÷çå - ò"ô úåñôåú ùàðõ] ðéçà


However, according to Rashi, who says that he returns and redeems [with the same Seh] only if he gave it to the Kohen and returns and takes it, it is fine.

åîéäå ìôéøåùå ðîé ÷ùä ääéà ãì÷îï éùøàì ùäéå ìå é' ôèøé çîåøéï åãàéï áúåê áéúå ùðôìå ìå îáéú àáé àîå ëäï åàåúå àáé àîå ëäï ðôìå ìå îáéú àáé àîå éùøàì îôøéù òìéäï òùøä ùééï [ö"ì åîòùøï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åäï ùìå


Question #2: Also according to [Rashi] it is difficult what it says below "if a Yisrael had 10 Vadai Pitrei Chamorim in his house that he inherited from his mother's father, who was a Kohen, and that Kohen's grandfather inherited [them] from his mother's father, a Yisrael, he separates 10 Seiyin, tithes them, and they are his;

äúí ìîä ìé òùøä áçã ñâé ùîï äãéï äï ùìå àò''ô ùäï åãàéï àí ëï áëì ôòí åôòí çùåá ëàéìå ðúðå ìëäï åçæø (åì÷çï) [ö"ì åì÷çå ëéåï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãîëç àáé àîå ëäï äåà éåøù


There, why does he need [to separate] 10? One suffices, for they truly belong to him, even though they are Vadai. If so, each time it is considered as if he gave to the Kohen and returned to take it, since he inherits due to the rights of his grandfather the Kohen!

åðøàä ãáëì äðé ãð÷è òùø' ìøáåúà àò''â ùëåìï [ö"ì ôãéåï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ôèø çîåø ëåìï ðëðñéï ìãéø ìäúòùø:


Answer (to both questions): In all these cases it mentions 10 for a Chidush (even though one would suffice). Even though all are Pidyon Peter Chamor, they all enter the pen for Ma'aser.



TOSFOS DH Deganecha Amar Rachmana v'Lo Degen Oved Kochavim

úåñôåú ã"ä ãâðê àîø øçîðà åìà ãâï òåáã ëåëáéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)

ìîàï ããøéù áîðçåú ôø÷ ø' éùîòàì (ãó ñæ.) ãâðê åìà ãâï òåáã ëåëáéí ôøéê ùôéø àîàé îòùøï ãúáåàä æå âãéìä åðúîøçä áøùåú òåáã ëåëáéí


Observation: According to the opinion that expounds in Menachos (67a) '"Deganecha", and not grain of Nochrim', he asks properly why he tithes it. This grain grew and had Miru'ach in the Nochri's Reshus!

åà''ú îàé ÷ùä ìéä äëà ãìîà ñáéøà ìéä ëî''ã îéøåç äòåáã ëåëáéí àéðå ôåèø åãâðê ìîòè îéøåç ä÷ãù


Question: What was the difficulty here? Perhaps [R. Shmuel bar Noson] holds like the opinion that Miru'ach Nochri does not exempt, and "Deganecha" excludes Miru'ach of Hekdesh!

åëé úéîà äà ãôìéâé áîéøåç òåáã ëåëáéí äééðå áâãì áøùåú éùøàì àáì âãì áøùåú òåáã ëåëáéí åîøçéðäå òåáã ëåëáé' [ö"ì ìë"ò - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ôèåø


Suggestion: [Tana'im] argue about Miru'ach Nochri, i.e. when it grew in the Yisrael's Reshus, but what grew in the Nochri's Reshus, and the Nochri did Miru'ach, all hold that it is exempt.

îëì î÷åí îàé (÷ùéà ãìîà) [ö"ì ÷åùéà ãìîà äëà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áâãì áøùåú éùøàì


Question: Still, what was difficult? Perhaps here it grew in the Yisrael's Reshus!

(åé''ì) [ö"ì åîéäå îöéðå ìîéîø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãîùîò ìéä ãàééøé áâãì áøùåú òåáã ëåëáéí


Answer: We can say that it connotes to [the Makshan] that [R. Shmuel] discusses what grew in the Nochri's Reshus.

àáì ñåâéà ãîðçåú (ãó ñå:) îåëç ãôìéâé àôé' áâãì áøùåú òåáã ëåëáéí


Rejection: The Sugya in Menachos (66b) proves that they argue even about what grew in the Nochri's Reshus!

åé''ì ãðéçà ìéä ìùðåéé ãäëà ëëåìé òìîà


Answer #1: [The Makshan] prefers to answer [R. Shmuel] here according to everyone. (Shitah Mekubetzes calls it a Beraisa. Perhaps in his text, R. Shmuel cited a Beraisa.)

åîéäå (÷ùä ãàôéìå äðéà) [ö"ì àëúé ÷ùä ãàôéìå ñáéøà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìéä îéøåç ãòåáã ëåëáéí ôåèø î''î çééá ìòùø îãøáðï âæéøä îùåí áòìé ëéñéï [ö"ì ëãàîøéðï áðîçåú (ñæ.) - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã]


Question: Still, it is difficult! Even if he holds that Miru'ach Nochri exempts, even so he must tithe mid'Rabanan. This is a decree due to rich people (lest they buy from a Nochri who did Miru'ach, and people will come to exempt what they buy from a Yisrael. Alternatively, it is lest Ashirim give their Peros to a Nochri to do Miru'ach, to exempt them from Ma'aser.)

é''ì îùîò ìéä îã÷àîø åäï ùìå àìîà ìéú ìéä âæéøä ãáòìé ëéñéï ãà''ë äéä çééá ìéúðå ìëäï åàîàé îòùøï åäï ùìå


Answer: It connotes to [the Makshan] that since [R. Shmuel] said "and [the tithes] are his", he argues about the decree due to rich people, for if [he agreed], he would obligate giving [the tithes] to a Kohen. Why does he tithe them, and they are his?

å÷ùéà øàùåðä ðîé îúøöà áäëé ããéé÷ ã÷ñáø îéøåç äòåáã ëåëáéí ôåèø îã÷àîø åäï ùìå ãàé àéðå ôåèø àîàé îòùøï åäï ùìå ìúðéðäå ìëäï


Answer #2 (to Question (b)): [The Makshan] infers that [R. Shmuel] holds that Miru'ach of a Nochri exempts, since he said "and they are his." If he did not exempt, why does he tithe them and they are his? He should give [the tithes] to a Kohen!

åîéäå (÷ùä ìéúðé åàò''â) [ö"ì áäà ÷ùä ãìéùðé ãàò''â - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ãàéðå ôåèø ìà îçééá ìîéúá ìëäï ãà''ì ÷àúéðà îëç âáøà ãìà îöéú ìàùúòåéé ãéðà áäãéä


Question: It should answer that even though [Miru'ach Nochri] does not exempt, he need not give them to a Kohen, for [the Yisrael] says [to the Kohen] "I come [received the Peros] from someone that you had no case against him (to force him to give tithes)";

åìîàï ãàéú ìéä ðîé âæéøä áòìé ëéñéï ãäééðå îàï ãàéú ìéä îéøåç äòåáã ëåëáéí ôåèø ìà îéñúáø (ìîçééá) [ö"ì ãîçééá - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ìéúï ìëäï èôé îîàï ãàéú ìéä àéðå ôåèø


And also according to the one who holds that there is a decree due to rich people, i.e. the one who holds that [Miru'ach Nochri] exempts, it is unreasonable to obligate to give to a Kohen more than according to the one who holds that it does not exempt!

(åãîùîò áñîåê áùîòúéï ãåãàé) [ö"ì åîùîòúéï ãáñîåê îùîò ãåãàé çìôéðäå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] çééá ìîéúá ìëäï ãàîø àöì òåáã ëåëáéí äøé äåà ëôéøåúéå åîùîò ãàé åãàé çìôéðäå ãëåìé òìîà áòé ìîéúáéðäå ìëäï


And the Sugya below connotes that if [the Nochri] Vadai switched [the Peros, the Yisrael] must give to the Kohen. It says that [if one deposits] with a Nochri, [what he takes back] is like the Nochri's Peros, and it connotes that if he surely switched it, all obligate [the Yisrael] to give [the tithes] to the Kohen!

äééðå åãàé ëôé äîñ÷ðà ãîñ÷éðï ëàï áúøåîä âãåìä ëàï áúøåîú îòùø


Answer: That is surely according to the conclusion here - this refers to Terumah Gedolah (he gives it to the Kohen), and this refers to Terumas Ma'aser (he keeps it).


TOSFOS DH d'Mirchinhu Yisrael mi'Reshus Oved Kochavim

úåñôåú ã"ä ãîøçéðäå éùøàì (áøùåú) [ö"ì îøùåú - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] òåáã ëåëáéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Yisrael bought Tevel and did Miru'ach.)

ôéøù ä÷åðèøñ éùøàì àøéñ ùì òåáã ëåëáéí


Explanation #1 (Rashi): The Yisrael is the Nochri's sharecropper.

å÷ùä ìôéøåùå àé áçì÷ òåáã ëåëáéí äééðå îøéçú òåáã ëåëáéí àé áçì÷ éùøàì àéï æä ìå÷ç èáìéí


Question: His Perush is difficult. If [this refers to] the Nochri's share [of the Peros], this is Miru'ach of a Nochri! If it is the Yisrael's share, this is not buying Tevel!

åðøàä ìôøù îøçéðäå éùøàì (áøùåú òåáã ëåëáéí àçø ùì÷çï éùøàì) [ö"ì îøùåú òåáã ëåëáéí ãäééðå ìàçø ùì÷çï éùøàì îäòåáã ëåëáéí îéøçí - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã]


Explanation #2: It seems that "the Yisrael did Miru'ach from the Nochri's Reshus", i.e. after the Yisrael bought them, he did Miru'ach;

åäëé ÷à àîø äìå÷ç èáìéï îï äòåáã ëåëáéí åäï òëùéå îîåøçéï


It means "one who buys Tevel from a Nochri, and now Miru'ach was done."


TOSFOS DH Masran d'Ein Kinyan

úåñôåú ã"ä îòùøï ãàéï ÷ðéï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we say that Ein Kinyan.)

úéîä àôé' éù ÷ðéï çééá ìòùøï îãøáðï ëãîåëç áä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ãó ìà.) áùîòúà ãø''ù ùæåøé âáé ìê ÷ç îï äòåáã ëåëáéí åòùø òìéå


Question: Even if Yesh Kinyan, he should be obligated to tithe mid'Rabanan, like is proven in Menachos (31a) in the Sugya of R. Shimon Shezuri, regarding "go buy from a Nochri and tithe it"! (Tevel became mixed with Rov Chulin. R. Tarfon told R. Shimon Shezuri to go buy Demai, and tithe from it also on the mixture, for both are obligated only mid'Rabanan. The Gemara asked why he didn't tell him to buy from a Nochri. In another version, he told him to buy from a Nochri, and the Gemara asked why he didn't tell him to buy Demai.)

åëé úéîà ùøåöä ìîöåà çéåá ãàåøééúà ìøáåúà ãàôé' äëé [ö"ì äí ùìå àò"â - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãçééá ìòùø ãàåøééúà


Suggestion: [He says that Ein Kinyan,] for he wants to find a Chiyuv mid'Oraisa for a bigger Chidush, that even so they are his, even though he is obligated to tithe mid'Oraisa.

åäà îîä ðôùê ì÷åç ôèåø îãàåøééúà ëãîåëç ôø÷ äôåòìéí (á''î ãó ôç:)


Rejection: No matter what you will say [about Yesh Kinyan or Ein Kinyan], what is bought is exempt mid'Oraisa, like is proven in Bava Metzi'a (88b)!

îéäå ìôéøåù ø''ú ãîôøù ãäééðå ãå÷à ìå÷ç àçø îéøåç àáì ìå÷ç ÷åãí îéøåç åîøçå çééá ðéçà


Answer #1 (and defense of Suggestion): According to R. Tam, who explains that [in Bava Metzi'a we exempt mid'Oraisa] only one who bought after Miru'ach, but one who bought before Miru'ach and did Miru'ach is obligated [mid'Oraisa], it is fine.

åòåã é''ì àôéìå îôèø ìå÷ç ÷åãí îéøåç îãàåøééúà î''î äåé øáåúà îîä ùäï ùìå àò''ô ùàéï ÷ðéï åàéï èòí ìôèåø (îèòí äô÷òä) [ö"ì îçîú äô÷òú ÷ãåùú äàøõ - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ãçîåø àéñåøéä èôé


Answer #2: Even if one who bought before Miru'ach is exempt mid'Oraisa, in any case it is a bigger Chidush that [the tithes] are his, even though Ein Kinyan, and there is no reason to exempt due to Kedushas ha'Aretz that was uprooted, that the Isur is more stringent (when there is Kedushas ha'Aretz).

ëãîåëç áä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ìà.) îîä ãôøéê åìéîà ìéä ìê ÷ç îï äòåáã ëåëáéí [åîùðé] ã÷à ñáø àéï ÷ðéï åäåä ìéä îï äçéåá òì äôèåø àò''â ãì÷åç ãøáðï


Proof: This is proven in Menachos (31a), from the question 'he should tell him "go buy from a Nochri!"', and it answers "he holds that Ein Kinyan, and this is like tithing what is obligated on what is exempt", even though what is bought is mid'Rabanan.


TOSFOS DH Harei Hen b'Chezkasan l'Ma'aser ul'Shevi'is

úåñôåú ã"ä äøé äï áçæ÷úï ìîòùø åìùáéòéú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses whether a Stam Am ha'Aretz is suspected about Shemitah.)

îùîò îëàï ãñúí òí äàøõ çùåãéï òì äùáéòéú


Inference: A Stam Am ha'Aretz is suspected about Shevi'is.

åëï ôø÷ ìåìá äâæåì (ñåëä ìè.) àéï îåñøéï ãîé ùáéòéú ìòí äàøõ


Support #1: Also in Sukah (39a) it says that one may not give Demei (money with Kedushas) Shevi'is to an Am ha'Aretz.

åô''÷ ãçåìéï (ãó å.) åàí àîø òùä ìé îùìéëé çåùù ìùàåø åúáìéï ùáä îùåí îòùø åîùåí ùáéòéú


Support #2: In Chulin (6a) it says that if one told her neighbor "make for me [bread from this dough] from your [Se'or (sourdough) and spices]", he must be concerned about the Se'or and spices due to Ma'aser and Shevi'is.

å÷ùä îääéà (ãîùàìú àùú çáø ìàùú òí äàøõ åîùàìú) [ö"ì ãúðï áôø÷ äðéæ÷éï (âéèéï ñà.) âáé îùàìú àùú çáø ìàùú òí äàøõ ÷úðé îùàìú - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] àùä ìçáéøúä äçùåãä òì ùáéòéú îùîò ãñúîà ìà çùéãé


Question: It is difficult, for a Mishnah in Gitin (61a) teaches, regarding a Chaver's wife may lend to an Am ha'Aretz' wife, "a woman may lend to her friend who is suspected about Shemitah..." This implies that Stam, [Amei ha'Aretz] are not suspected!

åáëúåáåú (ãó ëã.) ôéøùúé


Reference: In Kesuvos (24a DH Sheli) I explained [that a Stam Am ha'Aretz is not suspected about Shevi'is. The sources that say that he is, they discuss one who is known be suspected. Tosfos says so below (30a DH Masnisin).


TOSFOS DH Ha Chalfinhu Vadai Ba'i Lemisninhu l'Kohen

úåñôåú ã"ä äà çìôéðäå åãàé áòé ìîéúððäå ìëäï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is even though R. Shimon exempts Miru'ach Nochri.)

åàò''â ãùîòéðï ìøáé ùîòåï îéøåç äòåáã ëåëáéí ôåèø


Implied question: We know that R. Shimon holds that Miru'ach of a Nochri exempts!

îëì î÷åí çééá îùåí âæéøä áòìé ëéñéï ëãôøéùéú ìòéì


Answer: In any case he is obligated, due to a decree due to rich people, like I explained above (DH Deganecha).


TOSFOS DH Tevalim sha'Atah Loke'ach Min ha'Oved Kochavim

úåñôåú ã"ä èáìéí ùàúä ìå÷ç îï äòåáã ëåëáéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the source that the Torah exempt bought Peros.)

îùîò äëà ãìå÷ç çééá îãàåøééúà îãàéöèøéê ÷øà ìôèåø úøåîú îòùø


Inference: Here it connotes that the buyer is obligated mid'Oraisa, since a verse is needed to exempt Terumas Ma'aser.

åä÷ùä ø''ú îã÷àîøéðï ô' äôåòìéí (á''î ôç: åùí) úáåàú æøòê åìà ìå÷ç


Question (R. Tam): We say in Bava Metzi'a (88b, that the Chiyuv to tithe is only for "Tevu'as Zar'echa", but not for what you buy!

åúéøõ ìå÷ç ÷åãí îéøåç çééá îãàåøééúà


Answer #1 (R. Tam): One who buys before Miru'ach is obligated mid'Oraisa.

åäà ãàîøé' ô' ø' éùîòàì (îðçåú ñå:) úåøîéï îùì òåáãé ëåëáéí òì ùì (ëåúéí åîùì ëì òì ùì ëì àìîà îéøåç) [ö"ì òåáãé ëåëáéí åîùì òåáãé ëåëáéí òì ùì ëì ãîéøåç - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äòåáã ëåëáéí àéðå ôåèø


Implied question: It says in Menachos (66b) that we take Terumah from [Peros] Nochrim on those of Nochrim, and from Nochrim on of anyone, for Miru'ach Nochri does not exempt!

ìà áìå÷ç îï äòåáã ëåëáéí àééøé ãìå÷ç îîåøç àôé' îéùøàì ôèåø ãàåøééúà


Answer: It does not discuss one who buys from a Nochri, for one who buys after Miru'ach, even from a Yisrael, is exempt mid'Oraisa;

àìà áòåáã ëåëáéí äúåøí îùìå òì ùì éùøàì àééøé ëãúðï (úøåîåú ô''â î''è) äòåáã ëåëáéí åäëåúé ùúøîå úøåîúï úøåîä


Rather, it discusses a Nochri who takes Terumah from his own on a Yisrael's, like the Mishnah (Terumos 3:9) "a Nochri or Kusi who took Terumah, his Terumah is Terumah."

åôø÷ áëì îòøáéï (òøåáéï ìæ:) âáé ìå÷ç ééï îáéï äëåúéí àîø ëé ìéú ìéä áøéøä áãàåøééúà


Implied question: In Eruvin (37b), regarding one who buys wine from Kusim, it says that [R. Shimon does not allow tithing via Bereirah, for] he holds that Ein Bereirah for Torah laws!

éù ìôøù úøåîú ãâï úéøåù åéöäø ÷øé ãàåøééúà


Answer: Terumah of grain, wine and oil it calls mid'Oraisa.

åàôéìå îôèø ëì ìå÷ç ðéçà ðîé ñåâéà ãùîòúéï ìå÷ç èáìéí îï äòåáã ëåëáéí àééøé áòåáã ëåëáéí äîòùø ôéøåúéå åðúï ììåé


Answer #2: And even if every buyer is exempt [mid'Oraisa, even before Miru'ach], our Sugya is fine. One who buys Tevel from a Nochri discusses a Nochri who tithes his Peros and gives to a Levi;

ìà îéçééá ìåé ìîéúá úøåîú îòùø ìëäï åîòùø ãàåøééúà äéà àé àéï ÷ðéï åîéøåç äòåáã ëåëáéí àéðå ôåèø


The Levi is not obligated to give Terumas Ma'aser to a Kohen, and it is Ma'aser mid'Oraisa, if Ein Kinyan and Miru'ach Nochri does not exempt.

(åàé) [ö"ì åàôéìå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìî''ã îéøåç äòåáã ëåëáéí ôåèø àôùø ùä÷ãéîå áùáìéí


And even according to the opinion that Miru'ach Nochri exempts, it is possible that he was early [to buy before Miru'ach, while it was still] sheaves;

åîú÷ééí ùôéø èòîà ãìòéì (îëç) ãà''ì àúéðà îëç âáøà ãìà îöéú ìàùúòåéé ãéðà áäãéä


This properly fulfills the reason above, that he tells [the Kohen] "I come [received the Peros] from someone that you had no case against him";

ëìåîø ëîå ùäîòùø ùäòåáã ëåëáéí îôøéù åðåúï ììåé ãàéï äìåé çééá ìéúï îîðå úøåîä ìëäï


I.e. just like the Ma'aser that the Nochri separates and gives to the Levi, the Levi need not give from it Terumah to a Kohen...

ëê ëù÷åðä ìåé èáìéí îï äòåáã ëåëáéí (ìäôøéù) [ö"ì åäôøéù - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îòùø àéðå çééá ìúú îîðå úøåîú îòùø ìëäï àìà îôøéùå åäåà ùìå ãà''ì àúéðà ëå'


So a Levi who buys Tevel from a Nochri, and separated Ma'aser, he need not give from it Terumas Ma'aser to a Kohen. Rather, he separates it, and it is his, for he says "I come..."

ãàé ìàå äëé àò''â ãìå÷ç ôèåø îãàåøééúà î''î äéä çééá ìéúï ìëäï îãøáðï


If not [for this reason], even though a buyer is exempt mid'Oraisa, in any case he would be obligated to give to a Kohen mid'Rabanan.

åääéà ãä÷åîõ øáä (îðçåú ìà.) îùîò ëôéøåù øáéðå úí ãôøéê åìéîà ìéä ÷ç îï äòåáã ëåëáéí åòùø òìéå åîùðé ÷ñáø àéï ÷ðéï åäåä ìéä îï äçéåá òì äôèåø


Inference: In Menachos (31a) it connotes like R. Tam, for it asks "he should tell him to buy from a Nochri and tithe on it!", and answers he holds that Ein Kinyan, and this would be Chayav (the Nochri's Peros) on Patur (the mixture);

åîã÷øé ìéä çéåá îùîò îãàåøééúà


Since it calls [the Nochri's Peros] Chayav, this connotes mid'Oraisa (for the mixture is obligated mid'Rabanan, and it is called Patur)!

åéù ìåîø ìâáé ãáø äîòåøá áøåá çåìéï äåé ëîå çéåá òì äôèåø


Rejection: Compared to something mixed with a majority of Heter, [the Nochri's Peros] are like Chayav on Patur.

úãò ãä''ð ÷àîø äúí åìéîà ìéä ÷ç îï äùå÷ åòùø òìéå ÷ñáø øåá òí äàøõ àéï îòùøéï äï åäåä ìéä îï äçéåá òì äôèåø


Support #1: Also there it says [in the other version] "he should tell him to buy [Demai] from the market and tithe on it!", and answers that he holds that most Amei ha'Aretz do not tithe, and this would be Chayav (Demai) on Patur (the mixture);

(îùîò àé àéï îòùøéï äåä ìéä îï äçéåá òì äôèåø - öàï ÷ãùéí îåç÷å) åàîàé åäà ãîàé ãøáðï (åàí èáì îòåøá) [ö"ì åèáì äîòåøá - öàï ÷ãùéí] áçåìéï ãøáðï àí (îëàï îãó äáà) äåà îòåøá áøåá


Question: What is the reason? Demai is mid'Rabanan, and Tevel mixed with Chulin is mid'Rabanan, if it is mixed with a majority [of Chulin]!