In the event that there were several who wished to לתרום את המזבח they would race. What would they do in the event of a tie?
- They would both do it.
- They would all race again.
- There would be a פייס among the winners.
- There would be a פייס among all.
- Mchlokes all the above.
איברים ופדרים were also late why did they have a פייס ?
- Same problem as לתרום את המזבח .
- That was the end of the day service.
- There is a differrence between staying up for something and getting up early.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.
כל הקודם את חבירו בארבע אמות זכה did this include the אמה יסוד ואמה סובב ?
- Yes.
- No.
- אמה יסוד only.
- אמה סובב only.
- תיקו
When may Yisroel be counted directly?
- Never.
- Mitzva.
- Malchus.
- Malchus Beis Dovid.
- Machlokes all the above.
When it is Assur what is one עובר ?
- לאו
- שני לאוין
- הלכה למשה מסיני
- בידי שמים
- Machlokes A&B.
Which עונות לכאורה נזכרו by דוד ?
- מעשה אוריה
- שמנה את ישראל
- מעשה
דבת שבע - קבל דוד לה"ר
- All but D which is a Machlokes.