
(a)Our Mishnah states 'Ein ha'Meduma Medame'a Ela l'fi Cheshbon'. What is this referring to?

(b)What does the Tana say about ...

1. ... a k'Beitzah of Chulin dough which became Chametz when a k'Beitzah of T'rumah dough falls into it, and a k'Beitzah of it then falls into another Chulin dough?

2. ... drawn water that falls into a Mikvah?

3. ... the Mei Chatas that one prepared by placing the ashes into the container before the water?

(c)What is a Beis ha'Peras?

(d)What does the Tana mean when he says 'Ein ...

1. ... Beis ha'Peras Oseh Beis ha'Peras'?

2. ... T'rumah Achar T'rumah'?


(a)The Tana Kama rules that neither a Temurah nor a V'lad can make a Temurah. What does Rebbi Yehudah say?

(b)What do the Chachamim counter?


(a)Rebbi Chiya bar Aba citing Rebbi Yochanan establishes the opening case of our Mishnah not like Rebbi Eliezer. The Chachamim in a Beraisa rule that if a Sa'ah of T'rumah falls into less than a hundred Sa'ah of Chulin, some of which then falls into another batch of Chulin, it is only Medameh according to the Cheshbon. What does Rebbi Eliezer say?

(b)What is his reason?


(a)Rebbi Eliezer also disagrees with the second ruling ('Ein ha'Mechametz Achar Mechametz Ela ... '). What does Rebbi Eliezer say in a case where a Chulin yeast and a T'rumah yeast fall into a Chulin dough, assuming that neither yeast could cause the dough to rise on its own?

(b)What is his reason? Will it really make any difference which one fell in last?

(c)Why does Rebbi Eliezer then say 'Achar Acharon Ani Ba'?

(d)What do the Rabbanan say?


(a)Rebbi Chiya bar Aba Amar Rebbi Yochanan suggests that the ruling of our Mishnah that drawn water only renders a Mikvah Pasul according to the Cheshbon, goes like Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov. What Shi'ur does Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov require for the Mikvah to remain Kasher?

(b)How will we reconcile this with the ruling that three Sa'ah of drawn water disqualify a Mikvah?

(c)We refute Rebbi Chiya bar Aba Amar Rebbi Yochanan's suggestion on account of the inference from there. What would the Rabbanan then hold?

(d)Why would we have to say that? And what did Ravin quote Rebbi Yochanan as saying when he arrived from Eretz Yisrael that negates it?


(a)So Rabah (or Rav Papa) equates Mayim She'uvin l'fi Cheshbon with Yosef ben Choni. The Tana Kama in a Beraisa disqualifies a Mikvah into which three Lugin of drawn water are poured, even if they are poured into it using two, three, four or even five utensils. What does Yosef ben Choni say?

(b)What does l'fi Cheshbon then mean?



(a)Rebbi Chiya bar Aba Amar Rebbi Yochanan establishes our Mishnah ('Ein Mei Chatas Na'asin Mei Chatas Ela Im Matan Eifer') not like Rebbi Shimon. What does Rebbi Shimon in a Beraisa say?

(b)Rebbi Shimon's D'rashah is based on the fact that the Torah spells the word "me'Afar" (in the Pasuk in Chukas "me'Afar S'reifas ha'Chatas") with an 'Ayin' (meaning dust) instead of with an 'Alef' (meaning ashes). Why does it do that?

(c)In what respect does Rebbi Shimon learn ...

1. ... Parah from Sotah?

2. ... Sotah from Parah?

(d)From where does Rebbi Shimon know that by Sotah, the water can precede the ashes.


(a)And what does Rebbi Shimon learn from the fact that one Pasuk gives the ashes precedence ("ve'Nasan alav Mayim Chayim"), and another Pasuk, the water ("Mayim Chayim el Keli")?

(b)What is then the basis of the Chachamim's opinion (that it is crucial to place the water in the receptacle first)?

(c)Then why does the Torah write "ve'Nasan alav Mayim Chayim ... "?


(a)If the Chachamim were to learn the Reisha literally, how would they then interpret the Seifa "Mayim Chayim el Keli"?

(b)Then what prompts them to learn the Seifa literally, and not the Reisha?


(a)We establish our Mishnah 'Ein Beis ha'Peras Oseh Beis ha'Peras' not like Rebbi Eliezer. What does Rebbi Eliezer mean when he says 'Beis ha'Peras Oseh Beis ha'Peras'?

(b)And what did Rav Dimi mean when he arrived from Eretz Yisrael and quoted ... Resh Lakish as saying that, even according to the Chachamim, one Beis-ha'Peras makes another Beis ha'Peras up to a Shi'ur of three fields and two furrow-lengths?

(c)What is the Shi'ur of a furrow-length?

(d)On what grounds did they only decree on two fields and not four? How do they know which two fields?