(a)How many Matanos are required of a Korban where the Torah uses the term 'Saviv'?
(b)How many Matanos does a Chatas require?
(c)Based on the Pasuk in Re'ei "ve'Dam Zevachecha Yishafech ... ", what do Beis Shamai say about Korbanos whose blood is placed on the Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon (the Mizbe'ach ha'Olah)?
(d)What is the sole exception?
(e)What do Beis Hillel say?
(a)Wherever the Torah uses the term 'Saviv' - two Matanos are required.
(b)A Chatas require four Matanos.
(c)Based on the Pasuk in Re'ei "ve'Dam Zevachecha Yishafech ... ", Beis Shamai learns that - Korbanos whose blood is placed on the Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon (the Mizbe'ach ha'Olah) are Kasher Bedieved with one Matanah ...
(d)... except for Chatas, which requires two (even Bedi'eved).
(e)According to Beis Hillel - even a Chatas is Kasher Bedieved with one Matanah.
(a)The Machlokes between Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel is based on three Pesukim in Vayikra in connection with Chata'os ha'Chitzonos, all of which contain the word "Karnos". What are the K'ranos of the Mizbe'ach?
(b)What do we learn from the multiple use of the word?
(c)What is the problem with the fact that the three times "Karnos" (plural) adds up to six?
(d)What do Beis Shamai do with the extra two "K'ranos"?
(a)The Machlokes between Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel is based on three Pesukim in Vayikra in connection with Chata'os ha'Chitzonos all of which contain the word "Karnos" - (the four cubic blocks measuring one Amah that were placed on the four top corners of the Mizbe'ach ha'Olah).
(b)From the multiple use of the word - we learn how many Matanos a Chatas requires.
(c)The problem with the fact that the three times "Karnos" (plural) adds up to six is that - there are only four corners on which to place the blood.
(d)Beis Shamai therefore learn that - four come to teach us the Din Lechatchilah, and two, Bedi'eved.
(a)On which principle is Beis Shamai's ruling based?
(b)Although Beis Hillel agree with this principle, they also hold 'Yesh Eim li'Mesores'. What does that mean?
(c)How do they therefore arrive at ...
1. ... a total of four 'K'ranos'?
2. ... five 'K'ranos', four Lechatchilah, and one Bedieved?
(a)Beis Shamai's ruling is based on the principle - 'Yesh Eim le'Mikra' (we go according to the way the word is read).
(b)Although Beis Hillel agree with this principle, they also hold 'Yesh Eim li'Mesores' - meaning that we also take into account the way the word is written.
(c)Consequently, they arrive at ...
1. ... a total of four 'K'ranos' - by virtue of the fact that two of the "Karnos" are written without a 'Vav'.
2. ... five 'K'ranos', four Lechatchilah, and one Bedieved - by making a compromise between the Mikra (six) and the Masores (four).
(a)What will the Din therefore be if one places the first Matanah with the correct Kavanah and the second one Chutz li'Zemanah, according to ...
1. ... Beis Hillel?
2. ... Beis Shamai (See Pirush ha'Mishnayos le'ha'Rambam)?
(b)And what if he places the first Matanah Chutz li'Zamanah and the second, Chutz li'Mekomah according to ...
1. ... Beis Hillel?
2. ... Beis Shamai?
(a)The Din if one places the first Matanah with the correct Kavanah and the second one Chutz li'Zemanah, will therefore be according to Beis ...
1. ... Hillel that - the Korban is Kasher (even a Chatas).
2. ... Shamai that - all Korbanos are Kasher, but not a Chatas.
(b)Whereas if he places the first Matanah Chutz li'Zemanah and the second, Chutz li'Mekomah according to ...
1. ... Beis Hillel - it is Pigul and whoever eats it is Chayav Kareis.
2. ... Beis Shamai - it is Pasul but is not subject to Kareis if one eats it (See Pirush ha'Mishnayos le'ha'Rambam and Tosfos Yom Tov).
(a)If the previous Mishnah discussed a Kohen placing the wrong number of Matanos on the Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon, what does the current Mishnah say about where he placed less Matanos than what the Torah prescribes, on the Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi?
(b)How does the Tana learn this from the fact that the Pasuk in Vayikra (in connection with the Par He'elam Davar) writes "ve'Asah le'Par ka'asher Asah le'Par ha'Chatas, kein Ya'aseh lo"?
(c)On what principle is this Limud based?
(d)What will the Din therefore be if the Kohen performs all but one of the Matanos with the correct intention?
(e)Why is that?
(a)The previous Mishnah discussed a Kohen placing the wrong number of Matanos on the Mizbe'ach ha'Chitzon, whereas the current Mishnah rules that where he placed less Matanos than what the Torah prescribes on the Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi - the Korban is Pasul.
(b)The Tana learns this from the fact that the Pasuk in Vayikra (in connection with the Par He'elam Davar) writes "ve'Asah le'Par ka'asher Asah le'Par ha'Chatas, kein Ya'aseh lo" - which is otherwise superfluous (since whatever the Torah said in connection with the latter is specifically says by the former.
(c)The Limud is based on the principle that - whenever the Torah repeats something it is in order to render it crucial.
(d)Consequently, if the Kohen performs all the Matanos but one with the correct intention - the Korban is Pasul, but whoever eats it is not subject to Kareis ...
(e)... because, since each Matanah is crucial, each one is part of the 'Matir' (that renders the Korban Kasher), and we have a principle 'Ein Mefaglin be'Chatzi Matir' (a Machshavah on half the Matir does not render the Korban Pigul).
(a)The first item on the Mishnah's next list, which deals with things that are not subject to Pigul, is the Kometz. What is the 'Kometz'?
(b)What is the case?
(c)What does the Tana mean when he says that it is not subject to Pigul?
(d)The Kometz is followed by the Levonah and the Ketores. What reason is common to all three (and to most other items on the list)?
(a)The first item on the Mishnah's next list, which deals with things that are not subject to Pigul, is the Kometz - the fistful of flour that the Kohen takes from the Minchah to burn on the Mizbe'ach.
(b)The case is - where the Kohen renders the Minchah Pigul and he or somebody else eats the Kometz (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(c)When the Tana says that it is not subject to Pigul, he means that - whoever eats it is not Chayav Kareis.
(d)The Kometz is followed by the Levonah (See Tosfos Yom Tov) and the Ketores. All of these are not subject to Pigul - because only items that have a Matir (something that permits either to be eaten or to be brought on the Mizbe'ach) are subject to Pigul, whereas these three are themselves Matir.
(a)The Tana learns this from Shelamim, which has a Matir le'Adam and a Matir la'Mizbe'ach. Why from Shelamim?
(b)What is the Matir ...
1. ... le'Adam?
2. ... le'Mizbe'ach?
(c)We learned that the Kometz and the Levonah are themselves Matir. What are they Matir?
(a)The Tana learns this ruling from Shelamim, which has a Matir le'Adam and a Matir la'Mizbe'ach. Specifically from Shelamim - which serves as the Torah's source for the Din of Pigul.
(b)The Matir ...
1. ... le'Mizbe'ach is - the Dam.
2. ... le'Adam is - the Emurim (the fat-pieces).
(c)We learned that the Kometz and the Levonah are themselves Matir. They are Matir - the Minchah to be eaten.
(a)The next four items on the list are the Minchah of a Kohen, the Minchah of a Kohen Gadol, a Minchas Nesachim and the blood (See Tosfos Yom Tov, end of DH 'Minchas Kohanim'). What is the Minchah of a Kohen Gadol? What is it otherwise known as?
(b)Why are both of these not subject to Pigul?
(c)Why do some commentaries erase a Minchas Nesachim from the text?
(d)Why is the blood of a Korban not subject to Pigul?
(a)The next four items on the list are the Minchah of a Kohen, the Minchah of a Kohen Gadol - (the Minchas Chavitin, a Korban Michah that he brought daily, half in the morning, half in the afternoon) a Minchas Nesachim and the blood (See Tosfos Yom Tov, end of DH 'Minchas Kohanim').
(b)Both of these are not subject to Pigul - because they are completely burned, and are therefore not Matir anything.
(c)Some commentaries erase a Minchas Nesachim from the text - because it is subject to a Machlokes Tana'im which we will cite shortly (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(d)The blood of a Korban is not subject to Pigul - because it is itself a Matir.
(a)Everyone agrees that Nesachim (a Minchas Nesachim, comprising flour and wine) that are brought independently are not subject to Pigul, since they have no Matir. How is it possible to have an independent Minchas Nesachim, even if it is part of a Korban?
(b)Over what do Rebbi Meir and the Chachamim then argue?
(c)According to Rebbi Meir, if it is brought together with the Korban, it is subject to Pigul, since the Korban is Matir it. On what grounds do the Chachamim disagree?
(a)Everyone agrees that Nesachim (a Minchas Nesachim, comprising flour and wine) that are brought independently are not subject to Pigul, since they have no Matir. It is possible to have an independent Minchas Nesachim, even if is part of a Korban - there where one btings the Korban today and the Minchas Nesachim tomorrow (which is permitted) ...
(b)... whereas Rebbi Meir and the Chachamim argue over - where one brings them together.
(c)According to Rebbi Meir, if it is brought together with the Korban, it is subject to Pigul, since the Korban is Matir it. The Chachamim disagree - because, since it is possible to bring the Minchas Nesachim later, it is not the Korban that is Matir it, but it itself.
(a)What happens to the leftovers of the Log of oil of a Metzora after the Kohen has placed some of it on the various prescribed locations on the Metzora's body?
(b)Bearing in mind the Pasuk in Metzora (in connection with the Log of oil) "al Dam ha'Asham", why does Rebbi Shimon say that it is not subject to Pigul, even if it is brought together with the Asham?
(c)What does Rebbi Meir say?
(d)On which principle does Rebi Meir base his ruling?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The leftovers of the Log of oil of a Metzora after the Kohen has placed some of it on the various prescribed locations on the Metzora's body - is eaten by the Kohanim [See Tosfso Yom Tov]).
(b)In spite of the Pasuk in Metzora (in connection with the Log of oil) "al Dam ha'Asham", Rebbi Shimon rules that it is not subject to Pigul, even if it is brought together with the Asham - since one is able to bring it independently (like the Chachamim in the case of Minchas Nesachim [See Tosfos Yom Tov]).
(c)Rebbi Meir - reiterates his ruling there (that it is subject to Pigul), because the Asham is Matir it.
(d)Rebbi Meir bases his ruling on the principle that - 'Whatever has Matirin, either for a person or for the Mizbe'ach, is subject to Pigul'.
(e)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Shimon and the Chachamim.
(a)Based on the Pasuk in ...
1. ... Vayikra "ve'Zarku es ha'Dam ... ve'Archu b'nei Aharon ha'Kohanim es ha'Nesachim", what is Matir the Basar of an Olah to go on the Mizbe'ach?
2. ... Tzav "Or ha'Olah asher Hikriv", what is Matir the skin to be given to the Kohanim?
(b)What is the blood of ...
1. ... an Olas ha'Of Matir?
2. ... a Chatas ha'Of Matir?
(c)We need the Pasuk (in Korach) "le'Chol Chatosam" to teach us that the Kohanim eat a Chatas ha'Of. Why might we have thought otherwise?
(a)Based on the Pasuk in ...
1. ... Vayikra "ve'Zarku es ha'Dam ... ve'Archu b'nei Aharon ha'Kohanim es ha'Nesachim", the blood is Matir the Basar of an Olah to go on the Mizbe'ach.
2. ... Tzav "Or ha'Olah asher Hikriv", the blood is Matir the skin to be given to the Kohanim.
(b)The blood of ...
1. ... an Olas ha'Of is Matir - the Basar to go on the Mizbe'ach.
2. ... a Chatas ha'Of is Matir - it to tbe eaten by the Kohanim.
(c)We need the Pasuk (in Korach) "le'Chol Chatosam" to teach us that the Kohanim eat a Chatas ha'Of. We might otherwise have thought that - it is Neveilah (since it was not Shechted in the conventionalal manner) and may therefore not be eaten.
(a)The Mishnah now discusses Parim ha'Nisrafin u'Se'irim ha'Nisrafin, whose blood is Matir their respective Emurin to go on the Mizbeach. On which Mizbe'ach?
(b)What, besides the ...
1. ... Par Mashi'ach and the Par He'elam Davar shel Tzibur, does 'Parim ha'Nisrafin' incorporate?
2. ... Sa'ir shel Yom Kipur, does the 'S'eirim ha'Nisrafin' incorporate?
(c)What happens to the Basar of all the above-mentioned Korbanos?
(d)What does the Tana Kama therefore say about the Emurim?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses Pasim ha'Nisrafin u'Se'irim ha'Nisrafin, whose blood is Matir their respective Emurin to go on the Mizbeach - ha'Olah.
(b)Besides the ...
1. ... Par Mashi'ach and the Par He'elam Davar shel Tzibur, 'Parim ha'Nisrafin' incorporates - the Par of Yom Kipur.
2. ... Sa'ir shel Yom Kipur, 'S'eirim ha'Nisrafin' incorporates - Se'irei Avodah-Zarah.
(c)The Basar of all the above-mentioned Korbanos is - burned in the Beis ha'Deshen.
(d)The Tana Kama therefore says that - their Emurim are subject to Pigul (whereas their Basar is not [See Tosfps Yom Tov]).
(a)What does Rebbi Shimon say with regard to the eligibility of Emurim to Pigul?
(b)He learns it from Shelamim. Why specifically Shelamim? How does he learn it from Shelamim?
(a)According to Rebbi Shimon - any Korban whose blood does not go on the Mizb'ach ha'Chitzon (ha'Olah) is not subject to Pigul.
(b)He learns it from Shelamim - because that is where the Din of Pigul is written (as we explained earlier).
(a)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Emor "Ish Ish mi'Beis Yisrael asher Yakriv Korbano le'Chol Nidreihem u'le'Chol Nidvosam"?
(b)What does the Mishnah say about Kodshim of a Nochri. with regard to Pigul, Nosar and Tamei?
(c)The source of the current Din is the Pasuk there "Veyinazru mi'Kodshei b'nei Yisrael". How do we learn it from there?
(d)If we then learn Nosar from Tum'ah with the Gezeirah-Shavah "Chilul" "Chilul", from where do we learn Pigul with the Gezeirah Shavah "Avon" "Avon"?
(a)We learn from the Pasuk in Emor "Ish Ish mi'Beis Yiarael asher Yakriv Korbano le'Chol Nidreihem u'le'Chol Nidvosam" that - Nochrim are permitted to bring Nedarim and Nedavos on the Mizbe'ach like a Yisrael.
(b)The Mishnah rules that Kodshim of a Nochri - are not subject to Pigul, Mosar and Tamei.
(c)The source of the current Din is the Pasuk there "Veyinazru mi'Kodshei b'nei Yisrael" - implying that the Korban of a Nochri is not subject to Tum'ah.
(d)We then learn Nosar from Tum'ah with the Gezeirah-Shavah "Chilul" "Chilul", and Pigul with the Gezeirah Shavah "Avon" "Avon" - from Nosar (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(a)According to Rebbi Meir, someone who Shechts Kodshim of a Nochri outside the Azarah is Patur. What does Rebbi Yossi say?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to Rebbi Meir, someone who Shechts Kodshim of a Nochri outside the Azarah is Patur (See Tosfos Yom Tov). Rebbi Yossi maintains that - he is Chayav (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(b)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Yossi.
(a)What does the Tana Kama say about all the items (listed in Mishnah 3) that are not subject to Pigul, such as the Kometz and the Levonah, with regard to Nosar and Tum'ah?
(b)What is the sole exception?
(c)How do we learn the latter from the Pasuk in Acharei Mos (in connection wih blood) ...
1. ... "va'Ani Nesativ lachem"?
2. ... "al ha'Mizbe'ach Lechaper"?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, all the items (listed in Mishnah 3) that are not subject to Pigul such as the Kometz and the Levonah - are not subject to Nosar and Tum'ah either.
(b)The sole exception is - the blood ...
(c)... which we learn from the Pasuk in Acharei Mos (in connection wih blood) ...
1. ... "va'Ani Nesativ lachem" - indicating that it is yours to benefit from (like Chulin) and ...
2. ... "al ha'Mizbe'ach Lechaper" - implying that it is meant exclusively to atone but is not subject to Me'ilah (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(a)According to Rebbi Shimon, Tum'ah only applies to Kodshim that are edible, but not to Kodshim that are not. What does 'Kodshim that are ...
1. ... edible' come to include (besides the Kometz)?
2. ... not edible come to include (besides frankincense)?
(b)How do the Rabbanan learn the latter ruling from the Pasuk in Tzav "ve'ha'Basar asher Yiga be'Chol Tum'ah"?
(c)To which Kodshim wood is this Ribuy restricted?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to Rebbi Shimon, Tum'ah only applies to Kodshim that are edible, but not to Kodshim that are not (See Tosfos Yom Tov). 'Kodshim that are ...
1. ... edible' incorporates the Kometz - and the Minchas Nesachim.
2. ... not edible' incorporates frankincense - wood and the Ketores.
(b)The Rabbanan learn the latter ruling from the Pasuk in Tzav "ve'ha'Basar asher Yiga be'Chol Tum'ah" - since the word "ve'ha'Basar' is otherwise superfluous (See previous Tosfos Yom Tov).
(c)This Ribuy is restricted to Kodshim wood - that goes on the Mizbe'ach.
(d)The Halachah is - like the Rabbanan.
(a)The first two of the six things that someone who Shechts Kodshim must have in mind are le'Shem Zevach and le'Shem Zove'ach. What does 'le'Shem ...
1. ... Zevach' come to exclude?
2. ... Zove'ach' come to exclude?
(b)Which of these do we learn from the Pasuk in Ki Seitzei "Motzei Sefasecha Tishmor Ve'asisa ka'asher Nadarta la'Hashem Elokecha Nedavah"?
(c)The next two are le'Shem Hash-m and le'Shem Ishim'. What does 'le'Shem Ishim' come to exclude?
(d)The last two items are le'Shem Re'ach and le'Shem Nicho'ach. What does 'le'Shem ...
1. ... Re'ach' come to exclude
2. ... Nicho'ach' come to exclude?
(e)What additional thought must the Shochet have in mind when bringing a Korban Chatas or a Korban Asham?
(a)The first two of the six things that someone who Shechts Kodshim must have in mind are 'le'Shem ...
1. ... Zevach' to exclude where he has in mind - a different Korban (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
2. ... Zove'ach' to exclude where he has in mind - a different owner
(b)From the Pasuk in Ki Seitzei "Motzei Sefasecha Tishmor Ve'asisa ka'asher Nadarta la'Hashem Elokecha Nedavah" we learn - the latter.
(c)The next two are le'Shem Hash-m and le'Shem Ishim' - to exclude where he intends to roast it on coals that are not on the Mizbe'ach.
(d)The last two items are 'le'Shem ...
1. ... Re'ach' which comes to exclude - where he intends to roast it first off Ma'arachah before placing it on it (because then it will not emit a pleasant aroma whilst it is burning on the Ma'arachah).
2. ... Nicho'ach' comes to exclude - where he does not have in mind to create a Nachas Ru'ach for Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu (whose will he is carrying out).
(e)The additional thought the Shochet must have in mind when bringing a Korban Chatas or a Korban Asham is - for the specific sin for which the Korban is being brought.
(a)What does Rebbi Yossi say about Shechting a Korban S'tam?
(b)Why did the Chachamim instigate that the Shochet should actually do this?
(c)What does the Tana mean when he adds 'she'Ein ha'Machshavah Holeches Ela achar ha'Oveid' (See Toferes Yisrael)?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)Rebbi Yossi declares a Korban Kasher even if one Shechts it S'tam
(b)In fact, the Chachamim instigated that the Shochet should actually do this - in case he inadvertently has in mind she'Lo li'Shemo instead of li'Shemo.
(c)When the Tana adds 'she'Ein ha'Machshavah Holeches Ela achar ha'Oveid', he means that - in addition, the Chachamim also instituted that only the Shochet invalidates the Korban with a Machshaves she'Lo li'Shemo, but not the owner (See Tiferes Yisrael. See also the Bartenura and the Tosfsos Yom Tov).
(d)The Halachah is - like Rebbi Yossi.