TOSFOS DH v'Ha Ba'i Semichah (cont.)
úåñôåú ã"ä åäà áòé ñîéëä (äîùê)
åéù ìåîø ãäëà ðîé ëéåï ùéù ìå ú÷ðä áøòéä àéï ìòùåú áìà ñîéëä
Answer: Here, since there is a solution through grazing, we should not [offer] without Semichah.
ãëé äàé âååðà îôìâéðï ðîé ì÷îï (ãó òå.) âáé àùí îùåí ãàéú ìéä ú÷ðä áøòéä
Support #1: We distinguish like this below (76a) regarding Asham, because it has a solution through grazing.
åäùúà ìà öøéëà áääéà ãâéèéï ìèòîà ãôøéùéú ãäúí ðîé ëéåï ãàôùø ì÷ééí îöåú ñîéëä ùéáéàðå äåà òöîå àéï ìå ìòùåú áìà ñîéëä
Support #2: Now, we do not need the reason I gave for the case in Gitin (since there is a Safek, we should not offer without Semichah. Rather,) also there, since it is possible to fulfill the Mitzvah of Semichah, that he will bring it himself, he should not offer it without Semichah.
åîéäå ÷ùä îääéà ãôñçéí ôø÷ äàùä (ãó ôç:) çîùä ùðúòøáå [òåøåú] ôñçéäï [åðîöà éáìú áàçã îäï] ãôèåøéï îìòùåú ôñç ùðé
Question: In Pesachim (88b), it says that if the skins of Korban Pesach of five [groups] became mixed, and a wart (a Mum) was found on one of them, they are exempt from offering Pesach Sheni;
àò''ô ùäéå éëåìéï ìäáéà áîåúø äôñç åìà éòùå ñîéëä àôéìå äëé ôèåøéï îùåí ãôñç ìà áòé ñîéëä åîåúø äôñç áòé ñîéëä
They could bring it through Mosar Pesach (if the group was already Yotzei, it is a Shelamim), and not do Semichah. Even so, they are exempt (from doing so, lest they omit Semichah), for Pesach does not require Semichah, and Mosar Pesach requires Semichah.
åîàé ÷ôéãà àéëà àí ìà éòùå ñîéëä äà òøì åèîà îùìçéï ÷øáðåúéäï
Why are we concerned for this (and exempt them, lest they offer a Korban without Semichah)? An Arel and Tamei send their Zevachim (and do not do Semichah)!
åé''ì ëéåï ùäåà ñô÷ ãùîà ôèåø äåà îìòùåú ôñç ìà òùå ìå çëîéí ú÷ðä ëéåï ãàé àôùø ìú÷ï àí ìà éòáåø îöåú ñîéëä
Answer: Since it is a Safek [about each group], for perhaps it is exempt from Pesach, Chachamim did not make an enactment, for it is impossible to fix [the Safek] without [some groups] transgressing the Mitzvah of Semichah.
îéäå úéîä î''ù îäà ãúðï áëøéúåú áô' ãí ùçéèä (ãó ëâ.) åùðéäí îáéàéï çèàú àçú àìîà îééúé ÷øáï áìà ñîéëä ëãé ìéôèåø àú òöîå
Question: Why is it different than what was taught in Kerisus (23a, when we are unsure which of two people ate Chelev) that both of them bring [together] one Chatas? This shows that he brings a Korban without Semichah to exempt himself!
åáðæéø ô' ùðé ðæéøéí (ãó ðæ.) ùîáéàéï ÷øáï áúðàé
And in Nazir (57a, when we are unsure which Nazir became Tamei), they bring a Korban on condition (that it is for the one who became Tamei)!
åé''ì ãàò''ô ùúé÷ðå çëîéí ùéáéà ÷øáï îñô÷ áìà ñîéëä ëãé ìôèåø
Answer: Even though Chachamim enacted that he bring a Korban due to Safek without Semichah, in order to exempt [himself from his obligation]...
î''î ÷øáï àçø ùäåà îçåééá ñîéëä åãàé ëâåï îåúø äôñç ìà äúéøå ìå çëîéí ìäáéàå áìà ñîéëä ëãé ìôèåø àú òöîå
In any case another Korban, which Vadai requires Semichah, e.g. Mosar Pesach, they did not permit him to bring without Semichah in order to exempt himself.
åàí úàîø åäà ãúðï áîñëú ù÷ìéí åîééúé ìä áôø÷ äàéù î÷ãù (÷ãåùéï ãó ðä.) áäîä ùðîöàú áéï éøåùìéí ìîâãì òãø æëøéí òåìåú ð÷áåú æáçé ùìîéí åäúí äà áòé ñîéëä
Question: A Mishnah in Shekalim (7:4), and it is brought in Kidushin (55a), teaches that if an animal was found between Yerushalayim and Migdal Eder, males are [assumed to be] Olos and females are Shelamim. [Chachamim] did not obligate Semichah!
åë''ú ëùîöàåí äáòìéí åéëåìéï ìñîåê
Suggestion: That is when the owner found them, and he can do Semichah.
ãìà îùîò äëé ãúðéà äúí áøàùåðä äéå îîùëðéí îåöàéä ìäáéà ðñëéä ëå'
Rejection: It does not connote like this, for a Beraisa teaches there "at first they used to take a security from the finder to bring its Nesachim..."
åéù ìåîø ãùàðé äúí ãàéï ìäí ú÷ðä àçøú ìàåúï ÷øáðåú àìà ùé÷øáå áìà ñîéëä åèåá ìä÷øéá áìà ñîéëä îîä ùðàîø éîåúå
Answer: There is different, for there is no solution for those Korbanos other than to offer them without Semichah. It is better to offer without Semichah than to say that they die.
åëï é''ì áéåøù ùî÷øéá ÷øáï àáéå àò''ô ùàéðå ñåîê åìà àîøéðï äà áòé ñîéëä
Remark: We can say the same about an heir. He offers his father's Korban even though he does not do Semichah. We do not say "[he should not offer it, for] it requires Semichah!"
åà''ú äà ãàîøéðï ì÷îï (ãó òå:) ìîçø îáéà àùîå åìåâå òîå åàåúå àùí èòåï ñîéëä
Question: We say below (76b) that the next day, [the Safek Metzora] brings his Asham and Log [of oil], and that Asham requires Semichah;
åääéà ñîéëä òì ëøçéï äééðå áä÷ôú éã åìà áñîéëä âîåøä ìî''ã ñîéëú àùí îöåøò ìàå ãàåøééúà
You are forced to say that that Semichah is with loose hands (he does not press with all his strength) and it is not a proper Semichah according to the opinion that Semichah on Asham Metzora is not mid'Oraisa;
åäéëé òáéã áìà ñîéëä äà áòé ñîéëä åáâáøà àééøé ëãîåëç áúåñôúà
How can he offer without Semichah? Semichah is required [lest he was not a minor, so the Korban is a Shelamim]. We discuss a man, like is proven in the Tosefta.
åé''ì ãú÷åðé âáøà ùàðé ëã÷àîø ðîé äúí òìä ãääéà
Answer: Fixing a person is different (he cannot eat Kodshim until he brings his Asham), like it says there about this teaching.
åäà ãàîø ô''â ãîåòã ÷èï (ãó èå:) ãàáì àéðå îùìç ÷øáðåúéå îùåí ãëúéá ùìîéí ëùäåà ùìí åìà ëùäåà çñø àáì àé ìàå ÷øà äéä îùìç
Implied question: It says in Mo'ed Katan (15b) that an Avel may not send his Korbanos because it is written "Shelamim" - when he is complete, but not when he is lacking. If not for the verse, he would be allowed to send [and not do Semichah! The Griz asks why he could not do Semichah (after the first two days. Until then, he may not enter Har ha'Bayis - Midos 2:2.)]
àéëà ìàå÷îà áòåó àå á÷øáï ðùéí
Answer: We can establish it to discuss birds, or the Korban of women.
åëï äà ãáòé äúí îðåãä îäå ùéùìç ÷øáðåúéå åäà ã÷àîø ú''ù ëì àåúï ùðéí ùäéå éùøàì áîãáø îðåãéí äéå åùìçå ÷øáðåúéäí
Implied question: Likewise [it is difficult] the question there whether or not a Menudah may send his Korbanos, and [Rav Yosef] brought a proof from the years that Bnei Yisrael were in the Midbar. They were Menudin, and they sent their Korbanos! (A Menudah cannot do Semichah, for he may not enter the Mikdash - Me'iri there, Turei Even Hilchos Chagigah 1:1 DH v'Al.)
äééðå úîéãéï ùáëì éåí
Answer: This refers to the Temidim every day. (Korbanos Tzibur do not need Semichah.)
åàí úàîø äà ãúðï áôø÷ áúøà ãîðçåú (ãó ÷æ.) ôéøùúé îï äá÷ø (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú) åàéðé éåãò îä ôéøùúé îáéà ôø åòâì
Question: A Mishnah in Menachos (107a) teaches that if one said "I separated from cattle [for a Korban], and I do not know which", he brings a [male] bull and calf;
å÷àîø áâîøà âáé ùùä ìðãáä ãàçã îäí ìôø [åàçã] ìòâì åäéëé òáéã äëé äà áòé ñîéëä
It says in the Gemara regarding the six [boxes in which people put coins] for Nedavah (we buy Korbanos Nedavah with the coins and offer them) that one [box] was for a bull, and one was for a calf. How could they do so? Semichah is required!
åé''ì ãäúí á÷éõ ìîæáç àééøé ùäéà ðãáú öéáåø åìà áòé ñîéëä
Answer: There it discusses Kitz ha'Mizbe'ach, which is a Nedavah of the Tzibur, and does not require Semichah.
åîéäå ÷ùä îääéà ãëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä (îðçåú ãó ñá:) ãàîø äùåìç ÷øáðåúéå îîãéðú äéí ëäï îðéó òì éãå
Question: It is difficult from Menachos (62b). It says that one who sends his Korbanos from overseas, the Kohen does Tenufah for [the owner];
åäéëé òáéã äëé åäà áòé ñîéëä åîã÷úðé îðéó îùîò ãàééøé áùìîéí
How can he do so? It requires Semichah! Since it teaches Tenufah, this connotes that it discusses Shelamim!
åá÷øáï ðùéí ìéëà ìàå÷îä ãäà úðà ìéä øéùà åäàùä ëäï îðéó òì éãä
We cannot say that it discusses women's Korbanos, for the Reisha taught "a woman, the Kohen does Tenufah for her"!
åãåç÷ ìäòîéãä á÷øáï òøì åèîà
It is difficult to say that it discusses the Korban of an Arel or Tamei.
åäðê ÷åùéåú ùä÷ùéúé àéðí ìôé èòí øàùåï ùôéøùúé ìôé ùìà çùå òì äñîéëä àìà îùåí ùéù òãééï ðãðåã àçø ãùîà àéðå ÷ééí
Answer #1: These other questions that I asked are not difficult according to the first reason that I explained, that Chachamim were concerned for Semichah only when there is another concern, lest [the owner] is not alive;
åæä ìà ùééê àìà áçèàú ãàí îúå áòìéä ìîéúä àæìà àáì áùàø ÷øáðåú ìà
This applies only to Chatas, for if the owner died, it must die, but not to other Korbanos.
àáì ìôé èòí àçøåï ùôéøùúé ãëì äéëà ùéëåì ìú÷ï äãáø åì÷ééí îöåú ñîéëä àéï ìå ìòùåú áìà ñîéëä ÷ùä
However, according to the latter reason I explained, that whenever one can fix the matter and fulfill the Mitzvah of Semichah, he should not [offer] without Semichah, this is difficult!
åé''ì ãàééøé áéåøù ëøáé éäåãä ãàîø éåøù àéðå ñåîê
Answer: They discuss an heir, according to R. Yehudah, who says that an heir does not do Semichah.
åäëà ãìà îùðé áéåøù
Implied question: Why didn't the Gemara answer here that [our Mishnah] discusses an heir?
îùåí ããåîéà ãçèàú ÷úðé ëãôøéùéú
Answer: It taught similar to the case of Chatas (which an heir does not bring).
åëï áâéèéï (ãó ëç.) äùåìç çèàúå ÷úðé
Also in Gitin it teaches one who sends his Chatas.
åéù ìúîåä òøì åèîà î''ù îùìçéï ÷øáðåúéäí äà àôùø ìòøì ìäîúéï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã) òã ùéîåì åìèîà òã àùø éèäø åéòùå ñîéëä
Question: Why may an Arel or Tamei send his Korbanos? The Arel could wait until he circumcises, and the Tamei could wait until he becomes Tahor, and they will do Semichah!
åðøàä ìåîø ãáàåúí ùàéï ìäí ú÷ðä àééøé ëâåï òøì ùîúå àçéå îçîú îéìä ãà''à ìîåìå áùåí òðéï åèîà ëâåï æá åîöåøò ãàéï øôåàúï úìåéä áòöîï
Answer #1: We discuss those who have no solution, e.g. an Arel whose brothers died due to Milah, who can never circumcise, and a Tamei like a Zav or Metzora, whose cure is not in his hand (he cannot make the Zivah stop or the Tzara'as go away).
àé ðîé á÷øáï ä÷áåò ìäí æîï ëâåï òåìú øàéä åçâéâä (ëâåï) ùäéä òåáø òìéäí ááì úàçø
Answer #2: We discuss a Korban with a fixed time, e.g. Olas Re'iyah and Chagigah. He would transgress Bal Te'acher (if he waits until he can do Semichah).
åà''ú ðäé ãñîéëä ìà îòëáà î''î òøì åèîà ùàéï éëåìéï ìñîåê ðéîà ëì ùàéðå øàåé ìáéìä áéìä îòëáú áå
Question: Granted, Semichah is not Me'akev. Even so, for an Arel or Tamei who cannot do Semichah, we should say that "Ein Ra'uy l'Bilah, Bilah Me'akeves Bo"! (Normally, if the flour was not mixed with the oil, the Minchah is Kosher. However, if it was so big that it could not be mixed, mixing is Me'akev. Also here, since they cannot do Semichah, Semichah should be Me'akev for them!)
åëï áääéà ãù÷ìéí åãëøéúåú åãðæéø ãëì äðé ðîé ãàéï éëåìéï ìñîåê îèòí ñô÷ çùéá ùôéø àéï øàåéï ìáéìä ëãàùëçï áô' äîåëø àú äñôéðä (á''á ôà:) âáé áéëåøéí
The same applies in the cases in Shekalim, Kerisus and Nazir. Also all these who cannot do Semichah due to Safek, they are properly considered Ein Ra'uy l'Bilah, like we find in Bava Basra (81b) regarding Bikurim!
åé''ì ãðô÷à ìï îäà ãàîøéðï áô''â ãîåòã ÷èï (ãó èæ.) åáéåí áåàå àì ä÷ãù àì äçöø äôðéîéú ìùøú á÷åãù é÷øéá çèàúå æå òùéøéú äàéôä ùäëäï îáéà áùòä ùáà úçéìä ìòáåã
Answer #1: We learn from what it says in Mo'ed Katan (16a) "uv'Yom Bo'u El ha'Kodesh El ha'Chatzer ha'Penimis Leshares ba'Kodesh Yakriv Chataso" - this is Asiris ha'Eifah that a Kohen brings when he first comes to serve;
åãøéù äúí øáé ùîòåï ááåàå é÷øéá áæîï ùøàåé ìáéàä øàåé ìä÷øáä áæîï ùàéðå øàåé ìáéàä àéðå øàåé ìä÷øáä ëâåï èîà îú åîöåøò
R. Shimon expounds there (16a) b'Vo'u Yakriv - at a time when he is proper to come (enter the Mikdash), he is proper to offer. When he is not proper to come, he is not proper to offer, e.g. he is Tamei Mes or a Metzora;
îùîò ãå÷à òùéøéú äàéôä àáì ùàø ÷øáðåú îùìç
Inference: This is only Asiris ha'Eifah, but other Korbanos he may send!
îéäå àéï ëì ëê øàéä îæä ããìîà äà ãîùìç ùàø ÷øáðåú äééðå áäðé ãìà áòå ñîéëä ãåîéà ãòùéøéú äàéôä
Rebuttal: This is not such a proof. Perhaps he sends other Korbanos, i.e. those that do not require Semichah, just like Asiris ha'Eifah!
åéù ìã÷ã÷ îäà ããøùéðï áú''ë îèåîàúå åìà îæåáå (äâäú îøåîé ùãä åàçøéí) ùîò îéðä ãèîà îùìç ÷øáðåúéå ãáäáàú ÷øáï àééøé
Answer #2: We expound in Toras Kohanim (regarding Taharas Metzora) "mi'Tum'aso", and not mi'Zovo (i.e. even though he is a Zav). This shows that a Tamei may send his Korbanos, for it discusses bringing a Korban!
åòåã éù ìã÷ã÷ îãîîòèéðï áô''÷ ãçâéâä (ãó ã:) èîà îøàéä îãëúéá åáàú ùîä (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã) åäáàúí ùîä ëì ùéùðå ááéàä éùðå áäáàä
Also, in Chagigah (4b) we exclude a Tamei from Re'iyah, since it is written "u'Vasa Shamah v'Haveisem Shamah" - whoever may come (into the Mikdash) has a Mitzvah to bring ["Oloseichem v'Zivcheichem..."];
ù''î ãùàø ÷øáðåú îùìç åìà çééùéðï ìòðéï ñîéëä áøàåé ìñîéëä
Inference: He may send other Korbanos, and we are not concerned that he be proper for Semichah!
åîéäå ìî''ã áô' ëì äôñåìéï (ìòéì ãó ìá.) ãèîà áø ñîéëä ãàôùø ãîòééì éãéä åñîéê ìà îöé ìîéã÷ îäðé ÷øàé äéëà ãìà àôùø ìñîåê ùìà úäà ñîéëä îòëáú îèòí ãàéðå øàåé ìáéìä
Objection: According to the opinion above (32a) that a Tamei can do Semichah, for [partial Bi'ah is not considered Bi'ah, so] he can enter his hands and do Semichah, we cannot infer from these verses that in a case that he cannot do Semichah, that Semichah is not Me'akev due to 0rl.
åùîà é''ì ãìîàï ãàéú ìéä áéàä áî÷öú ìà ùîä áéàä ÷à ñáø ëì äñåîê øàùå åøåáå äåà îëðéñ àé ðîé àéú ìéä ãîøç÷ öôåï
Defense: Perhaps the one who holds that partial Bi'ah is not considered Bi'ah, he holds that one who does Semichah must [press with all his strength, and] enter his head and the majority of his body, or he holds that the north is far [from the entrance to the Azarah. Therefore, all agree that a Tamei cannot do Semichah. Above, the Gemara was Docheh and said that he can do Semichah; no one explicitly said that he can);
åîàï ãñ''ì ãìà áòéðï øàùå åøåáå ÷à ñáø áéàä áî÷öú ùîä áéàä
The one who does not require his head and the majority of his body [for Semichah], he holds that partial Bi'ah is considered Bi'ah.
îéäå àëúé ÷ùä àé úéëó ìñîéëä ùçéèä ìàå ãàåøééúà à''ë éëåìä ìñîåê àáøàé
Question: It is still difficult if Tekef l'Semichah Shechitah (one must slaughter right after Semichah) is not [a Chiyuv] mid'Oraisa. He can do Semichah outside [the Azarah]!
åéù ìåîø ãáôø÷ ëì äôñåìéï (ùí ìâ.) îñ÷éðï ãúéëó ìñîéëä ùçéèä ãàåøééúà
Answer: Above (33a) we conclude that Tekef l'Semichah Shechitah is mid'Oraisa.
TOSFOS DH Im Nasan Arba mi'Kulan Yatza
úåñôåú ã"ä åàí ðúï àøáò îëåìï éöà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this refers to one Matanah from each cup.)
ôéøù á÷åðèøñ îæä ùðéí åîæä ùðéí
Explanation #1 (Rashi): He does two Matanos from this one, and two from this one.
åúéîä ãáàçú îæä åàçú îæä ñâé
Objection: If he does one from this one, and one from this one, it suffices!
åàéï ìåîø ãàúéà ëáéú ùîàé (ìòéì ãó ìå:) ãàîøé åáçèàú ùúé îúðåú
Implied suggestion: [This Beraisa] is like Beis Shamai, who say that regarding Chatas, two Matanos [are Me'akev].
ãäà ÷úðé ñéôà åàí ðúï îúðä àçú îëåìï éöà
Rejection (Seifa): If he did one Matanah from each of them he was Yotzei.
åéù ìåîø ã÷àé òì ëì àøáò çèàåú ùðéí ùì éçéã åùðéí ùì öéáåø åàéëà äùúà àøáò ëåñåú åìäëé ÷àîø ðúï ã' îúðåú éöà ãäééðå îúðä àçú îëì àçú åàçú:
Explanation #2: This refers to all four Chata'os - two of individuals, and two of the Tzibur, and now there are four cups. Therefore it says that if he gave four Matanos he was Yotzei, i.e. one Matanah from each of them.
Note: The Beraisa mentions three mixtures of two Chata'os each! L'Shem Zevach answers that the third "mixture" means that the first two mixtures (two Chata'os of individuals, and two of the Tzibur) became mixed with each other. Chak Nasan asks that we find two Chata'os Tzibur only on Yom Tov (Rosh Hashanah or Shavu'os), and then one may not offer an individual's Chatas! He answers that it could occur at Chanukas (ha'Mishkan). Cheshek Shlomo says that it discusses if the Chata'os Yachid were slaughtered b'Shogeg, i.e. they forgot that it is Yom Tov.
TOSFOS DH Haza'ah Kol she'Hu Metaheres
úåñôåú ã"ä äâ''ä äæàä ëì ùäåà îèäøú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this refers to what must come on the person.)
ãìà áòéà ùéòåø àâáà ãâáøà àáì áîðà áòéà ùéòåø ëãàîø áðãä (ãó è.) åáéåîà (ãó éã.)
Explanation: There is no required Shi'ur that must come on the person, but there is a required Shi'ur in the Kli, like it says in Nidah (9a) and Yoma (14a).
TOSFOS DH Bechor Eino Nifdeh Temuraso Mahu
úåñôåú ã"ä áëåø àéðå ðôãä úîåøúå îäå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses what he asked about.)
åäà ãúðï áúîåøä áô' åàìå ÷ãùéí (ãó ëà.) [ëì ä÷ãùéí] éù ìäí ôãéåï åìúîåøåúéäï ôãéåï çåõ îï äáëåø åäîòùø
Implied question: A Mishnah in Temurah (21a) teaches that all Kodshim have Pidyon, and their Temuros have Pidyon, except for Bechor and Ma'aser!
ìàå àúîåøúï ÷àé
Answer: [One could explain that except for Bechor and Ma'aser teaches only that they themselves have no Pidyon, but] it does not refer to their Temuros.
åà''ú åìòðéï îàé ÷à îéáòéà ìéä àé éù ìúîåøú áëåø ôãéåï
Question: Regarding what did he ask whether Temuras Bechor has Pidyon?
àé ìâéæä åòáåãä àôéìå éù ìä ôãéåï àñåøä ëùàø ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï
It cannot be for shearing and working, for even if it has Pidyon, it is forbidden, like Pesulei ha'Mukdashim (blemished Korbanos, even after redemption)!
åàé ìòðéï ãìà áòé ìîéúáà ìëäï äà úðï áäãéà áúîåøä áô' åàìå ÷ãùéí (âæ''ù) ãðàëìú áîåîï ìáòìéí
He cannot ask whether he must give it to a Kohen, for a Mishnah (Temurah 21a) explicitly teaches that the owner eats it with its Mum!
åàé ìòðéï ãðàëìú áöìé åáçøãì ëããøùéðï ìîùçä ìâãåìä
Suggestion: He asks whether it must be eaten roasted and with mustard, like we expound "l'Mashchah" - for grandeur.
äà ëéåï ãìàå îúðåú ëäåðä äéà ìà ùééê áä ìîùçä
Rejection: Since it is not a gift to Kohanim, "l'Mashchah" does not apply. (The verse says that Hash-m gave from Kodshim to Aharon and his sons l'Mashchah.)
åàé ìòðéï ì÷ðåú îï äîòåú ÷øáï
Suggestion: He asks whether we buy a Korban with the [redemption] money.
äà àéï äúîåøä òöîä ÷øéáä åàôé' ëùäéà úîéîä ëãàîø øéù á''ù (ìòéì ãó ìæ:) äï ÷øéáéï åàéï úîåøúï ÷øéáä
Rejection: The Temurah itself is not offered even when it is Tam, like we said above (37b) "they are offered, but their Temuros are not offered." (Obviously we do not offer a Korban with the money!)
åé''ì ãîéáòéà ìéä àé çìä ÷ãåùä òì äîòåú ëùôãàä àå ìà
Answer: He asks whether or not Kedushah takes effect on the coins when he redeems it.
TOSFOS DH Hitfis Bechor l'Bedek ha'Bayis Mahu she'Yishkol b'Litra
úåñôåú ã"ä äúôéñ áëåø ìáã÷ äáéú îäå ùéù÷åì áìéèøà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions the Havah Amina that it is permitted.)
àé äàé ãàîøé' àéðå ðù÷ì áìéèøà äåé ãøáðï ðéçà
Suggestion: If the law that it may not be weighed normally were mid'Rabanan, this would be fine. (There is an implied question. If the Torah forbids, obviously we do not permit it in order to benefit Hekdesh!)
àáì áäãéà îåëçà áçì÷ (ñðäãøéï ãó ÷éá:) åáô''÷ ãúîåøä (ãó ç.) ùäåà ãàåøééúà
Rejection: However, it is explicitly proven in Sanhedrin (112b) and Temurah (8a) that it is mid'Oraisa!
ããøéù áäîúä îé ùðàëì áúåøú áäîúå éöà áëåø åîòùø ùàéðå ðàëì áúåøú áäîúå ãúðï (áëåøåú ìà.) [ëì] ä÷ãùéí ðùçèéí áàéèìéæ åðù÷ìéí áìéèøà çåõ îï äáëåø åäîòùø
[The Gemara] expounds "Behemtah" - [we must destroy animals of an Ir ha'Nidachas]. This excludes Bechor and Ma'aser, which are not eaten like one's animal, for a Mishnah (Bechoros 31a) teaches that all [blemished] Kodshim are slaughtered in the market and weighed normally, except for Bechor and Ma'aser.
TOSFOS DH Hifdu Li Bechor Ba'al Mum
úåñôåú ã"ä äôãå ìé áëåø áòì îåí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the Havah Amina.)
ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ùéöà ìçåìéï ìéâææ åìéòáã
Explanation #1 (Rashi): It will become Chulin to permit shearing and working.
å÷ùä ãàôéìå áäê ôãéåï ìà ðôé÷ îéãé ãäåä àùàø ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéí
Question: Even through this Pidyon, it does not leave [these Isurim], just like we find regarding other Pesulei ha'Mukdashim!
åé''ì ãîééøé ááëåø áòì îåí îòé÷øå
Answer #1: We discuss a Bechor that was a Ba'al Mum from the beginning.
àé ðîé äåä àîéðà (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ðôé÷ ìçåìéï èôé îùàø ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï îùåí ãáùàø ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï éù áãîéäï öåøê âáåä îùà''ë áãîé áëåø åîòùø
Answer #2: One might have thought that it becomes Chulin more than other Pesulei ha'Mukdashim, because in other Pesulei ha'Mukdashim, their redemption money is used for Avodah. This does not apply to Bechor and Ma'aser.
TOSFOS DH d'Hai Tzemer v'Hai Sei'ar
úåñôåú ã"ä ãäàé öîø åäàé ùéòø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Menachos.)
äàé ãìà çùéá ìéä áøéù îðçåú (ãó â.) îòùéå îåëéçéï òìéå îùåí ãàîøé ãéëøà àåëîà äåà
Implied question: [If a goat was slaughtered l'Shem Asham,] why do we say in Menachos (3a) that the action does not prove [that he did not intend for Asham], because people will say that it is a black ram? (Here we say that the color shows that it is a goat!)
î''î ëé ãéé÷éðï áéä àôùø ìáøø
Answer: In any case, when one is meticulous, he can clarify [what it is].
TOSFOS DH Ika Ben Shanah d'Michzi Ben Shtei Shanim
úåñôåú ã"ä àéëà áï ùðä ãîéçæé áï ùúé ùðéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with the Gemara in Kidushin.)
äà ãàîøé' áô' ùðé ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ðä.) âáé áäîä ùðîöàú áéï éøåùìéí ìîâãì òãø ãôøéê åãìîà çèàú äéà [åîùðé] çèàú áú ùðúä åàùúëç áú ùúé ùðéí
Implied question: In Kidushin (55a), regarding an animal that was found between Yerushalayim and Migdal Eder, [the Gemara] asks "perhaps it is a Chatas", and answers that a Chatas is a yearling, and a second year animal was found!
ìàå ãå÷à áú ùúé ùðéí àìà áú ùìù åàøáò ãîéðëø ùôéø
Answer: It is not precise to say that it is a second year animal. Rather, it is three or four year old. It is properly evident [that it is not a yearling].
TOSFOS DH Shevi'is Ein Lokchin b'Dameha Terumah...
úåñôåú ã"ä ùáéòéú àéï ìå÷çéï áãîéä úøåîä...
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses how this diminishes its edibility.)
ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ùäúøåîä æîï àëéìúä ìòåìí åùáéòéú æîï àëéìúä ÷åãí ùúëìä ìçéä îï äùãä åðîöà æä îáéà úøåîä ìéãé áéòåø
Explanation (Rashi): Terumah may be eaten forever, but Shevi'is may be eaten only until it is finished for Chayos in the field. This will cause Terumah to be eradicated [if it is not finished before the time of Bi'ur].
åäà ãúðï áîñ' ùáéòéú (ô''è î''ç) ìàçø áéòåø îçì÷ï ùìù ñòåãåú ìòðééí øáé éåñé àåîø àçã òðééí åàçã òùéøéí éàëìå
Implied question: A Mishnah (Shevi'is 9:8) teaches that after the time of Bi'ur, we apportion three meals to Aniyim. R. Yosi says, both rich and poor may eat! (According to R. Yosi, it should be permitted to buy Terumah with Demei Shemitah.)
î''î îîòè áàëéìúä ìàçø ùçéì÷ ùìù ñòåãåú åàéðå îåöà ìîéçì÷
Answer: In any case, he diminishes its edibility after apportioning three meals, and he does not find anyone else to give to.
åà''ú úøåîä ÷åãí ìôñç éäà àñåø ìçîöä îùåí ã÷à îîòè áàëéìúä
Implied question: It should be forbidden to make Terumah Chametz before Pesach, for he diminishes its edibility!
åé''ì ãäëé òãéôà ìéä åùøé îùåí ãëúéá (áîãáø éç) ìîùçä
Answer #1: He prefers [to eat it Chametz], and it is permitted because it says "l'Mashchah";
åìà ãîé ìîáùì éø÷ áùîï úøåîä (ì÷îï òå.) ùäéø÷ îéú÷ï ò''é äùîï åìà äùîï ò''é äéø÷
This is unlike one who cooks vegetables in Terumah oil (below, 76a). The vegetable is fixed (improved) through the oil, but the oil is not fixed through the vegetable.
åòåã ãòéñä îúçîöú îàéìéä åàôéìå îòøá áä ùàåø î''î áìàå äëé äéúä îúçîöú ÷öú:
Answer #2: The dough becomes Chametz automatically. And even if he mixes in Se'or (sourdough), in any case even without it, it would have fermented a little.