(a)The Mishnah now discusses two people who are guarding Mei Chatas, and both become Tamei or perform Melachah before the Kidush. On what condition does the Mei Chatas ...
1. ... remain Tahor?
2. ... become Tamei?
(b)Why, in the former case, does it remain Tahor?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses two people who are guarding Mei Chatas, and both become Tamei or perform Melachah before the Kidush. The Mei Chatas ...
1. ... will remain Tahor - as long as they are not both Tamei at the same time, and as long as they do not both perform a Melachah.
2. ... will become Tamei - if the second one becomes Tamei before the first one becomes Tahor, or if both perform a Melachah.
(b)In the former case, the Mei Chatas remains Tahor - because it always transfers to the domain of the one who is Tahor and who is not performing Melachah.
(a)What will be the Din if, whilst the person who is carrying Mei Chatas, Tamei liquid falls on ...
1. ... his body?
2. ... his hands?
(b)Why the difference?
(a)If, whilst the person who is carrying Mei Chatas, Tamei liquid falls on ...
1. ... his body - he remains Tahor.
2. ... his hands - he becomes Tamei ...
(b)... because Chazal decreed that liquid renders one's hands Tamei, but not one's body.
(a)Why is he not permitted to wear shoes?
(b)What if it falls on his clothes?
(c)Seeing as Tamei liquid is a Rishon, and the clothes on which it falls, a Sheini, on what grounds do the clothes then render his body Tamei?
(d)What does the body say to the shoes or to the clothes, in the event that it falls on either of them?
(a)He is not permitted to wear shoes - in case Tamei liquid falls on them and makes him Tamei for Mei Chatas, as will be the Din ...
(b)... if it falls on his clothes (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)Despite the fact that Tamei liquid is a Rishon, and the clothes on which it falls, a Sheini, the clothes render his body Tamei - because, when it comes to Mei Chatas, the Chachamim made no distinction between the levels of Tum'ah (Ein Monin Rishon ve'Sheini be'Chatas).
(d)In the event that it does, the body says to the shoes or to the clothes - What made you Tamei could not make me Tamei, yet you made me Tamei!
(a)The Mishnah declares Tamei the clothes that the one who burns Parah u'Parim is wearing. What does Parim refer to?
(b)What about ...
1. ... the clothes that he touches?
2. ... other vessels that he touches?
(c)Then what does clothes come to preclude?
(a)The Mishnah declares Tamei the clothes that the one who burns Parah u'Parim is wearing. Parim refers to - the bull of Yom Kipur, the Par Kohen Mashi'ach and the Par He'elam Davar shel Tzibur (the bull of the Kohen Gadol and that of the community who sinned [see Tos. Yom-Tov]) ...
1. ... and the same applies to the clothes that he touches and ...
2. ... other vessels that he touches, and ...
(c)... 'clothes' comes to preclude - earthenware vessels.
(a)What does the Tana say about ...
1. ... the person who takes the Sa'ir ha'Mishtale'ach out to Azazel?
2. ... the Parah, the Parim and the Sa'ir themselves?
(b)What can the clothes now say to the person who is wearing them or who touched them?
(a)The Tana includes ...
1. ... the person who takes the Sa'ir ha'Mishtale'ach out to Azazel in the previous ruling, but not ...
2. ... the Parah, the Parim and the Sa'ir themselves, which are not Metamei vessels that touch them (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)The clothes can now say to the person who is wearing them or who touched them - 'What made you Tamei could not make me Tamei, but you made me Tamei!'
(a)How is the Neveilah of a Tahor bird Metamei?
(b)What is it Metamei?
(c)What if it touches ...
1. ... the clothes a person is wearing?
2. ... the Tahor person himself?
(d)What can the clothes now say to the person who is wearing them?
(a)The Neveilah of a Tahor bird is Metamei - only the person who eats it and swallows it ...
(b)... together with the clothes that he is wearing.
(c)If it touches ...
1. ... the clothes a person is wearing - they remain Tahor, and so does ...
2. ... the Tahor person himself.
(d)The clothes now say to the person who is wearing them - 'What made you Tamei could not make me Tamei, yet you made me Tamei!'
Mishnah 5 & 6
(a)What is the difference between a V'lad (Rishon or Sheini) that touches Keilim, and a V'lad that touches liquid?
(b)What is the reason for the latter ruling?
(c)What does this case have in common with both the cases that precede it and those that follow it?
(d)Liquid is Metamei earthenware vessels but another earthenware vessel is not (even if it touched a Meis). What is the reason for the latter ruling?
(a)A V'lad (Rishon or Sheini) that touches Keilim - does not render them Tamei, whereas a V'lad that touches liquid that has been touched by a V'lad ha'Tum'ah - does ...
(b)... mi'de'Rabbanan, because of the liquids of a Zav and a Zavah (which are Metamei Keilim min ha'Torah).
(c)What this case has in common with both the cases that preceded it and those that follow it is - that in all of them, the object that becomes Tamei can say to the object that rendered it Tamei 'What made you Tamei cannot make me Tamei, yet you made me Tamei!'.
(d)Liquid is Metamei earthenware vessels but another earthenware vessel is not (even if it touched a Meis) - since a K'li Cheres can never become an Av ha'Tum'ah (which is the only level of Tum'ah that has the power to be Metamei K'lei Cheres).
(a)The Mishnah now discusses things that render Terumah Pasul. What does Pasul mean in this context?
(b)What is an example of something that renders Terumah Pasul?
(c)What does the Tana now say about it?
(d)What happens to Tahor hands that touched someone who did not wash his hands (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses things that render Terumah Pasul ... which in this context, means that - it makes it a Shelishi (which cannot be eaten, but is not Metamei others).
(b)An example of something that renders Terumah Pasul is - S'tam Yadayim (which have not been washed).
(c)The Tana now rules that - it makes liquid a Rishon (which makes a Sheini, to render Terumah Pasul).
(d)Tahor hands that touched someone who did not wash his hands (see Tos. Yom-Tov) - remain Tahor.
(a)What is the one exception to the rule?
(b)So what happens to liquid that has been touched by a T'vul-Yom?
(c)What if the liquid is Terumah?
(a)The one exception to the rule is - T'vul Yom (who has been to Mikvah and is waiting for nightfall to be able to eat Terumah or bring his Korban the following day).
(b)Liquid that has been touched by a T'vul-Yom - becomes Pasul (but not Tamei) ...
(c)... even liquid that is Terumah (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What does R. Meir say about all seas, based on the Pasuk in Bereishis "u'le'Mikveh ha'Yamim Kara Yamim"?
(b)R. Yehudah qualifies R. Meir's ruling. What does he say?
(c)So why does the Torah refer to them as "Yamim" (in the plural)?
(a)Based on the Pasuk in Bereishis "u'le'Mikveh ha'Yamim Kara Yamim" R. Meir rules that - all seas are considered a Mikvah.
(b)R. Yehudah qualifies R. Meir's ruling - confining it to the oceans (but not enclosed seas [see Tiferes Yisrael]).
(c)And the Torah refers to them as "Yamim" (in the plural) - because each of the seven seas contain a collection of many waters, since all the rivers flow into it.
(a)R. Yossi declares all seas Tahor be'Zochlin. What does that mean?
(b)On what grounds does he then add that they are not Metaher Zavim and Metzora'im?
(c)What does he say about using sea-water for Mei Chatas?
(a)R. Yossi declares all seas Tahor be'Zochlin - by which he means that, like springs, they are Metaher even as they move (even though a Mikvah is not).
(b)He then adds however, that they are not Metaher Zavim and Metzora'im - since the Torah calls them "Mikvah" (precluding them from the status of Mayim Chayim (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)By the same token - R. Yossi disqualifies sea-water from being used as Mei Chatas.
(a)The Mishnah disqualifies ha'Mayim ha'Mukim (unhealthy water) from Mei Chatas. What exactly is ha'Mayim ha'Mukim?
(b)What does the Tana say about Mayim ha'Mechazvim? What is ha'Mayim ha'Mechazvim?
(c)And what if it stops once every fifty years or so?
(a)The Mishnah disqualifies ha'Mayim ha'Mukim (harmful water - water that is either salty or warm [see also Tos. Yom-Tov]) from Mei Chatas.
(b)The Tana also disqualifies Mayim ha'Mechazvim - spring water that regularly stops flowing once every seven years or so.
(c)If it only stops once every fifty years or so (see Tos. Ytom-Tov), he still considers it Mayim Chayim.
(a)What does the Tana say about spring water that stops flowing as a result of ...
1. ... armies drinking from it?
2. ... draught?
(b)What does R. Yehudah say?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Tana does not however, disqualify spring water that stops flowing as a result of ...
1. ... armies drinking from it or in times of ...
2. ... draught.
(b)R. Yehudah does.
(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)The Mishnah also disqualifies Mei Karmiyon and Mei Fuga from Mei Chatas. What are Mei Karmiyon and Mei Fuga?
(b)Why are they Pasul? What is Mei Bitzim?
(c)And what does the Tana say about Mei ha'Yarden and Mei Yarmuch?
(a)The Mishnah also disqualifies Mei Karmiyon and Mei Fuga - the names of two rivers, from Mei Chatas.
(b)They are Pasul - because they are considered Mei Bitzim - in which lime and mud are mixed (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(c)The Tana rules that - Mei ha'Yarden and Mei Yarmuch are Pasul.
(a)The reason for the previous ruling is because Mei Ta'arovos is Pasul. What is Mei Ta'arovos?
(b)If two rivers of Kasher water meet, the Tana Kama declares the water eligible for Mei Chatas. On what grounds does R. Yehudah declare it Pasul?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The reason for the previous ruling is because Mei Ta'arovos - a mixture of Kasher water (from one river) and non-Kasher water (from another river) is Pasul.
(b)If two rivers of Kasher water meet, the Tana Kama declares the water eligible for Mei Chatas. R. Yehudah declares it Pasul - on account of a decree because of where one river contains Kasher water and one does not.
(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about water ...
1. ... from the Well of Achav and the Cave of Pamyas?
2. ... that has become murky with time?
(b)Where is the cave of Pamyas?
(c)On what condition does the Tana permit water (for Mei Chatas) that comes from a stream that has come from afar?
(d)What does R. Yehudah say?
(e)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Mishnah rules that water ...
1. ... from the Well of Achav and the Cave of Pamyas - is Kasher, as is water ...
2. ... that has become murky with time.
(b)The cave of Pamyas is - near the city of Dan. It is the source of the River Yarden, and is known by its Arabic name Banyas.
(c)The Tana permits water (for Mei Chatas) that comes from a stream that has come from afar - provided one makes sure that its flow was not stopped by man (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
(d)R. Yehudah - considers this unnecessary (since we automatically place it on its Chazakah).
(e)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)What do R. Yishmael and R. Akiva, respectively, say about a well containing Kasher Mei Chatas, into which fall broken shards of earthenware (causing it to become murky)?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)R. Yishmael rules that if broken shards of earthenware fall into a well containing Kasher Mei Chatas (causing it to become murky) - one should wait for the water to regain its former clarity before drawing it. According to R. Akiva - this is not necessary.
(b)The Halachah is - like R. Akiva (see Tos. Yom-Tov).
Hadran alach 'Shenayim Shehayu Shomrim'