WHO MAY DO MI'UN (Yerushalmi Perek 13 Halachah 14 Daf 75a)
חברייא בעיי מה נן קיימין
Question (Talmidim): What is the case [in which we force him to do Chalitzah]?
אם כמשנה הראשונה שמענו (שמותר) [צ"ל שמצוה - שערי תורת ארץ ישראל] ליבם
If it is like Mishnah Rishonah [this cannot be, for] we heard [from it] that the Mitzvah (l'Chatchilah) is to do Yibum!
אם כמשנה אחרונה שמענו (שמותר) [צ"ל שמצוה - שערי תורת ארץ ישראל] לחלוץ. שמענו שכופין.
If it is like Mishnah Acharonah [this is difficult, for] we heard that the Mitzvah is to do Chalitzah. Did we hear that we force [him to do Chalitzah, if he wants to do Yibum?! We explained this like SHA'AREI TORAS ERETZ YISRAEL.]
רב הונא בשם רב והוא שיהא הגט יוצא מתחת ידו לתוך ידה. הוא אמר גט אשה והיא אומרת גט יבמה
Answer (Rav Huna citing Rav): [Our Mishnah] is when he gave a Get in her hand (so he cannot do Yibum). He says that it is a Get for a [regular] wife (after he did Yibum), and she says that it is a Get Yevamah;
בתוך ל' חזקה לא בעל כופין אותו שיחלוץ לה.
Within 30 days, the Chazakah is that he did not have Bi'ah, so we force him to do Chalitzah;
Note: R. Meir said only that a man can refrain 30 days. There is no Chazakah that he refrained! Perhaps the Gemara means that it is unreasonable that she is lying (if they really had Bi'ah, why would she deny it? She does not gain anything through Chalitzah!), so since there is no Chazakah against her, she is believed. (PF)
לאחר ל' יום מבקשין ממנו שיחלוץ.
After 30 days, we request that he do Chalitzah.
[דף עה עמוד ב] ר' יוסי בעי לאחר שלשים יום חזקה בעל ואת אמר (כופין) [צ"ל מבקשין - חשק שלמה, הגר"ח קניבסקי שליט"א].
Question (R. Yosi): After 30 days there is a Chazakah that he had Bi'ah, and you say that we request [that he do Chalitzah?! We can tell him to have Bi'ah again! - CHESHEK SHLOMO, HA'GAON RAV C. KANIEVSKY, SHLITA.)
אלא כיני רב הונא בשם רב והוא שיהא הגט יוציא מתוך ידו לתוך ידה. הוא אמר גט אשה והיא אומרת גט יבמה
Answer (Rav Huna citing Rav): [Our Mishnah] is when he gave a Get in her hand. He says that it is a Get for a [regular] wife, and she says that it is a Get Yevamah;
בתוך שלשים חזקה לא בעל כופין אותו שיחלוץ לה
Within 30 days, the Chazakah is that he did not have Bi'ah, so we force him to do Chalitzah;
לאחר שלשים יום מבקשין ממנו שיחלוץ לה.
After 30 days, we request that he do Chalitzah.
כהדא הוא אמר בעלתי והיא אומרת לא נבעלתי פשיטא דהוא מעלה לה מזונות.
In such a case, that he says 'I had Bi'ah', and she says 'I did not have Bi'ah', obviously he feeds her. (NO'AM YERUSHALMI - according to his claim that she is his wife, he must feed her. According to her claim, he is exempt. The Yerushalmi holds unlike the Bavli) that in such cases, one who admits that he owes, he must pay.
פשיטא שאינו יורשה.
Obviously, he does not inherit her (if she died, for her family is Muchzak, and he cannot prove that she was his wife);
לא צריכא דלא מהו שיירש ניכסי אחיו.
Question: We ask only about whether or not he inherits [all] his brother's property. (Even if his father is dead, and he surely inherits part because he is a brother, and the other brothers are Safek (if he did Yibum, they do not inherit at all), his claim why he inherits is not Vadai, so we do not say 'a Safek cannot take from a Vadai', like above (4:2). CHAZON ISH (EH 124:12) - perhaps he is believed about the Mitzvah of Yibum, and to exempt the Tzarah, so he is believed also about inheritance due to Yibum. Or, only one who bequeaths is believed for inheritance; he is Vadai, and the Chazakah supports him, and her claim does not help for his brothers.)
היא אומרת נבעלתי והוא אומר לא בעלתי פשיטא שאינו מעלה לה מזונות
If she says 'I had Bi'ah', and he says 'I did not have Bi'ah', obviously he need not feed her (she cannot take from him without proof);
פשיטא (שהוא) [שאינו] יורש ניכסי אחיו
Obviously, he does not inherit [all] his brother's property (according to his own claim);
לא צריכא דלא מהו שיירשנה:
Question: We ask only about whether or not he inherits her. (According to her, he does; according to him, he does not. Perhaps he inherits due to her admission, like NO'AM YERUSHALMI explained above. Or, here is different, for inheritance applies after death, and then it is not hers.)
DIVORCE THROUGH GESTURING (Yerushalmi Perek 14 Halachah 1 Daf 75b)
מתני' חרש שנשא פיקחת פיקח שנשא חרשת אם רצה להוציא יוציא אם רצה לקיים יקיים.
(Mishnah): If a Cheresh (deaf man) married a Pikachas, or he was a Pike'ach and she was a Chereshes, he may choose to divorce her or stay married;
כשם שהוא כונס ברמיזה כך הוא מוציא ברמיזה
Just like he married through gesturing, he may (authorize a Get and) divorce through gesturing.
פיקח שנשא פיקחת ונתחרשה אם רצה יוציא ואם רצה יקיים נשטתתה לא יוציא
If a Pike'ach married a Pikachas and she went deaf, he may choose to divorce her or stay married. If she went insane, he may not divorce her;
נתחרש או נשתטה לא יוציא עולמית:
If he went deaf or insane, he can never divorce her.
גמ' כיצד הוא עושה רומז והוא נותן לה גיטה.
(Gemara): How does [a Cheresh divorce his Pikachas wife]? He gestures [to show that he wants to divorce, and we write a Get for him], and he gives her Get to her. (OHR YAKOV)
כשם שהוא רומז כך (הוא נרמז) [צ"ל היא נרמזת - שערי תורת ארץ ישראל] .
Just like [a Cheresh] gestures [to divorce], others gesture to [a Chereshes, so she will understand when she is divorced. We explained this like SHA'AREI TORAS ERETZ YISRAEL.]
מתניתא בשקידשה בכסף אבל אם קידשה בבעילה קידושיו מעשה וגירושיו אינו מעשה.
Our Mishnah [said that just like he married through gesturing, he may divorce through gesturing. It] discusses when he was Mekadesh her with money, but if he was Mekadesh her through Bi'ah, his Kidushin is an action, and his divorce is not an action. (Also then, he can divorce through gesturing. Chachamim would not enact a marriage that could not be undone. The Mishnah justifies why one should not be astounded how mere gesturing (his Get) can undo an action (his Kidushin), for [Stam] Kidushin, i.e. through money, is also mere gesturing - based on MEICHAL HA'MAYIM.)