זבח was slaughtered at night in the Mikdash, one who offers it outside is חייב according to everyone.
- True.
- False.
- איבעיא דלא איפשטא.
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת A&C.
אימורים were placed on the מזבח before זריקת הדם are they removed?
- Yes.
- No
- Only קדשי קדשים are.
- Only if they were put up on purpose.
- מחלוקת A&C.
The skin of an עולה פסולה goes to the Kohen.
- True.
- False.
- Sometimes true and sometimes false.
- מחלוקת A&B.
- מחלוקת A&C.
אימורים were placed on the מזבח before זריקת הדם are they subject to מעילה?
- Yes.
- No
- Only קדשי קדשים are.
- Only if they were put up on purpose.
- מחלוקת A&C.
When does ר' עקיבא allow דוקין שבעין?
- Always.
- Never.
- Only if the blemish happened after the הקדש.
- איבעיא דלא איפשטא.
"דוחה היה אבא את בעלי מומין מע"ג המזבח" why does he tell us this?
- מעשה.
- Tell us he did it surreptitiously.
- He made a production of it.
- To show his father served.
- A or B.