Why don't we worry about the daughters of the עשרת השבטים ?
- We know they were sterile.
- Chachamim declared that they are Nochrim.
- They only exiled men.
- Kashya.
- Machlokes A&B.
Yisrael will make a Yom Tov when Tarmod is destroyed . Why?
- It was full of Sonei Yisroel.
- They were from Amalek.
- They wanted to put up a development there.
- It was full of Mamzeirim.
- Machlokes A&B.
Why was הרפניא worse than Gehinom?
- Humidity.
- If you spent a week there.....
- People are redeemed from Hell. Mamzeirim have no Takana.
- Taxes.
- Machlokes all the above.
*הדרן עלך חמש עשרה נשים*
- !TRUE!
Why don't we learn out אחוה אחוה מלוט ?
- Not מפני .
- He was from his mother's side.
- בני יעקב is closer.
- He was a Goy.
- Machlokes A&B.
שומרת יבם dies. May the brother marry her mother?
- Yes.
- No.
- Sofeik.
- Only her Aunt.
- Machlokes A&B.