YEVAMOS 99 - Dedicated by Dr. Eli Turkel l'Iluy Nishmas his mother, Golda bas Reb Chaim Yitzchak Ozer (Mrs. Gisela Turkel), whose Yahrzeit is 25 Av. Mrs. Turkel accepted Hashem's Gezeiros with love; may she be a Melitzas Yosher for her offspring and for all of Klal Yisrael.
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A man and his wife can give birth to children from ___ different nations
According to our Gemara the child of a Nochri or slave from a Yisraelis is a _____ .
Machlokes B&C.
One may be forced to sell his slave to pay a Kesuva.
As they are like land.
Even though they are not land.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
If the son of a Kohen became mixed with his Shifchah's son grew up and freed each other which of these is true?
He marries a woman fit for a Kohen.
He may not become Tamei.
He may not eat Terumah.
He is exempt from giving Matanos.
All of the above.
If the son of a Kohen became mixed with his Shifchah's son __________ .
they recieve one share at the granaries
they receive two share at the granaries
they receive no share at the granaries
they get a share only if they are together
Machlokes A&D.
We distribute Terumah to a slave only if his master is with him.