
WHEN A MAN FORBIDS TO HIMSELF (Yerushalmi Perek 10 Halachah 6 Daf 57b)

ר' בא (ורב) [צ"ל בר] המנונא ורבי זעירא [דף נח עמוד א] תרויהון אמרין זהו ראשו של פרק


(R. Ba bar Hamnuna and R. Ze'ira): (In our Mishnah, R. Yosi said that anyone who forbids others forbids to himself. Anyone who does not forbid others, does not forbid to himself.) This refers to the beginning of the Perek (one who remarried based on one witness, and her husband returned).

מה אמר ר' יוסה בשאר כל הדברים


Question: (In Mishnah 2, R. Yosi said that her Kesuvah is against her first husband's property, unlike the first Tana, who holds that she totally lost her Kesuvah.) What does R. Yosi say about the other fines?

נישמעינה מן הדא ר' יוסי אומר כל שהוא פוסל על ידי אחרים פוסל על ידי עצמו וכל שאינו פוסל על ידי אחרים אינו פוסל על ידי עצמו.


Answer: We learn from [our Mishnah]. R. Yosi says, anyone who forbids others, forbids to himself. Anyone who does not forbid others, does not forbid to himself;

ואמר רבי בא (ורב) [צ"ל בר] המנונא ורבי זעירא תרויהון אמרין זהו ראשו של פרק.


And R. Ba bar Hamnuna and R. Ze'ira both said, this refers to the beginning of the Perek (one who remarried based on one witness, and her husband returned. We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)


Note: This shows that R. Yosi agree that she becomes forbidden to her husband. How does this prove that he agrees about all the other fines? Above (Halachah 2), R. Yosi mentioned only the Kesuvah. Perhaps the Havah Amina was that he argues about all the fines; we show that this is not so, but there is no proof that he agrees to all of them. Above, we said that he agrees to R. Shimon, that we do not fine regarding Yibum (PF).

ר' הילא בשם רבי שמעון בן לקיש אחות אשתו נשואה הואיל והוא פוסל על ידי אחרים פוסל על ידי עצמו.


(R. Heila citing Reish Lakish): If his wife's sister was married, [and she married Ploni because she heard that also her husband died], since [Ploni] forbids to others (she becomes forbidden to her husband), Ploni forbids to himself);

ואחות אשתו פנויה הואיל ואינו פוסל על ידי אחרים אינו פוסל על ידי עצמו.


If his wife's sister was single, since he does not forbid to others, he does not forbid to himself.

דמר רבי הילא בשם ר' שמעון בן לקיש צריכה הימנו גט.


(R. Heila citing Reish Lakish): [When his wife's sister was married, and she married Ploni, she needs a Get from her husband. (Ploni's wife looks like Achos Gerushaso, therefore she is forbidden to him.)

והיך עבידא


(Our Mishnah says that if they told a man that his wife died, and he married her paternal sister. They told him that this wife died, and he married her maternal sister... If all were found to be alive, he is permitted to his first, third and fifth wives.) How is this (that they are not sisters)?

גבר אית ליה ברתא וחורגא ואינתו אית לה ברתה וחורגה ואסבון דין לדין ואולידון ברתא משריי מן חורגתא דאיתתא:


Answer: [Reuven] had a daughter and a step-daughter, and a woman (Sarah) had a daughter and a step-daughter, and Reuven married Sarah, and they had a daughter. Our Mishnah begins with [another man who married] Sarah's step-daughter. (His successive marriages were to his wife's paternal sister (Sarah's first daughter), her maternal sister (Sarah's daughter from Reuven), her paternal sister (Reuven's first daughter), and her maternal sister (Reuven's step-daughter).