Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah validates washing one hand with one pouring. What exactly does this imply?

(b)What does R. Meir say about washing both hands with one pouring?

(c)What is the Halachah?


(a)When the Mishnah validates washing one hand hand (see Tos. Yom-Tov-Tov) with one pouring, it means that - washing is valid even though there is less than a Revi'is of water (provided there was originally a Revi'is and) provided one is washing one's hands only once.

(b)R. Meir confines this ruling to one hand; but two hands require a full Revi'is.

(c)The Halachah however, is - like the Chachamim (see also Tiferes Yisrael).


(a)How does the Rambam ...

1. ... interpret 'bi'Shetifah Achas'?

2. ... explain the Mishnah?

(b)What is the reason for this?


(a)According to the Rambam ...

1. ... 'bi'Shetifah Achas' - refers to the second washing (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

2. ... what the Mishnah means is that - if one washes both hands when washing the second time, one is obligated to use a Revi'is when washing the second time ...

(b)... because if he washes both hands simultaneously (by placing one hand underneath the other), the water on the first hand that remains from the first washing renders Tamei the water from the second washing, and that in turn, renders Tamei the water on the second hand.


(a)According to the Tana Kama, if a loaf of Terumah bread falls on to a hand that one washed with a Revi'is (see Tos. Yom-Tov) whilst it is still wet, it remains Tahor. What if the person touched the loaf with his wet hand?

(b)What is the reason for this ruling?

(c)What does R. Yossi say?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?


(a)According to the Tana Kama, if a loaf of Terumah bread falls on to a hand that one washed with a Revi'is (see Tos. Yom-Tov) whilst it is still wet, it remains Tahor - and so it will if he touches it with his wet hand ...

(b)... because just as the water purifies the hand, so too, does it purify itself.

(c)R. Yossi - disagrees with this S'vara. Acording to him, the water becomes Tamei, in which case, the loaf is Tamei as well.

(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah now discusses a case where someone washed the first washing and the second one in two different locations. How much water did he use for the first washing?

(b)What happens to a loaf of Terumah that falls into the water from the ...

1. ... first washing?

2. ... second washing?

(c)What will be the status of the loaf if ...

1. ... the person touches it after the first washing?

2. ... he washes both washings in one spot and the loaf falls into the combined waters?

(d)Why is that?


(a)The Mishnah now discusses a case where someone washed the first washing and the second one in two different locations. For the first washing - he used less than a Revi'is (see Tos. Yom-Tov), which came from Sheyarei Taharah (Ibid.).

(b)A loaf of Terumah (see Tos. Yom-Tov) that falls into the water from ...

1. ... the first washing - becomes Tamei.

2. ... the second washing - remains Tahor (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

(c)If ...

1. ... the person touches it after the first washing - it also becomes Tamei.

2. ... he washes both washings in one spot and the loaf falls into the combined waters - it becomes Tamei ...

(d)... because the second water is only Metaher the first water that remains on the hand after the first washing, but not once it has fallen off.


(a)What will be the Din in a case where, after the person washed, he finds a speck of dirt or a splinter of wood on his hand?

(b)According to one explanation, the second water does not render it Tahor, because it does not have the power to render Tahor the water that is on the dirt or the wood. What is the alternative explanation?

(c)What does R. Shimon ben Gamliel mean when he refers to whatever is made of water?

(d)What does he say about it?

(e)What is the Halachah?


(a)In a case where, after the person washed, he finds a speck of dirt or a splinter of wood on his hand - the hand remains Tamei.

(b)According to one explanation, the second water does not render it Tahor, because it does not have the power to render Tahor the water that is on the dirt or the splinter. Alternatively - the dirt or the splinter interrupted between the first water and the hand, and the second water is able to be Metaher the water from the first washing only, but not the hand (the part that was covered by the dirt or the splinter).

(c)When R. Shimon ben Gamliel refers to whatever is made of water, he means - insects that grow in the water ...

(d)... which he rules - are Tahor.

(e)The Halachah however - is not like him (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Up to which point on the hand does the Tana declare it subject to Tum'ah and Taharah (as we will now explain)?

(b)What does the Mishnah rule in a case where one washed ...

1. ... the first washing up to the wrist, and when he washed the second washing beyond the wrist, it flowed back to his hand?

2. ... both washings beyond the wrist, and the water subsequently flowed back to his hand?

(c)Why is that?


(a)The Tana declares the hand subject to Tum'ah and Taharah (as we will now explain) - up to the wrist.

(b)The Mishnah rules in a case where one washed ...

1. ... the first washing up to the wrist, and when he washed the second washing beyond the wrist, it flowed back to his hand - that the hand remains Tahor.

2. ... both washings beyond the wrist, and the water subsequently flowed back to his hand - that the hand is Tamei ...

(c)... because once the first water flows to the wrist, not only is the second water not Metaher it, but it is Metamei the second water. Consequently, when they flow back to the hand, they are both Tamei (see Tos. Yom-Tov).


(a)On what grounds does the Tana declare the hands Tamei, in a case where one washed the first washing on each hand separately and the second washing on both hands?

(b)Why is that?


(a)In a case where one washed the first washing on each hand separately and the second washing on both hands, the Tana declares the hands Tamei - because when the two hands touch, the water on each hand renders the other hand (as well as the water on it [see Tos. Yom-Tov]) Tamei, following which, instead of the second water rendering the hands Tahor, the hands render it Tamei.

(b)This is because - the second water is only able to be Metaher the water from the first washing that remains on the hands, not the hands themselves (as we have already learned).


(a)What if one washes the first washing on both hands together, and the second washing on each hand separately?

(b)Why is that? Why does the water of the second washing not likewise become Tamei from the water of the first?

(c)How does the Rambam explain the Mishnah? Why are the hands Tamei in the Reisha?


(a)If however, one washes the first washing on both hands together, and the second washing on each hand separately - then they are Tahor ...

(b)... because the two hands are initially considered like one, in which case, they are not Metamei each other, and the water of the second washing renders the first water Tahor.

(c)According to the Rambam, the hands are Tamei in the Reisha - because it speaks where one first washed only one hand, and then clasped the hands together for the second washing, at which point the unwashed hand is Metamei the washed one (see next Mishnah).


(a)What does the Tana rule in a case where, after washing one hand, one rubs it against ...

1. ... the other one?

2. ... one's head or against the wall (in order to dry it)?

(b)What if he subsequently touches his head or the wall again?

(c)Why is that?


(a)The Tana rules that, in a case where after washing one hand, one rubs it against ...

1. ... the other one - it becomes Tamei again (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

2. ... one's head or against the wall (in order to dry it) - it remains Tahor.

(b)If he subsequently touches his head or the wall again - then the hand becomes Tamei ...

(c)... because the water on his head or on the wall, which is Tamei, is Metamei the hand that touches it.


(a)And what does the Mishnah say about four or five people washing one hand ...

1. ... beside the other?

2. ... underneath the other?

(b)On what condition are they Tahor?

(c)Why is that?


(a)The Mishnah rules that if four or five people wash one hand ...

1. ... beside the other - all of them are Tahor, and the same will apply if the hands are placed one ...

2. ... underneath the other ...

(b)... provided that is, that - the hand is held loosely ...

(c)... thereby enabling the water to touch all parts of it.


(a)The Chachamim might have invalidated the washing due to Tum'ah, Melachah, K'li or Revi'is, but did not. What is the meaning of ...

1. ... Tum'ah?

2. ... Melachah?

3. ... K'li?

4. ... Revi'is?


(a)The Chachamim might have invalidated the washing due to ...

1. ... Tum'ah - the water may have become Tamei whilst it was falling from one hand to the other.

2. ... Melachah - washing the previous hand might give the water the Din of water with which Melachah was performed.

3. ... K'li - perhaps they did not wash from a K'li (though it is not clear what this means).

4. ... Revi'is - they did not wash from a Revi'is of water (see Tos. Yom-Tov).

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Tana say in a case where one washed with water on which there is a Safek whether or not ...

1. ... Melachah was performed with it?

2. ... it contained the correct Shi'ur? Which Shi'ur?

3. ... it was Tahor or Tamei?

(b)The previous rulings are based on the principle Safek ha'Yadayim Litamei u'Letamei ve'Litaher. What is the meaning of ...

1. ... Litamei (see Tiferes Yisrael)?

2. ... Letamei?

3. ... Litaher?

(c)With which case does R. Yossi disagree?

(d)Like whom is the Halachah?


(a)The Tana rules, in a case where one washed with water on which there is a Safek whether or not ...

1. ... Melachah was performed with it, or whether ...

2. ... it contained the correct Shi'ur (a Revi'is) or not, or whether ...

3. ... it was Tahor or Tamei that - the hands are Tahor.

(b)The previous rulings are based on the principle 'Safek ha'Yadayim ...

1. ... Litamei - whether the hands became Tamei or not.

2. ... Letamei - whether the hands rendered Tamei (hands or food).

3. ... Litaher - whether the hands became Tahor or not.

(c)R. Yossi disagrees - with the latter case (see Tiferes Yisrael).

(d)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.


(a)based on the above principle, what will the Tana rule in a case where someone whose ...

1. ... hands are Tahor is not sure whether or not, he touched one of two Tamei loaves that are lying in front of him?

2. ... hands are Tamei is not sure whether or not, he touched one of two Tahor loaves (see Tos. Yom-Tov) that are lying in front of him?

3. ... one hand is Tamei and the other hand, Tahor, and he knows that he touched one of two Tahor loaves that are lying in front of him with one hand, but is not sure which hand?

4. ... hands are Tahor knows that one of his Tahor hands touched one of two loaves that are lying in front of him, one Tamei and the other, Tahor, but he is not sure which loaf he touched?

(b)And what will be the Din if his two hands (one Tamei and one Tahor) touched two loaves (one Tamei and one Tahor), but he is not sure which hand touched which loaf?

(c)What sort of loaves is the Tana talking about?

(d)On what principle is the fact that Tamei food renders the hand that touches it Tamei based?


(a)Based on the above principle, the Tana will rule, in a case where someone whose ...

1. ... hands are Tahor is not sure whether or not, he touched one of two Tamei loaves (see Tos. Yom-Tov) that are lying in front of him that - his hands remain Tahor, and the same will apply in a case where his ...

2. ... hands are Tamei, and he is not sure whether or not, he touched one of two Tahor loaves that are lying in front of him, where ...

3. ... one hand is Tamei and the other hand, Tahor, and he knows that he touched one of two Tahor loaves that are lying in front of him with one hand, but is not sure which hand and where ...

4. ... he knows that one of his Tahor hands touched one of two loaves that are lying in front of him, one Tamei and the other, Tahor, but he is not sure which loaf he touched.

(b)Even if his two hands (one Tamei and one Tahor) touched two loaves (one Tamei and one Tahor), and he is not sure which hand touched which loaf - both his hands and the loaves retain their Chezkas Taharah.

(c)The Tana is talking about - Terumah loaves (which become Pasul through contact with Tamei hands).

(d)The fact that Tamei food renders the hand that touches it Tamei is based on the principle that - whatever renders Terumah Pasul renders hands Sheniyos le'Tum'ah.

Hadran alach 'Natal le'Yado Achas'