úåñ' ã"ä îéúéáé àåðñ ùâéøù àí éùøàì äåà îçæéø åàéðå ìå÷ä
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the question.)
åñ"ã ãäùúà äà ãàéðå ìå÷ä ìàå îèòí ðéúå÷ äåà àìà îùåí ãìà îäðéà âéøåùéï...
Clarification: The Gemara currently thinks that the reason that does not receive Malkos is, not because it is Nitak la'Asei, but because the Gerushin is not effective
ãäà öøéê ìäçæéøä ...
Reason: Since he is obligated to take her back ...
åàé àîøú 'ëéåï ãòáø à'îéîøà ãøçîðà, ì÷é', äà ðîé ìéì÷é, åúéåáúà ãøáà?
Clarification (cont.): And if you would say 'Someone who transgresses a Torah command receives Malkos, he too, should receive Malkos - posing a Kashya on Rava?
áùìîà ìàáéé ðéçà - ãîùåí äëé ìà ì÷é ãìà îäðé îòùéå.
Clarification (concl.): According to Abaye, this is not a problem - because, it is because his actions did not take effect that he does not receive Malkos ...
åà"ú, ëéåï ãìà îäðé âéøåùéï, ìéçééá äáà òìéä îùåí àùú àéù àôé' ÷åãí çæøä?
Question #1: Since the Gerushin is not effective, why is whoever has relations with her not Chayav Malkos, even prior to taking he back?
åëäï ðîé àîàé ìå÷ä åàéðå îçæéø' - äåä ìï ìîéîø ãìà çì äâè ëìì?
Question #2: Moreover, why does the Kohen receive Malkos and may not take her back - why do we not rather say that the Get does not take effect at all?
åé"ì, ãàéú÷ù âéøåùéï ìîéúä ...
Answer: Because Gerushin is compared to Misah ...
ëãàîø ôø÷ ÷îà ã÷éãåùéï 'àéú÷ù îéúä ìâéøåùéï', ä"ð àéú÷ù âéøåùéï ìîéúä - îä îéúä îåöéàä îøùåú äáòì, àó âéøåùéï ... .
Source: As the Gemara says in the first Perek of Kidushin 'Misah is compared to Gerushin' - by the same token Gerushin is compared to Misah - and just as Misah takes her out of her husband's domain, so too does Gerushin ...
åîéäå ìäëé ìà îäðé, ùàéï ùéìåç æä ìëì éîéå, ùäøé äåà öøéê ìäçæéøä.
Answer (cont.): It is not however, effective regarding sending her away permenently, seeing as he is obligated to take her back.
åìà àñé÷ àãòúéä òúä ã"ëì éîéå" äåé ðéúå÷...
Answer (cont.): And at this stage, it did not yet occur to the Gemara that "Kol Yamav" is Nituk la'Asei ...
îùåí ãäåé ìàå ù÷ãîå òùä ...
Reason: Because it is a La'av which is preceded by the Asei...
åîù"ä ôøéê ìøáà 'ëéåï ãìà îäðé, ìéì÷é?'
Answer (concl.): Hence the Gemara asks on Rava 'Since it is not effective, let him receive Malkos?'
úåñ' ã"ä àîø ìê øáà ùàðé äúí ãàîø ÷øà ëì éîéå ëì éîéå áòîåã åäçæéø ÷àé
(Summary: Tosfos explains why it is not a 'La'av she'Kodmo Asei' and elaborates.)
åäåé ðéúå÷ âîåø ... åàéï æä 'ìàå ù÷ãîå òùä, ãìäëé àéöèøéê "ëì éîéå" ùàéï ùéìåç æä ëì éîéå ...
Clarification: And it is really 'Nitak la'Asei' - and not a 'La'av she'Kodmo Asei', which explains why we need "Kol Yamav" to teach us that this Shilu'ach cannot be permanent ...
åä"÷ ÷øà "ìà éåëì ìùìçä", åàí ùìçä, ìà éäà ùéìåç æä "ëì éîéå", ùäøé äåà öøéê ìäçæéøä.
Clarification (cont.): And what the Pasuk means is "He cannot send her away", and if he does, it may not be "permanently", seeing as he is obligated to take her back.
åàó òì âá ãàôùø ìäòîéã "ëì éîéå" áìà ùéìåç ...
Implied Question: Because even though one can establish "Kol Yamav" without the 'Shilu'ach' ...
î"î ëéåï ãìà ëúéá 'ìå úäéä ìàùä ëì éîéå', åëúéá "ëì éîéå" ìàçø "ìà éåëì ìùìçä", ùîò îéðä ãìðéúå÷ ììàå ëúáéä ...
Answer: Seeing as the Torah did not write 'Lo Tih'yeh le'Ishah Kol Yamav', but rather inserted "Kol Yamav" after "Lo Yuchal Leshalchah", the Torah writes it to be Menatek the La'av ...
ãæä äëìì - ã'ëì äéëà ãéù äåëçä á÷øà ãòùä ÷àé àçø äìàå, àéï æä 'ìàå ù÷ãîå òùä'.
Source: Since the general rule is that wherever there is proof in the Pasuk that the Asei refers to after the La'av, it is not 'a La'av she'Kodmo Asei'.
àáì î"ìå úäéä ìàùä" áìà "ëì éîéå" ìà äåä ãéé÷ ìéä áðéúå÷ ...
Implied Question: But from "Lo Tih'yeh le'Ishah" without "Kol Yamav" we would not have been able to extrapolate that is a 'Nituk' ...
ùäøé "ìå úäéä ìàùä" îééøé áìà ùéìåç.
Answer: Since "Lo Tih'yeh le'Ishah" is speaking without Shilu'ach.
úåñ' ã"ä àí àéðå ÷ãåù ðùéàåú çèà ìîä
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)
åà"ú, ðéîà ãðùéàåú çèà äåé îùåí ãòáø à'îéîøà ãøçîðà?
Question: Why can we not say that the Nesi'us Chet is due to the fact that he transgressed a Torah command?
åàåîø øáéðå ùîùåï îùð"õ ãä"ô àí àéðå ÷ãåù, 'ðùéàåú çèà' ìîä ëúéá ...
Answer: Rabeinu Shimshon mi'Shantz answers that what the Gemara means is that 'If it is not Kadosh, why does the Torah write 'Nesi'us Chet'? (See Tosfos, Bava Metzi'a, 56a DH 'Nesi'as') ...
áìàå äëé ðîé éãòéðï ãéù áå ðùéàåú çèà - îãëúéá "îëì çìáå", ãîùîò çìáå àéï, âéøåòéï ìà?
Answer (cont.): Seeing as without it we know that he sinned - since the Torah wrote "mi'Kol Chelbo", implying the best, yes, anything worse, no?
àìà åãàé ìäëé àúà ìåîø äà àí úøí éù òìéå çèà âãåì éåúø îùàø òåáøé àîàé ãàîø øçîðà - îùåí ãàäðé îòùéå.
Answer (cont.): We must therefore say that the Torah inserts it to teach us that if he took T'rumah he is guilty of a greater sin than others who transgress a Torah command - since his act is effective.
åîëàï éù ìúøõ àîàé ìà ôøéê îùìà îï äîå÷ó, ãøçîðà àîø ìúøåí îï äîå÷ó, åàí úøí, îäðé ...
Question: And from this one can answer why the Gemara does not ask from 'she'Lo min ha'Mukaf' (what is not close), in that the Torah says one should separate from what is Mukaf, yet if one did not, it is nevertheless effective ...
ëãîåëç îîä ãàîø (á"î, ãó ìç ò"à) 'ùîà òùòï úøåîä åîòùø òì î÷åí àçø' ...
Question: As is evident from the Gemara's statement in Bava Metzi'a (38a) 'Perhaps he made it T'rumah and Ma'aser on another place'.
åé"ì, ãëé äéëà ã"ìà úùà òìéå çèà" ÷àé òì "çìáå", ëîå ëï ÷àé òì "çìáå îîðå" - îï äîå÷ó.
Answer: Just as "Lo Sisa alav Chet" refers to "Chelbo", so too does it refer to "Mimenu" - min ha'Mukaf.
úåñ' ã"ä ùàðé äí ãàîø ÷øà øàùéúí øàùéú ìæä åøàùéú ìæä
(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with the Sugya in Bechoros.)
åà"ú, åäøé áøéù ô' áúøà ãáëåøåú (ãó ðã:) ãøéù àáéé äàé ÷øà ìîòåèé ãâï åãâï?
Question: At the beginning of the last Perek of Bechoros (Daf 54b) Abaye Darshens this Pasuk to preclude each kind of Dagan?
åé"ì, ãäê ãøùà ãäúí î"øàùéú" àúéà, åäê ãäëà î"øàùéúí".
Answer: The D'rashah there he learns from "Reishis" and the one here from "Reishisam" (See also Bechoros 54b, Tosfos DH 'Amar Abaye').
úåñ' ã"ä åìøáà àé ìàå ãàîø øçîðà øàùéúí ëå'
(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this answer with the Sugya in Bechoros.)
åà"ú, åäà áôø÷ áúøà ãáëåøåú (ùí) àîø áìà "øàùéúí" ðîé ìà îöéú àîøú, å"ãâï" îùîò ëì ãâï àçã?
Question: In the last Perek of B'choros (Ibid.) Rava says that even without Reishisam one cannot say it, and that "Dagan" implies each kind of Dagan (See footnote)?
åö"ì ãäê ñåâéà ãäëà àúéà ëîàï ãàîø ã"øàùéú" àéöèøéê ùôéø ìãâï åãâï.
Answer: We are forced to say that the Sugya here goes according to the opinion that we need "Reishis" for each kind of Dagan.
úåñ' ã"ä åìøáà äàé äåà ìîòåèé áëåø
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and reconciles it with Abaye.)
ôé' ãñ''ã ãéìéó 'äòáøä' 'äòáøä' îîòùø.
Clarification: Since we would otherwise have thought that we learn 'Ha'avarah' 'Ha'avarah from Ma'aser.
åàí úàîø, åìàáéé ãîå÷é ''äåà'' 'áäåééúå éäà', ìîòåèé áëåø îðìéä?
Question: From where will Abaye, who interprets "Hu" to mean 'be'Havayaso Ye'hei', learn B'chor?
åàåîø äø"í ãìôé äîñ÷ðà ðéçà, ãîô÷é' ááëåø ã'àé òáéã ìà îäðé', åîòùø éìéó î'äòáøä' 'äòáøä' îáëåø ...
Answer: According to the Maskana', answers the Ram, the question is answered (See Shitah Mekubetzes, 37), inasmuch as we learn 'I Avid Lo Mehani' by B'chor, and Ma'aser 'Ha'avarah' 'Ha'avarah' from B'chor.
åà"ë, éìôéðï ùôéø çøîéí 'âàåìä' 'âàåìä' îîòùø, åìà àéöèøéê ''äåà'' ãçøîéí ìåîø 'áäååééúå éäà'.
Answer (cont.): Consequently, we can learn Charamim 'Ge'ulah' 'Ge'ulah' from Ma'aser, in which case we do not need "Hu" by Charamim to teach us 'Behavayaso Yehei'.
úåñ' ã"ä ùàðé äúí ãàîø ÷øà ìà éçìì ëå'
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the answer and elaborates.)
ãîùîò çéìåìéï äåà òåùä åàéðå òåùä îîæøåú, åëéåï ãàéðå òåùä îîæøåú úôñé áä ÷ãåùéï.
Clarification: Which implies that it makes Chilulin but not Mamzerus, in which case Kidushin takes effect.
åöøéê ìåîø ãäééðå îééúåø äìî"ã ùðéä.
Source: And we have to say that we learn this from the second 'Lamed'.
àáì àéï ìåîø ãáìà éúåø äìî"ã ùðéä ðîé ãøùéðï äëé 'çéìåìéï äåà òåùä åàéðå òåùä îîæøåú' åúôñé áä ÷ãåùéï ...
Refuted Source: We cannot say that even without the second 'Lamed' we would Darshen that it makes Chilulin but not Mamzerus, and that Kidushin therefore takes effect ...
ãò"ë ìàå îîæøåú åúôéñú ÷ãåùéï úìåééï æä áæä ...
Refutation: Because Mamzerus and Kidushin taking effect cannot be interdependent ...
ùäøé ÷àîø øáé éäåùò áô' äçåìõ (éáîåú ãó îè.) ãàéï îîæø àìà îçééáé îéúåú áéú ãéï, àáì îçééáé ëøéúåú ìà äåé îîæø - åìë"ò ìà úôñé áäå ÷ãåùéï áçééáé ëøéúåú ...
Proof: Since Rebbi Yehoshua says in Perek 'ha'Choletz (Yevamos, Daf 49a) that a Mamzeronly takes effect from Chayvei Misos Beis-Din, but not from Chayvei Kerisus even though everyone agrees that Kidushin do take effect on Chayvei Kerisus ...
àìîà ìàå äà áäà úìéà ...
Proof (cont.): So we see that the two issues are not interconnected.
àáì îéúåøà ãìî"ã îôé÷ ùôéø ãúôñé áä ÷ãåùéï - ãàí àéðå òðéï ìîîæøåú, úðäå ìòðéï úôéñú ÷ãåùéï.
Conclusion: Whereas from the extra 'Lamed' we can justifiably learn that Kidushin takes effect - because since it is not needed for Mamzerus, we use it for Kidushin taking effect.
åëï îùîò ãîééúåøà [ãøù], îãàîø 'åìàáéé (àí ëï) ðéîà ÷øà 'ìà éçì', îàé ''ìà éçìì''?
Support: And it is also implied that we learn it from the superfluous 'Lamed', since the Gemara says 'Let the Torah say 'Lo Yachel"? Why does it say "Lo Yechalel"?