TOSFOS DH Atah Omer Zu Kabalas ha'Dam v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä àúä àåîø æå ÷áìú äãí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos rejects Rashi's Perush above.)
ìòéì (ãó ã.) ôé' á÷åðè' ãîå÷îéðï åä÷øéáå á÷áìä åìà áäåìëä îùåí ãåä÷øéáå ðàîø îéã àçø ùçéèä å÷áìä äéà òáåãä øàùåðä ùàçø ùçéèä
Explanation #1: Above (4a), Rashi explained that we establish "v'Hikrivu" to discuss Kabalah and not Holachah, because v'Hikrivu is said immediately after Shechitah, and Kabalah is the first Avodah after Shechitah.
åìôéøåùå ÷ùä äéëé áòé ìîéîø äëà àå àéðå àìà æøé÷ä
Question: According to his Perush, how did we want to say here that it is Zerikah?
àìà ðøàä ãîå÷îé' ìä á÷áìä àå áæøé÷ä ìôé ùäï òáåãåú çùåáåú ùàé àôùø ìáèìï îä ùàéï ëï áäåìëä
Explanation #2: We establish it to discuss Kabalah or Zerikah, because they are important Avodos that one cannot be Mevatel them. This does not apply to Holachah (if he slaughters next to the Mizbe'ach, there is no need for Holachah).
TOSFOS DH b'Kohen Kosher uv'Kli Shares
úåñôåú ã"ä áëäï ëùø åáëìé ùøú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions Rashi's Perush, and defends it.)
ôéøù á÷åðèøñ ëìé ùøú áâãé ëäåðä
Explanation (Rashi): "Kli Shares" refers to Bigdei Kehunah.
å÷ùä ãäà ðô÷à ì÷îï áôø÷ ùðé (ãó éæ:) î÷øà ãàéï áâãéäí òìéäï àéï ëäåðä òìéäï åäåå ìäå æøéí åàôéìå áòáåãä ãìà îòëáà ëôøä
Question: We learn below (17b) from a verse that if their clothes are not on them, their Kehunah is not on them, and they are Zarim, and even for an Avodah that is not Me'akev Kaparah!
åéù ìåîø ãàé ìàå âæøä ùåä ãäëà äåä àîøéðï îä ùä÷ôéãä úåøä àîçåñø áâãéí äééðå äéëà ãëúéáé áâãéí àáì äéëà ãìà ëúéáé áâãéí ìà
Answer: If not for the Gezeirah Shavah here, we would say that the Torah was adamant about Mechusar Begadim, i.e. where Begadim are written, but not where Begadim are not written;
åâáé ðúéðú àù åñéãåø àéáøéí ìà äåä áòéðà áâãéí îëäï áëéäåðå
Regarding putting fire and arranging limbs, we would not require Begadim from "Kohen" - in his Kehunah;
àìà îãâìé øçîðà âáé ÷áìä âæøä ùåä éìôéðï áëì ãåëúà ãäëäï äåé áëéäåðå
Rather, since the Torah revealed a Gezeirah Shavah about Kabalah, we learn everywhere that "Kohen" is in his Kehunah.
TOSFOS DH Deika Nami deka'Tani sheha'Zevach Nifsal
úåñôåú ã"ä ãé÷à ðîé ã÷úðé ùäæáç ðôñì
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this inference is not sustained.)
áîñ÷ðà ìà çééùéðï ìäàé ãé÷à ãá÷áìä ðîé àéëà ôñåì ôéâåì
Implied question: In the conclusion, we are not concerned for this Diyuk, for also regarding Kabalah, there is a Pesul of Pigul! (This Dibur continues on Amud B.)
åéù ìôøù áîñ÷ðà ãð÷è ìùåï ôñåì ãàééøé áùìà ìùîï ãäåé áëì ã' òáåãåú
Answer #1: We can say that in the conclusion, it mentioned an expression of Pasul because it discusses Lo Lishmah, which is in all four Avodos;
åîéäå àùëçï ãé÷à ãìà ÷àé ìáñåó âáé ëì äðéùåí ãîéí áàçø (÷ãåùéï ãó ëç:)
Answer #2: We find "Deika" that is not sustained at the end, regarding "anything that is evaluated to be money for something else (i.e. Metaltelim, which people trade)" (Kidushin 28b. We conclude that it means "also money can be like Chalipin.")
TOSFOS DH Al Menas Lishpoch Shirayim l'Machar
úåñôåú ã"ä òì îðú ìùôåê ùéøééí ìîçø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos cites a related question in Maseches Me'ilah.)
ö''ò áôø÷ ÷îà ãîòéìä (ãó æ.) ãîéáòéà ìï çéùá ìðùôëéï îäå
Question: In Me'ilah (7a), we ask "if he intended for what spilled, what is the law?"
åôé' øáéðå ãäúí îééøé ùðùôê îï äëìé òì äøöôä åîéáòéà ìéä àí îåìéê àåúå î÷öú ãí äðùàø áëìé òì îðú ìæøå÷ îàåúï ðùôëéï çåõ ìæîðå ùäøé øàåééï ìàåñôï
Rabbeinu explained that we discuss when [blood] spilled from the Kli on the floor, and we ask if he takes the small amount of blood remaining in the Kli with intent to throw Chutz li'Zmano what spilled, for it is proper to gather it (and do Zerikah with it);
àå ãìîà ëéåï ãáëåñ àéúéä ãí åääåà ãòì äøöôä äåìê ìàéáåã ìà ôñìä áäå
Or, perhaps since there is blood in the cup (bucket), and what is on the floor is destined to be lost, [the intent] does not disqualify it.
TOSFOS DH Hagahah Tahi Bah Reish Lakish Klum Lamadnu Ela mi'Shelamim
úåñôåú ã"ä äâ''ä úäé áä øéù ì÷éù ëìåí ìîãðå àìà îùìîéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out a contradiction in Reish Lakish.)
úéîä äà øéù ì÷éù âåôéä ÷àîø ì÷îï (éã.) îåãä øáé ùîòåï áäåìëú çèàåú äôðéîéåú
Question: Reish Lakish himself said below (14a) that R. Shimon agrees about Holachah [of blood] of inner Chata'os (even though this does not apply to Shelamim)!
TOSFOS DH Iy Mah Shelamim v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä àé îä ùìîéí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we can learn that intent for the second day disqualifies.)
æä àéï ùééê ìåîø ãîçùáú éåí ùðé ìà éôñåì áçèàú ëîå áùìîéí
Implied question: We should say that intent [to eat the meat] on the second day should not disqualify Chatas, just like Shelamim (is not disqualified through this, for one may eat it for two days and a night)!
ãôùéèà ãáëì çã àæìéðï áúø çåõ ìæîðå ãéãéä
Answer: Obviously, for each [Korban] we follow what is Chutz li'Zmano for it.
TOSFOS DH Ela Mai Eis Lecha Lemeimar Davar ha'Posel Bahen v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà îàé àéú ìê ìîéîø ãáø äôåñì áäï ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains how R. Yirmeyah's answer resolves his question.)
äùúà îñé÷ ãîñáøà éù ìðå ìåîø ëï ããáø äôåñì îåöéà îéãé ôéâåì åãáø äîòëá áä îáéà ìéãé ôéâåì ëîå áùìîéí
Explanation: Now we conclude that from reasoning, we should say so, that something that disqualifies uproots Pigul, and something that is Me'akev brings to Pigul, like regarding Shelamim;
åàéï ùééê ìä÷ùåú ùëï ðåäâ áëì äæáçéí
[Now,] one cannot ask [R. Yirmeyah's question that Lo Lishmah] applies to all Korbanos (since for each Korban, it depends on what disqualifies and what is Me'akev).
TOSFOS DH Zeh ha'Chlal Kol ha'Kometz v'Nosen bi'Chli
úåñôåú ã"ä æä äëìì ëì ä÷åîõ åðåúï áëìé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Pigul does not apply to Hagashah.)
áäâùä àéï ôéâåì ã÷îéöä ëðâã ùçéèä åàéï ìå ôéâåì ÷åãí ùçéèä:
Explanation: Pigul does not apply to Hagashah, for (it is before Kemitzah, and) Kemitzah corresponds to Shechitah, and there is no Pigul before Shechitah.