[26a - 45 lines; 26b - 43 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 26b [line 30]:

The colon should be removed.

[2] Gemara [line 38]:

"Terumah u'Ma'aser" úøåîä åîòùø

A marginal note in some texts corrects these words to "Matanos." This also seems to be the Girsa of Rashi (27a DH Hachi Garsinan v'Tana). However, the Girsa in Rabeinu Gershom is explicitly like the Girsa in our texts.

[3] Rashi 26b DH veha'Anan Nesher Tenan ã"ä åäàðï ðùø úðï:



1)[line 10]îåãä àáà çìôúà áæäMODEH ABA CHALAFTA BA'ZEH- my father, Chalafta (who was one of the Chachamim who argued with Akavya), agrees in this point with Akavya (and so, too, the rest of the Chachamim agree in this point with Akavya). With regard to mentioning one's father by his name, see Insights to Sanhedrin 100:1, and YOSEF DA'AS here.

2)[line 11]àáì áééçåã àîøå çëîéíAVAL B'YICHUD AMRU CHACHAMIM- in truth (Aval) with clarity (b'Yichud) the Chachamim said

3)[line 25]ááçéøúàBI'VECHIRASA- in the chosen [Mishnah]; that is, Maseches Eduyos


4)[line 2]òåìä ðîé îëôøà àòùäOLAH NAMI MECHAPRA A'ASEI- the Korban Olah (burnt offering), although not brought for the atonement of a sin, is effective in achieving atonement for transgressing Mitzvos Aseh (positive commandments)

5)[line 12]ëì ùòé÷øå äôåê ëìôé øàùåKOL SHE'IKARO HAFUCH KELAPEI ROSHO- any hair whose root is folded towards its end (that is, it was cut off, and sits on the animal in such a way that both ends point outwards)

6)[line 13]îúîòêMISMA'ECH- the hair is even with the rest of the fleece and one end is visible (as opposed to sticking up above the level of the other hairs)

7)[line 16]ðéîéï äîãåìãìåúNIMIN HA'MEDULDALOS- hairs that hang out but are not cut off


8)[line 19]çééáéï ìéèôìCHAYAVIN LI'TAPEL- they are obligated to care for

9)[line 23]ðàëì ùðä áùðäNE'ECHAL SHANAH B'SHANAH- is eaten within its first year

10)[line 26]"áëåø áðéê""BECHOR BANECHA"- the verse states, "Mele'ascha v'Dimacha Lo Se'acher, Bechor Banecha Titen Li" - "Do not delay your offerings of newly ripened produce (Bikurim) and your agricultural offerings (Terumah); you shall give to Me the firstborn of your sons" (Shemos 22:28). The following verse states, "Ken Ta'aseh l'Shorcha l'Tzonecha" - "So shall you do with your ox and you sheep" (Shemos 22:29). The Gemara here links the end of the first verse ("Bechor Banecha") with the second item mentioned in the second verse ("Tzonecha"), and the beginning of the first verse ("Mele'ascha") with the first item mentioned in the second verse ("Shorcha").

11)[line 27]ãî÷ãí ìî÷ãíD'MIKEDEM LEMI'KEDEM- the one that precedes comes to teach about the one that precedes

12)[line 29]òùééä" àçøú""ASIYAH" ACHERES- another "doing"; i.e. an additional form of caring for [the animal]

13)[line 30]ìà îñøê äëúåá àìà ìçëîéíLO MASARCHA HA'KASUV ELA LA'CHACHAMIM- the Torah has handed you over to the Chachamim for the interpretation of the verse

14)[line 35]ùùéðéä ã÷åúSHE'SHINEHA DAKOS- its teeth are small and cannot chew grass well; consequently, it must stay with its mother for a longer period of time

15)[line 36]ëëäï äîñééò ááéú äâøðåúK'CHOHEN HA'MESAYEI'A B'VEIS HA'GERANOS- like a Kohen who assists [the Yisrael] in the granary so that the Terumos should be given to him

16)[line 39]"ùçúí áøéú äìåé""SHICHATEM BRIS HA'LEVI"- "You have corrupted the covenant of the Levi" (Malachi 2:8)

17)[line 42]úøåîä îùìíTERUMAH MI'SHALEM- entire Terumah