[16a - 47 lines; 16b - 37 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 16a [line 43]:

From the words of Rabeinu Gershom it can be learned that

the words "d'Avad Ikri v'Achal" ãòáã àé÷øé åàëì

should be "d'Avar Ikriv v'Achal" ãòáø àé÷øéá åàëì

[2] Rashi 16b DH Veladoseihen ã"ä åìãåúéäï:

The words "v'Shaicha b'Dor Acher Tefei" åùééëà áãåø àçø èôé

should be "v'Shaicha b'Dor Echad Tefei" åùééëà áãåø àçã èôé

(as they appear in the Bartenura)


1)[line 12]ãå÷éï ùáòéïDOKIN SHEBA'AYIN- (lit. eye's web, O.F. teile) refers to a thin film (cataract?) that develops due to an eye-disease, which is considered to be a blemish, or, alternatively, a cut on the eyelids, that disqualifies an animal from being brought as a Korban, as the Torah states in Vayikra 21:20. See Background to Menachos 78:38 with regard to blemishes that invalidate an animal from being offered as a sacrifice.

2)[line 20]áëåø åîòùøBECHOR U'MA'ASER

(a)A Bechor without a Mum is brought as a Korban by the Kohen to whom it was given. It may only be eaten by Kohanim. If it has a Mum, the Kohen slaughters it and eats it himself. He may share it with anyone (see Mishnah, Bechoros 32b).

(b)Ma'aser Behemah without a Mum is brought by its owner as a Korban, the meat of which is eaten by the owner himself. If it has a Mum, the owner slaughters and eats it outside of the Beis ha'Mikdash.

3)[line 29]åäà ìà àìéîà ìîéúôñ ôãéåðäV'HA LO ALIMA L'MITPAS PIDYONAH- and this one ("v'Ha") does not have enough Kedushah to take hold on the object with which it is redeemed! (Therefore, its own Kedushah remains intact. This is not a question but a statement.)

4)[line 33]çîù çèàåú îúåúCHAMESH CHATA'OS MESOS

There are five Chata'os that are put to death by being locked up without food until they die:

1.The offspring of a Chatas

2.The Temurah (see Background to Bechoros 14:5) of a Chatas

3.A Chatas the owner of which has died

4.A Chatas of a sheep or goat that became a year old (and is therefore invalid as a Korban Chatas), the owner of which brought a different Chatas to atone for his sins

5.A Chatas that was lost and was later found with a Mum, the owner of which brought a different Chatas to atone for his sins (Temurah 21b)

5)[line 38]ëì ùáçèàú îúä, áàùí øåòäKOL SHEB'CHATAS MESAH, B'ASHAM RO'AH- an Asham which is in one of the above five categories grazes until it develops a Mum, after which it is redeemed. Its value is used to purchase an Olas Nedavah for the Tzibur

6)[line 42]äéëà ãòáã àé÷øé åàëìHEICHA D'AVAD (D'AVAR) IKRI (IKRIV) V'ACHAL- where it happened that he ate [from it]; alt. Girsa: where he transgressed and offered it [as a Korban] and ate [from it]

7)[last line]öàï áøæìTZON BARZEL - lit. iron sheep, i.e. sheep that retain their value.

The Nochri sold his sheep to a Jew with the condition that he would pay him after a period of ten years. They also agreed that all the offspring born during that period would be divided between them.


8)[line 4]ùàçøéåúï ìòåáã ëåëáéíSHE'ACHRAYUSAN L'OVED KOCHAVIM- they are collateral for the Nochri

9)[line 7]ãëéåï ãìà ð÷è îøà æåæé, áøùåúà ãîøà ÷ééîéD'CHEIVAN D'LO NAKAT MARA ZUZEI, BI'RESHUSA D'MARA KAIMEI- since the owner did not receive money for them, they remain in the owner's possession

10)[line 11]ã÷áéì òìéä àåðñà åæåìàD'KABIL ALEI ONSA V'ZOLA- the Nochri accepted upon himself any loss due to accidents and devaluation

11)[line 14]îàé ôñ÷à?MAI PASKA?- Why did the Tana write it without qualification?

12)[line 25]åìãåú ôèåøéïVELADOS PETURIM- in the first case of the Mishnah, when the Jew did not specify that the Nochri could take the offspring in lieu of their mother, only the first generation of offspring are exempt from Bechorah