CROPS THAT WERE CONSECRATED (Yerushalmi Peah Halachah 5 Daf 22a - misnumbered as Halachah 4)
[ãó ìæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä ä÷ãéù ÷îä åôãä ÷îä çééá
(Mishnah): If a person consecrated his standing crops and redeemed them when they were still standing, they are obligated.
ä÷ãéù òåîøéï åôãä òåîøéï çééá
If he consecrated sheaves and redeemed them as sheaves, they are obligated.
ä÷ãéù ÷îä åôãä òåîøéï ôèåøä ùáùòú çåáúä äéúä ôèåøä
If he consecrated them as standing crops and redeemed them as sheaves, they are exempt, because at the time when the obligation came, they were exempt.
ëéåöà áä äî÷ãéù ôéøåúéå òã ùìà áàå ìòåðú äîòùøåú åôãàï çééáéï îùáàå ìòåðú äîòùøåú åôãàï çééáéï
Similarly, one who consecrates his fruits before the stage that obligates them in Maaseros and he redeems them before that stage, they are obligated; if he consecrates them after that stage and then redeems them, they are obligated.
ä÷ãéùï òã ùìà ðâîøå åâîøï äâéæáø åôãàï ôèåøéï ùáùòú çåáúï äéå ôèåøéí:
If he consecrated them before they were ripe and they became ripe in the hands of the Temple treasurer and he then redeemed them, they are exempt, because at the time when the obligation came, they were exempt.
âîøà åìîä úðéðï úøé æîðéï
(Gemara) Question: (The law of the latter part of the Mishnah - 'Similarly, one who consecrates his fruits...' was also taught in Maseches Challah 3:4) Why was it taught twice?
ø' éåðä ø' çééà øéá"ì áùí áø ôãé' àçú ìîéøåç åàçú ìùìéù
Answer (R. Yona/ R. Chiya/ R. Yehoshua ben Levi citing Bar Padaya): One teaches that if the pile was smoothed in the hands of the treasurer, it is exempt; one teaches that if it reached a third of its growth in the hands of the treasurer, it is exempt.
ø' éåñé àîø ø' áà åçáøééà çáøééà àîøé àçú ìîéøåç åàçú ìùìéù
(R. Yosi citing R. Ba and Chevraya): Chevraya said (as above) - one teaches that if the pile was smoothed in the hands of the treasurer, it is exempt; one teaches that if it reached a third of its growth in the hands of the treasurer, it is exempt.
ø' áà îôøù áçìä ìîéøåç åáôàä ìùìéù [ãó ìç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îúðé' ãø"ò äéà ãø"ò àîø àçø ùìéù äøàùåï àú îäìê ãàúôìâéï
R. Ba explained: For Challah it follows the smoothing; for Peah it follows a third of its growth. When the Mishnah teaches that if the fruits reached a third of their growth in the hands of the treasurer or of a gentile, they are exempt, it is the opinion of R. Akiva who said that the state of the fruits during the first third is what establishes their law. It is in fact a dispute...
ùãä ùäáéàä ùìéù ìôðé âåé åì÷çä îîðå éùøàì ø"ò àåîø ôèåø åçëîéí àåîøéí áúåñôåú çééá
If the produce of a field reached a third of its growth in the possession of a gentile and a Jew then bought it - R. Akiva says that it is exempt from Peah and Maaseros; Chachamim say that what grows after that is obligated.
îàé ëãåï úôúø ëø"ò (áîéøåç) [áúåñôú] åëãáøé äëì á÷åöø îéã:
What is the law? If it reached a third in the treasurer's hands, even what grew later is exempt, like R. Akiva; or if he redeemed it immediately after it grew a third in the treasurer's hands, even the Chachamim agree that it is exempt.