LEKET MIXED INTO A STACK (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 2 Daf 26a)
ëéöã äåà òåùä îáéà ùúé ùéáìéï åàåîø àí ì÷è äéà äøé æå éôä åàí ìàå äøé îòùøåúéä ÷áåòéï áæå åðåúï ìå àú äøàùåðä
(The Mishnah (daf 48(b)) taught that if an ear of corn of Leket became mixed up with a stack of corn, he should tithe one ear and give it to the poor.) What does he do? He brings two ears and says, "If the better one is Leket, it is Leket and the second ear is Maaser. If the better ear is not Leket, its Maaseros should be on the second one".
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Question: Shouldn't we be concerned that perhaps the second one that was fixed as the Maaseros ear might itself be the Leket?
[ãó îä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé éåðä îáéà ùúé ùéáìéï åàåîø àí ì÷è äéà äøé æå éôä åàí ìàå äøé îòùøåú ÷áåòéí áæå åðåúï ìå àú àçú îäï
(R. Yona): (Aside from one ear that he gives to the poor as Leket) he brings a second and third ear and says, "If the first one I gave was the Leket, the second is Maaser; and if the second is the Leket, their Maaseros are in the third ear.