(a)What does the Mishnah say about a Sa'ah of Terumah Temei'ah that falls into less than a hundred Sa'ah of ...
1. ... Chulin?
2. ... Ma'aser Rishon, Ma'aser Sheini or Hekdesh?
(b)Will it make any difference if the above are Tamei or Tahor?
(c)Why does the Tana prefer them to rot rather than burned (which is what the Torah prescribes for Terumah Temei'ah)?
(a)The Mishnah rules that if a Sa'ah of Terumah Teme'ah falls into less than a hundred Sa'ah of ...
1. ... Chulin, or into ...
2. ... Ma'aser Rishon, Ma'aser Sheini or Hekdesh ...
(b)... irrespective of whether it is Tamei or Tahor - it must be left to rot.
(c)The Tana prefers it to be left to rot rather than to be burned (which is what the Torah prescribes for Terumah Teme'ah) - for fear that whilst he is burning it, he will eat it (since people tend to take the Isur Dimu'a [a mixture of Terumah and Chulin] lightly).
(a)What does the Mishnah say if a Sa'ah of Terumah Tehorah falls into a hundred Sa'ah of ...
1. ... Chulin?
2. ... Ma'aser Rishon?
3. ... Ma'aser Sheini or Hekdesh?
(b)If the Chulin into which the Terumah fell was Tamei, the Kohen must be careful to prepare it in a way that it does not come into contact with water (dry or as pop-corn). Is there any way that he can eat it in the form of ...
1. ... a cake?
2. ... bread (as if the Chulin was Tahor)?
(c)What else must the owner remember to do in a case where the Terumah fell into Ma'aser Rishon that was Tamei?
(d)Why does the Tana not declare the mixture forbidden, to be left to rot, like he did in the Reisha (when Terumah Teme'ah fell into Chulin)?
(a)If, on the other hand, it was a Sa'ah of Terumah Tehorah that fell into less than a hundred Sa'ah of ...
1. ... Chulin - it must be sold to the Kohanim as Terumah, deducting the one Sa'ah from the price.
2. ... Ma'aser Rishon - he should request from a Levi to switch his own Chulin for this batch, and for him to then designate one Sa'ah out of this batch, T'rumas Ma'aser on the Ma'aser Rishon that he received.
3. ... Ma'aser Sheini or Hekdesh - it must first be redeemed, before selling it to a Kohen (in the way that we just explained).
(b)If the Chulin into which the Terumah fell was Tamei, the Kohen must be careful to prepare it in a way that it does not come into contact with water (dry or in the form of pop-corn). He can however, eat it in the form of ...
1. ... a cake - if it is kneaded with fruit-juice instead of water.
2. ... bread (as if the Chulin was Tahor) - if he kneads less than a k'Beitzah (which is not subject to Tum'ah) at a time.
(c)In a case where the Terumah fell into Ma'aser Rishon that was Tamei, the owner must also remember - to separate T'rumas Ma'aser, which he is then permitted to sell to a Kohen,
(d)The Tana does not declare the mixture forbidden, to be left to rot, like he did in the Reisha (when Terumah Teme'ah fell into Chulin) - because whereas there, the entire batch is forbidden because it might be Terumah Teme'ah, here it is forbidden because it might be Terumah Tehorah.
(a)Does a Sa'ah of Terumah Temei'ah that falls into a hundred Sa'in of Terumah Tehorah become Bateil?
(b)Why does the Tamei Terumah not render the rest Tamei?
(c)According to Rebbi Eliezer, the Sa'ah that one removes must be burned (see Tosfos Yom-Tov). Why is that?
(a)A Sa'ah of Terumah Teme'ah that falls into a hundred Sa'in of Terumah Tehorah - becomes Bateil.
(b)The Tamei Terumah does not render the rest Tamei - because it is speaking where the hundred Sa'in had not yet become Huchshar Lekabel Tum'ah.
(c)According to Rebbi Eliezer, the Sa'ah that one removes must be burned (see Tiferes Yisrael) - because we assume that the Sa'ah that was removed is the Sa'ah that fell in (which was Tamei).
(a)What do the Chachamim say regarding ...
1. ... the Sa'ah that is removed?
2. ... the remaining hundred Sa'in?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Chachamim rule that ...
1. ... the Sa'ah that the Kohen may eat is removed under the same stringent conditions as the Sa'ah of Terumah Tehorah in the previous Mishnah (because they do not assume that the Sa'ah that is removed is the one that fell in). (See Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger DH 'k'Beitzah', DH 'Ta'aleh' and Tosfos Yom-Tom and Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger DH 'K'dei').
2. ... the remaining hundred Sa'in may be eaten in whatever way the owner pleases.
(b)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)What does the Mishnah say in a case where a Sa'ah of Tahor Terumah Tehorah fell into a hundred Sa'in of Tamei Chulin?
(b)Why does Rebbi Eliezer not argue in this case?
(a)The Mishnah rules in a case where a Sa'ah of Tahor Terumah fell into a hundred Sa'in of Tamei Chulin - that the Kohen may eat the Sa'ah that is removed, under the same stringent conditions as in the previous Mishnah ...
(b)... even according to Rebbi Eliezer - who concedes that the Terumah may be eaten (seeing as the Terumah that fell into the Chulin was Tahor).
(a)According to Beis Shamai, one Sa'ah of Tamei Terumah that falls into a hundred Sa'in of Tahor Terumah does not become Bateil. What do Beis Hillel say?
(b)Beis Hillel's initial reasoning is based on a 'Mah Matzinu'. Which 'Mah Matzinu'?
(c)How did Beis ...
1. ... Shamai counter that argument? What distinction do they draw between Chulin being Mevatel Terumah and Terumah Tehorah being Mevatel Terumah Teme'ah?
2. ... Hillel finally convince Beis Shamai that it does become Bateil? What 'Kal-va'Chomer' did they Darshen?
(a)According to Beis Shamai, one Sa'ah of Tamei Terumah that falls into a hundred Sa'ah of Tahor Terumah does not become Bateil. Beis Hillel - hold that it does.
(b)Beis Hillel's initial reasoning is based on a 'Mah Matzinu' - that if Tahor Terumah can become Bateil and is permitted to Zarim, why should Tamei Terumah not become Bateil and permitted to Zarim?
(c)Beis ...
1. ... Shamai countered that argument - by drawing a distinction between Chulin (being Mevatel Terumah) which is 'lenient' (permitted to everyone) and Terumah (Tehorah being Mevatel Terumah Temei'ah) which is 'strict' (forbidden to Zarim).
2. ... Hillel finally convinced Beis Shamai that it does become Bateil with a 'Kal-va'Chomer' - that if Tahor Terumah (which carries a Chiyuv Misah for the Zar who eats it) can become Bateil, how much more so Tamei Terumah (for which a Kohen who eats it transgresses only an Asei).
(a)After Beis Shamai retracted, Rebbi Eliezer said that should such a case occur, the Kohen is obligated to take out one hundredth. What must he do with it?
(b)What do the Chachamim say?
(a)After Beis Shamai retracted, Rebbi Eliezer ruled that should such a case occur, the Kohen is obligated to take out one hundredth - and burn it (as we learned earlier).
(b)The Chachamim maintain - that the Sa'ah is completely Bateil, and there is nothing more to do (as Rebbi Yehoshua taught).
(a)According to Rebbi Eliezer, if the Sa'ah of Terumah thyat fell into a hundred Sa'ah of Chulin, and which the owner duly removed, fell into less than a hundred Sa'ah of Chulin, it becomes Asur (Dimu'a). Why is that?
(b)What do the Chachamim (from the Beis Shamai) say?
(a)According to Rebbi Eliezer, if the Sa'ah of Terumah which fell into a hundred Sa'ah of Chulin, and which the owner duly removed, falls into less than a hundred Sa'ah of Chulin, it becomes Asur (Dimu'a) - because (based on what he said earlier 'the Sa'ah that fell in is the Sa'ah that the owner removed), the entire Sa'ah is considered Terumah.
(b)The Chachamim (from the School of Beis Shamai) on the other hand, maintain - that the Sa'ah which the owner removed is considered ninety- nine percent Chulin and one percent Terumah, and is therefore even Bateil in one Sa'ah.
(a)What does Rebbi Eliezer say about a Sa'ah of Terumah that fell into less than a hundred Sa'ah of Chulin, if some of the Dimu'a (a Sa'ah, say) fell into another batch of Chulin?
(b)What do the Chachamim say ...
1. ... in this case?
2. ... in a case where a dough of Chulin became Chametz by means of yeast of Terumah, and then part of that dough fell into another dough of Chulin?
(c)And they say the same with regard to drawn water that falls into a Mikveh. Under which circumstances does three Lugin of drawn water invalidate the Mikvah into which it falls?
(d)How much drawn water will not invalidate the Mikveh if it is added by means of Hamshachah? What is Hamshachah?
(a)Rebbi Eliezer rules that if a Sa'ah of Terumah falls into less than a hundred Sa'ah of Chulin, and some of the Dimu'a (a Sa'ah, say) then falls into another batch of Chulin - the Sa'ah requires a hundred Sa'in to render it Bateil (like he said in the previous Mishnah).
(b)The Chachamim ...
1. ... too, repeat their ruling in the previous Mishnah (see Tiferes Yisrael); namely, that the second batch of Chulin contains one hundred times as much as the fraction of Terumah contained in the fruit that fell into it (see Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger).
2. ... issue the same ruling with regard to a dough of Chulin that became Chametz by means of a yeast of Terumah - inasmuch as the second dough will only become Dimu'a if the fraction of Terumah contained in the dough that fell into it is sufficient to cause the second dough to become Chametz.
(c)And they say the same with regard to drawn water that falls into a Mikvah. Three Lugin of drawn water will invalidate the Mikvah into which it falls - only if the Mikvah does not yet contain forty Sa'ah of Kasher water.
(d)Anything up to twenty Sa'ah (exclusively) of drawn water will not invalidate the Mikveh if it is added by means of Hamshachah (whereby it flows along the ground before entering the Mikvah).
(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where, after removing the Sa'ah of Terumah that fell into a hundred Sa'in of Chulin, another one fell in. What did the owner do before that happened?
(b)What does the Tana rule? At which stage will the entire batch become Asur?
(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where, after removing the Sa'ah of Terumah that fell into a hundred Sa'in of Chulin, another Sa'ah falls in. Before that happened however - the owner removed one Sa'ah (as the Halachah requires).
(b)The Tana then rules - that however many Sa'in subsequently fall in, the batch remains Mutar to a Zar (provided the owner removes one Sa'ah each time), until the batch contains a majority of Terumah (i.e. until fifty-one bundles of Terumah each comprising one Sa'ah have fallen in (see Tosfos Yom-Tov).
(a)What does the Tana say in a case where the second Sa'ah fell in before the owner had a chance to remove the first Sa'ah?
(b)On what grounds does Rebbi Shimon disagree with the Tana Kama?
(c)In which case will he therefore concede that it is Asur?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)In a case where the second Sa'ah fell in before the owner had a chance to remove the first Sa'ah, the Tana rules - that the batch becomes Asur as if the two Sa'in had fallen in simultaneously.
(b)Rebbi Shimon disagrees with the Tana Kama - based on the S'vara that 'Whatever stands to be sprinkled is as if it has already been sprinkled' (likewise here, since the first Sa'ah stood to be removed, it is considered as if it was removed).
(c)Consequently - as long as the owner is initially unaware that the first Sa'ah fell in, Rebbi Shimon will concede that it is Asur.
(d)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)In a case where a Sa'ah of Terumah fell into a hundred Sa'in of Chulin, and after the owner ground them (see Tosfos Yom-Tov), (in one go), there are less than a hundred and one Sa'ah, the Mishnah rules that the flour is nevertheless permitted to a Zar. Why is that?
(b)What will be the Din in a case where the Sa'ah fell into less that hundred Sa'in and after grinding, the owner discovers that there are now a hundred and one Sa'in?
(c)Under which circumstances will the mixture be permitted?
(d)Is it permitted to grind the mixture Lechatchilah?
(a)In a case where a Sa'ah of Terumah falls into a hundred Sa'in of Chulin, and after the owner ground them (see Tosfos Yom-Tov [in one go]), there are less than a hundred and one Sa'ah, the Mishnah rules that the flour is nevertheless permitted to a Zar - because if the Chulin diminished, so did the Terumah.
(b)In a case where the Sa'ah fell into less than one hundred Sa'in and after grinding, the owner discovers that there are now a hundred and one Sa'in - the mixture remains Asur, because here too, the Terumah increased togethere with the Chulin.
(c)The mixture will be permitted - if the Chulin are of a better quality than the Terumah (see Tosfos Yom-Tov and Tosfos Rebbi Akiva Eiger, as to why this clause is omitted from the Reisha).
(d)It is even permitted to grind the mixture Lechatchilah (see Tosfos Yom-Tov).
(a)And what does the Tana finally say about a case where, after a Sa'ah of Terumah fell into less than a hundred Sa'in of Chulin, a bundle of Chulin 'fell in', bringing the total of Chulin to a hundred and one?
(b)What is the reason for this ruling?
(a)Finally, the Tana rules that in a case where, after a Sa'ah of Terumah falls into less than a hundred Sa'in of Chulin, a bundle of Chulin 'falls in', bringing the total of Chulin to a hundred and one - it is permitted', provided the Chulin fell in inadvertently, but forbidden if the owner threw it in deliberately...
(b)... because the Chachamim penalized the owner for being Mevatel an Isur Lechatchilah (and this extends to all Isurim min ha'Torah).
Hadran Alach 'Sa'ah'