TOSFOS DH v'Livatlu b'Ruva
úåñôåú ã"ä åìéáèìå áøåáà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why a Beriyah could be Batel.)
ãîèòí áøéä àéï ìåîø ãìà áèéì
Implied question: We should say that it is not Batel because it is a Beriyah (intact creation)!
ãàò''â ãàáø îï äçé çùéá áøéä (çåìéï ÷á:) àéñåø úòøåáú ãäëà ìàå îùåí àáø îï äçé àìà ùìà éùçåè åéàëì îùåí çèàú äîúä åùåø äðñ÷ì
Answer: Even though Ever Min ha'Chai is considered a Beriyah (Chulin 102b), the Isur of a mixture here is not due to Ever Min ha'Chai, rather, lest one slaughter and eat, due to Chatas ha'Mesah and Shor ha'Niskal;
åëé ùçéè ìéä àæéì ìéä àéñåø àáø îï äçé åàéñåø çèàú äîúä åùåø äðñ÷ì àôé' ùìí ìà çùéá áøéä ëîå ðáéìä åçìá åãí ãìà äåé áøéä
When he slaughters, the Isur of Ever Min ha'Chai departs, and the Isur of Chatas ha'Mesah and Shor ha'Niskal, even if it is whole, is not considered a Beriyah, just like Neveilah, Chelev and blood, which is not a Beriyah;
åòåó èäåø ÷èï ùìí àí àéï áå ëæéú áùø àéï ìå÷ä òìéå îùåí ðáéìä ãìà çùéá áøéä
A whole Tahor bird, if it does not have a k'Zayis of meat, one is not liable for Neveilah, since it is not considered a Beriyah;
ãòåó èîà åãàé çùéá áøéä ãëùàñøå äëúåá àñøå áéï âãåì áéï ÷èï àò''â ãìéú áéä ëæéú àìà ëì ùäåà áòìîà
A Tamei bird is surely considered a Beriyah. When the Torah forbade it, it forbade whether it is big or small, even if it does not have a k'Zayis [of meat], rather, any amount.
åëï âéã äðùä çùéá ìéä áøéä áô' âéã äðùä (ùí ÷.) ãëé àîø øçîðà ìà úàëì âéã àôéìå ëì ùäåà åëï àáø îï äçé çùéá áøéä
Similarly Gid ha'Nasheh is considered a Beriyah in Chulin (100a). When the Torah said "do not eat the Gid", any size [is forbidden]. Similarly Ever Min ha'Chai is considered a Beriyah.
ãèòîà ãáøéä äåé îùåí îôøù ãäåé ëàéìå ôéøù äëúåá ùìà úàëì (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) áéï âãåì åáéï ÷èï ëãîåëç ô''â ãùáåòåú (ãó ëà:)
Explanation: The reason [to be liable for any amount] for a Beriyah is because it is as if [the Torah] specified whether it is big or small, like is proven in Shevuos (21b);
ãàîø åëé äéëï îöéðå áàåëì ëì ùäåà ùäåà çééá ëå' åôøéê åäøé îôøù åîùðé îôøù ðîé ëáøéä ãîé
It says "where do we find that one who eats any amount is liable?!", and challenges "we find this regarding one who explicitly forbids [any amount]!", and answers "also one who explicitly forbids, [this case] is like a Beriyah."
åäà ãàîø áô' àìå äï äìå÷éï (îëåú éæ.) ã÷àîø ø''ù àó çèä ëáøééúä åøáðï áøééú ðùîä çùéáà çèä ìà çùéáà ãîùîò ùäãáø úìåé áðùîä
Implied question: It says in Makos (17a) that R. Shimon said that even a wheat [kernel] is like a Beriyah, and Rabanan say that a Beriyah with a Neshamah is important. A wheat [kernel] is not important. This implies that it depends on a Neshamah;
åäàéëà âéã äðùä
There is Gid ha'Nasheh! (It is a Beriyah, even though it has no Neshamah.)
øáðï ìãáøéå ãøáé ùîòåï ÷àîøé ìéä ìãéãï èáì ìàå áøéä äåà ãìà ãîé ìîôøù àìà ìãéãê ãîãîéú çèä ìðîìä ìà ãîé ãðîìä áøééú ðùîä åçùéáà
Answer: Rabanan answered R. Shimon according to his opinion. We hold that Tevel is not a Beriyah, for it is unlike one who specifies. According to you, who compare wheat to an ant, these are different. An ant is a Beriyah with a Neshamah, and it is important;
åàò''â ãøáðï âåôééäå ìà çééùé áäàé èòîà ÷àîøé ìéä äëé
Even though Rabanan themselves are not concerned for this reason, they say it to him.
åëäàé âååðà àùëçï ì÷îï áôéø÷éï (ãó òæ.) ãàáøéï áàáøé áòìé îåîéï øáé àìéòæø àåîø éòìå åçë''à ìà éòìå
Support: We find like this below (77a) that if [Kosher] limbs became mixed with limbs of Ba'alei Mumim, R. Eliezer says that we bring them up (burn them on the Mizbe'ach), and Chachamim say that we do not bring them up;
åîôøù èòîà ãøáé àìéòæø îùåí ãëúéá îåí áí äåà ãìà éøöå äà ò''é úòøåáåú éøöå
[The Gemara] explains that R. Eliezer learns from "Mum Bam" is when they are not accepted, but [Ba'alei Mumim] are accepted in a mixture.
åäà ã÷úðé øåàä àðé àú áùø áòì îåí ëàéìå äåà òöéí ìãáøéäí ãøáðï ÷àîø ìäå àò''â ãøáé àìéòæø âåôéä ìà çééù ìäàé èòîà ãòöéí
This that [a Beraisa says that R. Eliezer said] "I consider the limbs of the Ba'al Mum to be like wood", he said according to Chachamim's reason (who do not expound that Ba'alei Mumim are accepted in a mixture), but he is not concerned for the reason of [I view them like] wood.
TOSFOS DH Ela l'Man d'Amar Es she'Darko Limnos Mai Ika Lemeimar
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ìîàï ãàîø àú ùãøëå ìéîðåú ùðéðå îàé àéëà ìîéîø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that there are other matters that are never Batel.)
úéîä îé âøò ùåø âãåì îàú ùãøëå ìîðåú äà àôéìå çúéëä áòìîà çùéáà àú ùãøëå ìîðåú îùåí ãçùåáä ìäúëáã áôðé äàåøçéí [ëãàîøéðï] áô' âéã äðùä (çåìéï ÷.)
Question #1: Is a big ox worse than Es she'Darko Limnos (what is normally counted)?! Even a piece is considered Es she'Darko Limnos, because it is a Chatichah ha'Reuyah Lehiskaved (a piece proper to be served) in front of guests, like we say in Chulin (100a)!
åëì äðê é' ãáøéí ãçùéáé àú ùãøëå ìëàåøä áëåìäå ìà çùéá ëùåø äâãåì
All 10 matters that are considered to be Es she'Darko Limnos, none are as important as a big ox!
åòåã ãáô' áúøà ãò''æ (ãó òã.) çùéá ùåø äðñ÷ì åàîøé' äúí äàé úðà úøúé àéú ìéä ãáø ùáîðéï åàéñåø äðàä
Question #2: In Avodah Zarah (74a), it lists Shor ha'Niskal (among matters that are never Batel), and we say there that the Tana requires two criteria - something that is counted, and Isur Hana'ah;
åìà ôøéê äðéçà ìîàï ãàîø ëì ùãøëå ëå' ëãôøéê äëà åááéöä ô' ÷îà (ãó â:) åáô' âéã äðùä (çåìéï ÷.) ùîò îéðä ãìëì äôçåú çùéá àú ùãøëå
It does not ask "this is fine according to the opinion that Kol (everything) she'Darko Limnos", like it asks here, and in Beitzah (3b) and in Chulin (100a). This shows that at least, [an ox] is considered Es she'Darko!
åòåã îãôøéê äúí ãðéúðé àâåæé ôøê åøéîåðé áàãï åìà ôøéê îçáéìé úìúï îùîò ãçùéá ëùùä ãáøéí
Question #3: Since it asks there (Avodah Zarah 74a) "it should teach Parech nuts and pomegranates of Badan!", and does not ask from bundles of clover, this connotes that [Shor ha'Niskal] is considered like the six matters! (Parech nuts and pomegranates of Badan are among the six. Bundles of clover are among the 10, but not among the six.)
åðøàä ìôøù ãîùåí çèàåú äîúåú ôøéê äëà ìîàï ãàîø àú ùãøëå ãîùîò àôé' çèàú äòåó ëãúðéà áîñ' ÷éðéí (ô''á î''â) àå ùôøç îáéï äîúåú éîåúå ëåìï
Answer: Here it asks due to Chata'os ha'Mesos, according to the opinion that teaches Es she'Darko Limnos, for it connotes even Chatas ha'Of, like is taught in Maseches Kinim (2:3) "or it flew among Chata'os ha'Mesos, all of them must die."
åàò''â ã÷úðé áîúðé' æáçéí åòåó ìàå áëìì æáç äåà
Implied question: The Mishnah taught Zevachim, and a bird is not included in Zevach!
îëì î÷åí îã÷úðé ëì äæáçéí îùîò àôé' òåó áëìì
Answer: Even so, since it taught all Zevachim, this implies that a bird is included.
åà''ú ëéåï ãäðé ãò''æ ëùùä ãáøéí çùéáé àí ëï ééï ðñê ã÷úðé äúí äééðå çáéåú ñúåîåú åäà úðà ìéä âáé ùùä ãáøéí åìà äåä ìéä ìîéúðééä
Question: Since those [listed in] Avodah Zarah are considered like the six matters, if so, Yayin Nesech, which was taught there, is sealed barrels. This was taught regarding six matters. It should not have been taught [again]!
ëé äéëé ãìà çùéá ëëøåú ùì áòì äáéú îùåí ãúðà ìéä âáé ùùä ãáøéí ëãîôøù äúí
This is like loaves of a Ba'al ha'Bayis, which were not taught [there], because they were taught among the six matters, like it says there!
åùîà äçîéøå áééï ðñê ìàñåø àôé' çáéåú ôúåçåú îùåí ãçîéøà òáåãú ëåëáéí îùàø àéñåøéï ãîèîàä åúåôñú ãîéä
Answer #1: Perhaps [Chachamim] were stringent about Yayin Nesech to forbid even open barrels due to the severity of idolatry more than other Isurim, that it is Metamei and forbids money paid for it.
åòåã ðøàä ãàéöèøéê ìîéúðé çáéåú ñúåîåú îùåí ãééï ðñê ðô÷à ìï îãáøé ÷áìä åìà ëúéáà àéñåøä áàåøééúà åîùîò ãäåé ëñúí ééðí ãøáðï åñ''ã ãáèì
Answer #2: It needed to teach closed barrels because we learn Yayin Nesech from Divrei Kabalah, and the Isur is not written in the Chumash, and it connotes that it is like Stam wine of Nochrim, and one might have thought that it is Batel.
åòåã îùåí ãàùëçï (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã åç÷ ðúï) àéñåø òáåãú ëåëáéí ã÷éì ìøáé àìéòæø ãàîø éù ôãéåï ìòáåãú ëåëáéí îä ùàéï ëï áùàø àéñåøéí
Answer #3: Also, [it needed to teach it] because we find that the Isur of idolatry is lenient according to R. Eliezer, who says that idolatry can be redeemed, unlike other Isurim.
åäùúà àôøù ëì äðäå ãò''æ äéëé çùéáé ëùùä ãáøéí
Explanation: I will now explain how all of those [taught in] Avodah Zarah are considered like the six matters:
ééï ðñê îùëçú ìä áçáéåú ñúåîåú
We find Yayin Nesech in closed barrels;
òáåãú ëåëáéí áèáòåú åëåñåú ãçùéáé åòåøåú ìáåáéï ëùòùä îîðå ëìé ðàä
[We find] idolatry of rings and cups, which are important, and Oros Levuvin (hides with a hole from which the heart was removed) when he made a nice Kli from it;
àé ðîé òáåãú ëåëáéí îùåí ãçùéáà ìòåáãéä åëï òåøåú ìáåáéï
Alternatively, idolatry [is like the six matters] because it is important to those who serve it, and similarly regarding Oros Levuvin.
åàé ðîé ëãîôøù áéøåùìîé ééï ðñê åòáåãú ëåëáéí åòåøåú ìáåáéí òì ùí ìà éãá÷ áéãê îàåîä îï äçøí åàééøé àôéìå áçáéåú ôúåçåú
Alternatively, it is like the Yerushalmi explains. Yayin Nesech, idolatry and Oros Levuvin [are important] because it says "Lo Yidbak b'Yadcha Me'umah Min ha'Cherem", and it discusses even open barrels.
åùîà ìà äáéà ôñå÷ æä áéøåùìîé àìà ìîéîøà ãîéðéä éìôéðï àéñåøé äðàä áäðé úìú
Disclaimer: Perhaps the Yerushalmi brought this verse only to teach that these three are Asur b'Hana'ah (but it does not make them important).
åöéôåøé îöåøò îééøé áöéôåø ãøåø âãåìéí åçùéáé
Birds used for Taharos Metzora discusses large wild birds, and they are important;
ùòø ðæéø áöéôøúà ëãàé' áñåó úîåøä (ãó ìã.) ùòùä öåøú öéôåø ëáâã îòùä øå÷í îùòø ðæéø åéù òåã àçøéí îùòø äéúø
A Nazir's hair discusses a design of a bird, like it says in Temurah (34a) that he made design of a bird like an embroidered garment, from a Nazir's hair, and there are other [garments] from permitted hair (and they became mixed).
åôèø çîåø åáùø áçìá åòâìä òøåôä åçåìéï ùðùçèå áòæøä áçúéëåú äøàåéåú ìäúëáã ãòãéôé îàú ùãøëå åçùéáé ëàâåæé ôøê
A firstborn donkey, meat [cooked] with milk, Eglah Arufah, and Chulin slaughtered in the Azarah discuss Chatichos ha'Reuyos Lehiskaved. These are more important than Es she'Darko Limnos, and they are important like Parech nuts;
åàò''â ãàéñåøé äðàä ðéðäå çùéá øàåé ìäúëáã ëéåï ãàé äéúä áèéìä äéúä øàåéä ìäúëáã äìëê ìà áèìä
Even though they are Asur b'Hana'ah (and one may not give them to a guest), they are considered Reuyah Lehiskaved, since if it were Batel, it would be Reuyah Lehiskaved. Therefore, it is not Batel.
åäà ãàîøé' áñåó äòøì (éáîåú ôà:) ãçúéëä ùì çèàú èîàä áîàä ùì çèàú èäåøä úòìä
Implied question: It says in Yevamos (81b) that a piece of Tamei Chatas that became mixed with 100 pieces of Tahor Chatas is Batel!
äúí àôé' úúáèì ìà çùéá øàåé ìäúëáã áôðé àåøçéí ëäðéí ãàéï îçæé÷éï èåáä æä ìæä ùëåìï ùåéï ëãëúéá (åé÷øà æ) ìëì áðé àäøï úäéä àéù ëàçéå
Answer: There, even if it is Batel, it is not considered ha'Reuyah Lehiskaved in front of Kohanim guests, for they do not show gratitude to each other [for this], since all of them have equal rights [to the meat], like it says "l'Chol Bnei Aharon Tihyeh Ish k'Achiv";
àáì ùì çèàú áùì çåìéï ÷àîø äúí ãìà úòìä
However, if Chatas became mixed with Chulin, it says there that it is not Batel.
ãìàå ãå÷à èäåøä áùì çåìéï ãäåà äãéï èîàä áùì çåìéï
Opinion #1: This is not only if Tahor [Chatas] became mixed with Chulin. The same applies to Tamei [Chatas] that became mixed with Chulin.
åá÷åðèøñ ôéøù áéáîåú ãèîàä áèäåøåú úòìä îùåí ãìäôñã îøåáä çùùå àáì èäåøä áùì çåìéï äôñã îåòè ãçæéà ìëäðéí
Opinion #2: Rashi in Yevamos explained that Tamei in Tehoros is Batel because Chachamim were concerned for a big loss, but Tahor in Chulin is a small loss, for it is proper for Kohanim.
åæå úéîä ãëîä àéñåøé äðàä ìà áèìé åìà çééùéðï
Rebuttal: This is astounding! Several Isurei Hana'ah are not Batel, and we are not concerned [for a big loss].
åà''ú àîàé ìà çùéá áîñëú ò''æ ôøåñä ùì ìçí äôðéí åçúéëä ùì çèàú èîàä åçúéëä ùì ÷ãùéí ùîúå
Question: In Avodah Zarah, why doesn't it list a slice of Lechem ha'Panim, a piece of a Tamei Chatas, or a piece of Kodshim that died?
åé''ì ãá÷ãùéí ìà ÷îééøé
Answer: It does not discuss Kodshim.
åîéäå äåä îöé ìîúðé àáøé ùòéø äîùúìç ìîàï ãàñø áéåîà (ãó ñæ.) åçúéëä ùì òéø äðãçú åùòø ùì îú ãàñøéðï áô''÷ ãòøëéï (ãó æ:)
Observation: However, it could have taught limbs of Se'ir ha'Mishtale'ach according to the opinion that that forbids in Yoma (67a), and a piece from an Ir ha'Nidachas, and hair of a Mes, which we forbid in Erchin (7b).
å÷öú ÷ùä îéøåùìîé ìôé îä ùôéøùúé ãäðäå ãò''æ òãéôé îàú ùãøëå ãîùîò äúí ãìà äåå àìà é' ãáøéí àú ùãøëå
Question: The Yerushalmi is difficult for what I explained that those [listed in] Avodah Zarah are more important than Es she'Darko Limnos, for it connotes there that only 10 matters are Es she'Darko;
åäëé àéúà äúí áô''á ãîñëú òøìä ãø' éåçðï åø''ì àéúôìâåï çã àîø é' ãáøéí î÷ãùéï ãáøé øáé îàéø ôé' é' ãáøéí äùðåééí áîùðä ùëåìí àú ùãøëå
So it says there in Perek 2 of Orlah. R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argued. One said that R. Meir says that 10 matters are Mekadesh. I.e. the 10 matters taught in the Mishnah, all of them are Es she'Darko;
åàçøéí àîøå ëì äãáøéí î÷ãùéï ãáøé øáé îàéø ôé' ãëì ùãøëå ìîðåú ùðéðå
Others say that R. Meir says that all matters are Mekadesh, i.e. Kol she'Darko Limnos was taught;
åîñúáøà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) ãàåúí é' ãáøéí ã÷àîø øáé éåçðï äééðå àåúí ùùä ãáøéí ã÷àîøé øáðï åçáéìé úìúï äøé æ'
Presumably, the 10 matters that R. Yochanan said are the six matters that Rabanan say and bundles of clover - these are seven (Tosfos proceeds to discuss the other three);
åáâã ùöáòå á÷ìéôé òøìä åðúòøá áàçøéí åöåáò îìà äñéè á÷ìéôé òøìä åàøâå ááâã åàéðå éåãò àéæäå
A garment dyed with peels of Orlah and became mixed with others, one who dyed [thread] the length of a Sit (the distance one can separate his thumb from his index finger) with peels of Orlah and sewed it into a garment, and does not know which;
ãáúøååééäå úðï äúí ëåìï éãì÷å ãáøé ø' îàéø åáâã åñéè úøé îéìé çùéáé äøé è' (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) åñéè çùéá àú ùãøëå ëãàîø äúí áéøåùìîé
About both of them, the Mishnah teaches there that R. Meir says that all of them must be burned. A garment and a Sit are counted as two. This makes nine. A Sit is considered Es she'Darko, like it says there in the Yerushalmi.
åàåøâ îìà äñéè îöîø äáëåø ááâã ã÷úðé äúí éãì÷ äáâã
[The 10th is] one who weaves the length of a Sit of wool of a Bechor in a garment. It teaches there that the garment must be burned.
÷àîø òìä áéøåùìîé (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ãàéú úðà ãúðé áîùðä ãáøé ø''î åàéú ãìà úðé ãáøé ø''î
It says about this in the Yerushalmi that some teach in the Mishnah "these are R. Meir's words", and some do not teach in the Mishnah "these are R. Meir's words",
îàï ãúðé ãáøé øáé îàéø àéú ìéä é' ãáøéí î÷ãùéí ôé' ùæå äéà äòùéøéú
The one who teaches "these are R. Meir's words", he holds that 10 matters are Mekadesh, i.e. this is the 10th;
åîàï ãìà úðé ãáøé ø''î îðà ìéä é' ãáøéí î÷ãùéï ôé' àåúï òùøä ãáøéí ùàîø ø' éåçðï ãî÷ãùé ìø''î ãäåå àú ùãøëå äéëï äí
[The Yerushalmi asks] the one who does not teach "these are R. Meir's words", what is his source that 10 matters are Mekadesh? I.e. the 10 matters that R. Yochanan says are Mekadesh according to R. Meir, which are Es she'Darko, where are they?
åîùðé ø''î ëø''ò ùîåñéó àó ëëøåú ùì áòì äáéú
It answers that R. Meir holds like R. Akiva, who adds loaves of a Ba'al ha'Bayis.
åäùúà îàé ÷à ÷ùéà ìéä äà àéëà ëì äðäå ãò''æ ãîé÷ãùé àôé' ìøáðï åë''ù ìø''î
Summation of question: What was difficult? All these taught in Avodah Zarah are Mekadesh even according to Rabanan, and all the more so according to R. Meir!
åòåã ãàîø áô''â ãáëåøåú (ãó ëä:) ãâéæé áëåø áòì îåí ùðúòøáå áâéæé çåìéï àåñøéï áëì ùäï à''ë äåå àú ùãøëå ìø' éåçðï
Also, it says in Bechoros (25b) that shearings of a blemished Bechor that became mixed with Chulin shearings, any amount forbids. If so, this is Es she'Darko according to R. Yochanan!
åùîà ìà îééøé áéøåùìîé àìà áàåúí ãáøéí äùðåééí áîñëú òøìä áàåúä îùðä àáì àëúé àéëà èåáà åáéáîåú äàøëúé éåúø
Answer: Perhaps the Yerushalmi discusses only the matters taught in Maseches Orlah in that Mishnah, but there are more. In Yevamos I elaborated more.
TOSFOS DH Nis'arvu b'Acheros v'Acheros b'Acheros (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä ðúòøáå áàçøåú åàçøåú áàçøåú (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot infer that a Sefek-Sefeka is forbidden.)
ø''ú ì''â áùåí î÷åí åàçøåú áàçøåú áäê îùðä ùùðåéä áñåó îñëú òøìä
Opinion #1 (R. Tam): The text does not say "and others in others" anywhere in this Mishnah, which is taught at the end of Maseches Orlah...
åáäðäå ãîñëú ò''æ áñåó ôø÷ ëì äöìîéí âáé àôä áå àú äôú ëå' åâáé áâã ùöáòå á÷ìéôé òøìä åáëîä î÷åîåú ëéåöà áàìå
[And the text does not say so] in Avodah Zarah (49b) regarding "and he baked bread with [wood from an Asheirah]", and regarding a garment died with peels of Orlah, and in several places like these.
îãôøéê ì÷îï (ãó òã.) òì ùîåàì ãàñø ñô÷ ñôé÷à áòáåãú ëåëáéí îáøééúà ùîúøú
Source #1: It asks below (74a) about Shmuel, who forbids a Sefek-Sefeka about idolatry, from a Beraisa that permits;
ãìà îùëç ã÷àé ëùîåàì àìà øáé éäåãä ùàåñø àôéìå áùàø àéñåøéï ñô÷ ñôé÷à ëâåï øîåðé áãï åùîåàì ñáø ìä ëååúéä áçãà åôìéâ òìéä áçãà
We find that Shmuel can hold only like R. Yehudah, who forbids a Sefek-Sefeka even regarding other Isurim, e.g. pomegranates of Badan. Shmuel holds like him regarding one matter (idolatry), and argues with him about one (other Isurim).
åàé äåä âøñéðï äëà åáîñëú ò''æ åàçøåú áàçøåú äåä ìéä ìàéúåéé øàééä ìùîåàì îäðê îùðéåú åìà äéä ãåç÷ ìäáéà îáøééúà ãøáé éäåãä
If the text said here and in Avodah Zarah "and others in others", [the Gemara] should have brought a proof for Shmuel from these Mishnayos, and not given a difficult answer from the Beraisa of R. Yehudah!
åòåã éù ìã÷ã÷ îâåôä ãîúðéúéï ãäúí áîñëú òøìä (ô''â) âáé áâã ùöáòå á÷ìéôé òøìä åâáé úáùéì ùáùìå á÷ìéôé òøìä åäê ãçáéìé úìúï ÷úðé ðúòøáå áàçøéí
Source #2: We can derive from the Mishnah itself there in Orlah. Regarding a garment dyed with peels of Orlah, and a Tavshil cooked with peels of Orlah, and this case of bundles of clover, it teaches "they became mixed with others";
åâáé öåáò îìà äñéè á÷ìéôé òøìä åàøâå ááâã åàéðå éåãò àéæäå åâáé àåøâ îìà äñéè îöîø áëåø ááâã ìà ÷úðé ðúòøáå áàçøéí
And regarding one who dyed the length of a Sit with peels of Orlah and sewed it into a garment, and does not know which, and regarding one who weaves the length of a Sit of wool of a Bechor in a garment, it does not teach "they became mixed with others."
åäééðå èòîà îùåí ãàí ðúòøá áùàø áâãéí éëåì ìäñéø îëì àçã îìà äñéè åîéùúøé îèòí (îëàï îòîåã á) ñô÷ ñôé÷à ãîåúø
The reason is because if it became mixed with other garments, he could remove the length of a Sit from each, and [all] are permitted due to Sefek-Sefeka, which is permitted.
åîéäå àéëà çãà áøééúà áøéù îñëú áéöä (ãó â:) ãàñøä ñô÷ ñôé÷à ã÷úðé åñôé÷ä àñåø åîå÷é ìä áñô÷ èøéôä å÷úðé äúí ðúòøáä áàìó ëåìï àñåøåú
Disclaimer: However, there is one Beraisa in Beitzah (3b) that forbids a Sefek-Sefeka. It teaches "a Safek about it is forbidden", and we establish it to discuss a Safek Tereifah [egg], and it teaches there "if it became mixed with 1000, all are forbidden."
åàéï ìçåù áäà ãìà îééúé ì÷îï
Implied question: Why wasn't this brought below [to support Shmuel]?
ëéåï ãáøééúà äéà ãîàé àåìîà îáøééúà ãøáé éäåãä åääéà ðîé îå÷é øá ôôà ááéöä ëøáé éäåãä àìéáà ãøáé éäåùò
Answer #1: It is a Beraisa. It is no stronger than the Beraisa of R. Yehudah. Also that Beraisa (of the egg), Rav Papa establishes it in Beitzah like R. Yehudah according to R. Yehoshua;
åòãéôà ìéä ìàúåéé áøééúà ãîôåøù áä øáé éäåãä áäãéà
[The Gemara] prefers to bring the Beraisa in which R. Yehudah explicitly said so.
åòåã àåîø øáéðå úí ãäà ã÷úðé ðúòøáä áàìó ëåìï àñåøåú ìà ÷àé àñôé÷ä àìà àåãàä
Answer #2 (R. Tam): What was taught [there] "if it became mixed with 1000, all are forbidden" does not refer to a Safek [that became mixed], rather, a Vadai [Tereifah that became mixed].
úãò ãàôéìå øáé éäåãä ãàñø ì÷îï ñô÷ ñôé÷à äééðå ãå÷à áøéîåðé áãï ëã÷úðé ááøééúà øáé éäåãä àåîø øéîåðé áãï ëå'
Proof: Even R. Yehudah, who forbids a Sefek-Sefeka below, this is only for pomegranates of Badan...
îùîò ãå÷à øéîåðé áãï ùäí (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí) àú ùãøëå åòãéó ãäåé àçã îùùä ãáøéí áäðäå àñø ø' éäåãä ñô÷ ñôé÷à
Inference: This is only for pomegranates of Badan, which are Es she'Darko, and they are preferable, for they are one of the six matters. For these, R. Yehudah forbids a Sefek-Sefeka;
ãîàé èòîà ð÷è øéîåðé áãï åäà àôéìå ëì ùãøëå î÷ãù ìø' éäåãä ëãîåëç ááøééúà ãìéèøà ÷öéòåú åâáé çúéëä áçúéëåú ãàîø ø' éäåãä ìà úòìä ô' äòøì (éáîåú ôà:)
Question: Why did R. Yehudah mention pomegranates of Badan? Even Kol she'Darko forbids according to R. Yehudah, like is proven in the Beraisa of a Litra of dried figs, and a piece among pieces. R. Yehudah says that it is not Batel, in Yevamos (81b);
åçúéëä äåé ëì ùãøëå ëãîåëç äúí ãàîø øáé éåçðï åäìà çúéëä òåìä (ìîðéï) îùåí ãäåé ëì ùãøëå åàðï àú ùãøëå áòéðï
A piece is Kol she'Darko Limnos, like is proven there, for R. Yochanan said that a piece is Batel because it is Kol she'Darko, and we require Es she'Darko [to forbid any amount];
åäù''ñ ãîå÷é ìä áðéîåçä äééðå ãå÷à ìøéù ì÷éù
The Gemara establishes it when it melted only according to Reish Lakish!
åîéäå îöé ìîéîø ãð÷è øéîåðé áãï ìøáé ùîòåï ãôìéâ òìéä ãàôéìå áøéîåðé áãï ùøé ñô÷ ñôé÷à
Answer: We can say that he mentioned pomegranates of Badan due to R. Shimon who argues with him, [and holds] that even pomegranates of Badan, a Sefek-Sefeka is permitted.
åáòðéï æä öøéê ìôøù çê áøééúà ãáñîåê (ãó òã.) ã÷úðé ëåñ ùì òáåãú ëåëáéí ùðôì ìàåöø îìà ëåñåú ëåìï àñåøåú ôéøù àçã îäï ìøéáåà åîøéáåà ìøéáåà îåúøéï
Support #1: We must explain like this the Beraisa below (74a), which taught a cup of idolatry that fell into a storehouse full of cups. All of them are forbidden. If one of them fell into 10,000, and from the 10,000 into 10,000, they are permitted;
ãàîàé ð÷è îøéáåà ìøéáåà äà áôéøù àçã îäï ìøéáåà ùøé ë''ù îøéáåà ìøéáåà ãäåé ñôé÷à ùìéùéú
Question: Why did it mention from the 10,000 into 10,000? If one separated from them into 10,000, it is permitted, and all the more so from 10,000 into 10,000, which is a third Safek!
àìà ð÷èéä ìàùîåòéðï ãîàï ãàñø àñø àôéìå áëîä ñôé÷åú
Answer: Rather, it mentioned it to teach that the one who forbids, he forbids even several Sefekos.
åëï öøéê ìåîø áòì ëøçéï ãøéîåðé áãï ìø' éäåãä ìàå ãå÷à åîãúðï áîñëú ëìéí (ôé''æ î''ä) äøéîåï ùàîøå ìà âãåì åìà ÷èï àìà áéðåðé
Support #2: You are forced to say that according to R. Yehudah, pomegranates of Badan is not precise, since a Mishnah taught in Kelim (17:5) "the pomegranate taught (if a Kli was punctured and pomegranates can fall out, it is Tahor) is not big or small, rather, average;
åìîä äåæëøå øéîåðé áãï ùéäå î÷ãùéï ëì ùäï ãáøé øáé îàéø øáé éåçðï áï ðåøé àåîø ìùòø áäï àú äëìéí
Why were pomegranates of Badan taught? They forbid any amount. R. Meir says so. R. Yochanan ben Nuri says, it is to gauge [Taharah of] Kelim;
øáé ò÷éáà àåîø ìëê åìëê äåæëøå ìùòø áäï àú äëìéí åùäï î÷ãùéï áëì ùäï
R. Akiva says, it is for both of these, to gauge Kelim, and they forbid any amount;
øáé éäåãä àåîø ìà äåæëøå øéîåðé áãï åçöéøé âáò àìà ùéäå îúòùøéï åãàé áëì î÷åí ôéøåù ãñúîééäå îáéï äòåáãé ëåëáéí ëê ôéøù áòøåê áòøê çöø
R. Yehudah says, pomegranates of Badan and leeks of Geva were mentioned only because everywhere they are tithed Vadai." I.e. Stam, we assume that they are from Nochrim. The Aruch explained so in Erech "Chatzir".
åîàåúä îùðä éù ìã÷ã÷ ãñúí øéîåðéí àôéìå ëì ùãøëå ìà çùéáé ìø"î (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ãìà ú÷ùé ãøáé îàéø àãøáé îàéø ìøéù ì÷éù ãàîø ëì ùãøëå ìéîðåú ùðéðå
Inference #1: We can deduce from that Mishnah that Stam pomegranates are not considered even Kol she'Darko according to R. Meir, lest R. Meir contradict himself according to Reish Lakish, who says that the Mishnah teaches Kol she'Darko Limnos;
åìøáé éäåãä ëì äøéîåðéí çùåáéí ëì ùãøëå ãäà øáé éäåãä ñáø ãìéèøà ÷öéòåú ìà áèìä å÷úðé ìà äåæëøå øéîåðé áãï ìòðéï ÷éãåù
Inference #2: And according to R. Yehudah, all pomegranates are considered Kol she'Darko, for R. Yehudah holds that a Litra of dried figs is not Batel, and he taught that pomegranates of Badan were not taught regarding Kidush (to forbid any amount);
àìîà ëì äøéîåðéí î÷ãùéí åùåå ìøéîåðé áãï ãàé øéîåðé áéðåðéí àéðï î÷ãùéï à''ë äéä ìå ìäæëéøï ìòðéï ÷éãåù ëîå øáé îàéø
Inference: All pomegranates are Mekadesh, and they are the same as pomegranates of Badan, for if average pomegranates are not Mekadesh, [R. Yehudah] should have mentioned [pomegranates of Badan] regarding Kidush, like R. Meir did!
åöøéê òéåï áéøåùìîé áôø÷ áúøà ãòøìä åëîãåîä ùéù ùí èòåú ñåôø
Question: This requires investigation in the Yerushalmi in Orlah. It seems that the text is errant.
åéù îôøùéí ãàôéìå âøñéðï áëì äðê îùðéåú åàçøåú áàçøåú ìà îöé ìàúåéé øàéä ãñô÷ ñôé÷à àñåø ããéìîà äëé ÷àîø åëì äàçøåú áàçøåú
Opinion #2: Some explain that even if the text of all these Mishnayos says "and others into others", we could not bring a proof that Sefek-Sefeka is forbidden. Perhaps it means that all the others fell into others.
åàéï ìúîåä îä çéãåù äåà ìùðåú á' ôòîéí ëéåï ã÷àé àëì äàçøåú áàçøåú
Implied question: What is the Chidush to teach twice, since all the others fell into others?
ãàéöèøéê ìéä ìàùîåòéðï ãàò''â ãàéëà úøé øåáé ãâáé ùàø îéìé àñøéðï çãà øåáà åùøéðï úøé øåáà âáé éåçñéï áñåó ô''÷ ãëúåáåú (ãó èå.)
Answer: It must teach that even though there are two majorities [it is forbidden]. Regarding other matters, we forbid one majority and permit two majorities, regarding lineage in Kesuvos (15a, e.g. if we are unsure about the father of a child);
ãàîø äåìëéï àçø øåá äòéø åäåà ãàéëà øåá ñéòä áäãéä åàôéìå òéø ÷èðä
It says that we follow the majority of the city (if most have Kosher lineage, the child is Kosher), but only if there is also the majority of traffic with it, and even if it is a small city;
Note: It seems that Tosfos means that even if the city has less people than the traffic nearby, the majority of traffic does not suffice. We need also the majority of the city.
åàéï äåìëéï àçø øåá òéø âøéãúà åàôéìå âãåìä ëàðèåëéà (äâäú ùéèä î÷åáöú)
And we do not follow the majority of a city alone, and even if it is great like Antuchya.
TOSFOS DH Kulan Yidleku
úåñôåú ã"ä ëåìï éãì÷å
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when we can redeem Isurim.)
åàí úàîø îàé ùðà äëà ã÷úðé éãì÷å ëùðúòøáå åëï áëì äàéñåøéï äùðåééí ùí áîñëú òøìä (ô''â)
Question: Why is here different than what was taught "all are burned" when they became mixed, and also for all the Isurim taught there in Orlah?
åìà ôìéâ øáé àìéòæø ãìéîà éåìéê äðàä ìéí äîìç ëîå áñ''ô ëì äöìîéí (ò''æ îè:) ìòðéï òáåãú ëåëáéí åëååúéä äéìëúà ëãôñ÷éðï
R. Eliezer does not argue to say that he casts the benefit to the Dead Sea, like in Avodah Zarah (49b), and the Halachah follows him, like we rule!
îéäå øáéðå ùîåàì ôéøù ùí ãäåà äãéï áëì äàéñåøéï àîø øáé àìéòæø éåìéê äðàä ìéí äîìç
Answer #1: The Rashbam explained there that the same applies to all Isurim. R. Eliezer says that he casts the benefit to the Dead Sea.
åðøàä ãøáé àìéòæø ôìéâ ãåå÷à âáé òáåãú ëåëáéí ìôé ùúåôñú ãîéä åëùîåìéê äðàä ìéí äîìç ðøàä ëàéìå îåìéê äàéñåø
Answer #2: It seems that R. Eliezer argues only about idolatry, because it is Tofes Dameha (transfers its Isur to what is paid for it). When he casts the benefit to the Dead Sea, it looks like he casts the Isur;
åîäàé èòîà äåä àîøéðï ðîé äëé ìòðéï ùáéòéú âáé äà ãúðéà áôø÷ äâåæì òöéí (á''÷ ÷à.) áâã ùöáòå á÷ìéôé ùáéòéú éãì÷ àí äéä îúòøá áàçøéí äåä àîøéðï éåìéê äðàä ìéí äîìç
For this reason, we say so here also regarding Shevi'is, regarding what was taught in Bava Kama (101a) that a garment dyed with peels of Orlah must be burned, if it became mixed with others, we would say that he casts the benefit to the Dead Sea.
àáì áòøìä åëìàéí åùòø ðæéø åôèø çîåø åëì ùàø àéñåøéí ãìà úôñé ãîéäí àîøéðï ìøáé àìéòæø éãì÷ àôéìå ðúòøá
However, regarding Orlah, Kil'ayim and a Nazir's hair, and all other Isurim that are not Tofes Demeihem, we say that according to R. Eliezer, it is burned, even if it became mixed.
åìôé èòí æä èáòú åëåñåú ãì÷îï ãîééøé áòáåãú ëåëáéí ñâé áäåìëú äðàä ìéí äîìç
Consequence: According to this reason, a ring and cup below, which discuss idolatry, it suffices to cast the benefit to the Dead Sea.
òåã éù ìôøù ããå÷à áúðåø ùäñé÷å áòöé òáåãú ëåëáéí åàôä áå àú äôú åðèì îîðä ëøëø åàøâ áä àú äáâã àîøé' éåìéê äðàä ìéí äîìç ëùðúòøá ìôé ùàéï îîùåú äàéñåø áòéï
Answer #3: We can say that only regarding an oven ignited with wood of idolatry and he baked bread in it, or he took a spindle from [an Asheirah] and wove a garment with it, we say that he casts the benefit to the Dead Sea when it became mixed, for there is no intact Isur;
åääåà âáøà ãàéúòøá ìéä çáéúà ãçîøà ëéåï ãàé àôùø ìäðåú áäåìëú äðàä àìà äéúø äðàä ùàéðä áâåó ùì òöîå àìà àå ìîëåø àå ìéúï ìôåòìéï
The man for whom a barrel [of Yayin Nesech] became mixed with his wine, (Rav Chisda told him to cast four Zuz to the Dead Sea, and then he may benefit from it - Avodah Zarah 49b), since through casting the benefit [to the Sea] he is permitted only benefit not of the matter itself, only to sell it or give it to his workers (not Yisraelim).
àáì ùéäðä äåà òöîå ìà ãàéñåøà áùúéä ùøé òì éãé ã' (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) æåæé
However, he cannot benefit from itself, for it is forbidden to drink it - therefore, it is permitted through four Zuz.
åàí úàîø îàé èòîà ìà àîøé' áëì äðé ãîñëú òøìä éîëøå ëåìï ìòåáã ëåëáéí çåõ îãîé àéñåø äðàä ùáå ëã÷àîø øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì áôø÷ áúøà ãîñëú ò''æ (ãó òã.) âáé ééï ðñê
Question: Why don't we say regarding all these in Maseches Orlah that they sell all to a Nochri, except for the value of the Isur Hana'ah in it, like R. Shimon ben Gamliel says in Avodah Zarah (74a) about Yayin Nesech?
åáéøåùìîé ôøéê ìä åîùðé ãçééùéðï áëåìäå àí éîëøå ìòåáã ëåëáéí ùîà éçæåø äòåáã ëåëáéí åéîëåø ìéùøàì àáì áééï ðñê ìéëà ìîéçù
Answer: The Yerushalmi asks this and answers that for all of them, we are concerned if he will sell it to a Nochri, lest the Nochri sell it to a Yisrael. However, regarding Yayin Nesech, there is no concern.
åëï áôú åáâã ãëì äöìîéí (ò''æ îè:) ãàò''â ãôú ùì òåáã ëåëáéí àñåø áàëéìä áäðàä îéäà ùøé åçééùéðï ùîà é÷ðä îîðå éùøàì åéúï ìôåòìéå
And the same applies to bread and a garment in Avodah Zarah (49b). Even though bread of Nochrim is forbidden to eat, one may benefit from it, and we are concerned lest a Yisrael buy it from him and give it to his workers.
åçáéúà ãääåà âáøà àí äéä øåöä ìîëåø ëì ééðå éçã ä''ä ãäåä îöé ìîëåø çåõ îãîé àéñåøà ùáå
Ploni's barrel, if he wanted to sell all the wine together, likewise he could have sold, except for the value of the Isur in it;
åçáéåú ñúåîåú ðîé àéëà ìîéçù ùéîëøí äòåáã ëåëáéí ìéùøàì ãîééøé áùîï æéú àå áééï úôåçéí
Also Stam barrels, there is concern lest the Nochri sell them to Yisrael. It discusses olive oil or apple wine.
TOSFOS DH Hachi Garsinan Egozei Parech
úåñôåú ã"ä ä''â àâåæé ôøê
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the name is because they are crushed.)
òì ùí ùðôøëéï ëãàîø áôñé÷úà áôøùúà ãéäåãä åéùøàì øáéí àçø ôøùú ëé úùà
Explanation: They are called so because they get crushed, like it says in the Pesikta of "Yehudah v'Yisrael Rabim", after Parshah Ki Sisa;
òì àì âéðú àâåæ ããøùéðï ùðîùìå éùøàì ìàâåæ ùéù áå ùìùä îéðéï ùì ôøê ùðôøê îòöîå
We expound on "El Ginas Egoz" that Yisrael are compared to a nut, that has three types. Of Parech is crushed by itself.
TOSFOS DH Af Kikaros Shel Ba'al ha'Bayis
úåñôåú ã"ä àó ëëøåú ùì áòì äáéú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the law of baker's loaves.)
àáì ùì ðçúåí ìà ùäí ÷èðåú
Explanation: However, of a baker, no (they can be Batel), for they are small.
åäà ãîùîò áñåó äòøì (éáîåú ãó ôà:) ãçúéëä ùì ìçí äôðéí áùì çåìéï ìà áèìä
Implied question: It connotes in Yevamos (81b) that a piece of Lechem ha'Panim is not Batel in Chulin!
ùàðé ìçí äôðéí ãñîéãà èôé åøàåé ìäúëáã áçúéëä
Answer: Lechem ha'Panim is different, because it is ha'Reuyah Lehiskaved with a piece.
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And the case of one who baked bread with [wood from an Asheirah] in Avodah Zarah (49b), we must establish it to discuss loaves of a Ba'al ha'Bayis, for it taught that if they became mixed with others, all are Asur b'Hana'ah.
åàôä áå àú äôú ãúðï áîñëú òøìä (ô''â î''ä) ìà áùì áòì äáéú ãäà ÷úðé úòìä áàçã åîàúéí
Distinction: The case of one who baked bread with [peels of Orlah] in Orlah (3:5) does not discuss of a Ba'al ha'Bayis, for it teaches that it is Batel in 201.
åàé ìàå ääéà ãîñëú òøìä ìà äééðå öøéëéï ìçì÷ áéï ìçí äôðéí ìùàø ìçí
Remark: If not for the Mishnah in Orlah, we would not need to distinguish between Lechem ha'Panim and other bread;
åäåä îöé ìàå÷åîé îúðéúéï ãîñëú ò''æ àôéìå áùì ðçúåí åëãøáé îàéø ãàîø àú ùãøëå ìéîðåú î÷ãù àå ëì ùãøëå ìøéù ì÷éù
We could establish our Mishnah in Avodah Zarah even with baker's bread, and like R. Meir, we say that Es she'Darko Limnos is Mekadesh, or Kol she'Darko according to Reish Lakish;
àáì îúðéúéï ãîñëú òøìä îåëçà ãñúí ôú àôéìå ìøáé îàéø òåìä áàçã åîàúéí
However, our Mishnah in Orlah proves that Stam bread, even according to R. Meir, is Batel in 201.
TOSFOS DH ha'Ra'uy l'Orlah Orlah
úåñôåú ã"ä äøàåé ìòøìä òøìä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why we did not say so about Terumah.)
áéøåùìîé îã÷ã÷ àîàé ìà úðà ðîé äøàåé ìúøåîä úøåîä ãáúøåîä ðîé ëéåï ãçùéáé ìà áèìé åàéï òåìéï áàçã åîàä
Citation (Yerushalmi) Question: Why did it not teach "what is proper for Terumah, Terumah"? Also regarding Terumah, since it is important, it is not Batel, and it is not permitted in 101 [parts of mixture]!
åîùðé îùåí ãëåìí øàåééí ìúøåîä åìà ùééê ìîéúðé äàé ìéùðà
Citation (cont.) Answer #1: It is because all of them are proper for Terumah. It is not applicable to teach this expression (what is proper for Terumah...)
åðøàä ùéù òãééï ìúøõ îùåí ã÷úðé éãì÷å åòåìéï áàçã åîàúéí åàéï ãéï æä ðåäâ áúøåîä
Answer #2: It seems that we can also answer because it taught "they are burned, and they are Batel in 201 [parts of mixture]", and this does not apply to Terumah.
åòåã äåä îöé ìùðåéé ãäàé úðà úøúé àéú ìéä ãáø ùáîðéï åàéñåøé äðàä ëãàîøéðï áîñëú ò''æ (ãó òã.) àîúðéúéï ãäúí ôø÷ áúøà:
Answer #3: Also, we could have answered that this Tana holds that there are two conditions [to be Mekadesh] - something normally counted, and Isur Hana'ah, like we say in Avodah Zarah (74a) on the Mishnah there in the last Perek.