[3a - 49 lines; 3b - 55 lines]

1)[line 4]שהוא ככהן גדולSHE'HU K'CHOHEN GADOL- that he is like a Kohen Gadol (that is, he is compared to a Kohen Gadol to emphasize his greatness and holiness, in the same sense that the Mishnah (Horiyos 13a) states that a Mamzer who is a Talmid Chacham takes priority, in certain Halachic respects, to a Kohen Gadol who is an Am ha'Aretz - IYUN YAKOV to Sanhedrin 59a)

2)[line 4]"[וּשְׁמַרְתֶּם אֶת חֻקֹּתַי וְאֶת מִשְׁפָּטַי] אֲשֶׁר יַעֲשֶׂה אוֹתָם הָאָדָם, וָחַי בָּהֶם; [אֲנִי ה']""[U'SHMARTEM ES CHUKOSAI V'ES MISHPATAI,] ASHER YA'ASEH OSAM HA'ADAM VA'CHAI BAHEM..."- "[You shall therefore keep My statutes, and My judgments;] which if a man does, he shall live in them; [I am HaSh-m]" (Vayikra 18:5) - Since the verse uses the word "ha'Adam" - "a man," Rebbi Meir learns that it includes Nochrim as well.

3)[line 10]גדול המצווה ועושה יותר משאינו מצווה ועושהGADOL HA'METZUVEH V'OSEH YOSER MISHE'EINO METZUVEH V'OSEH

One who performs Mitzvos in which he was commanded receives a greater reward than one who performs Mitzvos in which he was not commanded. The one who was commanded to perform a Mitzvah has a specific Yetzer ha'Ra (evil inclination) created to stop him from performing the Mitzvah. This provides him with the challenge that enables him to receive a reward for subduing that Yetzer ha'Ra. One who was not commanded to perform the Mitzvah has no such Yetzer ha'Ra (Bava Kama 38a; Kidushin 31a).

4)[line 20]"אִם לֹא בְרִיתִי יוֹמָם וָלָיְלָה, חוּקּוֹת שָׁמַיִם וָאָרֶץ לֹא שָׂמְתִּי""IM LO VERISI YOMAM VA'LAILAH, CHUKOS SHAMAYIM VA'ARETZ LO SAMTI"- "If not for my covenant by day and by night, I would not have established the ordinances of heaven and earth (laws of nature)" (Yirmeyahu 33:25) - The heavens and the earth will disintegrate if Bnei Yisrael stop learning the Torah and stop performing the Mitzvos.

5)[line 25]לתוהו ובוהוTOHU VA'VOHU- desolation and emptiness

6)[line 26]"מִשָּׁמַיִם הִשְׁמַעְתָּ דִּין; אֶרֶץ יָרְאָה וְשָׁקָטָה""MI'SHAMAYIM HISMATA DIN; ERETZ YAR'AH V'SHAKATAH"- "You caused judgment (alt. law, i.e. the Torah) to be heard from heaven; the earth feared, and was still" (Tehilim 76:9) - The Gemara learns that this verse deals with the giving of the Torah.

7)[line 34]יבא נְבוּכַדְ-נֶצַּר ויעיד בחנניה מישאל ועזריה שלא השתחוו לצלםYAVO NEVUCHADNETZAR V'YA'ID B'CHANANYAH MISHA'EL V'AZARYAH SHE'LO HISHTACHAVU LA'TZELEM- [King] Nevuchadnetzar shall come and testify that Chananyah Misha'el and Azaryah did not bow down to his golden statue (source: Daniel 3:1-30)

8)[line 36]יבא דַרְיָוֶשׁ ויעיד בדניאל שלא ביטל את התפלהYAVO DARYAVESH V'YA'ID B'DANIEL SHE'LO VITEL ES HA'TEFILAH- [King] Daryavesh shall come and testify that Daniel did not fail to pray to HaSh-m (even though praying to HaSh-m was explicitly prohibited by the king) (source: Daniel 6:1-29)

9)[line 37]יבא בלדד השוחי וצופר הנעמתי ואליפז התימני ויעידו בהם בישראל שקיימו את כל התורה כולהYAVO BILDAD HA'SHUCHI V'TZOFAR HA'NA'AMASI V'ELIFAZ HA'TEIMANI V'YA'IDU VAHEM B'YISRAEL SHE'KIYEMU ES KOL HA'TORAH KULAH- these three friends of Iyov (Iyov 2:11) shall come and testify that Bnei Yisrael kept the entire Torah. Since Iyov was one of the "Chasidei Umos ha'Olam" - "the Pious Ones of the Nations," his friends can testify that once suffering came upon him, he questioned HaSh-m's providence and even came close to denying HaSh-m's existence. This testimony will then be juxtaposed with the behavior of Bnei Yisrael, who were prepared to and were actually killed, hanged, and burned at the stake to sanctify the Name of HaSh-m, without losing their faith. (EMES L'YAKOV, cited by the CHIDUSHEI HA'GA'ONIM in the EIN YAKOV)

10)[line 45]בא בטרוניאBA BI'TERUNYA- comes with a complaint

11)[line 47]מקדיר עליהם חמה בתקופת תמוזMAKDIR ALEIHEM CHAMAH BI'TEKUFAS TAMUZ- He causes the heat of the sun to bore into them in (alt. as in) Tekufas Tamuz (the summer season), which begins at the summer solstice (about June 22) and lasts for three solar months. There are years when Tekufas Tamuz lasts into the holiday of Sukos, as the Gemara reports on Amud Beis. (The MAHARSHA writes that even if the idol worshippers build their Sukos with very thick Sechach, the sun will bore holes into it to make them uncomfortable.)

12)[line 47]מבעטMEVA'ET- kicks it down (with the connotation of "rejects it")

13)[line 48]"[לָמָּה רָגְשׁוּ גוֹיִם, וּלְאֻמִּים יֶהְגּוּ רִיק. יִתְיַצְּבוּ מַלְכֵי אֶרֶץ וְרוֹזְנִים נוֹסְדוּ יָחַד, עַל ה' וְעַל מְשִׁיחוֹ.] נְנַתְּקָה אֶת מוֹסְרוֹתֵימוֹ, וְנַשְׁלִיכָה מִמֶּנּוּ עֲבוֹתֵימוֹ""[LAMAH RAGSHU GOYIM; U'L'UMIM YEHGU RIK. YISYATZEVU MALCHEI ERETZ V'ROZNIM NOSDU YACHAD, AL HASH-M V'AL MESHICHO.] NENATKAH ES MOSEROSEIMO V'NASHLICHAH MIMENU AVOSEIMO"- "[Why do the nations rage, and the peoples utter a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together, against HaSh-m, and against His anointed! Saying,] 'Let us break their bonds asunder, and cast away their cords from us.'" (Tehilim 2:1-3)

14)[last line]זימנין דמשכא להו תקופת תמוז עד חגאZIMNEI D'MASHCHA LEHU TEKUFAS TAMUZ AD CHAGA- There are times when Tekufas Tamuz lasts into the holiday of Sukos


15)[line 2]מצטער פטור מן הסוכהMITZTA'ER PATUR MIN HA'SUKAH- a person who is suffering is exempt from the Mitzvah of Sukah

16)[line 4]"יוֹשֵׁב בַּשָּׁמַיִם יִשְׂחָק; [ה' יִלְעַג לָמוֹ]""YOSHEV BA'SHAMAYIM YISCHAK; [HASH-M YIL'AG LAMO]"- "He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; [HaSh-m shall ridicule them]" (Tehilim 2:4).

17)[line 9]אין מקבלין גרים לימות המשיחEIN MEKABLIN GERIM LI'YEMOS HA'MASHI'ACH- converts will not be accepted after the coming of Mashi'ach (see Background to Yevamos 24:12)

18)[line 14]מלחמת גוג ומגוגMILCHEMES GOG U'MAGOG

Magog is first mentioned among the sons of Yefes, son of Noach, in Bereishis 10:2. The prophet Yechezkel (chapters 38-39) describes a cataclysmic war led by Gog of the land of Magog, where many nations combine forces to wage war against the land of Yisrael. The prophecy assures Gog that HaSh-m Himself will ruin the war effort and will destroy all of his multitudes. It is traditionally assumed that this war will take place at the end of days, preceding the revelation of HaSh-m as master of His world.

19)[line 16]"לָמָּה רָגְשׁוּ גוֹיִם, וּלְאוּמִּים יֶהְגוּ רִיק""LAMAH RAGSHU GOYIM; U'L'UMIM YEHGU RIK"- see above, entry #13

20)[line 22]שתים עשרה שעות הוי היוםSHTEIM ESREH SHA'OS HEVEI HA'YOM- the day is made up of twelve Sha'os Zemaniyos (Halachic hours)

21)[line 25]כלייהKELAYAH- destruction

22)[line 26]מקרני ראמיםKARNEI RE'EMIM- the name of a giant beast (RASHI)

23)[line 27]ביצי כניםBEITZI CHINIM- (lit. lice eggs) (a) (Aram. Yaniva - a type of worm - Chulin 85b) a tiny species of insect named "Beitzei Chinim"; (b) (O.F. lentres) nits

24)[line 27]יושב ומשחק עם לויתןYOSHEV U'MESACHEK IM LIVYASAN- He sits and plays lightheartedly with the Livyasan (see Insights)

25)[line 30]"וַיִּקְרָא ה' אֱ-לֹקִים צְ-בָקוֹת בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא, לִבְכִי וּלְמִסְפֵּד וּלְקָרְחָה [וְלַחֲגֹר שָׂק""VA'YIKRA HASH-M EL-KIM TZE-VAKOS BA'YOM HA'HU, LI'VECHI UL'MISPED UL'KORCHAH [VELA'CHAGOR SAK]"- "And HaSh-m, the L-rd, G-d of hosts declared that day to be for weeping, and mourning, and baldness, [and for girding with sackcloth]" (Yeshayah 22:12).

26)[line 32]"אִם אֶשְׁכָּחֵךְ יְרוּשָׁלָיִם, תִּשְׁכַּח יְמִינִי. תִּדְבַּק לְשׁוֹנִי לְחִכִּי אִם לֹא אֶזְכְּרֵכִי, [אִם לֹא אַעֲלֶה אֶת יְרוּשָׁלִַיִם עַל רֹאשׁ שִׂמְחָתִי]""IM ESHKACHECH YERUSHALAYIM, TISHKACH YEMINI. TIDBAK LESHONI L'CHIKI, IM LO EZKERECHI; [IM LO A'ALEH ES YERUSHALAYIM AL ROSH SIMCHASI]"- "If I forget you, O Yerushalayim, let my right hand forget [its skill]. Let my tongue adhere to my palate (the roof of my mouth) if I fail to recall you; [if I fail to elevate Yerushalayim above my foremost joy]" (Tehilim 137:5-6) - Since the beginning of this Psalm is in the plural tense and these two verses are in the singular tense, the Gemara understands that ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu is speaking.

27)[line 34]"הֶחֱשֵׁיתִי מֵעוֹלָם אַחֲרִישׁ אֶתְאַפָּק; [כַּיּוֹלֵדָה אֶפְעֶה, אֶשֹּׁם וְאֶשְׁאַף יָחַד]""HECHESHESI ME'OLAM, ACHARISH ES'APAK; [KA'YOLEDAH EF'EH, ESHOM V'ESH'AF YACHAD]"- "I have remained silent for a long time; I have kept still, and refrained Myself; [now I will cry like a woman in labor; I will gasp and pant together]" (Yeshayah 42:14).

28)[line 34]ברביעיות מאי עביד?BI'REVI'IYOS MAI AVID?- What does He do in the fourth part of the day since the Beis ha'Mikdash was destroyed and He therefore does not play with His creations? (MAHARSHA)

29)[line 35]"אֶת מִי יוֹרֶה דֵעָה, וְאֶת מִי יָבִין שְׁמוּעָה; גְּמוּלֵי מֵחָלָב עַתִּיקֵי מִשָּׁדָיִם""ES MI YOREH DE'AH V'ES MI YAVIN SHEMU'AH? GEMULEI ME'CHALAV, ATIKEI MI'SHADAYIM"- "To whom shall one teach knowledge? And whom shall one make understand doctrine? Those who are weaned from mother's milk, and removed from the breasts" (Yeshayah 28:9) - The Gemara interprets this to refer to those children who passed away young, before they were able to learn the Torah.

30)[line 37]ומעיקרא מאן הוה מיגמר להו?UME'IKARA MAN HAVAH MIGMAR LEHU?- During the years that the Beis ha'Mikdash stood, who taught those children? (MAHARSHA)

31)[line 37]מ[י]טטרוןMITATRN (NOT TO BE PRONOUNCED!)- one of the ministering Angels, whose name is like the name of his Master (i.e. the Gematriya of his name is 314, which is the same as the Gematriya of the Holy Name Shakai) (see also RASHI to Shemos 23:21)

32)[line 39]כרוב קלKERUV KAL- a light cherub (The Gematriya of "Keruv Kal" is Mashi'ach; Mashi'ach is a "Merkavah" (chariot) for HaSh-m's Divine Presence - BEN YEHOYADA, cited by YOSEF DA'AS. See also RASHI to Bereishis 17:22 and 18:2 DH Nitzavim)

33)[line 39]ושטSHAT- floats

34)[line 39]בשמונה עשר אלף עולמותSHEMONAH ASAR ELEF OLAMOS- The Gemara (Sukah 45b) mentions that there are 18,000 righteous people in the world, based upon the verse in Yechezkel (48:35). Since the verse states "v'Tzadik Yesod Olam" - "a righteous person is the foundation of the world" (Mishlei 10:25), these 18,000 Tzadikim are responsible for the 18,000 worlds in which HaSh-m takes delight (IYUN YAKOV). (See also Chidushei Agados of the MAHARAL)

35)[line 40]"רֶכֶב אֱ-לֹקִים רִבּוֹתַיִם אַלְפֵי שִׁנְאָן; [ה' בָם, סִינַי בַּקֹּדֶשׁ]""RECHEV EL-KIM RIBOSAYIM, ALFEI SHIN'AN..."- "The Angels (lit. chariots) of HaSh-m are twice ten thousand, thousands upon thousands; [HaSh-m is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place]" (Tehilim 68:18) - See next entry.

36)[line 40]אל תקרי "שִׁנְאָן" אלא "שֶׁאֵינָן"AL TIKREI "SHIN'AN" ELA "SHE'EINAN"- read the word "Shin'an" as "she'Einan," "which are not [included]," i.e. subtract two thousand (the minimum number that could be described as "Alfei") from twenty thousand

37)[line 41]חיותCHAYOS- the Chayos ha'Kodesh, the Beasts of the Holy Sanctum (based upon Yechezkel 1:5)

38)[line 43]גחלי רתמיםGACHALEI RESAMIM- coals of Rosem wood, which continue to burn inside long after their exterior is extinguished

39)[line 43]"הַקּוֹטְפִים מַלּוּחַ עֲלֵי שִׂיחַ, וְשׁוֹרֶשׁ רְתָמִים לַחְמָם""HA'KOTFIM MALU'ACH ALEI SI'ACH, V'SHORESH RESAMIM LACHMAM"- "They pick up mallows by the bushes, and roots of broom for their warmth" (Iyov 30:4) - RASHI explains the word "Malu'ach" in the Derashah of our Gemara in two ways: (a) (Devarim Lachluchim) [Divrei Lichluchis] - choice, succulent [plants]. The one who stops learning the Torah is similar to one who is Kotef (cuts) these succulent plants, not permitting them to grow any more. (b) He cuts off learning the words that were written in the Luchos.

40)[line 49]"וַתַּעֲשֶׂה אָדָם כִּדְגֵי הַיָּם, כְּרֶמֶשׂ לֹא מוֹשֵׁל בּוֹ""VA'TA'ASEH ADAM KI'DEGEI HA'YAM, K'REMES LO MOSHEL BO"- "And do you make men like the fishes of the sea, like the creeping things, that have no ruler over them?" (Chabakuk 1:14).

41)[line 50]כיון שפורשין מדברי תורה ומן המצות, מיד מתיםKEIVAN SHE'PORSHIN MI'DIVREI TORAH U'MIN HA'MITZVOS MIYAD MESIM- as soon as they separate themselves from the words of the Torah and from the Mitzvos, they immediately die [spiritually]

42)[line 51]שקדרה עליהם חמהKADRAH ALEIHEM CHAMAH- when the sun shines upon them strongly [even while they are in the water, e.g. shallow water]

43a)[line 53]הכל בידי שמיםH'KOL B'YDEI SHAMAYIM- everything (the Gemara is referring to aches and pains) is in the hands of Heaven (RASHI)

b)[line 53]מצניםTZINIM- chills

c)[line 53]פחיםPACHIM- (a) fever (RASHI here and to Kesuvos 30a); (b) swelling (RASHI to Bava Metzia 107b); see Insights to Bava Metzia 107:4

44)[line 53]"צִנִּים פַּחִים בְּדֶרֶךְ עִקֵּשׁ; שׁוֹמֵר נַפְשׁוֹ יִרְחַק מֵהֶם""TZINIM PACHIM B'DERECH IKESH; SHOMER NAFSHO YIRCHAK MEHEM"- "Chills and fevers (alt. swelling) are in the way of the crooked; he who guards his soul shall be far from them" (Mishlei 22:5).

45)[last line]מנרתיקהNARTIKAH- its "sheath"; i.e. HaSh-m will make an extremely hot day

46)[last line]ומקדירMAKDIR- and it bores [into the wicked]