בתמיד של שחר what comes first קטורת or הטבת שתי נרות ?
- הטבת שתי נרות
- קטורת
- Same time by different Kohanim.
- Machlokes A&B.
- איבעיא דלא איפשטא
Do we ever say רישא וסיפא רבנן ומציעתא is another Tana?
- Yes, as a first instance.
- No.
- Only as a last resort.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
How does the Kohen place the Matnos Dam of a Chatas on the Mizbe'ach?
- Sprinkles on all 4 corners individually.
- Dabs on all 4 corners.
- Pours in front of the Mizbeiach.
- Shtayim Shehein Arba.
- Machlokes all the above.
Why is there no Haza'ah on the דרומית מזרחית ?
- הלכה למשה מסיני
- There is.
- No יסוד .
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
Why did they first follow the procedure of an Olah (by the north-eastern corner), and then that of a Chatas?
- It is an Olah.
- They didn't.
- Sofeik.
- Teiku.
The four corners of the Lishkas Beis ha'Mokad ________ .
- each had its own room all Kodesh.
- each had its own room all Chol.
- each had its own room 2 Kodesh 2 Chol.
- had curtains.
- were not used only the middle.